d 1 r;" frTf ii IONE, OREGON, FHIDAV, OCTOBER 2, 1925 NUMBER 18 IK XIV . ...... .1 . 10 AL NEVS N9TF.S FOR KEM P r - . i i .' ii K .' i i it ii. ' iini'i'h. W ii' i nn I i li'c'iic Ii (Hi' t" !o'ih nri in nk '1 .1 ('itv v'e"()ir Hi d w liter iiiiium have lii'cn thcou ly e'ettn fl mid flushed thin f tot h were in 1,1 I'lif.' Mot), there In ill?' W ace mn'nlii n except the uxna' b- d i i n ii'i tun IkiIiiiii of tin' reset' V'li', To- lii' C liiif'f t d o i will give ii iiliy In tht npai" fii'ii)'. 1U for tail' d announcement next we, k. For Sale A few c mice Whie I,i't.linrn cukktirla. ;hcn8 bin's arc from Chandler's flock of hens having a ccord of more (nan 200 ojry m. y.uli eh tic" f ir $2 (HI each. Mih. A. V. Smoue Pacific Act caa Tli nri'n ir itif I'mliir im-i'mi It (tri'iilnr lliiiii Hint of nil III luml In llu worlil, nnil Hie voluui of ll nu tern U nit lluien llinl of nil Ilic -Jiihil nliiivt ' level. Ben So a Lor,g Time Th MiMi!nr!)' uf .Inn n n month fur ni.irrliii: In Inlicrlicil (ruin th (ireekn nml lliiiiiiii.il. Tim fjoilil'iin Jllllll fo ttlioill till llliilllll U ll''ili ruled nn I It ilriie of nuirrliig'' f anr Named Front Machine I'llllT'Jel. H" IIW'I f flli'Milll tfii) flO mi re" 1 Xi r ii.L SCHEDULE AKRANGED Tin-coili'lii'H til' I III! Upper Co Iwnbm Athletic Iji'HifiH) met at A'hnatwn Sut., Sept. 'JO nd ar ranged u foot dall fchediilo f -r lh different high kcIiouIh in ih" l,l'IU'U(. The Hcliciliil" for ihe I'Hie High ti'I.IM iri H fi)lo"8: Coti-'on nt line, ...... October 3 lone ai Ho.irdnian ' A i 1 1 u t ' ut line' ' lono at Lexitigt n ' lone at 11' ppner ..,Nuv. Fosoil at Ioru . '' 10 21 ::i 7 21 SKUNK WOULD GO TO SCHOOL, Eurly Monday morninsr the kciio I tfcpi'l a vL-.it by a skunk. ThoHlink soon hi at all the pu pils uii'l.tncu'ty to a Imsty retreat within the hcliool builbinng. The htro of the affair wh Ge le Kn Klinan who on the r pu;Btuf IVof, Slu'eii, hroovht out the ii'fiiv ai d Mud, after a i'ilc'otii haUle, rnan Htfed totiubduo the refateotitf bri and STUDENT BODY. Tin lorn llikh School had il finit Student Hody in"etinK last M inday, Sept. 28, for the purpobc of eU'ctinu a yell leader and r oointiiiK a committee to iniliate the frc ihmen. , K va HalHitfcr wuk elected yell eaderand lhoe on the initiation committee are; M;iry Fletcher, liicli.'trd Lundellari';C"orK'Kilcl. ie. Coming to The Da!!- and IVnJIcton Dr. Melienthin Specialist In Interim! Jl ill Ine fuMli" purtt twelv" yirn DOES NOT OPERATE student The officers of the Holy for thin ,"er;r "re: re sident Fl y Gnbill Vice I'res Lucille HHsto 3-cy -Trcas liuth SwanHon f'uslndiarof 1. II. S. IYop George Itilchic Alhie ic Munaifor . John Graves 'I'lHii'tportution Ma.,HKer.. . E va Battel Will be in the Dal'eson Sal ty-ifay Oct. 10, attheDalk: Hotel, and in Pendleton or jj:J;yP-t. n,at Hie Dor . Held. Ofiicc ! jf-s 10.G3 a. tr 4.00 . ONE DAY 0 LY No Charge for Conciliation The United Slate contains nhout 15.000,000 perfos of foreixn birth. Coal Burglar I!i iiitnlni! I din "!i"i f"r luiitipililny he hnil fur'iitten nfivr i-llna laic mie ni,lil, B I."'U'I"I liilmeei'rslxl 'INi iivereil ii .irut:ir riitlnif III" li"i'n-". "Ill " I lint in-;' .vim il'iln?" lie liiiiilel, Ion STUl'KNr IiODY l'AKN. I frlili I to in.e. "Who. ineV ( r t'lMI'TI 1 f f - I T ' ""' K'l' '""'"'I lllir'lir, ferlliC ulUiai.LN DOLLAUs i ,y .. ln ,,,.,,, f . .,;, 'I'lii,. una . v..ii,., ,... in l!,M . Il-n "!!( in .!n-l Inliln-i H w i"U lie .... ,.r i-l.iih I. in' t In l'e n riirr'in linn of rjllii'l'T (ill reii Ii I'lil.imlir', tin. iniielilie (! t h . e. to i'lif I lie II nlelinl li e lie..lllilll!l.l II of lilur' il Tl C IT '"'" Lwi-i.i H.H.si'tnhly hull of the' lone hih M-h iol on lliu aft'.-p noun of tiipt. i 11 . when "liie C iiii.lry G iit.e- jtll.li" lM:itl'.-l C:uil'. to II Cii.:( ' witli the fore reiii'li. 'Ave uttf', Catarrhal Deafness l o;in iiiumI tiy mi InAumrd rnndltlnn if '.ii riuious linitnr of (I10 l'untjti'iiin inl. VKh ll.ta A.lu 1. I...!-...- S let ' ll.Uf, !.' i t rumliliux aotind or liiiitrr.. t il..uii. riil4 tli liifUiiunfttlon can ty liv'u )..il) S With In ii.ird. your liiarmu umy l de- I, i,.hiv u-i ihv'.i I1..1.11. nvi.ta c.Tnnn iukiiii'inr iii I .. , i, , . ' An wnnt w rln.tn f'r H-lii your pvatrm .Ul!5.' ' 3 ttl"l,r,' hail an. , H,Iirrtl or u(nci eauted by ,wmi Hi. fij-oju ration O. tin- tff."?.V Rn rtrirrmtt Mfwr Ttura Tlii'ri' In nn odl mi -r oitilim llml tin I towiiHi'( 0J '. Ilu-y were alii' to -1 J' '"O" -.. Tulcdo, Olila. dlHiiionil iirlslmiteil Him tlren of Ime. V,i.;.. , ... . . t ' 7".. iilnriy enlwnieil " '' ul 1,1 " '"I" " v 1 llli the Lountry Li'Utleinan , 1 ti i lloi-t' Piamord S -ntltion ir. Mellelhlii Inn r.:illar uiiiOi: ale In me'lli'liir iiihI nnr"ry mull ' !ln IIH ! lie '' !; ' '!! III. l jilii iiit iicnil' I"t eliniiil.' n;iei itl'ill, K"H BtyiieH, uli'iTii olKtiini m li, tuiicllii or ml 'iiuiiln. lie IllIM tl) III" ereilll Wnllilerfilt t III tllfllw k if III" KOIIWlell. livel unwell, liloiiil, xk III. iiiTVim, h'lirl i.llii'.V. Iilii'llier. Ihi wittiiiii. en (mi Ii, Weiik III Hi;", rh'liliaf Util. lii tii a. lejt iili' if ini'l reel:tl n ine ill' I'.i ll VV liri' till' Nllme f II (' T I. IllMIIHII.V HMtlMl'll I'lllll'lllH In cie. .1. L. Ch-imJ'r. R-i.vl.ii; if(d::c' (. J-hn Wa iHi. WulH'-, b'a'!-' andtproatrata trouDle. Mm. E.E. Iloitpan. R chiun V kiui ey Itoi'lil". W. S. H t nelt, Q.m C'f, ulcer of the strrniche. R. W. M-yer, Shat.ieo, b'ti tronble. VU.. S ll'iuk, L- Granr, fi!, MRS. MSON DFATII OCCURS SEP. 25 AT CHE ra ses Peceiully ai d 1'airlesfly. Sees Sunrise on Shore of Eternity ; Surah Hale Ca-ion. wife of Walter Cawon died at the family evidence in lone. Her death oc curred at abo.jtS a. tn. and was du to heart failure. Mr?. Cason had not been in good health for ome time but the day before her d '.Mh sstmed stronger end was m re cheerful than uua'. What Mr, Cason went to call her before gains' to his work he f'ouid her dead. She had apr ar ia ft d away in her sleep. Funeral services wore hell on Wedntsdaj afterwooii.Thechu'ch iervice was conductel at l ie ConKrepational church and at : h ?nive the beautiful anr impens v iervice of the Order of theEa-t-rn Star as read by Ui'th Chep ter No. 32 O. E. S. of Heppm r. ",rs. Cann was bom ncr Rei-.vnM il e, Oregon, Februsry 0. Im ana wat marneii to wait r C .v.-.n, on Njv. 26: 1SJ0. Site 8 U . ive.l by li hiH'- and, o ) on and three daughters. WEATHERREPORT FOR SEPTEMBER No. of clear days Mo. of partly cloudy days.. So. of cloudy days . . 8 .. 8 Hiilaidc'o dlurbt on the 7th. ' On the evtning of the 7th lhre was a precipitation of 0.55 of an inh in about twenty minutes. Five days in the month bad a a preciptstion of 0.01 or more. Th inder s'orms on the 7,28, 14 h Total precipitation for Sep). 0 70 R. F. Harbison Cooperative Olinerver. PIANO MUST BE SOLD ill sacrifice high-grade piano in storage near here for immediate Kale. Will give eafy terms to ef t'lblithed home. For Particulars ard where it may be seen, ad dress Portland Music Company. 227 - 6th St., Portland, Oregon Not the Beat Crop, Thouth Alxiut tbc euKient thing to grot In gnrtleu Ii tired. Buntuo Transcript lllillHllitlHiiiiliilllHIIHliilllllllillilll!!!'! I KDEPEHDERT JOB PRINT- I Tln Hon unn iii In lliiljr In the Mill'" m;en. n It n iiiiii-i to have l e Mier of miiln Mining haniinnjr bei Aren luml'iiinl ntnl Hit Fuel Lotted ll quit n di -lii"' lionm. from rlmr.li nml lltll T ' vn ilrnl from tin- wnlk. AI I1T.41I1 '"'I'll ki MP with bin futlier do lender, no Ii nnlil: "Iiiid.ly, woii'l you , .ix curry me? I'm nil out of ("." mules rilow.' Iirnesn Ladies' Ho m,Jourmil"an1j 'The, u ,., ,,.r ,nrrov and llu!t Motor Siituiduy I'.vt iiiiiT ,I'osl". This . (Sjmbino. money wi-s very much needed I y ?.c, Troy B.):ird Hi ' ni'e. the Stndent Hol y for ail lelie' C eg in tqti'pniert. I " i . tvw, ot ve;sht p!!!i!!ii!ili!;i!!!!!i!i:!l llillik lieinre )ii i .ll, if iu Aim: r . .iliu m to tlilnk nfter you npeuk. : iihi.l It :.: i. :.i i. o o -. r.;:'a . rfp.lel lUtl. lleinemler adove d tte, th. cetisu'ta'ion on thi.-t t"ip wi:l I ej free nnd that Lis treatmonl i j t if ft rent. ' ' i Boost Tie Bank that Boosts HOME 1NTRESTS WHEAT FARMERS Take Notice! : ,i J; -GOOD Work and REASONABLE Pre f .aiiuiiliulalliillllillnuillOlillin ij SANITARY DAIRY j TUBERCULIN TESTED COWS B PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT U To reduce the cost of living t' use more milk and cream 9 YOUR satisfaction, OUR success. ;B C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. w: ri.tn T comcn to a choice bclwc. n home fo Ls imJ and on i tr home folks come fir. t. Isn't that the way you fc I about is? Tltis is a home institution. We arc working for the gnoJ f out community, for the prosper! y and develop mint of H is (Section, and for the inJividtrJ welfare of our friends and neighbors. That has always been our po'icy and always will be our policy. . For that reason wc like to sec the money that Is earned here, si t nl here and circulated here for the benefit of local Interests. The resources of lliis bank represent the dcposilr,of those w'n 'ra-mct vj;I:i:ji with ut. And ihs m;re me they make of our facilities and the moc they co operate with us the greater service we are enabled to render tin m in tturn. jig I have several Willamette valley yg. Alarms to exchange ior wneat tarms in g I eastern Oregon. gg Ff OUR & FEED I also have good Hermiston property i 1 1 Ijoexchange for Morrow County wheat 1 1 Caf Load to Arrive October 1 I L ' 1 iSperry Drifted Snow Flour. I a i Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats. I If vouvvishto sell or exchange I i ll M r n x ii eh $$ Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE ORFCON Cracked Corn, Whole Corn. Mill Run, Bran, Shorts H. G Wood if I eave your orders for delivery from the car and save 5 fi g Ij drayac. Flour and feed prices are the lowest for a H ear. Cet your winter supply now at cash prices- tSroKe ate BERT MASON 3 f2 5j lone, Oregon Li T .ll hr pfaiiiiiiiiiii 1