TT VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1925 NUMBER LOCAL NEWS NOTES FOR KENT Four roome-l Bpurtmnt over the printing office. Kate ten t'ol- am per month. Water and electric litiht connection!! are murtit. Hap Wo:id made a btiHinen trip toSalem Wedneadav and waHttt d , . . , waa accompanied by ArrhUeh ran aa tar aa rorimnn. i Shorty Shuver prov. d liitrmelf , a miuhty hunter on hia n cent trip t..t. Hirmiui ii-hriiiiui.i down two fine deer. The outlook for a frooll.!h acl.ool football team in lone tl, ai uxin Hfem very kooiI. The boys ere dulling every t'lMriioon and aiempMU developing rpee and team wcrk. Oiirold frjend Bill Windsor la in (own a(u!n after a Hummer "pent in the harvest fioltls. Kill promiaci" to drop in pome time Bonn and uive uh the once over. Troy Howard his rented the Johnson place 01 Ivht Mile and taking poHSeatiioii il.ia week. Mr. and Mr. II. C. Wood mail a tnp to Euifftie last we. k ever the MiKt'nzio pHKd. Mini Hi i n Bi'Mjer I. ft on Frj day for Seattle to begin her "p-. oiuoie y-ur in the Watuturton State University. i'm'or Head nil arts Divil alnl Daniel witn Jmtge lliliini. n . i' , ii' ,i . .1 , t h i i . i'i iii'n'ii w rr ine iiiiint-r It .vti of M.- i .1 Mm K. J H'lfto' on Sun iny The pii-ff le re ia anre wanvui 'on loast. the fim-Ht tvr, aiij pi'ii'il by the e'l Ccih nioi-l apprc; i nite to Btich a fcaHt, Your Child I'n'n Eye May B"rn nori ,i! of vision and Btrenpth buttnulj ct toaxcientif ie ti-Ht niHy tei'i ui . Munition that iiwnui bewi-ll lo . r.mteract. See Dr. Clarke. He wi I be in lone all riav and evening ln day, Sept. 20'h at the lo le iflor. Boort t'le Bank that Boosts H0ML1 1NTRESTS $ $ When It comes to a choice between home fo'Ks and and outbldcrs home folks come first. Isn't that the way you fu I about it? This is ?. home Institution. Wc are working for Hie good ( f our community, for the prospcrliy and develop ' mcnt of this section, and for the individual welfare of our friends and neighbor. T hat has always been our policy and always will be our policy. For that reason we like to see the money that is earned here, spent here and circulated here for the benefit of local Interests. The resources of this bank represent the deposits of those w'i rainct biilnju with u?. AnJ ihs more use they make of our facilities and the mote Ihcy co operate with us the Rrsater service wc arc enabled to render them in return. $$ Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE ORFCON We tf ui n l!nl o-i barnyard Kolf chn::i:!on, iV ,y .Jopklti (.rami Extiultfd K. T. of the Ion ic Order of Ilorspahoea, left us at an 'arlv hour on Wedoeseay of thin week. Mr, Hopkins I. an pur- chased prop-rly on 82nd Street lortlantf, and will wake his hem there iirfulure. ., T ! T" . , . I'rom the column headed In 'oth. r I)ay an I the aubdivihion ,2") YeurH Ako. we cull this inlrr etiiiK item: lone hus these mu "icipul wi.IIh and a move in Mr ;f"toinata1l a public water ays-! lent, Mirri.'il worn in muil be accom pnnied by their husband. AddrcHi-: 211 Hrudburj Bid, Loa Angi lca' California. . Coal Crrstar lli liirnlni: in hi simp fr suinethln; hi' liml f r :i . 1 1 1 1 1 nfiiT rlnxlnK lull' on:' nliilil. n l.iiiiiliiti lolimrntlTjit tlWoiivcreil liiri;liir ri It I ii n 1 1 1 h yliiiwi'imi'ii. "Ill, wlmt urn ymi iluln?" he nhmitcl, ton frintiii to im.vo. "Win., iu.-r quir-jin t'il tin Hi'ir iiimFcHwd iniruiiir, feeling very iiiml, It, o.,,.,,.,,,n, of the .1..... lion. "Ill hi JiiMt luklns smoke In- fore rctlrinu. , 'Ave nef : rrjtH'iiNl Sir JiinM M. Itiirrle'i "Tin- lit.. .1 r.,rri.. ... nn juiiiukIit, I ii i it, wlu n t'.i.rrlv In-, inn ' fiimmiK, llnii' i'X.!iillii'(l Hull h liniK"' ll'i'vn Dir :: -- li'rn'lHP Imlf of l u urliii'n mi i he '' tif will I'nvi'liipi'ir "II" loiilil I Kiit'kK thr fool i'ii I' B.-nliir In- until. "Tooli hlui. l till . m-, fur h Inniillr." Litter of Introduction I.ubwt ('llrli.lliii;) -Till will tvr Iff Hint tin' linin r. lio-i' Hum", ml rtrw" -in-mi.-o m- kIvd i..i- I "I'll kti'iun lo mi- iiml thai I nil fntit'ti for I' 1 littil 1 1 1 . . . (linn ltl( It. Ililllrlll'l) "l.ll III '. Willi. I your IniMif,, He.?" K'lti" rlU. VU'Iiihi. im'ct.t Diagnoii IT. I. M. levy, .-)ilil.nriHi. :i :ifltT I'IiimI'iI Invt'ntlcullon, Unit It" I ri'lulninl Hml girl IihIiIi'M iiri- mnn lirmlKl nmK Hum lhi hoy huliltii. II. iiIsh ri.v n : Mfn-rIH'n.M .itnv I.. iiiii'il i fhT ilii- Infuill ! m. ml. "hi niiiI ri'in hf ll euk ill l!nn vrnm nf m-.. itiil.fM'nK til llvi .i . I'oril wild i film iihI.Ii' rippi'tii: ion. Right Up to Dale Shun nirly rniiflliiL-s, x u .i n OfliHlt' wliti hluot In rfllKlon or Uie tutu. Iliiijiiiiiln l-'ninklln. CROP OBSERVER MOURE AND VhlCK AITOINT ED FOR MORROW CO. By fc'EAKa Roebuck, Index,- The appointment of R. W, M true of Ileppner and G. N l'eck of LexinKton, as crop ob. servtrs in Morrow . county for the Seam-Roebuck AKrfcultiiial Foun dution, in announced from Chica go by I. V. Eitnf, director j leaearcli for the Foundation and cuiior of the Index. They;wil lotm u iuik in me nation wide cbain - of county agricultural' ( uooervera elecleJ because of. their fhbt hand knowledge of farmniK conditions and tr.tir ability to olwcrveand intelijtently iterpret them. The Index to which the obaerv. era from this country will coulril), uie lit a compilation of the month ly report of the 350 ousenere. tvery aecuon 01 me coum.j a,,j numder is bi ing added ! ulttiUll)'. All the obBerVei a.e . , practical, thinking, farm minded I niuii.tach chosen- because of the ppotun,t.ehha- toorve 'H. needs of agiiculture in hi own Uocily and for hi ability to ap plj eco lomic principle! lo cur. nut larm prouiems- Asagrbip' ilit-y riprehenta ciosa avclion of tlie thoughts that the man in tin' furiow U thinking, ami 1 1 1 1 1 r oint analysys of existing a;ricuij coiiuiiioiib, ai exirctscn in the Index, i oi bidiir a for,! urdtUp in he p.n, ep juiilf. j tOU SALE 4 ; IIoiBiB , mules piow, tiarnewv Ateder banow tni lloU Motor toinuine. See Troy Bugard F.ightnii!e, Ori on ln.'-rcfry Tl.irlcc fi A woiimn m-i'Uin u ilinr.-.' ;,t T"i it'nluim. r.udi.n.l. Iinilfinl !i. , mar rlfd llfu wry Inipiiy oiuil :;ie iir rival of her thirteenth rhiltl. CoW Vni.R at 11 Upper Street Millinery arut Gift bhopj I Arlington, Oregon tj We are showing the best line of millinery in two'coanties p ri No need-to buy outsue your nome u-iniury. i Fall Showing Ladies' Apparel H Dresses Coats - Suits Hats V2 1-.. II. !.. ntl C- I , Etmmmmmmmmii S .wrrr.p-mvg:y . WKtfc,ialiL.,liHWri 4fTiisgtcrartg 2 acience iui ThrotiKli tln Kxpi'lim I t Ktnthiii, the Kxteimlun Service mul I! alilt'iit Oregon Agricultural College m Serves the Farms the Homes and Industries of Ore. It nlliTit ii ctillcge eiliiciitlnii In S Agriculture, femmcrce, Kninecrlng, forestry, S Home licoromias, Mines, riiarmacy, Vocational Education, Chemical Knneering, Military science S and Tactics ' s The School ol U.VSIO A UTS AND S. It'.NCKS piovhltm tl. foini. ilntloii (or nil tivlmli'iil fourwH. The trululiiK; IiicIikIoh 1'liynlcnl g Ktliienllon, liiiliiilrlHl .lnlinmllHm. Sm-liil Seli-neeH, nti.l Mimlf g Fall Term Begins September 21, 1925 - 3 Kt.r llliiHtratetl IkioMcU ninl "I"1"" l'J,,rl,,"l!',":nlr,1e1.l S The UlClil.sntAU, Drotfi.n Agrlciilttinil t oll.'K". I orv.ilIU, Ore. g Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Intermit Meillclnc for the p.iMt twelve yciir DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in the Dalles cnSa urday Oct. 10, atthe Dalb Hotel, and in Pendleton on S-mday OcK 11, at the Dtr illicit'. OiTilw hours 10.0a a. u ".5 4.00? n. ONii DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultalio.i Dr. M' lli'lliln Ih n n truhir Brai n uie lit iiii'iIU'Iiih iiml Hiiri i'.v mu! I. liiviiHeil l.y tin Hliilv nf Or. lion. Hi Im-n nut o f n !i' f r rliioulc Hiii u tlii'llii, nnl HIiillfM, llk't-rrt iifitto'll nt'li, I'iIikIU or iuIi'IioIiIm. Hi' Inn. to lit cri'ilit wuii'lrrlii! ii Hull In ili iimi'k of tin- Hiiiiiaih. liver IiIMMI.I, lllllllll, Hklll, IH'rVI.'. Ill'lllt ImmI wntliilK, i-1 turrli, wi-iik Iiiii, rliiiiiiutlxtii, h 1 1- t li'ii, h it ulii'i mill nrlnl oiliiin u i l.fl.iw lire tin' iiiitiii' of u lew ol ""'"""' r-''i " J. L. ChamJr. Rjie'u j lii t.duche. J. l,n Wdl!i. Waterlog b.a Id-.-f andtprolrate tcjuolt, Mis. E.E. IIj n.dii, Richlan kidney trouble, V. S. Ucnneit, Oiegon Cil. , ulcer of the etou.rcl.e. R. W. Meyir, Shanico, heart trouble. Chan. S. Iloak, L Urane, g:. I nti - - - M'f. M I. O o on. PorUam', up,if null is. k'tneuiler adove date, lint consultation on this trip will te free and drforent, that his treatmont the o c i- v i v. c g ? 3 12 HENRY DENNIS RANCH) SOLD STOCK RANCH TAKEN The Henry Dennis ranch, three miles north west of lone, has been sold to W. E. Kylerof Corvallis. fhe purchase price inclules a 600 acre stock ranch on the Mc Kenzle river, about six milts from Springfield. Poasesiop willbegiv in abo'it October first. Mr. Dmnishastbien o resi ier.t if this secii in for nearly or quite a quarter of a ceutury. We wish him well in his new home. We understand that Mr. Kyler will n t operate the Dsnnii ranch in psrson but will rent it. Ttudealwa made through the ilap WjoI It-ial Estate Ol'fice. Miss Wi.mi a t ! Opil L .'ach iCMmpanied by their gu sfs, MissCline of Biise. Haho, Miss Wilcox of Enterprise, Oregon and i!so by Miss; Mixina Ctntry in J Ve!le Ward of Lexing'oti I roe on Frilay ti Penditoti vherethey eijryil th UjiiI Up n Stturday. Crichet Ball in Net In a rrlel:et ntnleh at I'emilt, V.f. .unil, a hull driven to the botin i'j Hid hmt v. a found In a thrunh'ii i -in uh young hlrtln unhurt. 'i;il mmmimi! :Mi!ti - "iii Ililliltl .llllil I iWEMr !j -GOOD Work Miii;;iii:ilSIl!!lli;iil!ililiI!ll!!llSlSi!il!iSiiilllilil'!!;!!lllH ii SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN TESTED COWS PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT To reduce the cost of living use more milk and cream . . YOUR satisfaction, OUR success. C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. 1 J. iui.. yiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiisniiiiii!! I FLOUR 1 Car Load to Arrive October 1 Sperry Drifted Snow Flour. . Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats. Cracked Corn, Whole Corn. Mill Run. Bran. Shorts g 1 I eave your orders for delivery from the car and sav s L drayage. Flour and feed year. Get your winter supply BERT PIANO MUST BE SOLD ill sacrifice high-grade piano in storage near here for immediate sale. Will give eafy terms to es tablished home. For Particu'ar and where it may be seen, ad t'ress Portland Music Company. 227 - 6th St,, Portland, Oregon. Author of a Famout Reply Count Pierre Cnmhronne, reletiriit ecl French iionenil. In the repnteil nu ll. or of the nioeh-qnoted prc"lor.. "The BUiird illen hut nerer iiirren derK," which he Is laid to have used at Waterloo when nuked to surrender. Hi Fuel ExhauBted It won quite a dlslnnee home from church nnd little Ted waa tired from the walk. At lenuih he could keep np with hla fiilher no lonicer, to he mid: "Daddy, won't you pleaae carry met I'm all out of gng." Gelling Rid of Ant$ Sprinkle whole clovea wherever tint ire found nnd they will dlaappri.r m it hy uinlc. The remetly, Ittinucl. oI.Jl'i tli.nulile to the antn. '. n..t n upy viiiy ciliJet tloBuhle to buruin he ii .i. It U i ii. U. clean and i-eiinln. '.Vho'e clove v III alao expel all oilier rieplr.g ihii.a when they come trt,i ii ii of hounda, auya a eontrlhiilor. Handy Magnet A tiny magnet kept in the sewing basket will he an aid in picking u a dropped needle or blta of broken n'-etlles that are dangerous If left: on Hie floor. i J03 PRmr- and REASONABLE Prices j & FEED I prices are the lowest for a r now at cash prices- L a MASON ri3 1 it IMit C 11 r..u -"15111!