f VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1923 NUMBER 19 LOCAL NEWS.NOTES Dad Griffin' birthday war celebrated this week Miss Vera Engleman wttsnuitt ly married this week and la it w Mrs. Viclor Keitman. All lotiff joins in wishing the y Minx people all joy and prosper- l'y. lied CroiHHut wan an lot c vlcitor thin Wi'-k. Mr Cn lant i now libelling in I lie High School of it. ntnn City Wanh BANKERS HELP Tbt btnka of Linn County Ortigiu, re h'wln mora antbualaam (ban er it yir In bebalf of count? eo-n h!Mt ilmllar to that hld jr. . r m h, i.ibd County Fair. La! yar wit the remilt of i con- teat for t prue offered by nunihor of lord bunk. Thli wit to aurcciii ful that thli year ton out of tha clears banks In tba county will eubicrtbe to tha effort. Tha Agricultural Committee of tha Alabama Rankera Aanorlatlnn but recommended that arholarahlp fund be ealebllahid for the cilucntlon of worthy young men and women along agricultural and boma ecowiiifirt llnca. It la Mlltnated that If earn bank In tha atata were to comrlbuta IS cents pr thousand capital. Arc to an thouaand duHar per annum would ba readied. Tha Agricultural Commlttea of tha Oklahoma llankvra Annotation. In Ita roport. recomiiKinda that tha bauk(!ra that a conu.in.t agent la apoolnt. 1 d In aacb county and that ba bat a defraa from aoma airlcultural cul lega. They blloa that tho aarlcuh tural poaalblllllca uf tha ftato ahould ba batt.r advartl' and that m, a couuty bank.ra a.., i.ttoo abould tlu aoma work alom lb Una. 8arcy County ns: w. A.,c...toB. Arkanaaa; antartani I aa Ita Riunia recantly aoma aa.ty tla frm-r, nd bualncaa men T reaull dm tha organiutlon of tb. Wib Central Ar Kanta Agr ruituu; v.K Htl.m III purpoaa will ba to t. ordinate the f. , ' ... , . . . . , furla of tha farmur, .ind bualntwa im-n In promoting a I. -tier agrkultura. 8carcy County banl.rra ara giving lull , uttlnga of purcbrc:: mm for duirllm- I tlou to tba boy a' a id girla' cluba ta I tha county. L"st you ;. rget. Formaldehyde, i I 25 pergallon when purchaser f ui hishes Ihe jug BULLAKl 3 I II.UtMACY Ooov 'i: l ie Bank that Boosts HOME INTRESTS When It comes to a choice belwe. n home fols and atnlout;-.IJcrs home folks come first. Isn't that the way you fu. I about 11? Thisl.i a home institution. We arc working for (he jjood of ou'- rnmmunity, fcr the prcsrerity and develop hunt ol this itdion, and for the individual welfare of cur friends and neighbors. That has always been our policy and always will be our policy. For that reason we like 'o sec the money that is earned here, spent here and circulated here for the benefit of local Interests. The resources of this bank represent the deposits of those w.10 'rnuct bji.i;i willi tu. And the more use they make of our facilities and the more they co operate with us the ysalcr service we are enabled to render Hu m In cturn. .$$ Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE ORFCON "T e Arrivul of Kitty" by Norman Swortout la the comedy which the lone High School U no preparing to give lute in Oct. The proceeds of the play will be Untni io help puy for a curlaiti fur the r-tago in the audi.orium. The NCitool has now forty bollbi g in the curtain fund which watt made on the piny given by the laculty I u.i i spring. ilia MUJunu taking part in tub pluy ur the following: John G uv b, David Ik-ad. Huston Ur a -n, Floyd Gratnll, lna Morgan, Uei lv n, Kuih Swunbon, ArieU rariena and Mary ft letcher. New Football, Eo,i'irMEFT i'taCIUfcED Tliu Iono llihbihool has jutti puichased JloOOworlh of new luoibail equipment 1 torn the iianUtld high school. In the lot Mte thirteen shoulder pads, thir teen heaJgem and lilieeti ptttiU. ThibKiuipim.nl was badly need ed. Notice of Final account In the cot-NTif court of; THE SfAlE OF OltEGONFOR M0R kow County. IN THE MATTER OF THE EiTATE OF LOTTIE M Y visvn 1 Estulcr Vh.kMhll Notiu! h iH-nti) Biwti ili;ii i lu mi icrliMi Un til.-1 hi linnl iui-oii!ii iih mlinli Ixtnilor of tlif Ktti' ol ' o.tl.- M..v II, l.-i.il.in.itl. Inllivi "Vu, - "i ,,, , llf ,Ue ... oMMv.m ! 5 r at Ferrj dale. fr Morrow ( oui.i.. ; tlml sali.r.lay, Ini-pitu of the fact that we! n1' ''" ' 'V'-mn-r. iw.:.. ,,t ,,sluoof the piayt-rs fiom last ,,nui'ol - : i'1' i". M .( anl.l Jn. .' e.,r'g ,,,ami gome promin new ; In IIhi n.ii.H.v fourt r.....i lit t e ,M,erja been Uncovered Wtd touniy nuirthoiiM' mi Id iiiit, Uur. " " ;,, n. a a n aai tni. f. ia a I, fltn (hot row cuuty. .r.-..Ma ll... tl.m-ami , w.t ,r , ,.,,,, )l( ,, , .. 1 , , , count, nml mi olibitlKiia tin rcto, ' . m"l tiir a. lt-m.-iit of il,l it itt. T. M. Benedict, Adminibtratorof the Estate' !of Ix)ttie May Benedict' decensed 1) i'.e of first iiutilieatioii ot IMS nolicc Octber'9. 11)2,. Dut.- of last publication ot this notio", November 6. 11)2). ft - 1 y i CONDON IONE GAME : (ONE LOSES HARD Fight wuh the order ot tne day when lone 'played ita first foot bull gume of the seasn with Con don on Saturday, Oct. 3. Tne game alarled with lone kicking o!f to Condon. rlnUhe firm half neither team gained much yardage. Alt ho the Condon m n were heavier than their op ponentx the visiting tram could nut break tnrouh lonn'a line. The Condon team made soir e lor.g passes aril seoted 9 to 0 ayninst lone, The lone team how ever put up a good resistance and did some hard playing. The left half back made con aiderahle yardage and there was good team work among the sqund 1'benext game scheduled to te played is with October 10. GIRLS START BASKET BALL PRACTICE I TiiG pro nine or a cood CirU' llJij-ket bail team this year is al- ircadv in view. I'ructice has beut.n with M;bs Adams as coach. Miss' 'Adams i a irra naie of Paci: c . , . . , "V . will hold its vwn with the Lett. . FOR KENT Four ronmei apartnvnt over ... i, . , .1 the printing office. Kate ten do!- l..rmil,,1,wfl:,.r..,.le trie litht connections are m il!-. ... ,n, mum. iimi'm i 11011011, ,11111111111111:1111111111111 SilJjSI!liIlII!IIIIISlllllllllllllill..llllHiHlitlilllHllllUIIHali WHEAT ;S Take Notice! Shi I have several sfarms to exchange eastern Oregon. i I alsohave good I to exchange for Morrow County wheat lands. Iff youvvishto sell or exchanges S See Me 1 S H. Co Wood 1 in IRealEstatel BrolleR Coming to The Dalles and Ptndlelon Dr. MeTlenthin Specialist In lul-i-mil M.-illcliic fur lliu I mi m t twilva years DOES "NbToPEKATE Will be in to Dalles oil Sat urday Oct. 10, at the Dalle 6 Hotel, and in Pendleton on Smday Oct. 11, at the Dot v. : Hotel. Onice Lours 1C.G0 a. rs. 1,4.00 p.:. i. ' ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Ir. Mi lli-lliiii Ih n ri'K'.itur uraih. ate In iiii-iHchi" an I HiiiKiTj ii i. illi lirniM .1 lij- Ili; Mtate of uri .m. hi H'h i lirt r-iic ti r chriii,o ii,-u juicltlx, KHIl r.Uli'i. ilic rn of xlnlll mil, lounils or uiK'UouiM. !! liiut to hia ervilli viiil.-rfii. if hiiIih III iliwa of tie.1 Noiiiiicli. liver Bjardman oni'","t'lM N,1"' '"'rve. lifurt Kliliu-y. Iiliiolii'r. iH'ii uriiiHK, in turrli, we.ik Ihiim, riiiliiiiitUiii, m-Iii-tieii, I' B nlcfM ami nt tnl uilini'iilt Ilt-lo'.v lire tli miuua of n ( vv .1 humility Mitii lied iiitlriilM In rt'. J. L Chumdvrd. Rjseburf headache. John Wahli. Wattilo', b aii.it and pr.islrs. e trou .e. Airs. E.E Holm.n, Richland, kiJi.ey trunbl-. o ii .f,nt.it OtClZon Cit' . ulcer oi the a.omrcne. 1LV. Mi ytr. b. MICO, heart tronble. Ciius. S. H 'Uk, U. UratiC, a I hloIltW. o pr(. ,. l..tUIS. Kei.umber bdove t!aU, tlit . ,i ! P consu.taMon on this t:ii vv.i. . e hlA 'ri"moni ' diToteat. 11 FARMERS Willamette valleys for wheat farms in Hermiston property mm ALUMNA NEWS Norma Swdnson and Thelma Forbes are both taking r post graduate course in commercial work at the lone Huh School. Anna (Peterson) Ball is keep intf house for Mr. Louis Bi ll who Klivintf on a farm south of Isne. Eiidora ilardesty and Jessie Wiits are working in a canner) at The Dalles, Ortgon. Alice Ilea l is attending schco at the Wushintftou State Norma!, Bellinfnam, Washluuton. Eunice and Venice Cochran art at home this winter. Gladys Bail is livirsr with her mother on a farm, south of Icne. Edmund Brlstow is no cleik mx in Bristow ami Johnson's store. Clarence Lien is workinB at Vet t.oniu, Oregon. Bi'l Brashears is working in a fruit put king plant at llood Uiwr, Frank Lundell is not worki: g tt the dnS'dt lime. For Sals A few choice White Leyhern ockerels. These birds are from Chandler's flock of hens having tecord of more I nun 200 egg?. Yojr choice for $2 00 each. f Mrs, A V. Smnuse I ;tiot tr.li.HilU. ill i i ' timmmiiiHimiimmii!! " liiuiit. 1 INDEPENDENT -GOOD Work TO SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN' TESTED COWS PRE-WAR HUCED PRODUCT To reduce the cost of living use more milk and cream YOUR satisfaction, OUR success. C.C. Sarger.t, Proprietor. 11 FLOUR iCar Load to Arrive October 1 j ISperry Drifted Snow Flour. S Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats. 1 Cracked Corn, Whole Corn. I Mill Run, Bran, Shorts H j cave your orders for delivery from the car and save pL drayege. Tlour and feed prices are the lowest for a S year. Get your winter supply now at cash prices- BERT Franknes$ in Filching The olit-tlme (harper with tb t"U biiek had tils good polnta. Ha dwin't cn 11 It a wtrtliy cii'jae. Baltliuor 8ud. "And So Ad Infinitum" SMcntSata rrport that flcaa can k without food for two week. But thvy won't. Tamnii Tlmi-a. Carried Hit Own Head Ii'nla. pnlrnn mint of France, after having Impn livheinlcd In a Roman Im perial pergenitlon. In 272, I said I" hnve picked up hla bend aud carried It fur a comideiuMe diatanc befora coltapalng. WorkabU Tuition Women teuro to awlin aonner thin men bi-caune the men have to lem-h ihemaelves. New York American. Ah, There' the Rub A (.lilcajo girl anya aha will marry he niiio who paya her father's ilchn. ;iiit npplirimta Imd bt-tter find out who 'Made the debt. Columbia Record PIAN'O MUST BE SOLD ill sacrifice high-grade piano in storage near here for immediate sa!e. Will give eafy terms tb es tablished home. For Particular and where it may be seen, a I dresj Portland Music Company 227 -CthSt,, Portland, Oregon JOB PRINT- I and REASONABLE Price s ff astgMmaBMi;! ma . & FEED I 1 MASON 3 E3 lone, Oregon Hl-awiwawlUHCTBT.' . Mill