The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 04, 1925, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kllis and
Mr. and Mrs, Seymore Wilson family of the Peter White ranch,
and son Francis, ami Elvin Illy near The Willows, are leavinu
retnrned from Walla Walla. Sit-, shortly for their new home at
urday, where thsy spent a few
days visiting old friends, Mr. r.nd
Mrs, John Mc Cat ty.
Boa I'd in a i).
Where NarraganietU Fought
r i Died
It was Mtter colli tliat winter morn
ing In 1875 unil the snow lay tltx'l
on the ground. Hut In th Indian fort
of Sunke Squuur (lie lietms of tin?
red men were wnrm, for In Its security
they felt little four of an attack ly
the white men who had driven Kins
1'hlllp, the WanumnoHg leader, out of
Massachusetts to seek a refUKe niiioiiu
Chief Cnnonrhet'f fierce Ntirrupm
aetta. They dlil not know lHat the
colonies of Ms:irhiiett Hay, I'lym
outh nd Connecticut were tending
,!.. V,...l..h U' l'lvni.illth ttllh
a force of nearly a thousand m,.n for Portland to be under the due-
j Mr, and'Mrs. FianlinEly wire
in lleppner, Saturday evening.
;' Katie Morgan visited Certru ie
land Hazel Pettyjohn, Sunday.
Margaret Ely is spending a few
days this week with Mrs. Ft auk
I n Ely.
W. F. Paltnateer left Motuhij
against them.
This fort, which stood near what Is '
now South Kingston. It I., rover, d
several teres of ground and was built I
on hlch ground surrounueu ny a
treacherous swamp. It was prulirt
ed on all sides hy heavy imllsatles
driven deep into the ground and it
onl entrance was over a narrow lug
bridge. It wss probably the
stronghold ever built by Indians, unJ
In It were 3.000 red men.
tt'luslow's army arrived lute In the
afternoon of December 11). and, de
spite the fnct that the colonists were
weary from their long march throiuh J
the snow, sn attack was launched Im
mediately. Again and aKnln they were
driven back as they tried to gain un
eutrance over the log bridge. Six of
their captains and a large number of
soldiers were killed. Then Capt. Hen
Jamln Church, the most famous New
Kncland Indian fighter, assailed the
rear of the fort where It was least
protected, and although he was shot
three times he succeeded In leadlni;
his men over the walls.
Inside the stronghold the batlle
raged more fiercely than ever, for tbe
Indians put op a stubborn defense
from within their wigwams, made bid
, let proof by the great stores of food
piled In them. Finally Church gave
the order to fire the wigwams, und as
the lodges burst into flames the In
dians were forced out into the open.
But It wss a costly victory for the
whites, for their loss was $0 killed
and 150 wounded.
Nearly 1,000 of the Indians were
killed or died of cold and hunger n
afterward. The power of the Narra
ganserts was broken. King Philip
escaped, bat the capture of Sunke
Squaw was the beginning of the end.
Vlthln a year he had been run to
ea:"h and New England's great Indlnn
war was over.
C9, Hit. Wwttra Nwplr I'nlea.)
tor a care.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmateoi
and son Teddy, W. F. and W, S.
Pa.mateer, Mr. Erancia Wllsoi.
and Mr. and Mrs. Franlin Elv.
were calling on Mr, and Mrs. 11.
An st 10. Ely Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardesiy
were in Heppner' Thursday, tn
b isinese.
Jim Hardest is tusy strawit-v
ihe rood between A. F. Palnu
teer's and Morgan.
How It Happened
Judee When you work whut
you do!
Hobo I'm an organist.
Judge Why, a man with such Went
should never be out of a Job. What's
the trouble?
Hobo My monkey died. New York
Central Times Magazine.
Her Own Medicine
First Collegian Hurrah, I have i
date tonight!
Second Collegian Then yon arcnt
coming to our stag?
First Collegian Sure I am. In
few minutes I'll call and break my
dme. This girl "ditched" me four
II. J. Streeter who has finished
harvesting for J. W, Osborn. on
the "Fairview" ranch, is now
getting ready for thrashing.
. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford David
son and infantdaughterand Miss
Aba Williams who have tieen vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Chun
dler returned to their homes in
Vtrnoniaon Saturday.
Miss Annie 0. Hynd is home
again after spew? n i 8' veral pays
visiting her irienils in Pendleton,
Hood Kiver, Portl md and Salem
On Wednesday afternoon, after
the usual time at thimbles, hon
oring Mrs. Maud Pointer, Mrs.
Karl Heach und Mrs. William Mc
Millan. the ladies of the Congre
gational Church enjoyed a pleas
ant Social Lour folloped by light
tesreshmei is. Mn. C. H. Nye.
of Walla Walla, was a guest of
the ladies.
Mrs.. Pointer lias left for her
home in Salem, Mrs. McMill; n
has returned to Corvallis and
Mrr. B 'uch xoecta Boon 0 leave
soon for W iila Walla to spend
the tchool year.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rakelson
have located in Lexington for the
school year. They are living in
Ernest Fredrickson'a houso on
on Willow Creek.
Congressman Sinnott was a
slier Lex nat on on W dnenduy,
Mrs Eugene Gray from her
home west of Lexington, spent
Sunbay with her frther. W. J.
lav is.
Mr. ano Mrs. Hatercost and
so.1 were visiting in Cecil on Sun.
.It; E. Duncan of "Busy Hee"
ranch was visiting in lone on
Mr. P. Everett of Wasco is
spending a few days with hi
sioter; .Mrs L. L Funk, at "Tl
Curtis Cottage",near Cecil,
Misses Minnie 11. Lowe and
Hernice Ystad who have been
attending summer school at Mon
mouth, arnled in Ccil t n Sun
day and will visit with Mr. ano
Mrs. T. H. Lowe, for a few days'
before taking up their dtui s in
their respective schco s in Hat. I 8
and Astoria.
Miss Gladys Medlock letirreci
o her home at "Kockcllffe" aft
er vlsiling her friends in Walla
Walia for n few hjs.
Prof, ami Mrs. Fed Kelly have
arrived in Lexington to take up
th-'ir wobk for the coming school
year. ,
Hutch Hendricks and Mrr.
Margin MvCormick, who have
been spene.ngsome weeks on the
Ed Burchi 1 1 such hsve retnrned
io their home In Astoria.
Mm W. J. Davis was callfd
to Hood Kiver. Wednesday, t
ihe serious illness of tit
ter. Mrs. W. P. Allison.
Lawrence Heach accompanied
Mrs. Davis as far tS Arlingtoi.
Lexington hopes for the speed)
recovery i; Mrs. Allison. ew..fc
Mis. Loren Mikesell of Mali-
ton. Wash, is wiih hr fattier, VV
J. Davis cn Black Horse
Mas. George Krebs and sons
ot the "List Camp" left on Wed
nesday forGaribaldi, Hockaway,
eUv for a week or more.
in vx rt vx vx vx vx vx nt n vx vx irx vx 'S
We make it.
We sell it.
We guarantee it
to be genuine.
Mm. C. 11. Nve and ihil- rn
tiace rt tnrned to Walia Wall.
after a week spent near Lexing
ton as guests of Mr. and Mrs C
M. Alien.
Miss Dora Cutsforth left Mon
tav fur Portland whetc she wil
the Behi.ku Wa.kci Business Co
itge. C'.x txpecls to prepare he
self for high school commerce
College Man Would you object If I
kissed you?
Co-Ed (No answer.)
"Would you care if I kissed you 5"
(No answer.)
"Would you mind If I kissed your
(No answer.)
"Say, are you deaf?"
"No j are you dumb?" Princeton
"What do you think she could have
been thinking of when the cut off her
"Why, of cutting off a few
from tier age, I suspect."
One Believer Beit
Hops, ths bright deceiver,
HUH each Ufa controls; on believer
Than a million doubtln' souls.
Out of Date
His Aunt What, you mean to say
you didn't like that young lady?
Her Nephew No; she was ah
V.' I . I Itt ton aAwmi
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
uin a.iJ snow water wouIJ de pure if
they didn't pass through miles of contam
inated air to g;t here.
Bullard'si Pharmacy
Distillers De Lux
Mrs. William McMillan and
daughter, Mrs. Jim Hichie, left
by auto on Friday forCotvallis
Archie Nichols left Monday foi
Hood Kiver on business.
Mr. and Mrs. E.mer Hun
drove to Irrigun on Mondav..
Karl Beach accompanied bj
Mr. and Plrs.L,. S. Miller anc
sonsand Mrs. Sadie Lew it!, drov
to HubLard and Salem on Satur
day. They returned Monday eve
ing. leaving Mrs. Miller for t
visit at Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stockard
ot Hermiston spent Sunpay with
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Gray.
Chas. Gray has purchased the
E. 11. Zochert house wich he ex
pects soon to occupy with his fam
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Kells will re-
side on the Neil White ranch
during the coming winter. Mrs.
Kelly will have charge of the
Oevine school and Mr. Kelly ex
pects to be In business in Lexing
Once just a Summer necessity Now
-djCunsurpassed for all-year cooking!
fMSPG. ...
r nc moaern oii-cooi.itove,
JL with lu wonderfully tWt
etent ipead-burners, perfected
ovtoe and broilers, heat con
troL simplicity of parts, etc-
give you cirycookitove service any.
vhtrt, and the yar-y No muuy
Ores to tend noiseless, simple, lael
But remember there's a kit differ
ence In kerosene and that the efficiency
of your oil cookitovg depends very
largely on the kerosene you use.
"Pearl Oil" mean the "test" oil
for oil cookttove and heaters. It is
refined and re-refined that's why it's
cleaner-burning, delivers flame that's
all btat and why it won't corrode the
metal parti of your equipment Enjoy
your oil cookttove to the utmoit
beMvvyou order "Pearl Oil" by aml
A ', S S ft? Raoa4
tothe principal catern
cities In rlTfct tu Sep
tcnibrrlS. Finalrctutn
limit Oi it)bw31,19:i.
Uv Skuaey by i...k
ine: that eastern trip
Zlon NaMonsI Park
National Park
mnr b nilf a, tult trip
t a mull xMnkmal tnt
For Imnt mmt lutthtr
pmrttoulmit, omll
J. W. llowk
lone, Oregon
Win, MeMiirniy
., r. A.
I'orllniil, Uncoil
It Grows Hair
or Your
Money Bach
Thousands o I
women are grow
ing nw hair and
putting an end to
a e a I p ailments
with the nw Van
Ess method of
treatment. Van
Et Liquid Scalp
Massage makes it
easy to give the
scalp proper ears and to hsve a
bend of abundant and glorious hair.
The rubber nipples on the patent
applicator feed the treatment di
rectly to the hair roots and at the
same time gently massage the scalp.
Aik us about our money back
90'daydtreatment plan. We five
you a positive guarantee. ,
The Colh se of Lltciatuie, Stlence
ami llie Art with 72 drpartmenls.
The provisional Sthooli of Archl
lecture and Allied Alia Uuslnesa
AdmlnUlrallon Education Oiad
ulc StiidjJoutnehsm Law
Medicine Mum I'hyeKhl Edu
ci. lUm Svvlolngv I; itrnslon,
For a rutafoV" or on) information
Witt Thf rVutrur, lrill'TSIV
OrvkVn, fukVn. Orvfun
The Wilt Ycat ()prm SrpiftsUrt 24. VM
The Angel ot Death
Arnifl Is Hie nmiiv of tup nnjri-l aim giitiril out the ilylni: nn.l ut
the iiiiiini-nt uf ili'iilli, fur whlrii he
vriitclira, sfnrntps the sul from tlie
hiMty, mvnnllnu to Ji'Wlnh and
ImuiiniMlMii triiilltlnns.
Wife, .4ple
A wlfr wlih u iiihiiI H'liinirllun rmit
pin la all rlylil, rxri'pt Hint she Is
forever ypiirnliiK to iilve you iiird pin.
New York IV
la often raud by an Innemed nndillon
of the mucous linln of the ICi' inl.len
Tube. When thla lule In InfUn i4 eu
have a rumbling sound ir In.ierlirt
Hearing. Unleee the ln(1 imatl"i iita
be rwlured, your hearing may tie l
etrnr4 fnrevur.
So what we claim for It rH your rvstom
of Catarrh or Lieafneaa eauei I l y
I Hold by all druggists t"r r at Teara.
1 r. J. Cheney eV Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
Attention Farmers
i Be Inconsiderate
j With Yourself
i When you come to know that your
Ifuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us..
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
Hef fieauiiful Eves
T. rT7l 'i I.LT1M
oiiica wiuiconm tu lev
her beautiful eyes! thcj are
blue as the dew
On the violets bloom when
i r t1 la. ne
. i , ' iiivoiviiuhkijihw.
And the Iiit of their bve is the learn of the sun
O'er the meadows of Spring where the quick
shadows run
As the morn shifts the mists and the clouds
pjjl SoIstandinflieincfhcrbauhTulcves.
rW7fMnd her beautiful ryes are as mid-day tome,
v(iL vx. wncn ine ui-Deu bends with the
weieht of me bee.
And the throat of the tlimsli na-nnlu tn ihohont
And the senses arc drugiH with mesubUeswcerk
Mnaaeiinous Dreams oi inpflirx m rahio
So I swoon in the noon of her beau tijul eyes.
her beautiful eyes' the have smitten
mine own
As a glory glanced down from the glare .
And Ircel. and Ifaltcr and fall, as afar
Fell the shepherds that looked on the mvsticalStaij
And yet dazed in the tidings that bade I
tnem arise '
5o I grope ; througji the night of her
utrauuiui eves
' A