OA . VOLUME XIV IONE,' OREGON, FRIDAY, SI TIMBER 11, 1925 NUMBER 15 Engli$h Bloody Assize In I lin illnody AhHlr.i'i r n,',, socnlled trial fur iirtii'iijitiun In AlittitMniittr rebellion ukuIuki James II urn culled, over WW Inno cent person weru executed, limmi Jeffreys presided nt theta trnvcHlle on Justice, Revised Famous Word II la n iniitlcr of netvp"i"'r hUinry Hint n iirl.i on a "copy ( vti" omc edited Cnpliiln lllfilmif'i funiculi re murk, "I'll iii.li) her mxle miiIih) the bunk till ilia lum khIoo(' ashore," nwn Inrlili-iiiuiiy in n story, in llmi l tend, "1 Shall hold ih vessel's how iiuiilnl (lie Imnk until llt lnt im.wiiucr lint disembarked." Thm "Old Bay Stale" Massachusetts Ik known n the "Old Hay KlntM," owing to Hi fad Him Hi flint chsrter fnp ,c tcrnl,ny ns Itranted to Hi alussactiiis.d:. liny company n NV.U, following ilia set mem of Rult'tit In the previous year. An win"!' ii i 1 1 i n .'.inni'vliy In furnished liy the cum or ii Miniiiiii In KtlKlind aired seventy. Iter Kriilldfil- ' ther wua seventy when iiin.iirni hum Formaldehyde, $2 25 a gallon LOCAL NEWS NOTES was liiirn, iiinl Mi mm was Seventy when hi il.iinthior wus pu;n. The KninilfnthiT nf IIiIh living woman was linn Inn n two hundred years uu. Fight on Do" Weevil III winter Hi hull woell relreiits ,11 wonili-il ruiintry to inxa the cold sen li. I'liina lira now lictnu carried Into elTeH to SUITnUIld tlll-fle Willi Cr re treat with hiImiui i,ii mnl 10 de troy lint weevils bef.ire I hay have a chance In coma out In spring. "Orator" Unappreciated Huron Jean -'llupilste ( limit Krenrh revolutionary cnthiisliinl, pro claimed himself "iirnliir nf Ilia hmiiun nice," ii ml ukiijiipiI tlia iimiia of An archnls, after Ilia Kcythhin prime lie nut guillotined nt Cnrl In I7!il when the euttomer furnishes the container, at Bullard's Phaamacv. I'JiJ inon Morgan has made a couple of trips to Freewater the past week. We wonder what the attraction may be, II, C. Wood and family return ed from a ten days trip to Port ltnd, Salem and other points on Thursday. They drove from Sa em to lone in ubout ten hours. nt the home of E'Uha Sperry, LOST Somewho'e between Swnson's and the Post Office a diamotd lavaliere. Finder please return lb Mrs. C. R. Brown and receive reward. C SzzzlZuuu Kodak as you go Up hill and down dale, picture chances arc cvcrywh.rc. And the Kodak you keep handy will give a pood account of itself, and a good account of the trip. All et -unier, you'll need a Kodak, so let us fit yc j out now. Our Kodak nun is ready for you. Sec that you Itavc plenty of Kodak' I 'ilm. Get the sic you want at our Kodak counter. Kodaks Y).jO up Board's lirotvuii't $2.00 up Pharmacy The Kodak Filling Station Mr. Frank Holmes of Portland Bent the wtfrk in' lone, Mr. Holmes ran a patime in lone a number of years aao in partner- ship wilhMr. Frank Hngleman. I m L! if red ha Io n. a at Limtow and JoiuiHon's. liny a tablet and ped cil and the balloon is yours. Mr, Wrex Hickock is visiting at the home of S. E. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopkins and Mihu Zclma Fugleman vpent Sunday and Labor Day in lone, Kh relatives. Fred Nickerfon is busy drillii g a well at the home of Man e I'ettys. . CO VIE EVERYBODY come and he r a sermon preached by W, W. Wi.son on the difference bit ween Liw and Grace, Sui ilav wfter noon, at 2:3'), up over meat sho; C. M. Conne and family wi o have been harvstin'n neur Ioni', lift Situ'ay for tlnir Innne in "loppenish. Wa-hinjf'oii. Ernest Helikeru'id family aie bmy moving back to then ratu h which was vacated laiit week ty Mr. P. Pt'trsin and funily who are kO;i onto the ri nch known us the Hxivoisun (la e t n Rhea Creek. Mrs. ElnrJew'li and childrer, Ui'be Ms. Lovely F'sk f Pasco, 11. M.Liht, one of our old timepent a few days visiting the foimer'a mother, Mrs. Alice Mc Nab. .farmers was shaking Lands with some o( his friends and acquaint ances in lone laat Monday. He was accompanied by his Bon. At fpiesent they tre located in the valley. School opened last Monday with an enrolment of 43 a class of 17 green.little frechmcn. Ernest Lundell, Shorty Shaver, Mike Co" tnr. .ludfje Rohincn at d E. J HriRtow are in the rcce for lirstshotafter diet season 0,ens. Tin) left Wednesday for a stay of unknown durationr j C. W. Swanson has rec: iud ; a car load of rye. Mark Aee has inov.-.i I s , family f .oin the farm, no th of .o ie, into Visa Serry'a luueon , Second street. Mrs. George Ritchie and daugh ters Leona and Ellen returned from a ten days stay with relatives in Maupin, last week. FOR RENT Four roomel apartment over the printing office. Rate ten dol lars per month. Ernest Shipley fpent a few days in Portland this week on "Let George Do It" TIiIh hrue la mild to have o-II-nntKl In Krnnre a "I.alrne faira u !eorgca" In the Klfleenth century i;ml lit flrMt hlffl fllMcsl ..f.rnn.n the ninny aotlvltlea of Cnrdlmi! (eortfea 11'AiiihoHa, prima mlniitter to Loitla XII. Later It baoanie romtnon ulung, Vaa trnnnlnte.1 into Kii(tllh anil was aOopteii in America without liny rompratianalon of Ita original meaning. Rifus Farrens is moving his family into the C. B. Sperry prop erty for the winter so that the may have schxd advantage. Will Found in Old Shoe Frnnk Culto of Pittsburgh waa waollhy. When he died aavaral yenra ngo relntlvea aenrrhed for hit will In ' vnln. Recently It waa found In the line of a dead aim that he had ireaa ured. It (tave $10,0tiO to his wife. "If I would die without explaining ihla pa-r to you. I hope our beloved ion Col. F. M. Griffin, onr butcher genius, left lone Snnday. for Maunin Orponn Hj ,iA o, oai ,n heaven will help you find It.- It going to soak his feet in the De ijchutes river. read In part. Clasping Hands in Prayer Holding out the hnnda It an attitude J. W. Howk has returned from! I",,ur"ly lntiHiveiy ammmed by a few days vacation and is I ack j rTJZWt ST-.h! on I he Job at the depot. i primitive Inatineta of the buinaa rare. Mrs. Trembley and daughter of a""l,lnZ hands In prayer Is merely Portland who have been sp nJ ing a few days p ith relatives in lone, retnrnel to their home on Sunday. Presidential Immunity The l'r.ldi'iit of the t'nlied Stiite riinnot he arreated for any ofTeii,-. Me la amcndiilile only to Uupeuchiiieni. Mr. Earl Mu riy -moved hi' family to Freewf.ter, last wivk. to s- ml tne children to kchooI. 0fsinn!i?Sllfm rendlctoa, Ore. rS September CX, 16 to 19 Accorded Pihl of Way A innnewiU Jnde ruled Ihut r, s nuvo (lie i:iit ef way. Kvery n ir. 't knows thut. IilriiilnL-hain -e-i'(-T.ld. ' - s-'t inn tiiuiHPmiimm !iiiiii:ii'iiiiuii;iiii!iil ninventlonul form of this nnfitrul- attitude. He Wat "Moon Struck" After he slept under the full moon one nlifht, the fare of a miner In Kal f'H.rLe, Auatrulln, was twisted iiirl n'Jlj, and it was several days hefora he recovered. I'eraons who have been sun-strurk often will slilver In the hot. teat sun, doctors here say. Hobby Worth White Life will frequently Inngulah, even In the hand of the busy, If they have not some employment subsidiary t that which forms their main pursuit Exchange. i i!!lllli.;!l!ll!!!l!l)ll!!ll!!!l!li!l!lllllllllilllli;illi!ll!l!ti JOB PRINT I GOOD Work and REASONABLE Price rriMiitu ! I ' l i i ' ' ' I I llililllltl Mrt.. lioy Cochran, fiiimerly ' Mis Merne Cuson, died Gol jSantantati hospitul.last I'.iday j ni ;ht and was bunied on M. nday a i Aluany. She leave to ti.ourn h r losH. her husband, two smil wam&xwTW. riawgpt3BaK.CT rar c w iti', her laliu r and mother, It! Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Casen of i Io ie, three bisteis and one broih 1 r. HARYTST YOUR DOLLARS FASTER HERE'S THE WAY TO DO IT r rOU WANT TO GET AHEAD faster tohnrvest your diMlurs faster . make your money go furl! 'r . win th j aucc'ss that shtuhl b.' jou s. Here's one way to do it a way that gets restills. IlanJlc your funds'" pay all bills by check, and always fiun wi-h Ink. Chocks save time and money. Che you an accurate record of your Tuiuls. Makes your income R fart'-er by rej'.ula Infi your money ou'fio. A checking account helps you niaitvain a Innltf t which is the sensi ble way to handle your financial affairs. In these and other ways, vour checking account oclually makes your money go farther, helps you get far more from your income: than you've ever enjoyed before Makes it possible for you to spend your money more profitably, Ask us to tell yoti about this. You'll find it very much worth while. Coino in today. $$ Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE ORFCON LOST! One little tan-pup with his tail cut ehort and his ears cut long. Fliustt return to Elmer Ciilfitn. the stork got buny ugain this i week and left a fine baby gir! Vrorlu'a CLatunlon (hip Contest 4hr nwl (Yaltat c fit ,'. itftw ly rirtt h4 rf'fmr of tic. .ttfronlirr tUyt r cr ttagca. Don't rail ts C:d It Larger, mm e sprctncul.-r, brilliant and tluilling tlicn cvtr Icloccl ri3;:i:;: Trip Fare $5.20 3 i'E3 For ttmin tchtdnh ttnd J, W, IIOW'K, JiUl'll t , IdXH. C'UI.IIIIV Wit, VcMrititAV 0. V. A. rrtiniiit. Mri-tfi n SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN TESTED COWS PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT To reduce the ccst of living use more milk and cream . YOUR satisfaction, OUR success. r 3 Hi C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. i!i!li!:::!i!i!l!i:!l!!l!i!!!;iilll!!llli!llil!i;!i!!li!l!iniili!i! liiiii!:iiiii:i:ii!:i!!!ii!iiiiiiii!i!i:i!iiiininiiiiiii:ii!i!iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii PARENTS AND SCHOOL CHILCREN ATTENTION! Bra,--'. Ti", ) g 'Science tor Service Zl . TlirmiKli the KM'ilin i f stutlnii, llio KxIviimIiui Service r:- ', mill l : hIiIi n 1 1 iiki nu t l n Oregon Agricultural College S serves the I' arms the IIo:ncs and Industries of Ore. It olfrra it college eilucutlun In O ' Ajricul!urc, Commerce, F.nsineering, forestry, Home Economias, Min. s, Pharmacy, Vocational 3 , Education, Chemical Engineering, Military Science and l'actics 5 Tile School ol IIANKMIITS AM) 8. IK.S'CI'.S ptovldca I lie foiitl- 5 ilatlnn for nil teclmlrul fottraea. The trnlnlna lmltnls l'liysln 1 ICdni'iltloil. InilllHtrlol .liiliriiiillHlli. Soelnl Sclelicea, noil MiihIc Fall Term Ikg ns September 21, 1925 5 I'nr llluxlniteil ImihIUi'Ih mnl Hpecllle liifiirnititlon, write to S The ItKUIS I'llAlt, On'K'in Atf-lellltitral I'olleKH. foi'Viillh, O.v. fj H All Primers, Readers, Civil Government, Ceogradhy, J fj Mice and G3rdy h'storiesa e displaced with new. books 1 The method of exchange permits of exchange only, E EJ of books of like number as a first reader for a first reader H Books mnst be sold for cash and I cannot afford to f U If sell thqm on charge account. Please do not send children T i S for books without the cash. S BERT MASON iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii