THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by . V. HIsAT), liditnt-Publishrr SUB.-CKIPTION: One yer Six month i 1 1 months .... $1.60 ,75 60 K.iMreti at aero .J class matter at the postuflW at lor, Oregon, under act of W ipi'U 3, 1ST9 Friday, Oc. 2. 1925 The melancholy days have come, The sadest of the year; Of wailing win ' and nuked woods And meadow, brown and sere. -rWilliam Cullen Bryant Good Morning Good Morniujr, Brother Sun9hin; Good Mornintf, Sister Song; I humbly be& your pardon If you've waited very long. I thouaht I heard you rapping; To shut you out were sin; My heart is standing open Wont you walk right in? Good Morning' Brother Gladness; Cood Morning' Sister Smile; They told me you were coming. So I waited for a while. I'm lonesome here without you; A weary while it's been; My heart is standing open Wont you walk right In? GoodMorning, Brother Kindness; Good Morning, Sister Cheer; 1 heard you were out calling, So I waited for you here. Some way Ikeepforgeting I have to toil and spin When you are my companions Won't you walk right in? REPUBLICAN ANXIETY At present the chief concern of repulicons in Oregon seems to be . t not with Senator Stanfield but with finding the lomcal man to f run in his place. The Stanfiold ' I announcement, however, indicate that he is not to be shelved. He f is to stay in the game and his' battle song evidently will be the! "The Ninety and Nine," The 1 outcome will be worth watching. East Oiegonian Snaka and Leprosy Snakes ore enton by the Chinese, mi Urea of Australia and by those of ninny other countries, but the llesh Is reckoned unwholesome and liable to occasion leprosy. Rule for Success When the driver sees a hill iihc id lie speeds up his car, and "I'mum" (he hill out, na ll were. IT In i i Siime way men would approut li oh: i les to their careera, then would m more successes In life. Success liirp ! 'It'pends on speeding up when hills struct Its pathway. lirlt. ! I II I I I t I I I I M 1 H-H-H--F-; Bible Thoughts for the Week DRY, DRIER, DRIEST! We learn from the news dis patches that Senator Stan fit Id, while feeling that wasjthe victim of most dastardly outrage at the town of Baker, has, nevertheless, highly resolve that it shall not have been in vain. "The bud may have a bitter taste but sweet wi! tb the flower." From this time, henceforth and forever, he will .devote his personal energies and of icial powers to the propagation and cultivation of drouth. From Baker's fatal dav he will be the driest of the dry. He will be dri ver than the Sahara desert and ' not even the uttermost depths of Tophet will heve anythtug when it comes to aridity. We weleome the'Sor.ator to out ranks and while we regret tha, was necessary for the marshal of Baker to point the way, still wt remember an old song that till us that: While the lamp holds out to bun The vilest sinner may seturnm. Regardless of the ontcome of the primary election, the Senator will be robed in the toga and vest ed with the powers of his high office for some lime to come and he ran be mighty helpful in bring ing home to the people the mean, ing of the oath to support tht Constitution and the la wf. Votes are good especially so when they are supported bypersonal exampt and a due regard for the law in the matter of apointment. Measuring Mountain The heltiht of mouniuiii may hi determined In several wa.v by tin aneroid barometer or by vertical ancles and also by the line of a splrh level. This Is known as leveling and la considered the most accurate pro ceilure. Right O lienealocy witulitp't he so had If devotee knew how to pronounce IL ralnuont (W. Va.) Times. LEAGUE vs STANFIELD The league will upose the can didacy of Senater Stanfield as it will always oppose any candid ate whose actions are like his. United States senators virtua'ly make the appointment of federal office holders in their states, arb we have found that appoint mtn's made by senators who are ing a mockery of the prohibition law. We believe that the rising tide of contempt for law and order may be traced, in part at least, 1 to the disgaceful action of men! in conspicuous position and at the hour has stuck when all gosd citizens should openly condemn the violation of law on the putt pf men. HEADQUARTERS COMMIT TEE OF OREGON ANTI SALOON LEAGUE, Varioui Activity How busy Isn't us Important as wh busy. The bee Is eonnratulated : the mosquito awatted. Miami News Uec ord. Why They Play One reason womeu play bridge ! that they may haye something to tbint about while they talk. CARD OF THANKS To all our good frienis and and neighbors, to the ladies of the Eastern Star, to the members of the choir and to everyone w ho helped us bear the overwhelmiug loss of our beloved wife and mother, we extend our most sin cere thanks, Walter C. Cason Mr, and Mrs. H. J, Snively. jr. Mr. and MrsJohn T. Va ighn Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cason Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irwin Sunday. Happy Is Ha that condemnetli not himself In that thing which ha ulloweth. Horn. H:-i Monday. Sack V tha Lord while He may be found, cull ye upon lllm while II Is near. l.HH. to:t). Lov Worksth No III to his neighbor: therefore love la the fulullment of the law. Hot 13:10. Wednesday. Tht Lord Will Qlv Graca and filmy. mi good thing will Ho withhold from them that walk uprightly. IV. bi -.H. Thursday. ' Faar th Lord and serve nim In truth with all your heart: for I consider, how treat things He T hath doua for you. I Sam. 12 :24. Friday. H Will Swallow Up Daath In victory and tha Lord Ood will wipe away tears from all facea; and tha rebuke of Ilia people ahull He take away from off all the earth: for tha Lord hath spoken It. Ua. 23:8. Saturday. Ha That by Usury and unjust T tain Increaseth hla aubatance, hei ! I shall gather It for him that will t pity tha poor. A faithful man I ahull abound In bleaalngs but tia I J that maketli baate to be rich ahull not be Innocent. I'rov. :S:S, 20. At mcHt after the fTiTiinff meal t iw "Wputit hour". Thn read SKud lu the f amity Harcld Bell s A "51 T Harctd Bel ltit and bt ttnry.4A 5"n ff i'; 4 arr rimnat I lit will, r a w k : ' t )I I' jfcU b. -, Ti t i.ej -rt-1. N- A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is -NOW- 5E5X1 Church News! Notes vi Interest to All Local Dnominatlons The nii'elingof Willow Branch Christian Endeavor Union at Lexington, last Wednesday, was attended ' y six Eiiduuvorers from Iond, four from Heppner and fifteen from Lexington, Kel'orts of schcol house meet- lings held showed that only one meeting had been held; thut a Morgan conducted by the socio les of lone. It was voted to con- duet a meeting at Hardmau next Sunday , October 4, Weather per miting, in which all the societies in the Union will co operate. In connection with the prayer service, tv. specials were rendor- ed: a readi gby Mrs, AdaHiowo iandapinn t solo by one of the j All the i ffioers of the Uniun j were presi nt. J The ntxt regular meeting rf the Union will be held in lone. 1 1 November 4. At the Methodist Conference. . . , in session mis we k at t'.ugene. lU v. John Secore of I'endleton, ! ! , dt liverf d : n address on the prob- I and opportunities of the country peris. Dr. oecore it wiil be reniem bered delivered the Commence-' mentadd; pss for the graduating class of the lone High School Inst year. r-tl I I I I I I J I I I I I I I 1 I I ItiA The Conference voted on the During the last century the question of umon n itli the M. L. popnlation of te United Stats has Church Scnth and omy two votes doubld itself oj'prcximatelyivtfry were cast in the negative. The 30 years, ! brethren who voted no, remind one of the twelfth juryman. Minnesota snpplies about GO per. c-nt of e" Ihe iron ore nrned in the Unitel States. Lodge Directory CHURCH DIItZCTORY IOXE I) Of IK So. 12(1. A.V.Ik A.M M.vtaever.v first anil third Wetlne nfeuch month. W. M. . It. Walier Sec. I.. K. Dick. r. UMTST III A I'TKK No. 1H. Meet the imh'oiiiI nml fourth Till" lay of eiuh month. W.M. Mm. Myr le Walkt-r; S-i:. Mr. M.i k IJItMle. IOXE LOIXiENo . i:: l Meet every Kntunlny eveulnn- X ., i'mi'i V j I n; V. 'i. li .'reii I. Ix-tter; Sk-c. Kurle A. Drown; Treiis E. J. Drixtow. Ill X( HiiltAS.-S ItKBKKAII No !)l I. O. O. MitI the firHt und third Tliuradny ofeiu'h month. N.U. Ituhy EiiKi'liuun; V. tl. Arvllln Hwiiiinoii; S. Verdu ItlUhle: Treua. Ktti UrU-tow. Leave your watch repairing al Swanson's Feed and Supply Stor for Haylor the Jeweler, Heppner. YOU M AY WIN $1,500 If you r stMt t Bikt ttlt 9ll warji out o' It Ittttri conulntJ Is ttio worn "TOILEr NtcF-. &ITIES." Atoiilolli.oo. IN CASK srlm M ba awsrjci tocompttltori Is this CHEAT WORD-BUILDING CONTEST Seal lump for clrcullr tni ruUi. AJJ'i ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If wc havn't got it we can get it quick. CONGUMiATlONAL CHURCH Kev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. ao l 8:00 P. M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10;00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00V M ail 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHUltCH Sunday School at 1C.0O A.M Junior Endeavor st5 30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suiti Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON . i D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic DuihlLg Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK . Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon SCHOOL DAYS! SCHOOL DAYS! , I Our pencils, tablets, erasers and other things that BOYS and GIRLS will need on starting to school arc HERE anil every boy or girl who purchases a tablet and pencil will be given a BIC, RED . BALLOON i J Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHO? C. A. BECK. Proprietor Drop In and looK over my of WorK Shoes. I have a good stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone Market CEO. W. RITClllKl'fop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. 4 4 tmmummAx. . . VVIien You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elktiorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Residence HEPPNER - . Main 033 Main 492 OREGON Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, .Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date, Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals In Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. " PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon M n a n h u u n u n m m SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, . . OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the nonrtu IONE, OREGON Clyde R. Walker.M.D Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Dulldintf Heppner : Oregon