VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1925 NUMBER 20 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. J. Lagarde of Belmoht, California wai in lone thin week, looking: after her farm property. Hefonf returning lo her home in the Golden State Bhe call-d at the Independent office and renewed her lubBcription. , Dr. liaylor. eye Eye Specialist ,of Portland will In In Heppner, October 23 and 24. Buyao"rt'n n i ilnn seethe football itbiiitf . The Sluilent Body ia planing a cafeteria supper for the even Ing of Friday, Octobor 23, The proceeds are to be devoted to payment On the cost of the footbull equipment recently pur chaned from gtanfield highachocl. .The freahmen of the lone High School were initiated by the up per clasnmen on filday eveninar, October 9, in the Rchool auditrium. After the initiation the freHh. Anyone in need of the acrvictii m,.n j0jnt.,j j nie games that of an expett landscape gardener wt.re pluyed, About 10:30, refrenh will do wdll to commit Jo n I.iuy. merit, conHiling of ica cream Mr. Louy haa beenexpenoinjf his and cake and ice crearn cones were served. The cones were sei v ed to the freshmen. Those initiated were: Fern lingleman, Arleta Far rJiiH, Thelma ' Morgan, Leona Ritchie, Don is Gunul, Itota FJetches, Edith Ely, Katie Mor gan, Gertrude I'ettj joh n, Gladys Olden, Jeanette Carlson, Kenelh Akers, Everett tlummel, Harry Peterson, Wilbur Akers Robert Mcl'abe and Garland Swanson The Congregational Ladies Aid will serve hot tomales aad coffee at theMcMurray building Satur day, October 24th: ari'Ht:c akiil and muscular enemy on Hit- grou'ids around the Chat, etit de Itny with (hi result that U ey now -nine like the proverb ial nigger's heel, Jjhn not on y har artistic s ne nd technical skill at his com mand but ha has a sure death rec ipe for salt grass extermination. We underst nd ;hat Mr. Louy is ready toommunicate the formn la pf the great exterminator rec ipe to any who may be interest ed.The formdia is free but dem onrtrations will be charged for at legal ratea. Registrar Spencer of the Slat University ays that all indica- I Have for Exchange 278 acre one mile from Browns tions point to the largest fresh v Oregon. on main graveled j man clast and the biggest total highway. Fine sei. of build'ngr. enrtl'ment in the hiatuiyoftle 0ner .wants sheep or "wheat University during the coliegyear ranch in Eastern Oregon. 1925 - 26. I 9At ipiuii uiv mil frum Mi. Minniville Oreuon on macadan R-portafrom C rvallis say thai Good buildings wi'h e.etric ugh el.Blakotloria one of the ji.ll (...iiH,.,-. Ti,i U.on.H M votersns moitinir for band far(l1 in k-oo.l country. Owner! p-actlre. Fifty t.. new men have wi, tra,ltJ foP mhnt andi t.ied out for the lund. Capt. H. 2W frm g. ! L. IV.M direct, of the cadet Unl h,rd ,.irfuce rod H ,. ., m,. u, h,,, farm I uiUi-SHpriog water pip Inh smany.u Hofd.r.cungthe ed to hn.t, n,id bttl,,. liin . Olle. Immi that !,e l.a- ha mi u.illbV fl, fruit or Kiain. lhe Uw u namlR. of goo, mm owner.wi ,,, for h,a, , can-at one tin.,, '-fork ranrh. , f ... . . .. . . u " Jo f". ii:... r.i,.. ..i it imnr ' i i'i a't 1 vic own NOTICE OP IIOXD BAI.K. -NOT1CK 1 IIEKKUY (JIVtN thct tin underlined will roceiv al. il 1,1,1 until 10 o'clock a. ra tho 10th iluy of November, 1025, and Imme diately thereafter tho bida received will U publicly opened by the Coun. ty Court t the County Court lloom In th Courthou in Heppner, Or Rvn, for tin pucbano of in iaau of bniida of Morrow County for tho con ntructlon of permanent roaila therein In tho ill in of Ono hundred thountr.d diillur. aid bond to bo In denomin tlon of $1000 cub, numbered 1 to 100 Inclunlve, to boar data Octobor 1, I'.'M, nnd to maturo In numorical or der as follow) t to t $5000.50 on October 1, 13I i 10 $KOO0.00 on Octobar 1, 1132; 10 $M)OO.no n October 1, J93! 20 $.',000.00 on October 1, 1834; 25 $r.0(KI.OO on October 1, 1935; 80 $r,ouo.oo on October 1, 1us; $5 IWMXI.OO on Octobor 1. ItHT; 40 $rOi)0.00 on October 1, 193H; 46 $.',000.00 pn October 1, 1K30; HO $-,000 00 on October 1, 1040; u $r,IH)f.00 on October 1, 1041; 0 $r,OOO.00 on October 1. 194'-1 66 $.'iUOO 00 on October 1, 143; 70 $.',000.00 on October 1, 144; 76 $&0O0.00 on Octobvr 1, 1045; SO $r.00O.O0 on October 1, 14S; hi tum.00 on October 1, 1917; SMI $',000 00 on October 1, 14S; u$ $6000.00 on October 1, 1H4J; to 100 $&000.00 on October , mO; aid bond to bear Interest at th rate of not to atceed flvo per cent (ft) per annum, payable aemiannu ally on tho firat day of April and October, principal and intercat pay able In (old coin at the cflieo of th County Treaturer In Heppner, Ore ron, or at th Piieal Agency of th fltat of Oreuon in New York City. All bid vuitt be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for I'jOOO.OO. Th Court reurve th right to re ject any and all bid. Th approving Itial opinion of Me.ira. Teal, Winfree, Johnioh & Mc( ulloch will be furnithed th uc . ceuful bidder. GAV M. ANDERSOS. County Clerk, Heppner, Orefon. F1ANO MUST BE SOLD Will sacrifice high grade piat o in f) to n to 19 to 21 to 24 to 31 to 3i. to 41 to 40 to 61 to r,o to 61 to M to 71 to 71) to til to Kit to PI 10 Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Intfrmil AMii-iiie for I lie (mat twelve year DOES NOT OPERATE Will beinlhTDai!e.oiiSat- lurday Oct. 10, at the Dalits Hotel, and in Pendleton on Sunday Oct. 11, at the Dov . i Hotel. Oflice iiours 1C.C0 a. ir. .4.00p!:n. ONE DAY ONLY Scientific Road Building Whenever the llrltlili inliillr nf Islior re'iiilrerliiforniailon pliaul new kim il niuierlnl g iwo fiHit rnnil I built nt lhe iiiifimul jilijulciil InlMiratory, nnl la teared by a revolving mm-lilne which otiililne thee action of n.nliy kliida of vehicle. Cefor Peary and Cook ; The (.'reek I'ytlieaa.- hi marl t vnyuse of diacovery northward In 32' It. (.'h l believed to liava been Iht Hist Irnvclvr of hlnlory lio probahlv ii imclieU I he Arctic rjrele and renched the lnnd of the mlilnlnht iud. No Charge for Consultation ir. M'-llctlilii la tt regular Knulu u lc In i.icdlciii" ami aiirn'i iiihI i ' llirlln'.l l,y tli ntilie t)f tn;Bnll. He ,o-a not o; rr.Hc t .r elirimle iiM-n-i jclli itl, IJiliI nlo.,e, llin T nt atom j m il, toiiftlU or it'Viioltlit. He Ium to lila rreilll n'ouilcrfu! n - j aiillH In illwiiwh o( the axiium li. livcl' iioHela, hlooil, Hklu, Ucrvea. Iiiurl.; kl'liiey. Iilucilii-r, tn-il wetting, tn- tarrli, wenk Iuiik", rhuiiiutlaiii, m-In-1 tica. leg ulivr niliJ r.ftnl itlliiii uia I Itelow are the luinica of a lew ol hixniniiy Miitielliil iittieiitM in lire. J. L CijumJeri. Kosetun ticadachea. J.ihnWdJlli. Waterlo b.adJtr &nd pn stro e trou le. Mis. E.E Holmtn, Richland, Kidney trouble. . ; W. S. Bdimetl, Oregon C tj . ulctr of the stomrche. i r" New Lefever r.'iTPd- SPECIAL onit $29.r0 Well Rnbhed, COKlderlr f tiehl and minA L,Xtr,.."4ti pa-.ir.ir I Cuarw anin 1 ts ; 3 1 Kith an ex (rem Inail. A lanuaidtaed Kua built r,n In 10-uy 1, In. 14-tTtS In., end 12-rft.. ?X ft nri 211 In with 14 In. atock an1 about V In. drop. A Ifvr woa li e world' cham,l-,nl.ip c".t tiio Clympic rim.i In Xond'.n. Ietcver Tia 'ood for 'rvlr and durability tor ovrr to yr. Ifrit for Catalogue LEFEVER ART.13 CO. POX A ITHACA, , a. 1 Notice op Final Account In the county court of the state of oregon for mor row County. In the matter of the estate of lottie may 1 Benedict, de:eased. Notice I lierehy given that tl' nn Icralifiied liaa filed hi final iwcoiin t iih Hilmli littrntor ot the LaUite til little May lleuedlct, deceaaeft, iu the County Court of the Htate of Oregon fur Morrow County; that Hatunlny, the "th day ol November, 1Wi'. nt the hourjo' I : 00 P. M ol ld day. In the county court room, at the. county oourthoiinent Heppner, llor. row county. Oregon, ia the time nnd place act lor anfu hearing at will nc count, and any oh)ectloni thereto, and the aettement ol Mild eaate. T. M. Benedict, Administrator of the Etete of Lottie May Bsnedict' decened. Date of first publication of this notice. Octber,9. 1925. Dtte of list publication ot thia notice November 6, 1925. FOR RENT Four nomel apartmant over th printing offici. Rtte ten dol a.'ipsr ninth. Water and electric ih; oini'ion mil. R. W. Mever. S. anico. hart sturage near here for immediate jrorible a ile. Will give eafy terms to et I IN9EPENDEN1' JOB PRINT -GOOD Work and REASONABLE Prices S tablihhed home. For Particu'arf ami when it may be sen, ad ires Portland Mnic Ciimpuny 227 - Ci.h St., Port and, 0.-eon Silent Admiratict Wlinesa A womiin limy li i .rr protnl of her husliaml, hut ylic ii Dot iii li fool o to tell hlin no. Chua. S. Hoalt, Lr. Grane, no I stones. imm'timniumi! r-uuiuitiiiu liiHUiliill Mrf. M.I. a, ,'i i icilis. kftiiember O'e on, PorlU-tr, kduve dale, tha consuitaiinn on this tiip will e free nnd that his treatmont di foient. Foi nutlet hyi! 2o p r italUm when inircl'hner f irtiMii'M the juji BuLLAitu'8 Pharmacy vt rue r bee II. C. Wood The Karlh Meic1 out lone. ' O et'on. i!l!i;iii!!!l!l!i!iiliili!iil!iife WHEAT L ARiMER Take Notice! 'tTn ifr ift nnrrnnm nrflt'n 7.-1 7- 7"t 7"t J't r.TT"irT FTI"" it 1 !- .c-.iXlillelJt';rt aMWUMirieiiaiilfMlliirwiieiiaeMaM i 3 SANITARY DAIRY :& ..... n H TUBERCULIN TESTED COVVb H I PREWAR PRICED PRODUCT f To reduce the cost of living '3 use more milk and cream Y0UK satisfaction, OUR success. C.C. Sai sent. Proorietor. Booi:t l!ie Bank that Boosts HOMi; INTRESTS $$ When It comes to a choice between home fo'ks and oul.-lilfi home folks come first. Isn't Hint the wiy you ft. I about il? This i a home institution. We arc working-for the good cf tu. ccnununify, for lhe rrcsreihy and develop mint of tils feci Ion. and for the individual wtlfiire of our friends and neighbors. That has always been our policy an,d always will be our policy. l or that reason we li!;c n see the money that Is earned lnr , t pi nt here and circulated here for the benefit of local interests. The csourccsof this bank represent the depositsof those wi) ra met bjh:si with us. And the more use they make of our facilities and the more they co operate with us the grsater service we are enabled to render tin m In cturn. $$ Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE OREGON m g i have several Willamette valleys ! farms to exchange for wheat farms ir.s g eastern Uregon. s I also have good Hermiston propert) g ito exchange for Morrow County wheat g Hands. FLOUR & FEED 1 lf you wish to sell or exchange I SeeMe I ,H. 1 1 Car Load to Arrive October 1 iSperry Drifted Snow Flour. I Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats; . Cracked Corn, Whole Corn. ! Mill Run, Bran, Shorts C. Wood sj eave your orders for delivery from the car and savi g SjBLdrayage. Flour and feed prices are the lowest for a g ! s year. Get your winter supply now at cash prices- i IRealEstatell BERT MASON lone, Oregon lillllllllllllllllllllllllllll lir; l 'II' 3 I -a