The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 23, 1925, Image 1

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- !
'J be homo of Mr. and Mi
John C. Waro, 210, 21" Ave. wu:iVVurc
the scene of a pretty home wed
di itwr luHt evening, October 11,
when their daughter Mim Evcl.,11 W purchaser furnishes the ji g
Elysabeth Ware became the bride' HuLI.AHU's I'lUliMACY
of Noel K. l).)hyna of lone Ore. I Huy a tomsle und then ate tl e
The service wan n a 1 ut one football game .
Oclock by the Itev. U. II. lid-j lone Grammar School losses
monda foimely pa tor of lie To Lrxington
Went Minister I'rcsbyt' rian" lon-.Ios thd iirst cam to L :
church. iingion on thul ictl fit-Id la-t S'.
Thw bride who vt rivn in; The Ltxinglon team wa much
fMirrlaiie by her (iher, -o'l' heavier titan t ie hue hiys ai d
p i green teorge to trimmed 'n the. team, was patty badly brol e
f - of pnM Hhadm :n d cur up ho it resulted in n loss,
rj-'f ao" i coquet o'pink lOtcn. j Johnnie Kubanks tried to kill
vi i Ui'h Ni.p. the maid of : tulM.f t,y miming his horse im
II i. inr vi'-' pnl-1 blii' it'id c.irH-d a foni't; Bus llitchie went to ih
0 da my bonqn-U of rife buds, 'mounting which run l a big dif-
Miss Donlhy Ware. Wir if (.rtbCl. Mii the team,
tne hn I- wai very .lainty dnsai lm. iulU! ,ov8 l)Ut up u KlM)(1
e.l in delicate blue and iv.rried jf ,.y weiC i,,.j0.s
0 shower buuduet of flesh colored .,, iwiUol the 1.-ft half 'back
l",,Meu. was the only one I hut was able lo
Mr. JtsscDolyns ac el bi-at 'c,,ver Imlcn ground. The lone
PIHn- 1,0)8 fXpl'Ct tO Visit S.Xillgttll
The house was very att--ativt'y Salur(by B(1(j ra ,,)piMf ror
drcotaled for the occasion with I victory,
pav autumn foliage and lut fall I
flowers. 1 ,Ijvc for Exchange
Following the cetnv ny arfuinv 27$aciesone mile from Brown
luf.rh.on was served. viih main g.avrle.
After ftKhort vcbtinn trip to hiuhway. line -t of builrf'tiid
S-allh-, Mr. and M. a. lio!nt,8i0 vri,,r wnots sheep or wh.a-
;n i-.,- !,. nnn u lu r
they ill make their home. A
Mrs. Dobynx cIiobp for travel
... .. .
Milton 1 ulst atUndcd
0. A. C. J
Those attenrtiM the welding
were; Mm. He 'ei t Olden of ;
lone Oretfon, i. Ruth Nupp
and Mra. Don Hit ..op of Uaymon
Wn. , Mr. and Mi . Warner Gui
berson, Mr. antl Mrs. Chester
Kiisoji. Mrs. 11-1 old Dobjna.
inr a oresa or n kduii crepp ' "i 'miib-- ik'"
with awrap ani ! it of rimt. jinull 1-i i.dmv.a. Thi is a imod
Mri. Dobyna U well known , fa'' Km I r Qnxx t
h-re, havinij eir.! i. led last June will (rale for wh.-at land,
from the Jdfh n-in-'l. 2-10 acres neven miles from Si
Mr. D ihyna ii gradua'e of lem, on h rd au'rface rond. l-'aii
ti c Columbia Ju-i(.r Colh-pc of larni buildin!;npi iui; water pip-
BoOrt tiie Bank that Boosts
When It comes to a choice bclvc n home folks and
outsiJcrs liome folks conic first. Isn't tlu.t the
way you f; 1 about il?
This is ; home Ins'.itjlion. We are working for, the
good of our community, for the prosper!; y and tlevch p
mint of this section, juid for the individual welfare of our
friends and nehihhers. That has always been our policy
and always will be our policy.
For that reason we like to sec the money lliat is tarncJ
liere, spent here and circulated here for the benefit of
local interests.
The resourccsof this bank represent the deposits of those,
w!n tmuct b jit i:ss with u.i. And the more use they
make of our facilities and the moi e they co operate with
us the greater service we are enabled to render th m in
: Bank of lone
Capital and Surplus $35,000.00
Mr. in J M a .1 - I) yn?, Mi.
Arthur A;.;:.i.i.., iu.n Ne a
HeultihCunieron, II" v. and Mm.
It. II. Edmonds, Mr. and Mm,
John C. Ware and Mind Dorothy
L"Ht you fnrg-t.
Formaldehyde. $2.25 per gallon
rancn in t, iM-rn un-on.
22.Jai.-ten nix miim from Ate
MintiK'ille Oretron on macadam
.. i i.,.: i k .. .. .. ; 1 1. ..i ...i i: ..i. r
eJ to honse and barn. This Ian ..
ii suitable for fruitor Riain. The j
owner will trade for wheat or,
stock ranch
If interested in any of the thove
write or see
II. C. Wood
The Uarth Merchant
lone. 0:eKon.
At Hiod River, on Tu'ad.iy
Oi-t, 2), at 2:30 P.M. Minn Edene
Moore of lone and Mr. Wi -.x
Hiccok of Portland were united
in marriage. The officiating cr
man wa th e phKtor if thd Bap
tiHt Church. '
The youriu people took th: four
0' clock train for Portland
where Ihev will club!ih th"ir
home Mr, HiCv--ik hnt employ
ment with a contractor and
The Hoard man lone Game.
lone wan defeated 6 0 i;i the
im plaje I with lie 0 la-nmun
flih School on Boardma i'h field
r'ri lav. Uo',, Id. ln-'a l.u:kfi.-!o
wai weak, an 1 did not d iy ar
.veil as in the Condon -lone
,anv. In the at rond q jsrt-r
itoanlmun mide touchdown tin
uvh Iore3 line scot in six p A t
til the B-.'coiid half Ijn.t .it
inly hu d Rjiiniman back tni'.
outplayed their opponents. Tl:t
players who showed up well wen
Clarke an I lle.ia in the back field
an I lickleberry and Way land ltd
chie in the line.
On Tuesday of this week a re
ception was teudered Mr. and
Mrs. Uietman. The young pi-np't
were surprised at the renib.-nee
f Mrs. Frank Knijelman by a
luintrous company of friend.
The Kruelmi-n borne not beinn
large enough to accomodate) tin
e:owb the cempany a ijoun.i d ti
Leiion Hail, w here a moit plea
sant prourtiiiime of games wa
enjoyed and the newly wed
were the recipients of fervent
Hoy.! Aiaiies and many valuable
At the close of the festivities,
refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Uietman wit
soon take up their residence on
the AHinger ranch.
Lvlitor Independent.
I am out of the Koek
hills for goud and
ln-lo.v lone,
I intend to'name my new place
Wmdsor Castle; jujit the same
I m e several old timers lick in
a-'ib around Ijiic.
I have left this county three
liiitcs past forty years. I staid
twelve yeaas the lirst time I left.
One year the. next time and
six months the last time, r.o use
to go fellers, for you are sure to
come hack. Just as well save
thut railroad fare. Social people' Ml9 LVrt ia!mateer; Mr. luff
and cqualiy is why they all come . . , T7-,
back lo old lone. I was thinking r'pw ,,,e ndml11-
to luy about the laut 4lh of July Uiek Smith left on tha tiain
I spent in od Missouri.52 years Sunday for Arlington. .While
a-olait 4th rnd a nigg-r singer there he purchased a Forb load
and banjo dlayer on ti c g rounds jtir.
and this i one of ids eonn: I Ut)bl'rt Smilh ' movinjr vn 10
Ch it m l aid to have , ,hl hank I up South
Audit um li.inl mb.-leivV Ihelma Morgan vpent the
And it um barb for lo
Make up my mine,
For yuu done none busud
Many boys heart
But yousu r.ot gwine
To busted mine,
I will take my knapsack
On my buck,
My banjo in my ban'
1 will go all around
TheUnited S ates, till I
Get in thu promised Ian,
On jou will never set-
Thi i form rgiin,
' You will never get to
Shako ilis ban,
You will never get lo
Kiss those ruby, to ru' y '
Lips till I get in
The piomhe Ian.
Dr, Ilnyh pf Portlaod, ri
Specialist, will be in lUpptit rcn
October 25 and 24
M". Mi"H, Sinford (Jri-cn ut'i
Utn Green of Sulern in
Lexington for a visit wiih oil
lime friends and rt-lativta.
A. M. Elward', Ui B.jichfil
a id son, Billy have r .-urned
Irom an auto trip to Wfiiutchee.
Charlotte and GmeVitVd Heard
sley, nrna:i granddaughter t,i Mr.
and Mrs. K;mer Socim ho
tiave been at'O'idog t-cni.ul i .
L-xnitfto.i h-'Ve irtumej tu -ht i
I luitf ia li. :)alki.
M. an. l.'o. Cu '. J.:.) .w:l i
. 1 r.m.I . 'in m i o ou-o o
inijloi. j:) Sai.ii ( ay wi,.
kh?y ciijjyej Sjndoy ainoi g
Mr. a!ib Mrs. Cms. B-eiti-aij
vio.t.-d the lljiij CDih c Banc C.-cil on;y.
Mr. f.! M i L-,,h E-k-.-'s-.i
left Monda; for Walla W.,11
a here ihey w ili visit 'h-ir siat r.
Mrs. Ru'.h Barnait, tlso then
niece, Mins Gladys Benc, who
is attending Whitman.
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Socui.
Mrs. Sarah White, Mrs.J. F. Lu
cas drove lo lorn on Tuesday o:
last week where they at'eiu et
O. E. S. ChBp'er.
iil Keller and EJ Ke!!y ae :
mmgour sporUmen who
hive had some tuck in the lielo
luring the pst week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fuu egan
have returned lo S.-attlu afi .ri
siort stay with Lexingt n nl
Mjat of t ie farmers around
Morgan have started seebiir.
hU. anb Mrs. Fianklin K
were in lleppner Saturday.
Mr. Harry Woolen of Will a
Walla is here helping hisbio h- i
in lav, B. F. Morc-n with bis
seeding. B. F. is'ing tid
wheat from the Marfan Wute
house. Mr. and Mrs. I'tUijjhn and
family has movtb into Hie Sam
EJwarbs residtnc-.
Mr. II. Ecklebsrry and 'am Iy
have- moved from lone on to their
lanch on Willow Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Iljff of Arlii k
tin were out calling on Mr. and
weea en i ai uer iiome ui iu au
Misi Zeda Gray of Lfxinct. n
whs calling on Mr. iimlMi?. K.
M -Cormiek over tl'e week end.
Tom Citsforth and sons of Le
ington fifiibiied Ht-eding40O Acivi
here und moved buck to Lexing
ton Tuabay.
Miis Cudoia Hardest)- is viiil
ing at lur home from The D..l.e.
. .
i Clean UpPdinrL'p
Eckhardt, t'.t Fciihfvl
A IcMn'hiry Ueinnii hern Ih luh
linrdt the fnilhfiil, ihn. n-iiilllhui vmvk.
liiicir In CHIelieii, 1 1 nty Tim: : n
nlclit. und drlun ienih' llid'ors. rii
Ihey will nt fee the iiroeenilun of
-J' I ailllr tl
villi i"r i
Scientific Poad Euildinj
Whenever llin I'.iIIIhIi inliilxiry nl
liilnir r-'iilre ulmiit new
rornl iimleriiil a luo fimt rond Ih tiuili
nt Hie niiilnnnl i.lii'nl Inlinrutnry,
utiil In letted ,y a revolt-lag nuichlnc
wlileh eniiiljlnea the acllou of munjr
liiils ut vehlclea.
Defore Peary and Cook
Th fireek 1'itheii,,, vi ti i imi'lr i
vii,v:i 'e nt illwovery niirtlnviirds In 112'
H V.. In helleved lo hnve hero Hie
'li.'f Irnveler nf hlKtnry who prnlmhl
i..r-mel:ed the Arctic rlrele himi
i-enehwl the hind of the inldnlcht sun
Kvr rttn
a ith an x- r
it itic 1iart, 4 t '
i4'arHlirtli2 J v
built only
iti 2-)-if. il in. V
I -K. ill.
14 in. iock a ii 'I fannit Z
In- dr.). A L-ff'r
tl,c voriI't chainptoTiRMp
' l Otymp.e k nn s In
l.nVd -n. UfeVerJiHs Rt'iOl
f r rvl'o und durabiluy
I'.'rite for Catafofjite
or I
. . 1 .t.: ..I... , I.
- ALlyXIl UlIiVAJll 1
7 .iiuim-iiititn Mitrii i HiMM 1 1 ill il iti til.
; Special omu $
V. 'St Wn nUhd, ccmulrirj
if',- Nk'v-.uX Iht pric BoUtlalh r. I
- .T'ltX " V. "b' rl ,UBi
: . ii rKt t ,X '
V fan. Mc,ld ..
; , tiyl; . b..!oct-.-r j
. 1
t To reduce the cost of living
j use more milk and cream
p? . YOUR satisfaction, OUR success
C. C. Sargent, Proprietor.
Car Load to Arrive October 1
ifSperry Drifted Snow Flour.
Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats.
1 Cracked Corn, Whole Corn,
i Mill Run, Bran, Shorts
Leave your orders for delivery from the car and save j
draycige. Flour and feed prices are the lowest for r. j
I year. jGet your winler supply now at cash prices- j
Ttilllll.lillililillliilill!liliiHI t
Notice ok Final Account
In the county court of
the hfate of oregon for mor
row County.
In the matter of the
estate ok Lottie May
Benedict, de. eased.
Nnlli e Ih lierehy given (lint I lie "II
'lerxiKtied liilH filed IiIm (llllll IH'l i I II t
ik iiilmii Ihlrnlur of the Entitle ol
Liilthf Mny lleliedlct, dweHwit, iu Ihu
Comity ourt of theSlnle ol Orvjri ri
,'nr Momiw Cnliiitv; I hat Sn t II r. . i v ,
tin- 7th il.iy of NovetutMr, IWi'i. itt
i he hoimof i : m V. M nf nal.l .1 iy
In the cmiiify court room, atlln
utility cmrliioiHciit lleppner, ilur
row (.'.iiiiit.v, .Ireyoii, U Hie tlm' a id
lilm-i- wt for Willi lii-nrinn ol nlli m.--
ouiif, und liny olij vtloii therein,
iinl Hie net lenient of hhIiI eute.
T. M. Benedict,
Administrator of the Etrte
of Lniie May Bine diet' decensej.
Date of first publication of this
nnnee I let. her. y. rJZ.j. UJl Ol
. .. r i .
lust nub ication ot this notice
N'jvember G. 1925.
Fji.' rjimt apirtTunt onr
th i p-iitin officj. Rititen do'-
m nth. Water and eL:'rie
t . j 1 1 ii i-j mm.
Jllli 1 llllll t
Ill II II lit I lit! II I till IIIllllllllllllllillliMMtMIH
T 7T 7T TT mT IT ?TXlT
the deud thul by.,