The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 02, 1925, Image 4

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buo;s EYE
editor and (jtntraManaqtt'
f An itl:r"tti!1' Pwrham n.tvertlw- jl hv V',11 Hcgrrt, If i,-k!;:M Vol- j
I' lift at, J screen iar, anj leading '
Wat tli (or thvra.
I see wHore some of the Forcicn
Nations say they are going to
FUND their debt to America,
and al! the P.i;-crs are all excited
about it. Eut the BULL'S EYE
is a Paper that never misleads
our roiJ.Ti (cither one of them).
Fl's DIXG a rk-ht means about
tliv .-,-;n ' thitif as having a fellow
that i. is o-.ved you for years, come
to you and say "I am going to
make arranj.-ments to take up
that loan I owe you just as soon
as I can collect it from some fel
lows who owe me." So don't
ly sr.y means get FUNDING
mixed Lp vith PAYING. The
tv-- have nothing in common.
'.' : Nations are just stalling
vother War comes along
' first thing you know our
. t vf ) be four Wars behind.
e lave enough saved up to
a'uin, but they are usinj it
r io enforce Prohibition.
Ol , yes, "BULL" DURHAM.
I Lie to forgot to mention that.
Well, that is what the Foreign
Nations are paying us in.
"LULL" DURHAM without
P. E. There U jroir,? to be another
yet: in this jajn-r soon. Look Icr it.
. ft , , l.-- v
.' , 1-7 ','
Guaranteed by
111 Fifth Avenue, New Votk Citf
It Grows Hair
or Your
Money Back
Thousand! of ,-''. ."'J
women are grow- v -"i-' 1
ing new nair ana I"'.' '
air and if, .' W '
putting an end to r
eatp ailmrnu C-
with tho new Van '.'A
m v i n o u ui
E... Liquid Scalp 1 t !
MaiiaK mnket It 7 :
catv to sive the
calp proper care and to have a
hend of abundant and glor ou hair.
Tho rubber nipplct on the' patent
applicator feed the trontment di
rectly to tha hair rooto and at tha
eame lima gently manage tje acalp.
Auk lit about our money back
90-day treatment plan. Wa give
Jrou poaitiva guarantee. a
No, It Gather i Wing
Womler whether anyone ever Uaen
of tin Idle riiiimr rvuiululiiK IUk'
ArknriHUM Gnzcltu.
Dairy (';nv Tiling and Feeding
;r. isl ration
"7 ritivT,
World'i Record Cow f r 1,",ik
10, 1913. Died MmcH v. t .
One ct the fentws vf tl'o IVm
Section at th l'c;-ic Is.u r-,i'i
Livestock E.viumliiun. !. 1 '
bor Stst to N'.iv. 7.l. '.il ! ;i ' :;
lit ration ot testinc tci I uu. :ii ,
cost account itti: of f.' d ot' t-
ot dniry', "it-ins Rw, n
OrpRon cows in or,. ):;,, T! -" c
will Fivo nt'uiit -ti-il iciir i? o( p.
per year, vbtctt U ttih-m (Ti... .
s'liwinn! ami st:.i,i!.oil o llm I
t'.Hl Still, too.
In uncih.r proti) will !e fivo pv
tired cows, fciiti.-'itit c.t h ot (!; i ,
well-l.Tiow n live do wlu timl-.At
v. ill be frcm S.u'M to ).'. H 0 p, u::!s i
milk per y ,;ir. Puivhri'd cisd,- li'
pri-ilu'tii n'i of ncrc tlum thi ninov
but It is UiuulIu I" iniprc.w I!k. pi
lie of llu ii- r.ilill.'y ot iiunin
itrins of w. 11 brcl cu.vs v. iiiih : '.:
give at t : (. i.;u h .. u
aonio ' ' n iu,v- t'w v. . i oi ; ,
rows li. ii! no: I iv;.t!y in r.s.
pr. I i;r 1 o u: I ,.:' :t 1 1-
liv. (!nr::.; tin. v. hen r.-Iv ; : : '
di ir.aitil. of n;:i! ii: ; f r t' . :r e v.
Pacitic imnn:.or.u Live Slock
Ih Hard, Ore;!. i Vcbcr 'M lo N;n i r 7 .
Here's C;?t:r.r.:y
' 1:,,.U,,., .- f,-r (''I 'iv of l iil'M :"l
em eni: t;o,i, oppunmiity for aH
vir eet'.'ent f'r feiiielom worker."
Th" Huston Tnm-eript f;i.v It foi-nd
till- advertisement lu mother new
(i! it.
tnd.a't I'. -.-n
1 !le coliliiiunliee 1 i" ilr.
Inn ,-. ' Idtr. slarteit years tiro In In
ub' a fumtne were frequent, Is k.
tt.jt the slnmlard of living low and
hiitidifnppltis practically every plu
of iiftlvlty there.
r. -irr, r.t .V. iMri'
I' !-;.8i"i.'-lUii.ti.L.U
, f.y FRAMCin H. SIS'.ON
Chairman. P.,blic Relf.ions Cm-:s.
iion Ar'-r'-.i r?rkfrs Acscciat
)h !... , ." i r' . t... .
crl' Id :i Hi. a'!i:-- i,i-:r.iUnii ef 'he
emmtry's tiat.':l.i ....i -m fir ti: il
e n i',.:l ii of
id V.
h to !. iili r i ::! t
;.,r the ("" i - ii
I fill. HO 1.1
'IV c,l: 71. of i-l -
Praneia H. 6ltn .
nh-:lve lav -4:i, : la f n :n p;..; ; ,y
diirins fi- i-r: '. f !:" itioa I: ,.u
jiiM crltli i rn "i-'ii.I in- dii. c'i'il a' li-i
nil nn.-r In Mi'i i'. K.-t-r-.l I: ' .
.Fyitein f il : 1 In this li'H''' a il
the nt iiil'.ii of I" '""It woii'd b that
the Kescrve Inn', r i: i.iycil loo lor.i; III
raUiT'-' the r- d; u oaat rate. An r
Her efinrt nilvhl have stayed the p'ruc
p.; of In lla lion
TiK collapse of Ys'J) wa by no
tn mi confined to agriculture, and was
til" Inevitable aetpiol to the Inflation
pii ,l. All brauehen of budnesa uf
fered In iMa pirlod of reaction and
perhaps nine mora than banking,
atalnit which this crlllelm ha boon
levelled. The financial situation of the
farmers wan preatly azuravaled by the
fact that the hlsh land values and hli?h
prices of agricultural products bad led
many farmers to Incur obligations
based on the Inflated ralues. If the
farmer was victimized at all, Indeed,
iin was tho victim of too much rather
than too little consideration. The
real prosrMs which has been achieved
In finance In recent yean
lies more In the Intelligent distribution
of farm credit than In volume..
With agencies now functioning for
he provision of ample credits for the
Ymerlcnn farmer, his enduring success
depends upon tin wlrdom and fore
light with which bo meets the prob
lems of production and nutria-ting.
.More than ever beforo, bis activities
nt tint be regulated with reference to
world conditions, and his profits, like
'hoie of the manufacturer or mer
bant, will reflect the measure of bis
success In adjusting bis activities to
these conditions.
V ui H'11.1.
.'11r ff
-J',.HI.4 Poi'mde In On Year. Born April
. "d C.vsloped by Carnation MlIK Farma.
'! ea top ot thdr lullii anil cream check,
' Hv ino i ,:,!tJ mouoy Jrom their otf-
I fi'. i!lP,8, '
: I'ror. i, M. nranU of Orpgon Akt
clil'i r,. Oo'tcro hfs .been requested
to t; i.o elmrno ot thin exhibit which
:!! ;:bo feature dully teals for butler
' t-.i. ly accrvilitcd tenter of tbe
str'e nt that lay peoplo uiuy get a
i lose up of what testing really nivalin.
A t hart for each uui mill will show
eva -tly tho amount of milk they pro
luce at each milking and tho exact
Him nut of Inittei tiit In their milk for
t'vt '!uy. Tho amount nf feed Riven
di e u li of these unliuals In tho vailomi vill nUo bo tabulated, which
. v ill dearly show that, although an
lin'til kIvIiir a good flow of milk
; V'V.m laere feed that a acrub animal,
that t!u difference-i In this amount of
i n! d i not correspond to tho difi'cr-
.ii ' pro-lui'tlon.
T .!i ixhiblt wiH lm huuacd promln
in';. In the dairy barn ami Is expect
.1 to attract a great deal of attention
Wo.::, r..: 7
We i' .n't V :,.,, Ii a!... lit it. cir
eu Inn I- ;.e ll;(. , ,e'neH thai I'nt
I 111 1 , 1 1 t , I n.'t lotii: nt'i. Tin re 'i
hm" fi'! iu," he :iid. "that beat all
the iinI, .viire he balance u lnd''er
I on hii nose, ctituliM tip to the lop mid
1 pui: the ladder up after him." lios
ton Transcript.
I Diet for the Mush Cx?
j Tb.Miie Mini iiarllia. nro.-.ii.4 In
I lie!-,' oil spnt. lire lii only pi-niici'
1 .,:! r' :s it. wi-iji loiind In the aui.i
J rt ;!
j Curie of Prosperity
j All that a wave of proip'Tlij in v
I " 'nost of u. I Hie prl ile::. of Hale
!ilg olio r ba Im'II.t ea.n .'.if, If,, 'i
Mull -Tribun
"Tramps" of lie Sa
Steamers are culled li.ii..p s .-.on,
when they do nut belong to any re.-.i'
"ti-au.'-iop 1'imip.itiy, bill are up t,t..
'.y imlividu ils.
Mk h Depends on Stotia- '
Slum us a i,i,,n I'mt il ,e n l ..,-.
iii.., .. hi I 7. . ' l,.-i j,,'i I,,. ;s ,r,..
i by. V,l:ni' i,'i, Xi.. M-Jiiiual.
Kodak ,
Up Mil end dv;
every wlicrc. AtA tl
v.-ill a '.::).i iici.
account of. the tim.
All :;:m,rrjcr, )'(;:.!'
li'.i fit you O'it "u'.v, (.;
irr vim.
f'ec lli.'.r. vr-i
K-'d.-ik I'll'. i. C
v:int !H. 1
KUks ,fjo tp hrovnia $2.00 up
Ballard's Pharmacy
The Kod.,k Filing Station
l.i xinfcii :i'ti I vitil bail tenm tnol
!h!U'II1I.I i'.II J ll; lu!)ll f i 0 1 li I
'hv, Of, .,1. l'.:M im. Til-
,aoof wns : to 11) LvxinKton's
t favor, 'lb: uiii'inii no wui vrry
l-iiiitl'. M '. : ti - im
-M vul'tn
Mr. K H. Wilcox lu'cmtmieil by
ilia SOILS I.: .! iJatHjllti'l', miss
lOvo, nltu) liy mi-is Kva l'adil.-m
will niott'f ti. S.i'cin on Thiiicliiy
ivliiTO ihcy will Uui Slulc
tlo'i. Me M Han has roluin
rom l'.ii lu.i it w l,i re ho lms lmn
iceci , .cut Hi ilUlu fit.
Mr. miii olta t'ii i Oali' r t'f
.Valla Wniln iiiinlv u rt't'citl vidt
s; '1 ! ". ' "i''i rt !..t:vv!.
. 'i 1 . (.'!' ' Mint) im 1
,!!! 1 I il I'l U Ml. M;lll.i II, ',i
. 1 . '. i . i 1, ,Ni . i.liiit v 01' 1'ji l, .tint.
. 1 , t i ii i :.iu.
ri m,h 1.1 11I thi! 1 iiiu-A i.iin:
I','.' v ii l.U.-Ha:.8 v.. -.'.ill
., I.- r , . ay vi iud
. ;; 1 1 1
.1 1. .1 li 1 r .' 1 V i"
ill f :n ay ' ' l'.va; a i il
r... I. "' v . . l . 1. '.. J
il I'l 7. fc. . . w ,;i I el in 11 1 v 1
...... i ' i , . 1 ti n . , n
, i ).;-., i i ,, ii , i.;u 111 1 , ; ,., ,
Mr. ami iUi -.. li ;i :.:
ij. 1 1 !, :,. a i Vr i 1. ..' 1 v
e iilay I u 111 i'u, li i..i so .
1 v-1 io a U tnl llcj H. 1
fi.-ffC. '
Mi', aii -. i;u 1 i , :.
I i.IL'Ii I !! h.. ....... . n' i'i ...
:.i:i w I,. 1 tio-; v ,.i li.cir l.o'ii'
f ). li.t .... ..1.
Katl I'cuih roitirnrd Mot iii.
lYiuii an iv r S..i,i;a' vmii
.is latnily nt Walla Walla.
iii-H Nava Siiiui Wfilm-silti-or
licr titniie in Aslm s,. ;iIk!
H e stimuli r with n l..
uc'o i.tur Ltxintiicii.
Mi."M'a Mdxii e Uet.try, Diun
utii Wiiina!.. ach Si ft i n Wo'iiu"-.
day of .'riNj. v 1 1 k for Curv.l.iB
, A', e, e 1 1,,-j v ui ciiii, lino li.e.i
tilwli Hi (),A C.
I i,,er,,r -1 'J t .1- up. i,. i . I nr vi ; I
on'l il.ii:;.i. you a ,'i.t if I i.'ii'i
rhe )"!t en wnith I. a
;li c ah- ill a. l.-iic in "!
To ti'ul.e 'ems CioiO
Ke p jour feit., in ii di-, p h, Iloir r.M-is exteini (;,r In ii,
Ml .
... ,l N r jr
" . ..." ' -M''
"J- ;'!..:
r . r v
.-:.": Aim
u. .
is you po '
' '.':, j Icti.r..: cluuia:; arc
. othik yon keep l.atitly
.if oi it:,i;!ij autl a good
need a Kodak, .so let
rr Kodak man is ready
i.'ivc plenty of
I tlic si.c you
.oih'k, counter.
Ufa ;,i lllve
Honey lii-ed live In (i.wiinH of
INKI In ,MI,lllW III one III v o. 'I'liey lire
of llirei' eliiK-ifH, 'I'lie iiueeim lny
oil, ml two lhoiiiiaii'1 e.'i.s ciei'.v day,
the ilnihcn liiiel' "oil,, while ihe
woi'l.llIU bee tiilliei' Ihe lomey.
D '-'.'I 0 iVnJ.'r.'.i j
' The I ulile of Lclpflc, u, 1,'l'er HI In !
I'l. V V 111 which Hie, , f,.-i cn
'I Ti'ii's'ii, Aimti'la mill li.ieilen il" i
feiiH'il the l'1'i'in h under Napoleon
fee, mm nil.v ref.-i'i'i'd In a" the "llnlile 1
of the N'iiIIiiiim," j
Stale' Nlckt.ante
New York wmn nt one linn'' f i o
iiieiily referred In 111 ti e "I ' eehdur
Slate" on neioiiiil of Ihe imil'.i "li.
,'el,n"--n I. alia wind iliat nieiupi -till
higher, ever upward wliUh niipeaia
on lis oi:', i;i! Male teal.
f.'af I i I Ijvprrfsrif
T!'e net loll i til" U w I'ote hli1
pro- pi" live fin her In law : "I liope im
recent nppol'iliilii.t In Ihe il'.ivi ImnPI
"f the in' I i il mi of alill'iali:.' III lu
line .i' in rim "in your il.m Mi r Ii
my i in.',"- I'.'i il -I In ,Vh. i" i , r
Pvtt,i, Kite!. V'd's
I'llillll-d V-lilll i,re l.i : ).. Ml.-lt-!i,
II. us III i i.l.l eo Phil' the le I'
III 'll- nil W.'l-itl '1,'V O.'lllj i ; -. lis
i-p.T linli'h fnsler l! -li it w il! .! v
tut .... Inn , ns mid c.i.. ' !' In d. f
tWWWMHmiMlfmHHMIIfremTM : - : 4 M
1 Attsntsc n
When you come to know that your
I fuel is almost Hone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
f Till- FARMERS.
i When you are hi
onable pri-.vs--
Sce Us.
Ferrnes E!cvalor Co.
lone, Oregon.
.V 1
Hi the
1 1
lyvv hi tncoIdsvimmin,-
y6jil holdwharc the crick
VATtMil so still and deep
ing half aslecD.
f And the gurgle
P I iU - .1. 'Hi.
1 uuuu me unit
Sounded like
1 somethinff w
M knov
Before we could remember
anything but the eyes .
Of thi? nnrf1
we left Paradise;,
But the merrv
13 beyond our controlc,
Audit's hard'to part forever
with the old swimmin'-hole.
lUfo'e Peary und Cooh
The On i'? In . '"ho liuoln u
vo.inue of i' 'Vi ;i i r ;,ivurd In fl'Jn
It. I'. I I I. i il in liii been the
Hi e-t Iriivehi' of hl.ilory vvliu prnbiilily
n l ii'in In il ihe An tle circle and
leiiehed Ihn liinil of tha lulilllliiht UU.
Ihirhnw (iiinlii;,' her piiiyeri)--Aiii
I,'-.., ihiilily mill iiiiiiiiiuy mid make
i in nt li:i :'.i li" il'i y'ie mil tun old for
Ihel ' ' . i -l.
.( .!',i'4 .....
ki'.Witiil '!
The UKIVl ltliirY of CmEGON
The Ci-llej uf 1 ileinliiie, Science
n, if I lie Ails 4 1 1 1 1 H lUpnlmtnU.
The ll.(. .-, -,.l nSo"..U of AkI I
Icluie hiui Alord Al ti Pu-i'H .w
Alh.l7,iillUll'Ml I'tlll. al,'ll I' .ll
C'.U' Si nt' j-.liui n ,1-r.rti l.,i
Mi I,, in.--M ,...H,)5,. .1 I ,; ;
' .i r . i '. , it ir an ) i n
i - ,f ;,-., ( '... I
need of fuel at reas
old swimmin'-
Looked like. a baby
river vhat wn lav
of the worter
. . -
jest Delow
the laudh of
dnvTnf vnnth