! 2 . ' 'J: T THE IONE INDEPENDENT PubtlihcU . V'. UHAli e.vay Friday by litllUt-Publhber SUBM KIH10N; Un year... ,..$1.6(i Six monthi 76 I Dim months. .....60 t rd a tecum! cis matter at Uk poi.Ufflr at lore, Orvgon, under td f M11-. Ii 3. 1ST9 Friday, August 14, 1925 Hope springs eurnal in the human breas; Man never Is but always to b blessed. ThoiK S Cmipbell Sculptors ok Life Chisel in hand stood the sculpt r bov, With a marble block befoie hin , And his face lit up with a sni't of joy Al an angel dream parsed o'er him , Sculptors of life are we, as w stand With our lives uncarved before us Waiting the hour when at Goa's command Our life dream passes o'er us. Let us carve it then on the yield ing stone With many a sharp incision. Its heavenly beauty shall be our own Our lives that angel vision. Unknown SCHOOL TEXTS to Our state school officials art in a muddle over school book adop tions.Only one thing appears be clear at this time and that th public will pay more for texts Mr. Ultiamte Consumer will gel another jolt on the solar p'exus He always does. In the general discussion ol this subject in the press, it seems to de assumed that if bids cculd be legally called for at this time as seems precluded under tin law, there woulJ be genirne com petition among bonk publisher and the price broufht within th limits of the public interest Bat thison.y indicates ignomnci of the actual text book situation ine reaiiy cmpeuuve Didder u as extinct as the dodo. Value for v ue, the bids will le identical. Nor is this all. The publishers not only have a gentlmen's under standing as to whole sale and re tailprices but as to the ma g allowed to dealers and this mai gin is so narrow us to itave iht book handlers the merest shad ow of a profit. The publishers not only soak the pnblic but hoi.' the entire procefds of the graft. Some commonwealths have al reaiy been force 1 into state pub licition of texts andj others will finally be compelled tofollow, FAMOUS FORTS IN U. S. HISTORY B7 ELMO SCOTT WATSON Where Our Flag Firt Faced an Enemy On the morning ot August 3, 1777, an army of 1,700 British, TorlM anil In dlMiia led by Oku. Hurry St. Ugw, ap peared before a llttl pallaimul airue ture known as Fort Schuyler, which utood on the present alte of lloiue, N. Y and which a garrisoned by a mall force of American, conimauileil bv Col. Teter Gansevoort ana toi. Murlmis Wlllet. Ai the enemy drew neur, they mw flying above the fort a utrnnge Aug, red and while atrlpea with 13 start on a blue neia. Having heard that rongreaa bad adopted tlits form of emblem, the gar rison Imd made 111 own nitg m whit t'rles from a ioldlera alilrt, the red ones from the pettlcont of one of the women In the fort and the blue field from ait old cloak worn by one of the officers. Thus for the ltit time In history the Slurs and Stripes flout. ed In the fnce of an enemy, and lt appearance was a historic occasion. If St. l.fgT succeeded in liming me fort, he could proceed uown mc .Mo hawk valley without opposition. Join forces with (icneral lturgoyne at Ai bnny and together the two gvncmN would march on New York and ml the Uevoluthm by cutting on us -head." New England, from the other colonies. For more thnn two weeks the British leader laid siege u ine fort. Then came the fierce little but tle of Orlsknny where old "Ilonlkol" Herkimer, who was marching to Fort Schuyler's relief, won his costly vie torv. aided by a brilliant aortic led by Colonel Wlllet, over St. l.. g t'. motley army. When the demontllxed enemy forces retreated, the crui'.e lit tle banner cat ill flew above the fort, ml below It hung five British fh'K. Fort Schuyler la also kii"rn by Its mrller name. Fort Sluirwix. In honor of lien. John Siunwix who b;iot It In 17W. In 17US It was the scene of Sir William Johnson's famous treaty wlih the Iroqunhi by which he gained for the F.mrllsh king the title to much f what Is now New York, IVunnyktin a West Virginia and Kentucky. A short time liner the fort whs destroyed, and vlicn It was rebuilt In li. j mimed Fort Schuyler In honor of if n. Philip Schuyler, the defender of the New York frontier. I-ate In the ltevo iuiion Fort Schuyler was destroyed by fire and was never rebuilt, b-it npn this historic spot another Important evcut (Wiirred. In 17M wh.it la known aa the treaty of Fort 8. 1 uyler was signed between the IroquoU and the United States and In It the six nations ceded to the I'nlted States forever their claim to the Northwest Territory, the great Inland empire which now comprises Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. ( l:t. Wwl.r. NePper Ui. Mountain on Ocean Bad A mountain 8.0nn feet hlh standi on the sea bottom between Ban Fran e!ssc a3 Ussolaia.-s-:- i n 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bible Thoughts for the Week Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoee who ar In a "run-o'own" eondl Uon will nolle that Catarrh bothers them much more than whtn they are In 'A health. This fact proves that while Currfe la a locsj mn. It is irreatly tnfluenee4 by rOTmtltutlmial rontilotis. BALL'S CATARRH MKDIf I.SJIG Is a Combined Treatment, both and In ternal, and baa been eucoeaefiil In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Bold by all drucKieta, T, i. Cheney A Co Toledo, Ohio, When a man is thoroly lazy he is good for nothing except to shoot at. Sunday. When Christ, who la our life, ; ahull appear, then shall ye also appear with lllm In glory. Cot. 8:4. Monday. Thou Shalt Also Deere a thing, and It shall be established Into then: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job If.'i'JS. Tuetdev. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the day of my life: and 1 will dwell lu the house of the Lord for ever. Fs T. A Vednotd ty. And If I Oo and prepare a pluce for you, I HI come nguln. and receive yoit unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be alsio. John 14:3, Thursday. Th Lord Knoweth How to de liver the godly out of tempta tion, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of Judgment to be punished. II Peter 2 :0. Friday. Th Son of Man shall send forth Ills angels, and they shall gather out of Ills kingdom all things that offeud. and them which do Iniquity. Matt. 13:41. Saturday. And They Shall Be Mine, salt!) the Lord of Hosts, In that day when I make up my Jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spureth Ills own son that servvtll tilni.-Jlul 8:17. MkeflheM Church News Notes ot Interest to All LoqI Dominations The Bplisl church i rt'celvinK on udditiuuol coat ol pnint this week Tluirsiin; afternoon t! eMI imon gry Society of tha Congrt'itntion al Church fctive a very Intel est I iPK Missionary programme. The! ealsr waa Mrs, Irank lonnif and thetopic "What Price IVace? Icecream and cake were buM durinir the afternqon and even- ntr and H e proceeds devoted lo the cause of missions. FearGol and keep His com mandments for this is the vvnole tutyofman. Kcclesiastts Myowndi.ti lifeshonld teach me tl 's That life ihall live for ever more. TennyRon M I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 M I I I I I I I I I Mr.J. VV. Strinifhrpaid the editor ial Fanctum a social visit this Fri day and, hefoae he left exposed the abysmai ignorance of the ed itor in regjid to the book of Rev elations. Mr. 1'erry U. Avery who re ports a very pleasant session at Stevenson Washington. It takes more time and talents to be a successful hypocrite than it does to be a Christian. Sh Ufd Her Eye Old Mr, tircen whs down nl the wharf at uiidduy saving her niece ' f on a trip, tiiunrlng aloft she re marked: "Well, they'll aooil be slntl Ing, my dear. Both funnel aic '"k Ing and they wouldn't want both fun nels Just to gel lunch." 11" l' Transcript. Lodge Directory IflXE I.OIMIK No. 120. A F.4 M Mwts every nrst nml third v nun nl each month. W. M. . U. Wi.Ui-r Sec. I.. K. Dick. There are but few that we suf fer more misery from than we do from cowardice. u v f- -tJ7 r. mk i;st ciiAtTKit So. no. . i: Meel the second nnd fourth Tm -a- diiy tilemli month. W.M. Mrs. Myr lie Witlker; S. Mr N'litl lthl lh'. lONK LOIXiK Xo . V-t I t l Meeta every Saturday eveitliiK. X 0.; r'rank Vjuii; V. U Htrg n I U'tter; Sec. KarleA. Ilrnwn; Treaa E.J. Iirlatow. Itl XCHtiltASS HEBEKAII X.. 01 I. U. O. F. Meeta tlu: first uml third Tliuraday ofcach month. X.H. IStihy Kinjcliiiuii; V. O. Arvtlla Kwaiiann; Sec. Verda liluhle: Treaa. Kttn Brla-tow. Leave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply Store for Haylor the Jeweler. Heppner. YOU M AY WIN $1,500 If you r h to uti'to thf mitt w wli out o' th lettert conuinl In tht words "FOII ET NKO'N SiriLS." AtoulorS),oos IN CASH prUrt h bt ward4 lo cofflptlftorf In th!i GREAT WOkD-HUlLDlNG CONTEST Seni tump for c.rculw tnJ rultt. AJlr ENGELMAN HARDWARE 10NE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If wc havn't got it we can get it quick. CHURCH DIRECTORY (JONGRIOATIONAL CHUItCl Kev. V. V. HEAP, Pastor 11:00 A. Services M. and 8:00 HARVEST TE IS HERE Then comes wheat hauling. Let us supply you with a John Deere waggon. We also have a good line of groceries, dry goods and shoes. YOURS for SERVICE Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. DECK, Proprietor . V. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10;00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Kveninii Services 10:00 V 1 ill 8:0) 1'. M FIRST BAPTIST CHUltCJI Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st5 30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.3') P.M HEPPNER TAILORINGCO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And . Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON k. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Off ce In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON 4 SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Hank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone-Office Main 933 Residence Main 41)2 HEPPNER OREGON Drop I n and looK over my Line of WorK Shoes. I have a (food stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone MarKet CEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts Clyde R.WalkertM.D Physician and Surgeon Oilice In Drug Store. IONE, . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon IONE, OREGON .