OA VOLUME XIV IONE, ORECON, T RIDAY, JULY 31, 1925 NUMBER 9 3aw 4 II H M Eft I 1 IL af. VtMWJUJte CALL FOR BIDS Scaled bids will be received up to the hour 8; 00, 1'. M., August L0C.-L Er-S .'!0TF,S Whmt deliveries to the wure are increasing as the liarvent pro 7, 19!5,for transportation of i u- Kressc-B and cur loaJ lottt are now pilstoanl from the schooii.ausc Boing forward to tidi waUr. of Dlst. No. 35, lone, Oretfon, for SH:n(J Vour'mo7y at l0int, in lumiiiK kihkh year. ka zo,Vou liev4rKct inolher chailCe Bl on tneioiiowing routes: Rhea Creek route from the Siia ver ranch to the school house in I lone. , The Willow Creek route from the Cool ranch To thcschoolhouse In Ione.Scrvice must begin Sept. 8, 1925. Bids will also be received for the Janitor work. The School Board reserves the rl.u o reject any and all bids Ceorgc Ritchie Hit dollur teat goes away, N. C. There'll be no iniij orn THEWS. A number of our local jouiiy people are proj'-Ciing a Iriu to jllio Columbia river next Sunday , afternoon. Mm. Walter Cochian and chil dren have retnrnttl frm a vaca tion of a moruhtpent with Mrs. Cochran's parents. VV, W. Head was the dinner RINK HALL,i IONE Aug. 1st. Delia M. Corson Clerk. i i,im n mm it.y' Mii -.iwji 1 1 i i u V. ,'-'" M P Chairman 1 J""4 &' M nd, M r9' J' . F" Swaiuon on inursuay. menu mediate occanion beinK the 17th anniversry of Mr Swansoii's birthday. Mrs. Bert Mason returned this wtk ftom a vacation tri'l Site was accoinounied by her si: rer. Mrs.D.izi-ll and dauuhter, tt ii U PoJvH Altturj 'Ml 3U liiiii 1 Mrs, Al ee Kellor, who has hi eh vi ntiiitf with frends and relutivis 1 1 California, retnrned tr loin Fri day evening. Brand Trip I'lcunisa Tickets To all prindpal Sat4, Cllira m uile daily to Sept. 15 Finnl return limit Oct. 31 LiWral Maoevar rluruii.a lljjl loir , taw I fam alae to i National hi 1 1 Cj '-rttrmv of tltf iswnam rtMtl .I.W.IIi'wk A(t. I III!', Oil (1)11 ti m. Me Murni - u. V . I'.irlla i'l. Orrg' Starved to D.i h in Prion t'l'iillnu, H not .1 f f I'lwi, nm! (lurlph IciiiIit, mm cuiitiii I In l.i ly tli llillfllliun, mill w. i luiiirlxiiiit'il Hli IllH IWII Mlim III lilt HIWIT (if (illllllllllll, mIiitb lip wan Irfl to iturvo In dpiillk Hall's Catarrh Medicine Ttiowi hn r In "run-down" aondl tlnn will notr ti,ai Catarrh bnthara Iliam murh mora than when lhay ar In oml I health. Thla far-l irovv that hll r ,i hi armiiv Infliirniwl bv rofi,itutrTinl mnilituma. IUll'1 'THH Mi:lii( lK la a nmmnai i rmimrnt, M.tn lo.-ftl anil In. Ifmal, anil haa ln aurcfiil In h treatment of Catarrh for ott forty yaam .M by all dniarlata. 7 K. i. Chanay h l'o.. Tolnlo. Ohlj, LS I KaY ' N Oil I E Tluit liy h i nm i i.u.j tn ji i1- hihI cnii-rvil on (lie iiiirtU-tti liny ol July, l.u.'i, In till Jnnlic i iiinl lor tin Tlilr.l hlnirirt ut Mitriutv Cii.titj', (iri tfuli N itin. U Ii. itIi.v kIM'H Unit on tin 1 Itli iluy ut Aiitfiixl J '.:',",. nt lint H klllMMI IIH till! I A, l.lllllll' I f inn, luciilo-l.'.inllifi aiiutli ut I. U , (in ui.n ut tin- liiiur nl 2:iki I'. M , i l Dillll il-iy. tilt (.illnwliin lI'-HM-rllH-ll tntrny miliiiiil Hill Ik-ai. hi nt 1 1 tt I I ic AiK'ttiiu to i In IiIkIii'.- ltltl-r fur iiifli, tn mIi nm' lirown in u Ii-. tr ii ml hI ao i n riklil liii'; to at li (he iliiinuw". Cutn iiml li-'ilii i ! mi III niiluiiil.Jiiatit'i Iiva, muni i.iivir- tlallirf Nine, Hull mil r iiwln Ii-,. ..i.ir ly iinule IiiTi lit null km lii'iurnr Kin Ii halo liui uu iiit el a.ilil I'hiriin u .iiiinl iiiiiIi'uim uinl pmuH i i.itkIi ,i ur rrtllt to BUI, l lllijlll.ll, llll'l III., i till' llulllUKl H llllii illU'llnl l (' i.llrll lltTf III. V A. .NfclrfilX ii'UC, WKnull. Volcanic hland On tl) Inland of Java tlu-re are 117 volcanic iiinnntuina, of which 00 ar active: tlm Iliiwullun Manila, wlicre th (srt'Mtotit vociinm rial. Iiave rt'la llvi'ly few ; unly fmir active anil one tlnct cune. HclMire Hcrvlct. " - ! " v i y . . S V , '.".V .- . - :- k t , , y: : . ,v .:j:;-,?J A ; ;mnv,v llallttormt Corns by Day It la a ciirlwia fart, but arlpnllnla (cm iicrciMl ihiit fmir out of flve liall Bjiirmg oc. ur in lh (njr tliii ami tlio iliirlnK tli day are umially it, moxt Itiunat. find (lamaelng. Thla fact la Millie triii? Irreupwitve of Hie -t!on of Him rounlry In which auch atonm i Firtt Cermnn Pnnm . The flrat (ieniinn fi- wa P.nino r'..-ii.t. .i. . . ... . uiiiiu, nun rMsncn no lircory I V, from !K1 to fKitl. He nss a noplipw j of KniiM-ror Ottn III, wliow Inllui-mi! ' tliroim. Sign of Middle Ag Miihlli nK l when a tiiaft livlua tn look at the limit IiiKtfiiil of gnliri It. Ilimlnii 1 1 irn I it. Smart Builder Cunnlilcr Hip wnoiljwki'r. Mi i c lila l.fnil to set n Ih.im" for hlmnvlf. A Surprite "Id Nrxro Servant Ml Allen, ynng Walter Midway done fome t cull on yon-all; an' Ah dune know run-lilt ain't Xiwfln iilm, 'rauiw de linlra in th' aettin ,0,,, too fllh New Zealand' Hiitory New Zealand wan discovered liy Tna ninn In tieeemlier, HCt. Captain CiHk explored nC,n of tli country In I7fl0, 177.'! mid 1777. In 1914 Kev. Unniuet MarniUn eauliiulied a mlaalon at the liay of Islanda. A Ilrltlah resident waa appointed In ISIl.t. Ccd diet Get th Edge The rich have little advantnge. fud dle" K''t the iiioxt Merclae out of iit Iiulutli tlcmld. I i'I'lini!!:!!!li!!l!lili!:i!ll!!l!!!!!!ll;!i!ii!i!IO Human Tenacity The aclentUta In aemiloii at Haiti more aniiiMinii'd that man In inmla of irliu. That ncco Ha for lhi human ti.ivl'.nrv to nllck t.i HiliivM. i!il!!lllll!l!l!ll!l!!Sllllilli:ill!ll So We Keep Going Kvery time we fuel like rentlna tip nil the llfe-rond we dlncover that there' another river to ito linil nix more hllU to rllmh before we can net n hm't over In'o the t'l omN -it I.iiml. Money is Plentiful HUT IT IS HARD TO KEEP WITHOUT A- BANK ACCOUNT NO MATTER how plentiful money may be you cannot keep it if you fritter it away. An 1 carrying money around in your pocket affords an Ideal opportunity for frittering. MAKE MONEY PLENTIFUL FOIt YOURSELF DEPOSIT IT IN THIS HANK INSTEAD 0 FRITTERING IT AWAY. ' HOOT GIBSON -uhwcksal Comedy STAR "OUT Q;" LUCK" The greatest tun feast that ever hit thp screen, barring none -not even Harold! r t i uoyu. FR: SLNTLD BY J. R SPARKS The Pioneer Mcv!; Man of Eastern Oregon TWO PROJiXTION MACHINES No Waits, No Delays and- G00D MUSIC FOR THE SHOW SHOW STARTS AT 8:15 P. M. 10c anb 25c Which includes admission to the dance. IG HARVEST DANCE AFTER THE SHOW Admission 10-25; SPECIAL MUSIC BY . j 5MACIr3 MELODY SL. FREE RED LEMONADE "an everything : Come help us celebrate our ?? birthday Leave your troub'es behind and bz cn time J. B. SPARKS ii Harvest time is here and ic pays to investigate as these arc j H STRENUOUS TIMES and cnnies.saved will accumulate and! U become doIbrs.Now is the time to figure the cheapest way to : market your grain Do you realize that there is a shortage o : U burlap? That is why s iclcs t ec commanding a good price and j E with the demand increasing every day, the price is still going up j Hi Thut means that you will be losing some of your hrd earned : money by buying high p.'iccd sacks. Why should you be ham- : pered by such an EXPENSE when it is so easy to eliminate the : S hjavy burden by making yo mclf CAPTAIN and MASTER of j S t' e situation. It is easy.With just a little determination on you i El pa t the great buttle will be wan. There's a reason and it's r. jood one and a benefit to every I ("arnicr in saving the price his sack bill every year and by i TJz doing he will be hundr. .' of DOLLARS ahead of the is;tck inJustry. That's saying i whole lot and it's a fact. iris It's to your interest to stv .'y up on this matter and save dol- jE IT-, lars. The opportunity is now at hand and stares you in the face Let's cooperate an J unite as one great body and win the battle r iy bulking our grain at the ELEVATOR. Remember that we are the farmer's friends and at your service at all times. FARMER'S ELEVATOR COMPANY Consult HaXck Stange, Manager. ' 1 SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN TFTED COWS PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT J To reduce the cost of living ?j use more milk and cream i YOUR satisfaction, OUR success, j C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. g:!i:!!!!l!i:ii:ni!i!l!!lS!!!!l!iii!I!i!lill!!!l!I!IIIlll:il!ll!iIIII!llli!! Draper Bargains Dearing Harvester Drapers McCormick Header Drapers r3 4- I j I liave a arge stock of drapers for the above ma chines and offer them at close out prices, for cash Get my prices before fitting up your harvesting J ' machineay. 1, Rcraits for Deening and McCormic Harvestes p; and Deetin and McCormick Mowers at ba gain g prices for CASH 23, 3 Bank of lone IONE, OREGON A Critic Criticized Jumps Ai!t( In Lnmlnn t'lii- t: lit-"Miie-tentlm of unr senvn 1l ! nri nil nn KiikUkIi poet him unlit, V:i lltl fiitiltlpwi, lilly ri'ittiliir, Kii'ir;!ill. null.1" Said of llH'iu, Jiimi'R? Ci'i' tnlnljr not I Tinnycn wroti tli:it I'n In 1859, lone tirforo icriin Idols wor dron nit of. And, npnrt from tlml Jiitnea, your statement lun't true n tr, 'tnln't ii Vast Army of Induttry Fuoiory nurKi'tn and ilfnlors who train n llvclMxmd In tlm building and ninrkotlnv of on of tlm londlug mnkM nf niMiMiinbili'K ('"iiNtlnite nn army inrcci' liy jovi rul llioiiiiindH tlmn the 'nrimiiy, rnvHlry nd nrtlllcry com- mini hy tli tluka of M'plllnctnn wlirn li difealed the greiit KiipoU'im t 'uterko. I BERT MASON L2 t Fill