The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 21, 1925, Image 1

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    - 0" - fW'"'
!- w- ... uff'Ji Jit I
Off ft Oft
I.' i
r 5
IPVI? Cllf.''l A f IQ I' IKI I'AllfM
- Lib II UUIAIilOl lil IUI11 I
ur, wiaraeoi mo itiarKe-airam
' Optical Co,-32Gl Washington
Si. pet, Portland, Oregon, wi.lde
In lone at .the lone Hotel parlor,
from 5:00 P. M. Tuesday. An
gu.t 25th cotil 4:00 P, M. ,Wcd
nesday, August? 2Gth.
Those having eye.ticuble
should see him. Examlnaticnfree.
Better Keep Mum
3. I). It. wrltei: "Horn m nhoiild
Irnrn a li-ion from ilia fool I in
tmmqiilto who often feti alnmmrd for
ti'llltif whit ha li going to Jn." Due
ton Tranaerlpt.
OWrrW "Chapel"
The word chapel cornea from rtpa,
m'iin!nu a lwt It orlilnully tu p
piled tu iheat Id whti b tlx rellca of
aa.ul er dcpoalted.
Coal Mined in Sewer
Coal dlfe-uverrd while www wit
being dm In CoimilirlitK. Kngland, It
now living mined it the nit of tta
ton a day.
To all crtndpal
alre Com
on aale daily
to Sept. 15
inal return
Ijnit Oct. 31'
I -fh-l itnpnvOT
p. mii I'M m
'V.,Y thatalki
1 -bmck iatf .
n sir whil the
(am are low
lm famalwte
arl .
l itlooal hrk
A-k for hw boot Wt,
c ropttv at Ihtm
J.W.IIcwk AKt.
lone, (tit-Kon
.11. Me Murra
O P A.
I'lirilanil, Ore.
YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD faster toharvest
yon- dollars faster " make your money go
fartlier win th success that sht uld he yoms.
Here's one way 'to do it -v way that gets results.
Handle your fundi " pay all bills by check, and always
sign wl h ink. Checks save time and money. Cive you
an accurate record of your funds. Makes' your income
go fart, er by regula ing your money ou'go. A checking
account helps you main aln a budti t which is the sensi
ble way to handle your financial affairs. '
In these and other ways, your checking account actually
mnkes vour money go farther, helps you get fnr more
from your income than you've ever tnjoyed before
Makes it possible for you to spend your money more
profitably. " - ,
Ask us to tell you about this. You'll find it very much
worth while, Come In today.
'. $$
Bank of lone
Capital and Surplus $35,000.00
;' ' IONE OREGON ... ' r
The.' houuchold good of Supt.
J, CI f ton Tucker were shipped to
Cciuille this week by Mr. Troge.
Mr. Tucker has been elected Supt
of Schools at Coquille which it
the County seat of Coos County
ant) has a population of about
1700. We nil join in wishing the
best of everything forMr.Tucker
and hi charming family. ,
its the Talk of the town!
That mill in Ltullard' window.
l)r. Cld"- R Walker has n
lurneii from hU vacation.
"George Ritchie and family
went to Maupin Wednesday of
this week. Mr. Ritchie returned
lonelhursduv, traveling over
the Oregon California highway
and ir aking i i ief stop at Water,
Mrs. Ritchie and tha children
will remain at Maupin for ten
days or so visiting with relatm s.
W. E. tfullard and family went
to Hood River this week; Mr.
Ballard going on to Portland.
School opens on the eighth of
Seutember and on the same
date giant schoolbook tkes an
other fall out of Dad's pocket
Thilt liy mi onlr duly iiiihIh am)
etiti-rvil 011 tlM tlilrtl.'lh day ol July
l!3, In till' Jiixllit 111 r t fur lliv
Third KlNlrkt of Slurrow Cu.mlJ,
(irvKon.SolU-p U licrvliy glvwi that
oil Hit) Ittb iliiy ol AugiiKl ia.'.i. at
wlutt U kuowuua tin) K. A. l.mul. ll
fiirm.liM'iilO'l J.iiilU-a uuitb of lm',
On jjuu.ut ilu linur of M IV M , of
iliiy. tin- IuIIowIiik ili-HmrllN'd
mtruy nnlinnl will Im aold at pulillc '
Atu'iloii ti tli lilKli't I'IIiUt forj
rai-li , U vt It ou lirowu iiiul.-, Iirnnil
l Xt cit riKit lili; to antUly tliu
(IniiliiKiHi. C1.11I ami ltn-illl ol Mtlil .
HtiliilHl.JiiklW Uva, eonbi ot ilvr-
UmIiiK eul nnJ other ciwta n-Kiiliir-
ly IiiimIv lli-rvlll UlilclU In-tore nurli
11 In tiu o Her el nalil twtra.r uiilninl
iiipenr Hiid pro ownemhlii or
rljjlit to anUI 'anliiinl, uml my thv
ilainiiK niid nlli-onlii fiifinliil lu-re
to. ' ' ,' .,
! A. Nsmom
lene. On-aon."
Mr. C. C. Sargent had the
misfortune to have his combine
overturned on the highway one
day this week Ashe was driv
ing; paat tne Eubanks farm, the
mules became (lightened at a
panning train and turning around
in the road, upit the machine
We understand the damage was
not very great. ,
One of the teachers has arriv
ed and has taken up her residence
in the Kincade house, t
Rev. Clark Smith of The Duller,
field worker for the American
Sunday School Union paid The
Independent s frinndly call. He
reports a very pleasant vacation
and shu tribe of Smith flourish
ing like a greeg hay tree. ! V
The edict has gone forth I hat
never, never mure may letters
be1 mailed on the train, this edict
we understand, emanates rum
from high poatal authorities at d
partakes of the nature of the
laws of the Medea and the Per
sians in that italtereth not. Selth
Quoth ahe raven, nevermore.
'Science tor Service":!
TliroiiKh the Kxpcrlinci t M.-iHoti, tin- KxtrtiHlun Service -li
lid KckIiIiiii I hi. 1 1 ut'iiuu .
j Oregon Agricultural College
S Serves the Farms t!ie Homes and Industries of Ore. ?
S It old-M n college education In r
S Agriculture, Ccr.mcrce, Engineering, Porestry,
e Home Ecoromiaf. Mines. Pharmacy. V'oca'lonal 2
S Education, Chcmi.-al Engineering, Military Sci .nee
rr and Tactics
E The MuhA ol BASIC! AKT.H A.I 8 lK.NCKH iiovl,l.-a tiie fouu
p dntlou for nil teclinlcnl cotireea. The trnlnlnit IiicIihUm ftiyalcal
S KilitcHtlon, IndiiKtrlal Jnuriinllaiii. Sm-lnl S. .-n-i'. mi l MiinIc,
M Fall Term Begins September 21, 1925
S For llliiHtrnted tokhta and aieclllc iliforiiiHtlnn. write to
The IlKIJlSTHAIt, Oregon Agricultural College CorvnllU, Ore.
Piano Bargain in IvNE
Piauo for sa e in the vicinity of
I lone. Beautiful high grade piano
must be sold at once. Large si v
ing yndd terms $10 00 montoly to
responsible party. . For partic
ulars write to the Cline Music
Co , 06 Front Street. Portland",
Oiegon, ( ;
That by an order duly 1iun.. mid
entered on the thirtieth diiy -f July
I-.'B lit the JtiHtUecoiirt forth- Third
Dlatrlct of Morrow County. ' rea-ou,
tuitlte la hi-rcliy rI vi-n llml n the
22nd dny of AilKiiat. Illift, nt v tint la
known na the l rndla-rg pliice,
located 7 liillea Hiiullieimt of lone,
Oregon,- nt the hour of 2 ; I', M.
of aald day, the following ili-crlbed
etray nnlinnl will lie aold lollu
hlKheat lildd. rtof ciwli to wit one
bay mare branded quartered leoien
Miiiinro ) on tlw left ihotihler to
antUfy the diunngiti coat and keep.
tiiK of aald aiililinKJiiHtli-e fi ca, coat
of ndverllaluii Hiile, mill otker coata
rejtftlnrly nmde herein niih-aM iM-frre
aiii-h ulu the owtu-r of aald CHtrn.v
nnlinnl appear aud proven owner
ahlp'or right to aald nnlinnl and liny
the diimngea aud nil coaU herein
Fred UityniunJ
loilo' Oregou
OriVn of "A No. 1"
Ho fur ti known, tlili orlginited In
the clBHulll'-iillon of wooden ihlpi by
Llovd'i. the Knullxli Inaurinre mkkIi-
tlm. According to their cimiiBcatiin,
A 1 or A No. 1 Indicated that the equip
ment ind ihlp were In flnt-clau eoudi
tlon. '
Lather CandUi
Muke i tliklt, dry lathih- on the
biDili wltb a good white map. Boll
the fille between the patmi untU
routed with lather, ben dry tbe
eanillei wUI born with a iteady, evaa
111 me and will not drip.
Childhood Memory
Oiilda, the pen nime of the well
known EnglUh norellvt. Loulie de la
Rumee, luthor of "Under Two Flaga,"
la aald to hare been her.own eblldlib
pronunciation of ber Brat name, Lou
Ua, or Louliie. . -
Rhode Scholarehipt
The Ithodea' K-liolarihiii were pro
vided for In the will of the lite Cecil
Hhodca. Their ohject ii to maintain
a certain number of Brltiah, American
and Oermnn itudenti it the t'Dlvertlty
of Oxford. -
Elevator Paitenger
' The eleratori of New York city, It
It eatlmated. carry more than 9,000
OHO pa mien i;e ra dally. Thla la aald to
be larger thao the number of rldt-n
on itreet ralfwiyi, lubwiyi and elec
tric lloea. ' "
"Room With Radiol
F. Plill!ii, London Inventor, hn
perfected a device by which a radio
loud ieker ran lie Inntnlled In every
room of a hotel and ran he turned on
or off like an electric light.
-Notice U hereby given thtttte
undersigned has filed hi lit-a1
account as administrator cf h
estate of L?wis Henry Carper tc,
deceased and that the Cturtj
Court of the State of Oregon Un
Morrow County liasiuipoited Tutf
day, the 8th day of September,
1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day. a) the
time, and the County Court ocm
in the Court house at iiep'prer,
Oregon, as the place, of hta-ing
and atttlement of said final ac
couht. 'Objectiops to Paid final
account must be filed onor before
taiJ date. ; - , 4
Glen E. Carpenter
Administrator.' t
A I tiuir hIi-1 ll.a .Vatiina mril i ltl-
"Wrulii hum". Thm fw.d alciutl l-i v
the family.
Harold Dell
li.lPMt and bnt tnry."A $n vt II li
L-.,ik...r" hiindrrd thouitand funv
wd-Au thu nth in Mtr
tiuh'tc thin. llrpieoMhein t .ronctpv
Sept., 1925. chapter H23 of the
laws of 1925, rf gulating the ad
mtmant of motor vehicle lights
Igoes into effect' at)d, inasmuch
as the law asfumes that all motor
vehicles within the stale will have
b.'en provided with approved
lightiug equipment, propetlytid
justed oddordintf to lesaj atand
ard, enforchment fo the provis
ions of the law will begin upon
that date by the tiafic division
of the deparment of tee "cretary
of state,
No lighting stationjesn legally
adjust lights until it has on dis
piay, in a soJsicuous slace, a cts
tificate of authorization issued by
the Sf cretary of.State and no me
chanic can legally adjust hghts
until he has ben ixamined and li
cersed to to do, and hisceitifi
of authorfzation mni-t Sulsr be
made available on demand. To
drte 44 light adjusting statiui s
have been approved throughout
the state and licenses have bern
issued to 116 qualified adjusters.
A high grade pian" near lone
will be sold to a reliable pariy at
a big saving. $10 monthly will
handle. A 8 MAP Write at onrc to
Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore.
-GOOD Work and REASONABLE Prices
. . To reduce the ccst of living
use more milk and cream '
YOUK satisfaction, OUR success.
C C. Sargent, Proprietor.
m i -
I All Primers, Readers, Civil Government, Geogradhy,
; Mace and Gordy histories a e displaced with new books-
' The method of exchange permits of exchange only
lof books of like number as a first reader for a first reader, s
1 Books mnst be sold for cash and I cannot afford t j f
i sell them on charge account.
: for books without the cash.
The old mtgneto type of head
lights will uot meet with nhe re
puirements of the law ai d all
odpera'.ing ander this type of illu
mination must be reepuipped
with acetylene tr electric systems
before they can opperate cu the
public highways on anp alter
The change can be made at a uom
inal cost.
. A maximum cnarge of 75 cenrs
is aiiovvcp tor light adjust
ing Service, exclusive of equip
ment to conform to legal require
ments. . ". "-'- ' 7 "
' - ' . r fU
Secretary of State
"He! a cold pmpoettloo a regular
"Hww'a thitr
"(Jot hit hurt In hit brad."
: i
Please do not send children ?
t re
' !..'.