; ' 10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1925 NUMBER 14 VOLUME XIV NEAR EAST RELIEF Portland, Ore. Sep . 1 1025 lU-v, W. W. Head, lono, Otegon. Deaa Bro. Ilea l : I Mm nM LOOK' WK LI. AT l it'1, WEIL Typhoid lever u i.preud b human fxcreta and it has been Well said that for every death from tcir disease some one should be Ininy. Water from walls ompriniis or l renin which drain territory contaminated by human beings U one th'J niotft fertile sonrces of to tell you that Mrs. W. E. Uam-1 the disease; and Hie mi.k wpp.j bo in euminy lo Morrow Cs.ur.ty it easily cunUnmiuted. Care h for a week or m re and will puns Vwph; and tho foods under their throuKh lone on the afternron touch pasn Hon thin vicious train nn Krida. ' Kerm- l" ll"lol' I",,"IUH- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Horn to" Mr. "and Mrs. Elmer Griffith, September 1, a ttn pound baby boy. Motherand child doing well. Harvey Wtdtaker and Herbert Deal, college friends of Wendell Ualhitfer, are vmitinu at the Bal stiver home thia week. Mr, Deal h leaving this Saturday but Mr. Wiitaker will remain few daji iongsr. t ....... - t I..., Whi-n vuu eat or drink ti lnoit I Utli 1UU Uny H iiuw r v.jvi.mm - - - viic niiic inn " ,v " about her. 1 u.ijht fay eh- hns K01 nn, your onteetive .pparams u eut Hnort fcnrf hia eara cut ..,., . lifailina rn nii-Hi.-t iry "ends them into your intestinal . p, t to Ein.er . i u . fu.:-t where thev commence 10 un o'pnaiiHKB woih. vii-n --- -tri.V. Mm. Il-mbo went to iiijia play thd miach.idf. In the walls ol M (....!. try of tbeChrmtii.u the Intestine are structure. Cn,.in m.Minitut there thrown which have to do wih the b.et lh- u..h..c famines of the late ive processes - little spot which W. S'-e ani H.oti.er Uambi es ave been urrned I'eyeu g I utcl.es. edthe vast orpl.kt.air- which When the tvph.md ban.ilus Ret r Mill bHtig i-otniuclfl at Im into the netRhborhoond 6f those in,,).. l!,r tons were born there. 5 patchea they start an u.fia.na ;.iat i..i iin.u i lion iii iliem. a, a mescal roifai..ary. to tl,i Tin Ptchea become red and c:totio shades of Gooseberry andj apot where he wa bo n. to ft.J t.n pule anp gray as the ...f.a- j, ,.nj!jyinK a brief vacation at t,nw ul.;I r,.,,.! i..t i are mmwi - caui,ami on wie uoiuuiui ""v ".' .. .. in... ..... !,.u,l I ... !.. ..'I I (in. iUC IIDBIC .IVW. ... - . Ciilfilh. M'. S. Acherman btves Saturday eveninir of this week for hie home in St Louis, Mo. He will be accompanied as far as Arlington by Mr, Jos. W.fcHowl'. At Ariingion Mr. Ackerman wi'l take the train for old Missouri. Young Dame' Head has left the t . i a w a now the leaders in a I goon '.ni.igs " , ine evening nervicB i me in that commtn.iiy. Mrs. Kambo f'""1'' 8!oUh9 or r,'U Cjngregalioual church next Sun ctaved in India bki'mI doctor , '"-v n Vlr W'iere ,hwlfC" day evening will be devoted to . i ..... 1 WUll Thi ulcer mas uo so deep ... KV ... tchcr ftndthtn the bad P-rforate the muBCh wa.t lhe eVennr wi be Mrs. !..,,! uun i liM luiritfiiiriiin anil If ... u r :.. ,: nl ....... ..... . y. D Ivamoo luriner iiiiooiuu ;a !. ....t. n.atnlilLfiM - Htalth Again To t fell wlth b ipnt bli bMlth, And than with mlht tat main !! turntd around and aptnt bli wwlth To gt bli baaltb aala. At Latt t Auto Demonstrator (who hm tried for three hours to fell the car) Now I'll tlirow in the clutch. i Uncle Kben-ri! take hr then. I knew If I hld off long enough I would let aomethlnf free. "Marry me, I can't live without fool" ,' "But I refused yoa only a weeH 180 V "Oh, was that your Alleviation Bote What I Another raise) Not six tnontlia ago I gave you raise to get married on. Employee Tea, sir, but I want this ne for a dWorce. I , ' i , ; Bit fnf Humorous IT FOG-BOUND Boit on Outing "We miiat nause." remarked the oro- fvaaor, climbing out of the auto. I "Ywi tenr." aened till alfe. "f heard the tire puncture." American l-fjlon Weekly. A Ixndoner had occasion to visit Uunib'e to see a Scotaroan on business. During the whole of the time he was there a heavy mist prevailed. On his return his wife asked him what the Bcotitiuan was like. "To tell you the truth." he replied. "I couldn't see whether be was a tall man with a beard or a short man with a sporran." Tit Bits. Ordtr un. on it fire to come. Fuur years o they asked to be sent to the vh'Ie there they waked both literally and spiritual'y in the atej s of the great apostle I'aul, At the risk of ';r own l!.ve, they hiotinht hu lieds of chil dren out of Turkey through the ""port if Jlersci," from which port I'aul of;eu tVed, Again rsking their live, they helped rescue thousand of of children trandeh on the 'J ock Add to a I this this th? fa. t that Mrs. Kamboisa nto"' i h quent peak r and rne of I' ! fniett Christ ian womm jou :nr knew and you will lave to ie idea of the that wid be vour. i:i heariug her. Cordially you-, .1. J Handsaker Northwest K 1 1 -i.al Director. Thm Cos : -(r A wife Is a icrr.o ("inf.irt duiing all Ihoae troubles "'.leb a lmehelr nvr h. "liimii llniril it uoe ; th tuiih that n eintot.ne ) iney S i '"Ij, er0 P0(pp',ci.,, of p.-tS Near Last iind . ., ia may joiiuw. ioi vi "v leakageo' tile inteMt.nal contents out into the free spaces between a y of the Christian church n In dia ana now with the Near East Kelief. Last Sulurday Mis? Arlne Bal- uui iiuu me i r""" . ,. . the organ- of the ahdoman. but "iK'er went to Hoqu.am where tturemay Iwdaua-ioushem -rrh- e"""u "ie1"' r agesaswdl. it is muaby a laial Big red balloons at Bnsrow . . .i . .. Lt l,un tli. L.linn'a afar t pay lor uia am-i-i nun, Wvmu.'u ..w.. iteh becomes a hole. i All tne leacnera are oere anu Before you goto the country, gdtoi starts off w 141 a bang next gel a typhoid vaccination dene by'fuesday ii,.iir l!iu-li Sum renu'rea r . f:i. c:..i ,o jvui ..wvi.. w . i.onaressuian ick oiiiiiuii. ib 1 it of alibis soidieis, While you j)ne tfd paid The injpcj j o.i.-nfnlv eor.giiler SUUT . .n I aorieicaii. milk supply and before tasting Hie wutr be suspicions Look. VVrifer One Pickpoc! et , Oeorge Harrington, ftie UtglluB writer, was at one time a plekiweket, - .MH.IU.H.H ta Atiiiti-iilla In ebow8 thst the Slate Board 01 jj; m, mnty notable crime was rob. UnthinkabU Mrs. Scales Sclentlata any tbat we really laugh and grow fat. Mrs. Dlete Of course I No one would grow fat and laugh I Depreciated Value Mistress Jane, that's a $200 vase you've just smashed. Muld Taln't worth that now, mum Mind-Reader He Know anything about India . I flm I "vllil la the word you want 1 solved that one last nignt. On Leave "Madam, could yoa gimme a piece of pier "What are your "I'm a aallor." "Then why ain't yoa at work on a shlpr "Ain't yoa heard of that ten-year navnl holiday T HEA1 BER. REPORT FOR AUGUST ' No. of clear Ji.j - 21 No. partly cloudy. 4 No. of cloudy daj -3 There were Ihuuder storms on the Maid 2 id Tne riiiectinti cf the prevbii'ng wind v. us wtft. The total peculation wesO.15 TCtal pruipit.di'jn since S--pt'int;erlst. 11124 was -.. 1 6 'Tolal precipitation for th "orr spon'',irg period or.e yeyr ago; - S39 H. F. Hart' on (.(.& rerntive ')b'rvt r Morgan Station Short Houre "Why did Fisher's business go to the d"gsr "He thought too much of bis per- sontil appearance." "Dreiaed too extravagantlyr "No. II neglected bis business while waiting his turn In the barber ahnpa." PROMISES THAT MUCH Life Calls to Life A miin can keep himself H tmirl to himself. Kmerson ssys. In on- if his eosnya. "We rvfime aympiilliy 'ind Intlmnry with people as If we w.;;ir I for smue better aymputhy and lull mscy to come. I!ut whemr nnd when? Tomorrow will be like l" l) Life wastes Itself while we are pro paring to live." Ancient Creek Samton Antaeua wss a mythical Greek riant, who waa Invincible so long as he re mained In contact with bis mother, the earth. He compelled arrangers to wrestle with him, and built a home of their skulls. ,1- amveu mui one ia mgin. ..ii.,ii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllMIIHIIIHllimi ollllllll II P- E!IU!iilllIIIIIII!lllIIllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"",","," H ROlind-Up I INDEPENDENT JOB PRINT- iio PrndletOtL. Ore September ISwvi !6toi9 "-2! v . 101c -GOOD Work and REASONABLE Pricc$ h araund at the tourist camp lor a fioMte of insuection wh.ch 11. i.-- ;,,.ui.iullihrt iireiiiiea : bins Frtni-e Orloff of a snuT box an I analyzed tne w teraud tou n ; ; them safe. Oer 3'W Oregon camps already bear H is sign. If n doubt look fot the eertifu jtc. Oregon Tiih-rculos s Assoc! nr A HARDEST YOUR DOLLARS FASTER - HElcE'S THE WAY TO DO IT $$ ' YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD faster to harvest your dollars faster make your money go fanher win the auccess that should be youis. Here's one way to doit. a way that gets results. Handle your fund pay all bills by check, and always sign with Ink. Check save lime and money. Give you an accurate record of your funds. Make your income go fart' er by regula Ing your money outgo. A checking account help you maintain a budget which I the sens! bte way to handle your financial affair. In these and other ways, vour checking account actually makes vour money go farther, helps you get far more from your Income than you've ever' enjoyed before Makes it possible for you to spend your money more profitably. t , , ' Ask us to tell you about this. You'll find It very much worth while. Come in today. They Die of Old Age The shortage of ap-tn-dule it"Ctnr In the rural dlstrlrts Is aiild lo be so eerloue thst people living Ihere almost never have their tnnsiia lasen out un less If la necessary. tilt. Whale Had Lived Long A whale caught off the shores of Oreenlsnd not lung sgo had In Its body the head of an old harpoon, wtiloh experts estimate must have been there tr SO years at least. Hobby Worth While Life will frequently languish, even In the hsnda of the busy. If they have not some employment subsidiary to that which forms their muln pursuit. Exchsnge. W.rld'e Champion ship Contest -tt mot roeli.tic Ins pMl'iw of the turrtas fntfttier aayi tvw sUead. Don't Fall to Ces It Larc-. more spectacular, brilliant and thrilling than ever before I Round Trip Fare $5.20 for train WI" mfuS furMW fMIKUKVI, CtJI 1, W, MllWK, Agent, lONK, OllKUUX WM, MeMtHMAV C. P. A. I'nrtliiml. r-i!on 3 mill II.! t si! SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN TESTED COWS PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT -To reduce the cost of living use more milk and cream YOUK satisfaction,. OUR success. C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. PARENTS AND SCHOOL CHILCRLN il ATTENTION! 1 All Primers, Readers, Civil Government, Geogradhy s SMace and Gordy histories a . e displaced with new books & S The method of exchange permits of exchange only s 1 'Science tor Service" m lof books of like number as a first reader for a first readt r g S Books mnst be sola tor casn anu i whhui ou.u v (sell them on charge account. Please do not send children S for books without the cash. S. 'l'hrotiKh the Experi -t Matlon, the Kxtensloii Hervlce lUwIilent I nut met Inn S-KJV. Bank of lone Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 IONE OREGON Oregon Agricultural College j Serves the Farms the Homes and Industries of Ore. It olfers a college ediu-ittlun In Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Forestry, Home Economias, M'.nes, Pharmacy, Vocational Education, Chemical Engineering, Military Science and Tactics TlwHvhool ol IUHI0 A UTS AND SCIKNCICS provides the foiiu tlatlon tor all technlenl course. The trnltilnij lncliid"S IMtyaleat 4 Kdnratlon, Industrial Jmirnnllsm, Hih-IiiI Helenees. n ml Mnale Fall Term Begins September 21, 1925 ' For Illustrated l.ooklels and -.peclnc Information, write to The UKQISTUAU, Oregon Aarleultuml College, Corvallls, Ore. BERT MASON film iiiiiiiiiiiiiii IllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!