The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 04, 1925, Image 3

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?mm meal
f-T - affords
Yx. benefit 01 well
JL m pleasure.
1 Healthful txcrclsa for tha ticih
and spur to digestion. A long
lasting refreshment, soothing to
Hivn and stomach.
V M II 1 I I a.
Tlt Oreat American
Sweetmeat, untouched .
bf hand, full of i
Bab rhitreuenndd.
Now York. Ilubo Hull), bastiball's
champion slUKicer of all time, pin
turesquo lilul nf youiliful millions nnJ
the highest aulurled player of the ma
jor Ikiikuor, IoWjw i i ir from til throne
Pal unlay.
Indefinite suspension and a flno of
IfiVOO, Imposed at fit. Louis by Mun
Mor Mlllnr HukkIu of the New York
Yankeea with a brief explanation that
Ruth had bwo guilty of "misconduct
off the fluid," wore tlm vehicles of the
diamond kinga descent.
Chicago Folk (waiter.
Chli-aga. Stifling heat lent Chlca
(oana to bvachea and other cool apota
Sunday for relief from temperature
run sine from 04 to 100 decree. The
official government thermometer reg
istered (0 degree while aoine district
unofficially reported a temperature of
10 degree.
' World'! Lsrgest Library.
The largest library In tho world la
the Ilibllothoquo Natlonale, Farls,
founded by l.oul XIV, It rontalna
l.uUO.OOO volumes, SoO.OuO pampblela,
lSU.Ouo manuscript, 300,000 mop
and rharta, 1,300,000 old prints and
eiixravliiKa, and nearly 110,000 medals
and rolna.
Elephant Pour Feet Tall.
A pyimy elephant, full grown but
only i feet, 8 Im hea high, baa arrived
In London from the African Congo,
It come from the aame aoctlon of
Africa where pygmy men, blpuu-
potaml and buffuloea exlat.
Jaault Martyr.
Father Isaac Joguea, the Trench
Jenult missionary, who la one of the
many holy peraona beatified during
the holy year In Home, was killed by
Mohawk Indlnna at Caughnawaga, N.
Y, October IS, ICtO.
Ibaan Voluntary Exile.
Ibsen, the Norwegian dramatist, aft
er falling to itlr up hie countrymen
by hla "A Brother In Need," to rally
to tho aid of Denmark, left Norway
In' voluntary exile, and remained
away until 1S91.
Developed Own Talent
Molasonler, the great French painter
of military subjects, waa practically
Belt taught, having received only very
meager Instruction from teachera. Ilia
"Itetreut From Moscow" waa told for
1170,000 In 1890.
Hand Power.
It has been estimated that It all the
, hand-ahuklng of the lust election could
be put to milking cowa, all the cows
of the nation would bo milked for a
week, (lood Hardware.
Of Spanish Origin,
Ranching la a term derived from
the Fpatilxh American word rancho,
originally meaning a place where
herdsmen cat and aloep, but gradually
extended to mean a grating furm,
Expansive Cup of Coffee.
The first cup of coffee, made In
France was drunk by Loula XIV about
280 yenrs ago. The price then was
about 2S a pound,
Brother Williams.
You'd hotter git through with de
hauseclcanln' In die llttlo old worP be
fo' you tackle de bigger problems of
de universe Atlanta Constitution.
Anolent Use of Figures-
When Roman numernls were used,
before the use of flguros, all figuring
was dono with the abacus.
You Want a Good Position
Very wall Take the Aecaiintsrmv ana
Rualneas Management, Private areUft
at, Calculator, Cemntemeter, lui
ahlo, I'enmanahla, w Caaamarelad. Taaoav
ara' Course at
Behnke- Walker
The foremost Bualnnas Cotlate of the
Northweat which hsa woo mer Accuracy
Award and Gold iterial than any ethar
' school la America. Sana' for our Buenos
' Catalo. Kourth Street (mar V'irrleaw,
t Portland, Or. Issao M. Walker,. Pre.
P. N,. , No. 3, 1825
When the street running past your
house or In front of your place of
business la to be paved you are In
terested In seeing that the material
chosen bus the advantage of provid
ing fur economy and satisfaction.
Your money will pay the Initial cost
and you will liuve to bear your share
of the maintenance and repair hills.
Time and truffle will test Hie quality
of the mnlerluls used and If they are
chosen wisely, with a view In economy
both In first cost and In the mainte
nance, you will find good muse for
Ity experience over a term of yeori
It hna been found that hard-surfaced
pavement meet all requirements. A
street thus Improved Is sure to give
satlnfucllon. Now first coat alone la
no good argument ; the cheapest sur
face may prove the most expensive In
the end. Iteasonnhla first cost with
proved durability under Irattlc and
changing weather conditions, and with
low maintenance charge as the yean
go by are the qualities that should
mnke up your first standard by which
to Judge. Other advantages aeldoin
con outweigh thl group that deter
mines directly the cost of the atreet
to the taxpayer, at the start and for
yrnre to come.
llnvlng paid for a paved atreet you
want to enjoy the Improvement with
out being called npon for taxe every
year In order that It may be repaired
or rebuilt. The original mat ahould
be the Inst except fur such Incldentnl
attention a may be needed. In cos
of necessity It should be posallde to
cut through the street snrfnre to
rench the underground "pipes and later
to restore the section to Its original
condition. With a pavement properly
built the C't of malntensnce Is Insig
nificant. While there are many In
stances where streets of (Ids type
have received no attention for several
yenra. once a yesr the paving should
he Inspected and the Joints tilled with
hliiiinlnnua material If need be. No
pstchlng la required, fr, once built,
hard pavement retains Its shape
through all season and carries loads
over bad smts In the supporting earth
below. If It ahould become necessary
to get at ple or conduit burled be
neath the pavement. It can be cot
thrmigh and repairs readily made so
that the pavement Is truly ninnnlltlilc
once more, and the patch enn be de
tected only with difficulty. This work
can be done by the regular city fnrcea
and require only a few almpi tool.
Michigan Gives Nation
Its Best Road Builders
Michigan university. In establishing
a chair of highway engineering; and
transport, la among the first of the
college of the country to approach
thl Important subject from the prac
ticable standpoint.
It eupplle a full atnff of Instructor.
library and prncllca! apparatus, to
which SO.txsj feet of floor space ll de
voted. To receive the mesler's degree, catt
dldutea mut hold a baccalaureate or
engineering degree from an approved
college, although provlelon Is made for
the reception of nontechnical students
of practical Hrlcnce or training,
who, however, are not eligible for a
Tho fact that Wk technical, men are
required yearly for the government
service alone, with the thousands of
engineer needed to build and car
for the I.Sikhkk) ndle of surfaced
highway of the t'nlted States, and
the additional thousands of mile of
city streets, make thl move on the
part of the university a timely one,
Kqtllpment of the course Include all
modern machinery for the preparation
of materials, testing apparatus, labora
tories for the analysis of surfacing nnd
road building constituents, abrasion
nnd Impact machines for proving the
finished work, and all necessary ap
pliance for modern road construction.
Eight month I the required term for
Trees on Highways
Tree adapted to their envlroni may
grow to a great age and nohlllty. and
In thl way highway planting will be
come a most Important task In the
matter of our rural landscapes. Thl
point to another Important matter
the designing and supervision of the
work. It la mutter of great Impor
tance, a mutter that requires great
knowledge of plant life a well a the
vision of the artist.
Roadside planting, the development
of atule reaervatlons, and rural park
are equal In Importance to city plant
ing and are far greater In scope and
vlolon than the latter. A period of
great cultural advancement I al
ways measured by the vision nnd the
outlook fur the future.
Missouri Going Ahead
Missouri I marching steadily forward
In the building of paved highway. The
state highway department awarded
contract for the construction of 67.8
mile of road to cost $874,71)5, making
a total of $I8,000,IHK) of road work con
trnrted for since Junuary 1, Missouri
I constructing a highway system that
will compare fuvornhly with that of
nny state In the union. The system
will cnnbl the furmer to market their
products more advantageously by mak
ing tli cities more accessible.
iifi ay Short scurf pak. to 1
Fnl' It uiotith after the salt wave
had laid at tils feet the cold
form of bis l.ove, came the new
that Herbert Muuson was the
posseKsor of a startling secret. He
bad, It whs slated, discovered, a
Purple Hay that would wither and de
stroy certain human cell of memory
without Injury or (lunger to neigh
boring cells. This rumor wa fol
lowed by the ailll more amazing re
port that Munson had erected the
Mansion of Korgetfulness, to which
all who would free their minds of a
hopeless pussloii might repair, and In
one brief hour, forget.
And, sure enough, here they came
those who loved not wisely, but too
well, those who loved deeply but
hopelessly, and those who loved the
dead and could endure the grief no
longer and the I'urple ltny "plucked
from the memory It rooted unuw"
and they went forth frmn the Man
sion of Korgetfulues unnntrrcd and
fnnry f ree.
' Tel be who showed others how to
forget would not himself forget. It
was agony to know that she was dead,
and bo would never ace her face
again, yet be shrank from forget ful
ness a the soul shrink from oblivion.
Try a be would, he could not drsg
himself from the haunted halls of
memory, though he remembered that
the world without was "wonderfully
fair, anil other women, perhaps a
lovely as she, were waiting there to
love and be loved. Not I,et others for
get, he would mdl Not that be lived
In hope, for bed he not kissed the
salt foam from her dead face? Hut
that memory was all that remained of
a l.ove who was no more.
He watched them come and go
watched the mnny, ah, too many, pil
grims arrive with sorrowful, love
baunted faces, but depart with uncon
cerned, carefree looks, and at times
he feared that hi philanthropy wss a
sacrilege. There seemed something un
holy In this sudden transmutation of
grief Into gladness thl swift throat
ing aside of their own free will to
forget a hopcles passion, and they
could now return whence they came
and love a join, more wisely If lea
Koine came, thinking to blot out
other memories than thnt of a hope-
leas love memories of sin and crime
but the I'urple May would not be
thwarted to such base purpose, and
they left, abashed and disappointed.
It wss In winter, when the snow
waa changed to crystal a It fell upon
the walla and cornice of the beautiful
marble edifice, or piled Itself In drifts
of sifted diamonds against the stained
glass windows, when a lady came
alone across the vales and entered the
broad gateway of the Mansion of For
Something in her manner perhaps
her agitated hesitation at the portal
moved the master to accost her.
-Kind friend," he said, "were It Hot
better to remember what you now aeek
to forget V As he poke he drew
closer jhout his face the cowl he wore
to conceal hi Identity from the merely
A elgh was the only Immediate
answer, as the pilgrim leaned wearily
against a maibl pillar. Then came
the low spokeu words;
"Perhaps I may only half forget. I
would remember, yet not remember
so acutely."
"No, you will wholly forget The
Purple ltny la ohllvlon Itself."
"Ah. welt, better I kill these pain
ful memories thun break my heart 1'
"Then, If It must be o, enter snd
"Show me the way snd let me go
quickly," was the plea of the veiled
lady. "I have come fur, and the wont
la only a few steps farther on."
"Come, then I" and the master led
the way to the room of the I'urple
An hour passed, when the door wn
opened and the veiled visitor came
forth nnd descended the broad stair
way. She moved quickly and lightly,
nnd nt the foot of the stairs she
laughed musically as she again met
the master.
"Have you forgottenr he exked.
"Forgotten! I know that I have for
gotten something, else why am I here.
yet I do not know what I have for
"So they all snyl"
A flush of roay light shone from a
slender window overhead, haloing the
pilgrim like a snlnt.
"How beautiful everything Is!" she
exclaimed. "Why do I wear this veil!
I will no longer!"
So saying, she loosened It, discing
lug a face young and exquisitely fair,
The man shrunk back as If pierced
by a bolt.
"My Clod, It Is her spirit!" he
"No, no!" protested the visitor.
sin not a spirit, and I feur I am too,
too human."
"Tou are Morellal" whispered the
mnn, staring before him like one peer
ing through Intense darkness.
"I ntn. Who pre you that you askl"
. "MorcllB I I thought you (lend I I
kissed you for dead and then the
waves swept tns away and I saw you
no more."
"Home fishermen once found me on
a snndy bench, where they sutd I had
fainted. Who are you?"
The tuun draw back bis cowl
Look!" There was no light of recog
nition In the other's eyes. "My Ood!
the Ruy ha blotted out all memory I"
"1'ruy tell m what you mean, and
let me go," came the passlonles words.
A groan was the only reply, and the
man hid hi far In his hands.
"You seem to know what t have for
gotten. Has It aught to do with you 7"
"O Morella, It were better that I
thought you dead than to know that
you have forgotten I Do you not recall
our betrothal? Bee. you have the ring
upon your I.nndl Does It not swaken
one recollection of other dayT
The girl guzed blankly at the ring
on her bund, snd shook her head.
Has the Itay blotted out every fair
memory! Have you returned to life
only to forget ! Try to think, dearest :
Do you not remember that day In
Naples when we pledged eternal love
for each other?"
I remember no betrothal." A deep
look of pity came Into the speaker'
eye when she saw the pain her words
had censed. "If remembrance I so
sad, why do you not also forget T
"My love!" he groaned, "you are
milking the world darker to me than
to dying eyes I Ton ask me to forget !
l'ou 1"
"Tou forget that I have forgotten."
The man groaned In utter anguish.
As she turned to go he stayed her
by It en.V.f to.i-Y "'.Vn!t W while
I, too, go and kill that memory I"
He dragged himself up the broad
stairway, looking buck once when he
bud reached the binding, then turned j
snd staggered toward tbe room
the I'urple Bay,
Indiana Didn't Intend
Selling Land Outright
"From the day that white men had
their first land dealings with Indians,"
says tbe Frontier, "it has been as
sumed that the aborigines sold their
land outright, and the various nego
tiations Into which the United States
entered with them for the transfer of
their lands by treaty or agreement,
until comparatively recent times, sre
no exception.
'As a matter of fact, Indian recog
nized neither Individual ownership of
land nor the tribal right of permanent
transfer. A man might put any un
occupied land to personal use, and
It waa bla by virtue only of such
usage; but If he once abandoned It
for any reason, or failed to cultivate
or otherwise use It, It reverted auto
matically to the tribe.
"We often hear of this or the other
tract of land having been 'purchased'
from Indians by the colonists for a
song. Noteworthy among these In
stances I the Island of Manhattan,
w worth untold billions, that wa
'bought by the Dutch aettler for a
handful of gew-gawa; but there la no
doubt that, a In numerous other
ciisc. tbe Manhattan Indian believed
that they were merely permitting the
white settlers to live- among them
snd that the trinkets were merely a
token of friendship."
Fir$t Aid for Wound t
Burnt paper bss been suggested ss
a quirk 11 nj easy sua clean reineny
for first aid to the Injured. Tbe first
principle In flrst sld to the Injured Is
to find a remedy quickly. A short
time sgo Sir James Csntlle caused
some astonishment by explaining that
a dressing of burned paper for
wounds was one of the cleanest and
easiest to use. This may seem an odd
sort of remedy, yet, after all, nothing
Is wore natural, for burned paper, al
though black, I clenn, since It has
been thoroughly purltled by Intense
beat. Many Instructors advocate this
In preference to a pocket handker.
chief, but providing the handkerchief
Is fresh from the liundry the inside
folds may be used with equal safety.
In the matter of drelng for wounds.
the golden rule Is to provide some
thing that has not come In contact
with genus or dirt
Lunch in Marble Fortit
On the roof of the cathedral of
Mllun Is a little buffet where one may
take luncheon or tea a unique case,
perhaps, of a restaurunt on the roof
of a church. It is s recent Innovation.
In the past there was only a small
kiosk where fruit and light drinks
were obtainable. Lately a more am
bitious undertaking was developed
There are now all varieties of food
stuffs. It Is the custom of the Mils
nose who cannot afford to leave the
city for their summer vacations, to
climb tbe Duomo for lunch nnd eat
In the forest of marble pinnacles and
flying buttresses. From the height of
shout 300 feet one can enjoy a view
of the city, the Lombard plain and the
Alps from Mount Vlso to the Artier.
Mario Borsa.
Which Limb?
Uncle Sol threw aside the letter he
was reading and uttered an exelumu
tlon of Impatience.
"Doggone I" be cried. "Why ennt
people be more explicit T
"What's the matter. ' pal" naked
Aunt Sue.
"This letter from home," Uncle Sol
answered, "says father fell out of the
apple tree and broke a limb." hreo-
lit News.
HUtorical Character
The nlckftume "Hob Hoy" was glv-
en to Robert Mucgrcgor, Scottish ad
venturer, who assumed the iiauui
Campbell In consequence of the pro
script Ion of his clan by tbe Scottish
purllument In 1002. He Is tbe Itohln
Hood of Scotland, and the hero of one
of Sir Wulter Scott's most popular
novels. He wus a partlsun of the
"Old Pretender" the son of Jumes II
during the Jucoblte rebellion In 1713,
Kansas City Star.
1 yJMX 1 MatXniJ
Portland, Oregon.
Belter Franklin Service-Storage and General Repairing
ANDERSON & RICE, TttfA Portland, Ore
Canadian Confederation.
Tbe first legislative stjp toward a
federal union of the provinces of Brit
ish North America was made by the
legislat'ire of Nova Scotia In 1861,
when a motion In favor of such a
union was adopted by tbe bouse of
assembly by unanimous vote. Six
years later confederation was an ac
complished fact, having been estab
lished by tbe four provinces of Nova
Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and
Ontario. Family Herald.
Alligators' Teeth.
Alligators In the rivers of Florida
arj ru, 'd'y decreasing In numbers, so,
to supply uuou;'i reptiles for market
ing, a breeding firm has been estab-
lnhed.The 'go'nrs are long-lived, sev-
eral buudrud years claimed for many
In captivity and many more years for
those In the wild state. When the rep
tile's teetb wear out a new set grows,
the average 'gator grinding down
twenty sets during Its lifetime.
Britain's Oldest Clock.
The oldest clock In Britain Is now
at the Museum of Patents at South
Kensington. It was made at Glaston
bury abbey by one of tbe monks In
132S, and In Elizabeth's reign was re
moved from Clastonbury to Wells ca
thedral. It worked there, until about
forty years ago, when It waa laid
aside to make room tor a new clock.
Menu of Alsskan Indiana.
Iter. Edward Hester, the Anglican
missionary In charge of All Saints'
church, Aklavik, In the delta of the
Mackenzie river, In a letter to "out
side" lays stress upon the quantity of
fish required to feed the Indian pupils
at the mission schools. "They have
fish and potatoes for breakfast, pota
toes and fish for dlqner and both for
supper," he declares. Saskatoon Star,
Value of Politeness.
School yourself to be oolite and
courteous under all circumstances
under trlinr circumstances. Polltav
ness hi one of tha strongest allies one
can have In dealing with hla fellow
men. Henry Clews.
Fledgling In Business.
A young business man always feels
very efficient If he can use six blank
forms to handle a 40-cent order. Du
luth Herald.
Enjoyment on Tour.
Tony "What sort of time Is Frank
having on his motor tour?" Jim-
Great! I've had two letters from
him one from a police station and
the other from a hospital." Good
Signifies Perfection.
Emeralds are precious stones but a
flawless one Is so rare that tbe ex
pression a "flawless emerald" signifies
unattainable perfection.
Earliest Known Sheep.
"Tho grandfather of all sheep," the
"Ovls poll," gets Its name from Its
discoverer, Marco Folo. It was not
until COO years after be discovered the
animal that his assertion that the ani
mal existed was substantiated.
Vital Question.
"I want a girl who will love me for
myself alone." "What do you mean by
that line of patter?" demanded the
damsel addressed. "That you are nev
er gonna spend any money on her?"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Richelieu's Five Poets.
Cardinal Richelieu, the great French
statesman, In his efforts to promote
French literature, gathered about him
a band of five poets, Corneille, Col
letet, Bolsrobodt, L'Etolle and Rotrou,
who composed tragedies on his plans.
Human Nature.
"Worry." said the Old Thllosopher,
"Is always popular, but Just let Joy
shout halloluja on the highway, and
you'll hear folks saying, "That chap
ought to lie low and keep his mouth
shut.' "Atlanta Constitution.
Pesslmlstle Utterance.
It Is while we are green that we
grow, but when we think wa are get
ting ripe, we are getting pretty rotten.
Elbert Hubbard.
Household Hint.
To mend a hole In granltownre or
tin pans mix putty with' Unseed oil
until soft and apply It on the outside
of tho nolo.
Complete Chingi Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee" )c;
Eveninirs, 36c. Continoua 1 to U
p. m. Children 10 cenU all times
dark Brea., Florist. Ill Vorrtsea "t
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair,
Tallow, Cascara Bark
Horse Hair. ,
Send o ytmt shipment. W mail yon chrk
Um hm day w rwceivt trooda.
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
tie ssies mast rsith, rssiuaa, son.
WHY Experiment!
Yani In artual prattle la Portland
M Hpinuluclit pacisliiinv in rheu
matics' Muralirla, oauritia and alt
Hfwd waakiwaww. If help yvu
want, amli Ihm oktart In ita work.
Geo. S. Breitling, D. C
(US Broadway BMr. Portland. Orrfon
Sava thii Cant.
Put "Pep" Into Worker.
A freak story from the Franco
American excavations at ancient
Carthage brings also an Interesting
lesson In the psychology of labor. The
workmen, like all Africans and most
other people, were lazy and shirked
the Job. So the excavators put In mov
ing pictures of the work In progress.
Every digger worked like mad, and
there was a rush. of unpaid volunteers,
all digging to get Into the pictures.
Tit Bit.
Of Wartime Origin. .
The term 'Anzac," as applied to the
colonial soldiers of Great Britain dur
ing the World war, Is fon.ied train the
Initial letters of the words "Australian
and New Zealand Army Corps." Tb
phrase was used by General Blrdwood
In a telegram dispatched from the G al
ii poll peninsula. Some have aought to
Interpret It as being composed of the
1 lnltlal letters of the British colonies-
Australia. New Zealand, Africa and
: Canada.
Early Glass Making.
Glass is said to have been brought
to England in the year 674 A. D. by
Benedict Blscop, but the first glass
. factory in England was established at
Crutched-Fiiars In tbe year 1557.
mirror was first made in England at
Lambeth, London, by Venetian artists
under tbe patronage of the duke of
Buckingham In the yealC73.
Teeth Are Legal Tender.
Bits of walrujk ivory, whalebone,
sealskin, fox, fawn and reindeer skin,
walrus teeth, sinew for sewing a
bead and a kid boot are legal tender '
in northern Alaska. Tbe walrus
tooth Is valued at 8 cents, the fox
at 11 rents, the whalebone at '
cent, and so on down the list. Red
CroBS Courier.
Midsummer Eve Customs.
In France, Midsummer eve la spok
en of as the Eve of the Nativity of
Saint John Baptist, and In Brittany
from every hilltop a beacon light
glows. These are known as the Fires
of Saint John.
Amen to That I
In an Imperfect world you must
meet some fools. Fray that they may
not be behind steering wheels. I)u
luth Herald.
Engagement Ring I Gift.
Louis Peterson, applied at a San
Francisco police court for a warrant
for the arrest of a former fiancee who
would not return her engagement ring.
The magistrate denied tbe request on
the ground that an engagement ring
Is a gift and not a trust.
New Fluff Rugs
Mad From Old Carpets "Wear Like
Deal Dtrart with tha Manufactunr. Abaoliila
Satisfaction Uuaranlcml. Band la Your Ma
terial or Writ (or CricM.
64 -M Union Annua Nor. Portland. Oregon
If taltan in tlm. prmnt oner
atlona fur, Catarrh,
AaUima t.ima. Throat, l.lvar,
KUntr. Khaumatlm, Illuud,
Hlianacn and automata dia-
: onlara. Bladder Troobloa.
The C. CeaWo Ramadltt ara
harmleu, M no drua of Mum
ara uard. Comnoard of tha
cholMit medicinal roota, harba,
L.I. MnA kark lmnnrtl bv MA
V f trim far taiay ortantal WW
1 all St a.,,.1 CD or WrtU tor Infurev
C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
Naw Uadkin-aSJH Alder Sf., 8. W. Cor. ThW.
Portland, On. KstaUiahad 23 Yaarala Portland