JUST A DESERT EPISODE HMHHHHtftft Br CLEN D. HURST kr mrt Sler fyk. Co. TDIfl getting for thi Inat chapter In tin life or Old Mia Murphy ww tin litturt of tin Nevida desert; tin tliu tin exhil arating but turbulent spring season of Uii year 1UO-, Tbi old man itond In tin door of bll cibla on tin ilde of rugged des rt ring, ind In troubled spirit lie gessd t i group of strangers moving bout In apparent excitement on tin llgtit-colured porphyry fuotlillli tint Uy between him ind tin gray, pnrclitd flit to tbi deceptive distance. It wai nly it long Intervals during inor thin a generation since tin old nun bid livid ilom In thut cibln that my on bid disturbed till solitude, ind tbli sudden luvialon hi reaeuted. Ill bid prospected ind mined In I drsul tory way fur so many years umuoleat d that bi felt l sort of proprietorship Ui thi surrounding country. Tbi tlmi wai when hi welcomed bla fellows to tin drier! domain, but It wai now long pint. When In lo ci t id tbi "Atlantic Cable" and "Novi Bcotia" silver lodi rlalim ha flt lint bla lung search fr rlchei bad been uccful. Under tin illmului of vlaloni of weallb hli tulnd'i eyi law nrirmi of treasure areken burrowing In On bllli itmut blm ind hli own ctalmi yielding bonanta. Then It was, bi Invited tin whl world to ihara bll dlaeovery and good fortune. How vir, tin annul illver ledge sttrscted ilttli atteutlun aud tin district wai deserted except for Murphy, who worked bll own vein and never gueased ' tbi real secret of tin bills over which bl prowled. Tbi yean went by ind Old Man Murphy, growing nion grlisled ind bent, became morose ind cared less Ml leal for tin iH'lety of bla kind. Aa young man In had left friends od family behind and Joined tin for tune burners In tin far-off western deceit, Then In bad every hope of returning sn with wealth abuudant Ilia failure galled bla pride. Tin yean of brooding alone created string antagonism toward contact with bll fellows. Old Man Murphy watched In attend tbi activity on the hills below till hi law ooa of tin strangers coming up the trail toward Mm. That waa too much. Hi turned Into tin cabin with muttered Imprecations on tin In trader. Tbi at ranger bid conn with friendly Intention. He told story of great find, one that would have thrilled tin old man bad In beard It twenty yean before. A ahallow trench cross the peak of oni of tin yellow hllll hid otmied vein of picture rock, literally sparkling with rryatali of gold. Murphy merely glanced It thi Uttering an in tile of on offered In proof ind turned away, grumbling bout thi Invasion of bla district. Tbi Beit day In packed bll scraggy ciyuiei with provision! ind disap peared In tin direction of Kicelalor rang! when be could bi iloni for While. Worn out with tramping about thi mount a Ins Old Man Murphy returned In few weeks to bli cabin on tin "Atlantic Cable." During his absence wonderful change had come over tin district. All around blm for mil prospectors wen Inciting every foot of ground, near tin site of the orlg Inal gold discovery town to shelter , thousands waa building. The eiplo- ton of glanl-powiler charges blasting thi rock In hundred shafts ind tun nel! kept up I continual ronr. Miners dodged about In the smoke and dust, bowing each other specimen! of gold besprinkled quarts. From bll em' Inenci Murphy could count half hundred automobiles, loaded with pas sengers, speeding In clouds of dust and , und along tin three new trails through thi sage brush, all converging In thi new camp. Tbi old man contemplated tin change with heavy heart. Ills soli tude wai thing of tin past. A tres pass he wis powerless to stop wai upon blm. A monument of rough stones newly placed on bis clulms caught bis eye. Us itrode over to It and read tin lo cation notice In miner. With vicious kick hi tumbled tin pile and ton thi notice to shreds. Iteturnlng to bll cabin, In loaded both barrel! of bll hotgun ind took position command' Ing view of the rated monument ind tbi two trespassing prospectors, who wen working In newly ilarted tun' Ml, unmindful of tin old mun'i pres ence. "You fellers git off my claim. Don't yi know I've had this ground fer thirty yean. Git If yi know whil'i good fer ye," he shouted hoarsely, much excited. The prospector! left their work to face tin big gun lev led it them. They protested, argued nd threatened, but Murphy's manner wii menacing nnd his fingers twitched nervously on the trigger. They wen Compelled to relreut. Tin prospectors niudi several ef- fort! to get possession of tin claim nd repines their monuments, alwayi to bi met by tin big shotgun ind thi old man behind it, who kept on con. tint guard duly. When provisions run low, rather tbin lend encouragement to tin boun tlfully stocked stores oT thi new camp, Murphy made night drive to in Iso lated trudlng post soma twenty miles way, Left oni i'ft'arno(in"ilurph'y tat with tin gun icroM his knees guarding bis claim. Away In tin distance along tin rout of oni of tin new trails tbin appeared gang of workmen. Mil ittantloa wai ittracted by tin llm of telegraph poles they win erecting. That evening In lit long la tbi darkness musing Intently, snd Un nut morning hi put away tin gun, fastened bll cabin door, and skirt ing tin camp wii soon tramping it bis beat pace through tbi land toward tbi llui of polos, tie spent tin day trailing along with tin construction gang. A new Murphy cami back to tin cubln tint ivenlng. Tin prospectors bad taken advan tage of bli absence to replace the mon ument In bid destroyed. Let 'em hivi It. Let 'em havi It," in mused when In saw whut hud been done. Me scrawled a few Hues to the boys," telling them they would be bothered no mure and to go on with their work, and placed the note wbere they would easily Hud It, As regularly aud persistently 11 bl bad itayed on guurd duty during the preceding days, Murphy now followed slung with the Hue builders, watching every movement of tbe construction work. He stepped off the distance be tween the poles, observed the number set each day, and In the twilight. In bli cabin, he figured the number of dayi till camp would bi reached. Each evening be checked oft the duy'i prog ress, chuckling hnpplly to bKnselt If tin wo. bud gone better than usuul or feeling depressed If some iccldeot bad been the cause of delay. The last strand of win was itrung. Tin click of tin sounder is the key closed told the Inlllited that ill waa finished. Tbi operator was tsklng bis place it tin table when Old Man Mur phy pushed through the crowd that tilled tin new office ind leaning over tin operator uttered an appeal that wai bicked by tin longing of bis whole aouL "Uoy, let nil lend thi Brat oneF The operator stared at tin flushed faci Incredulously, then Into the deep- act, now brilliant, appealing eyes. Bcarcely knowing why, be inawered the old man by stepping back. Mur phy flung himself Into the operator's est and placed bis Angers on the transmission key. The dispatch to be stnt first lay open befon blm. It read : Crosscut en Balloon hill claim epsnsd up four f of hlsnsrado as sarin Into thousands. Withdraw Rr (or sale. With hesitation and in uncertain "send' the old man commenced: It was not the message before hint. The operator looked worried. He dvinced one hand toward thi Instru ment to atop tbi old man, then as tin measagi became coherent he listened Inteutly. Tin receiving operator at the other end of the wire was puttied to get this message: "will prove an additional link be tween the nations whose friendship Is founded upon their common Interest and reciprocal esteem." Now tbe old man's fingers wen tingling with thi electric Impulse of the Instrument ; 11 If by magic tbi old touch cime back. He begun tbe trim nilaalon of the copy before blm. It went over the wire with the speed and precision, of an eiffert. lie labored under in Inward excitement mys tery to the onlookers. With steady band be sent dispatch after dispatch until tin accumulated pile was ex hausted. With the last click he opened tbe key and turned to the crowd, triumph ind satisfaction In every fea ture of the rugged, time-worn face. "Itoyi." he laid, "thli Ii I great duy great day fer tin deaert an' fer me. How I bated to see you fellers come but I didn't know yer wal goln' to bring this I didn't know It. I've been huldln' down claim In this dis trict fer nenr thirty yean, boys I'm kind o shriveled up body an' soul, belli' here io much alone in' I wanted to bi ilone till the end," then he id dressed the operator. "Ye thought somethln' wai wrong when I lent out that first message, didn't ye? This desert has laid be tween nn an' that measage fer forty years. It's long time, boys, since I was counted oni of tin best operators In the coAintry, That was In tin late eighties. I wai 10 good It opera tin' that when thi first eobli was laid I wai put In th' service. That was great day, too, fer me, in' I relayed tint message from Queen Victoria to tin President. It wai the first oni cross. A fow years afterward I got th' gold fever an' I've been on the des ert ever since, but I never forgot thut message, and I Just had to send It out first to gut my bearln'a. An' to think this thing hai followed nn and found mi in tin deaert after all these yean." The excitement that luitulned tbs old man was passing. "Hut now I'm glad ye come, I'm satisfied, boys I'm satisfied. Tbi eyes dulled, thi lips twitched In in effort to speak, ind the bead dropped. Old Mun Murphy was lelied with purulyils a paralysis of death. Sleep Machine Invented An Inventor at Maclesfleld, England, has perfected machine that, he thinks, wilt cure Insomnia. Tin ma chine li plnced alongside of tbe bed and emit! light rays of twelve differ ent colon, flashing at prearranged pe riods. Tbe effect of this combination of colon nnd periodicity Ii Intended to bi soothing and to Induce sleep. The color flashes it such regulur Intervals have peculiar effect upon tbe retina, It Ii laid. Tin Inventor maintain! he bus cured several stubborn cases of sleeplessness In ten to fifteen minutes. BETTER HIGHWAYS AID TO BUSINESS Thi business value of getting peo ple Into their stores Is appreciated by 11 merchants. That Ii tbe purpose for which they advertise. Once pro spective customer Is Inside store there Is opportunity for sale. A mer chant may have good line of mer chandise, bis prices may be reason able, and bli display may be attrac tive; but the people must be provided With good road to bis store or they will not come there. The resident! of city will not make the fullest use of their streets If they are muddy or dusty, and the merchants will not en joy the trade they should have if their prospective customers cannot find good roads to their stores. Any street In any community cm bi made attractive by the simple expe dient of paving It properly, and It bl to the advantage of every taxpayer to help highway ofhYrnli or tbe town council put through Improved high way and itreet Improvement programs. I'eople who own busluess or residence property in learning every duy thut civic Improvements that call for thi proper paving of streets in the best kind of Investments Investments tint piy sure dividends. The well-paved street -Is worth money to every merchant on It, as well being highly convenient for shoppers. A well-paved buslneaa itreet will Impel customers to the door, with consequent Increase In business si tin opportunity Is offered customers to make their purchases without the In convenience of muddy, dirty, dusty pavements. Clean, pleasant, healthful surround ings sre most deslruble in any real dence district. This condition ll pro vided In well-paved itreet, beside! making It safer for children ss well ll for the motorist, i'roperty values go up where well-paved street replace! a rutted. Impassably thoroughfare. Cities an Judged very largely by tin ittrictlveneai of their streets. Stran gers looking about for locations in quick to Judge tbe buslneaa and social standards of the community by Its thoroughfares, particularly the real dence streets. Visitors In a well paved city will Instantly sense the progres sive spirit of the place, they will long remember the orderly Influence of buai nesa and residence sections, ind they will csrry thi story of Its clean, chinn ing streets back to their hotnea Public Improvements of any kind coat lesi In the long run when they n made ai nearly permanent aa pos sible. The first cost of permanent paving Is no more than Inefficient types, and tbelr maintenance Is either minimized, or entirely eliminated. Consequently the type that pays divi dends to sny community is the .perma nent, durable, sanitary, fire-safe type. Other advantages of paved streets n found In fire and health protection. Good paving on streets and alleys Is one of the prime essentials to fire pro tection. Fire hazard la greatly re duced If even, clean, skid proof thor oughfares are In every section of the town so that my point ran be reached quickly and easily by tbe fire depart ment. Health Ii by product of clean liness. Health officers Insist thst san Itation as reflected In tbi condition! of the itreet! ind alleys has direct bearing upon the general health of the clty'i Inhabitants. Hence, itreet that la well paved will be easily cleaned, and will be free from ruts and holei that breed filth. Roadway Will Run to Old French Fort Toulouse I'lani ire under wiy for tbe build' Ing of highway to tin old French Fort Toulouse, which wis an Indian town nearly 400 jean ago. Fort Toulouse Is In Elmore county, near Montgomery, Ala., short dis tance from one of the principal high ways leading Into the city, nnd It Is the intention of historical experts to make this point available) to tourists. The plan was launched by I'etcr A. lirannon, curator of the Alabama De partment of Archives and History. It was only recently that marker wai placed it old Pole Cat Springs, SO miles from Montgomery, where I.afay, etti spent the night on his way to Montgomery, Fort Toulouse Is rich In history. A granite shaft has been plnced there to commemorate the old French out poit of 1714, which Is a miniature rep lica of the shaft erected to General Montgomery on the plains of Ahruhain, at Quebec. The old French cemetery Ii it Fort Toulouse, ind ben some of Jackson's men wen burled, tin pi a ci becoming known n Fort Jack son. The treaty of 1814 by which the Indians ceded all their lands south of Fort Jackson to the United States wii ilgned there. New Jersey Roads With the completion of Iti construc tion program for this year, tin New Jersey state highway commission will have added 100 miles of Improved road! to the state's system. Tbe boird hai now under contract 00 miles to be paved this summer and awards of work to be made shortly will In crease this total to 100. New Jersey now has 840 miles of state highway routes and 404 of these miles have been completed with hard-surfaced pavement. STOCK FORAGE CROPS ARE SWINE NECESSITY Experience hss shown that forage crops an necessary for growing pigs economically. Ho states William C. Skelley, assistant animal husbandman at tbe New Jersey State College of Agriculture, who continues: Pasturing on green forage saves a great amount of feed, allows plenty of fresh sir, gives the animal exercise ind help! to keep the quarters sani tary. "Where It thrives alfalfa makes one of the best permanent pastures for swine, ss it can be pastured from early spring to late summer and is Jilgh In protein and mineral matter. Since heavy paaturage Is Injurious to .the crop It Is well to restrict the number of pigs, allowing tbe plsnt to grow and be good for two or three cuttings of hay. 'Jted clover also makes in excellent forage. Pigs should not be turned on It nnfll It has reached n good growth, ss too early pasturing Is likely to kill It out. It ran be pastured until it be comes woody In the summer, when It contains too much fiber to be taken care of by the pig's digestive tract. "Sweet clover Is mother leguminous forage which should be pastured rather closely, as this encourages new growth snd binders woodlnes. "Itape Is unsurpassed aa an annual forage crop for swine. It Is palatahle, succulent snd high In protein and ash. As It may be sown both early and lute In tbe season, forage may be provided at any time In the summer. P(gs should not be turned on It until It la about ten Inches high. If mpe is not pastured too closely growth will con tinue until fall. "Field peas, sown either stone or with osts or rape, is a very latUfac tory summer forage crop, as it Is a legume and compares with alfalfa and clover In Its protein content. "Itye furnishes supply of green. succulent feed material In the late fall and early spring and la therefore or greet benefit to the breeding herd esjieohilly the brood sow nursing full snd spring litters. A number of other forage crops. such as sny beans, bluegrass snd even some weeds sn relished by swine. The point for the grower to keep In mind Is that every bit of green muterlal con sumed by the pig means saving of some grain In growing that pig for market." Alfalfa Versus Clover for Pasture for Swine Alfalfa excelled red clover as a pas- tun for hogs In recent comparisons made at the Indiana station. Alfalfa proved capable of carrying mon bogs per acre thin clover ind produced lightly larger gains with leal corn than wai required on clover pasture. Tbi showing of clover pasture, how. ever, wii very satisfactory. Tbe two pastures carried IS to 20 spring pigs to the sen when the pigs wen full fed and ibout seven pigs when limited grain feeding waa practiced. In one test pigs were fed limited ration of two pounds of grain dally for each 100 pounds live weight. Part of the plKS grated alfalfa and part clover pasture. Gains made by the two lote were practically Identical, but the plgi on alfalfa required only 143 pounda of corn per 100 pounds of gain. compared to 13 pounds for the pigs on clover posture. In comparison of pigs which were full-fed corn snd tsnkage on the two pastures the pigs on alfalfa outgslned those on clover by slight margin and required five pounds less corn and four and one-half pounds less tankage than tbe plga w hich ran on clover pas ture. Exercise for Stallions Stallions should have liberal amount of exercise during tbe breeding sea ion, especially during tbe last half. They should have tbe equivalent of eight or ten miles day on the road. This exercise should be given early In tbe morning. Nothing will pay bet ter In tbe management of public service stallion Uian this kind of ex ercise. i I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Live Stock Notes i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'll purebred sires for more and better meat, milk, wool and eggs. Corn and cob meal Is not consid ered good horse feed. Horses will do better on mixture of corn and bran. Nature's tonics for young pigs are exercise, sunshine, plenty of green, succulent feed, plenty of good water, ind clean surroundlnaa. e Cull ill undeveloped pulleta and old beni from tin flock. e Early hatched pullets will molt early In thi fall oni be ready for laying next winter at a aeaaon when egg produc tion Is tow ind prlcei high. It hai been shown that young chicks are most susceptible to Infestation of roundworms until about 12 weeks of age. With seven Infestation death may occur In two weeks. In, mild In festattoiii chick! live, but growth is slower end resistance to disease less. PORTI AND 1 VI. 1 Portland, Oregon. Better Franklin Service-Storage and General Repairing ANDERSON & RICE, .DHrN,,, Portland, Ore Ancient Custom, Anyway Tbe origin of the superstition con earning knocking on wood Is doubtful, Some authorities attribute it to tbo ancient religious rite of touching a crucifix when taking an oath; others' to the touching of beads of tbe rosary, when praying. Among the Ignorant peasants of Europe the custom prob ably began with the habit of knocking' loudly to keep away evil spirits. "Special Delivery." Tbe Post Office department says that "special delivery service Is the prompt delivery of mail by messenger during prescribed hours to persons who reside wiihiu the carrier limit! of city or delivery r trices, or within one mile of any pert office, or to patrons of the rural service wbo reside more than one mile from the post office but within half mile of rural route." Earth's Diameter Dr. Hayford made calculations for the International Geodetic Physical union and announced that tbe earth la precisely 7,926 miles and 678 thousandtha of a mile in diameter and 7,899 miles and 964 thousandths of mile through tbe poles. Badgers' Work Menace. Badgers spend most of their time digging out the burrows of the flick ertail or ground squirrel and feasting on the fat occupants. Thus, while do ing the greatest service to the ranch man their big burrows on the prairies are menace to every hone and rider on the plains. Engineering Term. The term "four-cycle," used In con nection with an Internal combustion engine, means that then are four pis ton strokes for the accomplishment of the processes in the engine. These strokes an termed the Intake stroke, the compression stroke, the power stroke and the exhaust stroke. Pioneer Greek Teacher. The tint regular teacher of the Greek language and literature at Ox ford university, England, was William Grocyn, an English classical scholar, who waa born at Colerne, Wiltshire, about 1446. He died at Maidstone, in 1519. Original "Mother Gooee." The first Mother Goose stories were published In French by Perrault In 1C97, under the name of his infant son, Perrautl d'Armancourt These talea consisted of ten stories, of which seven an founded on earlier Italian tales. Perfect Accord. "Do you let your wife have her own way? asked the henpecked husband. Absolutely," replied the independent one. "When she says Its going to rain I let It rain, and when abe says she Just knows it's going to mow, I let It mow." Cloudi Clou to Earth. The highest cloudi In the iky gen erally an not more than two miles above tbe mrface of tbe earth. Bread Winning. An economist announce! that the number of women bread winners Is growing constantly. No doubt there an more winning It than there are baking it. Detroit Free Press. Sage Observation. The child who Is decked with prlnce'i robei and who hai Jeweled cbalni around his neck loses all pleas ure In his play; his dress hampers blm at every step. Tagore. Ourselves to Blimi. It many times falls out that we deem ourselves much deceived In oth ers because we first deceived our selves. Insect Pests Costly. The losses caused annually by in sect pests In the United States are estimated by entomological author! ties to reach the sum of $2,000,000,000. You Want a Good Position Vary wall Teas the Aeeeuntanc? an! Kualnasa Management, Private aeretarV al. Calculator, ComptamaUr, NtMaam- ante, i'anmanauia, tar oauaaraui iia tra' Ceurae at Behnke-Walker Th foremost Bualnaa Collar of th Northwaat which ha woa mr Accuracy Award and Gold llrdal than any ethar school la America. rnd for our Buoeaa Catalof. Fourth Strut near Mnrr1aa rortiana, ur. iwaao m. wnmwr rr P. N. U. No. 32, 1925 OERS A MARKET for YOUR PRODUCE VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Compleli Chang Saturday Adults, Week dav Matinee 20c; Evenings, 35c. Continous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Brow., florist 1ST Merriam It W Specialize) In Bides, Pens, Wei), Mo, Taflew, Catcan, Orrot Gripe Root, Coal Sltios, Bortt Bair Wrlufor Bbloplne Tas 4 (start Ms List Portland Hide a Wool Co. in asm maw assr. panuas, muss. Braaehal raestalle, Uaka WHY Experiment! Xmn In artual prartU fn Portland ; ss a HoinnkHriat pwisHrins' In rh ' motUY nvuraliria. aounliB and all Head wmk If h!p you want, tmrk lh oklMt in Its work. Geo. S. Brattling, D. C M Broadway Bids'. Portland, Oraa-oa 8v this Card. Peculiar Dlvlalon. Out of the mouths . of babel and sucklings may be perfected definition as well ai praise. For example, there ii the caae of the teacher who, at tbe close of the reading lesson, was quea- tlonlng her class on the subject mat ter thereof. "What la an oysterT she asked. "Please, miss,'' replied tbe bright boy of tbe class, "it's bait flab and half nut," Menhaden Fish Defended. Menhaden fish, the oil from which has many commercial uses. Is also an excellent food fish thoujh aa yet un popular because of Ha treat number of bones. Food experts, 1 owever, an overcoming this by grinding the fish, bones and all, so as to make fish meal or powder. In which form It can be converted into cakei and eaten easily. Tne Hides Weapons. A revolver and a steel trap were found Inside tree when it waa cut down near N'orborne, Md, recently. The weapons evidently had been placed at the base of the tree yean ago and It gnw around them. Plant Stimulation. Nitrate of soda is good for plants and flowers it naed In moderation. It increases the vegetable growth, stimu lating the foliage rather than the flow ers. Too much will prove Injurious. Naturs'a Peculiarities. Many a man thlnka admirably well who hai a poor utterance, while oth ers have a charming manner of speech but their thoughts an trifling. Tribute to Filth. Faith Ii the great elevator of char acter, and has a wonderful Influence on the Ideals. It lifts us to the bi;Igtts aud glvei us glimpses of tbe prom ised land. It Is the "light of truth and wisdom." Orison Swett Marden. Rati with Rabbits. Rats, both brown and gray, have been found living with rabbit! In their holei by a rat catcher In Lincolnshire, England. m Facial Surgery Old. Facial eurgery. Including; the re modeling of injured noses, ears and lips, was known In Italy as long ago as 154S. "The 8hailows Murmur The smaller tho caliber of mind, the greater the bore of a perpetually open mouth. Oliver Wendell Holmes. . Excellent Advice, Speak little and well, it you wish to be considered ai possessing merit. From the French. She Knew! Woman (at Wlllesdon) No matter how you listen In our flat you cannot hear whut the people lay In the next flat. I know. Tit-Bits. Rather Exclusive. Wisdom will not die wit If the, peo ple, and It It evldont that It objects to living with lot! of 'em. Atlanta Constitution. Indian women climb the highest bill top at night to wall for the dead. New Fluff Rugs Mad From Old Carpet "Wear Like Iron." Daal MiwpI with th Manufactumr. Abaulut Hatlnfai'tlon Uuiunntmid. Hand la Your Ma terial or. Writ for I'rica. WfcSTKKN FLUFF KUQ COMPANY. U-M Union Avnu Nor. Portland, Oracoa