The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 17, 1925, Image 3

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    AT THE
iQbr Bhorl ilory Pub. Co.)
N JUNE, 1802, the t'tilted States
I attanisblp Visitor iirnk oil a reef
I off tin southern coast of Florida
" with ill on board. Half of the
paasangerl Wirt saved by efforts dl
rectod from land, tod the bodlet of
bait tb remainder were found, Hut
one-fourth of the peoplt of tin Visitor
Imjt, undiscovered and unburted. In the
Wtttrt Of tbt Oulf.
A few dayi later dlvtri wert sent
down with t vlsw of ruining Die steam
dilp If ilia wert fuund to bt In (food
enough condition. Among ttit-M divert
wtt tot Joel Vaughton, a hardy, worn
veteran wllb tctrt of tlit ClvU wir on
bit bod and tlit slgnt of toll and
hardship on hit rough, honest fact.
Vaughton wat forty-flve posaibly a
bit over, lit did not know, but lit
remembered enlisting In IB at sixteen
eart of age. lit bad not brilliantly
distinguished himself In Uie war at
o many luckier onet bad, but bt bad
fought hard and well. No opportuni
ties bad been given lilm of leading a
desperate charge or of capturing an
tnamy't Beg. lie had been twice
wounded, at Hull Run and at Oettyt
burg. The aurgeona bad decided tbt
laat time that lit wat to die, and they
had given him up. Hut be had deter
mined to live, and live he did. lit waa
discharged from the hospital Juat In
tliot to join Bherman In hla march to
tbt tea. After the war ht drifted
round doing nothing, and yet doing
everything. There wat no occupation
that bt did not try bit band at, and
there wat Dona that bt tried longer
than a week. I'lnally ba drifted eouth,
and, In 'H2 atarted farming on small
call, Tblt evidently proved the as
caption to the yule, and he stuck to It
(or seven years, making a modest In
comt thereby. Dot It was too mo
no tonoui for him. lit tacked tbt ex
cltement which hitherto bad never
failed lilm., and In '89 ht dlacovtred
tbt work tliat suited him. tie became
a diver. He waa well fitted for It
pbyalcally, with hla sound heart snd
his good lungs, snd ha madt a success
of It alraoit Immediately.
Three dnyt after tbt Visitor bad
aunk, Joel Vaughton and ont of hla
comrades wort fitted into their suits
nd lowered down to the wreck.
Vaughton bad long ago got over the
tinging in bis tars and the alckneaa
that la Oral Incurred by divers, and he
waa steady as s rock when bt waa low
ered cautiously on his ropt. linking
dowa bt saw tht deck of tlit Visitor
looming op beneath Mm. Already It
waa covered with weeds and green with
tllrat. As his feet touched the boards
bt gave tht algnal to atop lowering,
and. slowly and cautiously, madt bla
way to tht forward hatchway, lifting
cart to lay bit ropt and aupply-plpe
in auch fashion that they might not
become entangled In the stray wreck
age, of which then was great quan
tity. Ills Inspection of tht forwsrd part
. of tbt ship showed btm that It waa In
&o condition to be raised. Tht bow
had been shattered by the contact with
tht reef, and the grinding bad worn
way tht entire planklnga of tht for
, ward decks. lit returned slowly to
tht item of tht vessel and climbed
ovar tht remains of tht rail down on
It tht aandy bottom. Then ha walked
long tht stern of tht ship, keeping
sharp lookout for any damage done
U that direction.
' As he did so ht beheld sight that,
cool veteran ss be whs, earned him
to utter cry and to ' step quickly
backwards. Blaring at him through
tht porthole, his fact livid and sunken,
bis tyet bloodshot, but gleaming with
excitement, bis hstr matted over his
forehead and tils lips moving In wbst
most have been outcries or entreaties,
was t living, breathing man. Vaugh
ton, at first, thought thst bit sense!
bad left him, and ha turned awsy to
see If tht apparition would have gone
when bt Beit looked around. Rut no
tht pale, excited face was ittU there,
nd tills time tht hand wss beckoning
wildly to lilm and tht eyes supplement
ing tht movements. Then, ss soon as
bt realised that ht had attracted
Vaughton'a attention, tht man disap
peared, only to show himself sgaln
(wlth sheet of paper covered with
writing. This bt held up against the
porthole, motioning Vauglitnn to ap-'
proach and read It. It ran as follows:
When the ship tank I want down
I With It, locked up U Ihla water
tight oompartment. Have had
, hardly anything to eat, and the
air le living out I ounnot laat
. aa hour more. If you opaa the
door, howavar, I shall ba daatroyad
br the water which will ruih In.
( j AND AIR I ,
Tbt words wtrt written In fairly
legible hand and Vaughton bad no
troublt In making them out. ' But tht
question was, what to do. How should
bt save this man! There seemed to bt
no menni of doing it, unless tbt entire
hip wtrt raised, and this, at ht had
(ten by his Inspection, was Impossible.
Then, ttiddtnly, another plan flashed
through bis brain plan that wss,
really, tbt first thing that should bava
occurred to lilm. Why couldn't tht
man trust to his chances of reaching
tht surface before his breath gave outf
Ba, himself, could Inks down ropt
and tit It around bis body ; while tht
'tneH'itovi ffsuTsd 'h'tid lip' by R ss
quickly as they could.
Vaughton motioned to tht man, who
bad been gating anxiously, at btm, and,
nooning to enure iiiin of nil assist'
net, gavt tht signal to bt hauled up.
At soon as bt was store tht turfact
and bad been stripped of his helmet,
ht told tht men, ss briefly snd as
quickly as bt could, tht strsngs sight
that bt bsd seen. A long ropt wss
secured and Vaughton wrote out bis
plan on pltct of cardboard, so thst
tht man might understand exactly
what was to bt dont.
Then ht dived down second time,
taking with him the extra ropt. Ht
found tbt man occupying tlit position
bt had left him In, only staring up
wards, watching for ths help that bt
kntw was to come from above. Vaugh
too held tht sheet of cardboard close
up to tht porthole, and, as tht man
within read, bit face lightened op In
comprehension. Then, upon signal
from Vaughton, the prisoner threw
open tht door of tht compartment,
and, quick as a thought, wss bound
sround tht wolit with tht ropt. The
sign was given to tht walling men
above, and bt waa hauled up as faat
at human alnews could do It,
Tbt stranger reached tht aurfact In
an unconscious state, but was soon
revived, snd, after having eaten all
tht aandwlchea that were to'bt pro
cured, ht ahowed great willingness to
tell bis remarkable atory.
"I was sleeping," be said, "at tht
time tht ship foundered, and If was by
a miracle that the door of tlit water
tight compartment was closed, else I
would not bt here to tell the tale.
Von may wonder at tht fact that I
slept so soundly that tht hurry and
confusion on tht decks did not awaken
me. I wilt answer that simply by tell
Ing yon that I regularly roll off my
bed at night and never wake up. When
I did wake up, however. Imagine my
astonishment, upon glancing out of my
porthole, to find that I wat entirely
surrounded by wster wster to left of
me. In front of me, above me, ana to
light of me. At first, ss you msy sur
mise, I could not realise what bsd hap
pened. Then, gradually, It dawned on
mt that I waa at tht bothom of tht
sea, Tblt Ides wss Immediately
strengthened by tbt sight of couple
of Itty flali, awlmmlog up and down
In frost of my porthole. I believe tint
no ont baa, hitherto, equalled my ad
venture. No human being that I have
ever beard of bla lived for two days.
rlsd In bis ordinary costume, at tht
bottom of tbt ocean, except, of course,
in submarine boat Well, to con
tinue: About jhe second dsy I real
Ized thst my supply of sir wss giving
out tht compartment wss not eery
large and I became oppreaaed In
breathing. It was lucky that I was
tht only ont down there to use up tht
sir. Finally, it occurred to me ttat
divers might be sent down to ths ship,
snd I prepared the algn that I ahowed
at the porthole. If It had not been
for your timely asslstsnce, I should
havt been t dead man by this time.'
Invtntioni That Cam
From Women'$ Brairu
Who invented the cotton gin? Ell
Whitney bts received tht credit
through tht years. However, tht cot
ton gin wss Invented by tht wife of
General Greene. She gavt It to Whit
ney and bt patented It
Who Invented the loomt A woman
Invented tht loom that weave every
atltch you wear. Her name wat airs.
Who invented tht sewing machine!
Aak any schoolboy and ht will anawer
"Ellas Howe." Ellas llowe did tskt
out tht patent In his own name; but
his wife Invented tht machine. Howe
struggled for 14 years trying to work
It out snd failed, finally Mrs. Ilowt
decided If something were not Invent
ed pretty toon they would starve to
death. In two hours she Invented the
sewing machine. Howe acknowledged
It to Russell H. Con well during the
ClvU wsr.
Who Invented tb mower snd resp
ert A West Virginia woman Invented
them. Mr, McCormlck, In confiden
tial communication published some
time since, so reported. After McCor
mlck and his father had failed wom
an took series of shesrt and fat
tened ont aheaf of each rigidly to the
edge of t board. Then tht attached
wire to each movable theft and by
pulling ont way she opened the series
snd by pulling the other she closed It
Tht mowing machine Is s lot of shears,
snd womsn used ber own tools to
cot man's hsy.
Who Invented the great Iron
squeezers thst lay the foundation of
all tht steel mills and millions? A
womsn Invented them, according tt
tht ttatement of Andrew Carnegie.
Lot Angeles Times.
AdmUnen to tht Bar
Admission to tht bar Is formal rec
ognition by court that person Ii
qualified to predict law in that court
A lawyer may bt ever so shit and ytl
If ht It not admitted to tht bar In a
certain statt bt cannot predict Mi
profettlon there. Vaually a person
It admitted to tht bar upon examlna
tlon and by motion of lawyer whe
has known him for 'soma time, Tht
qualifications for admission to tht bat
art different In different states,
Gtntral Timing
"Thst wss a very fine sermon." said
an enthusiastic church member who
was an ardent admirer of tht minister.
"A fine sermon and well timed, too."
"Yes," answered hti unadmlrlng
neighbor, "It certainty was well timed.
Fully half of tht congregation bad
their watches out"
Edmund Lowe
(V, -ial
Edward Lewe, a popular leading
man In tht "movies," was born In tan
Jose, Cal, He la S feet, It inchea tall,
has brown hair and dark eyas. He has
been seen In semt tf tht most promt,
ntnt productions.
f. evmt.
TN THIS dlsesae tht common opln
Ion prevails thst Its chief symptom
Is sugar In the urine, this latter being
enormously Increased In quantity. But
there la a variety In which, though the
quantity of urine Is large, there It no
Tbla variety often occurs after
middle age, but It la not Infrequent
In children, and It may occur In a
family, generation after generation.
In such families there It usually t
highly developed nervous system with
tendency to excitability, hfsteris,
brain tumor, and other nervous dis
It nisy follow Injuries to the head
and may be preceded by tht form of
dlabetea In which there It augar In
tht urine.
It may alto be produced by exces
sive use of alcohol, worry, emotion.
and Infectious diseases of different
Thirst Is Intense, and tht great
volume of urine paised Is as colorless
aa rain water. , ,
It la alao marked by conttlpsrbm,
Indigestion, dry akin, excessive flow
of saliva, headache, slow pulse, rtlrrl
Bean, vomiting, snd loss In weight
In the second vsriety tht urine la
abundant, hae a sweetish odor and ta
somewhat sticky In feeling.
Its specific gravity Is high and Ita
content of augar large.
Sugar la tht product ef the diges
tion of starchy material In tbt urn
Intestine, when scted upon by the
secretion of tht pancreas. It Is ab
sorbed from tbt Intestine, carried to
the liver and thence la carried over
the body by the blood and distributed
to tht cells, where It Is decomposed
tnd used to produce heat and energy.
Rut it can ba utilised In this wsy
only to the extent of one or two parts
per thouaand, snd If the Blood con
tains more than that, It Is transported
by the blood to the kidneys, which
eliminate as much of ir aa they can
In the urine, the remainder circulat
ing with the blood as a poison.
It la mora common In men then In
women, may bt hereditary, and often
occurs In those who art fat, who have
gout, or who sre Intensely nervous.
It may follow grippe, typhoid, and
other Infectlotit dlaeaaea, and may be
caused by werry, grief or Injury, espe
cially to tht bend.
Met It osuully more Important than
medicine, and It often happena that
tnmt of the sugars and fats of the diet
may he retained with advantage.
Such fruits aa oranges, peaches,
aprlroti and prunes art usually allow
able, Olive oil and cod liver oil may be
need, alto meat fish, ontmeat, cocoa,
milk, cream and butter.
. It must always be remembered that
this disease Is not to be treated by
any rule or formula, but by the Indi
vidual requirements of each patient.
lis ar Oaorfa Matthaw Adama.)
By John Ksndrlck Bangs,
WHEN hurricanes arlae, Im
peding ma,
y I think of aallers tosaad
upon the sea
Who, (attar, aalae on winds of
avarjr aort
And on their wings ride enward
Into port.
I think upon the mills that swift
ly spin
Amid tha racing tampeat's
scraamlna din
And from the trials of the Stormy
Oatbar the strength with whlob
thty grind the corn. I
(g) by MaClura Nawipapar Srndleata.)
YOU know tbt girl all laughter,
'. tun,' .
Tbt lift of tv'ry party, who
Can always anawtr tv'ryont,
bares do what anyone will do,
Who sings wbea all tht rest are dumb,
And well, tht girl who makes things
Toung msn I wsnt to ask you, sir
She's great but would you marry berf
Life's rather serious and aad, .
It bat Us problems, has Its wot.
And more defeata man bas bsd
Than victories In lift, I know ;
And then man will need matt
Hllll undiscouraged, what hla fate,
Who walks beside him up tbt hill
And bravely takes tht good or lit
A wlft. It alwaya seems to me,
Should havt soma depth of char
acter; Whatever need his need msy be,
A husband ought to Cnd In ber.
Faith, courage, Judgment tenderness,
Thst Is tht sort of wlft to bless,
Tbt best of wives for both their sake
And that's tht kind tht glad girt
(C F MoClara Nawapapar IrndleaU.)
) .
t vimongthe
JOSEPH LEIDY wss ont of tht fore
most naturalists of America, the
mora remarkable because he wat self
taught Practically every bit of his
wonderful knowledge of planta and
minerals and animals, bt acquired
himself without tht aid of a teacher.
Ht wat born September 9, 1823, In
Philadelphia. It seems that ht bid
qultt talent for drawing and might
had bt followed hit first ambition, havt
become well-known artist At slX'
teen bt left school and took position
a drug clerk. White ht wat not
waiting on customers, bt began study'
log botany tnd mineralogy and com
parative biology and auch things and
learning to rapidly that ha waa admit
led t th tinlveralty it I'eniiaylvsnla
and took his degree at medical doc
tor when be wat r.nly twenty-one.
He went abroad and came to notice.
first, by bis studies of terrestrtsl gat
teropoldt, which, translated Into every
day language. Is the form of tnlmal
life that crawls on ltt stomsch. Ht
madt some valuable additions to sci
ence by his work on foesll hones
and wat tht only American author to
work on extinct vertebrate.
According to recent professor, hit
most Important psleontologlcal contri
bution to tht knowledge of tht world
wat paper on soma vertebrate re
main! dlacovtred In the phoaphate beds
ef South Carolina. In spite of tht dry
tt-dutt sound of hit work, hit re
searches led him Into many Interest
ing and romsntle discoveries of deed
forms of life. Ht died In 1891.
tO ar Oxifi Mattkaw Ad&ma.)
umo SAID
Rowtr ot juttic:"
THESE words of Nathaniel Haw
thorne bavo striking reeemblanrt
to thst famous speech delivered by
Portia In the court scent la "Tht Mer
chant of Venice."
Portia la aaklng Shylock to bt mer
ciful, and when bt asks why, she re
pilot: The quality ef marey la not atraln'4.
It droppaih aa the ganlle rain from
baa van
Upan tha place banaath; ...
And earthly powar doth that abew
Itkaat Oad a
Whea marey aeaaoaa Juatlce a a
Nathaniel Hawthorne, ont of tht
leading American literary figurea, waa
born In Salem, Mass, July 4, 1804. Ht
received his education In Rowdoln col
lege and graduated from that Institu
tion In 1823.
Hla literary work it tht result of
tht most careful study. Following bts
graduation from college he lived life
of retirement and devoted much time
to writing tales snd sketches. Few
of these suited him and tht majority
of them were consigned to the fire.
Tht survivors tppetred In tbt niaga
xlnes and newspspers of the day.
Hswthorne's romance "Fanahawe"
wat publlahed anonymously In 1S32,
and in 1887 hla "Twice-told Talea" ap
peared In book form. Thla work re
ceived ltt title from tht fact that It
wat collection of articles that had
prevlonaly been publlahed In periodi
cals, and thus waa literally being
"told" for tht tecond time.
Hawthorne'l political offices con
sisted of being tht customs officer of
tht port of Iloiton; surveyor of tht
port of Bslem ; and American consul
to Liverpool an appointment bt re
ceived from bis old college chum,
President Franklin Pierce.
Burnt of tht best known workt of
this author are, "Moases from an Old
Manse," "House of Seven Cables,"
tnd "Tht Sctrlet Letter." Hawthorns
died it Plymouth, N. IL, Msy 19,
1804. Waynt D. McMurray.
(0 br Oaans Matlhaw Adama.)
Saying It with bombs In tht Com
munist msnner makes most uufavor
bit clatter around tht world.
PnPTf A Mn
v-fi. a aUH-m
. ,
Portland, Ore KOI!.
Select Residential & Transient '
' lath eat TaaaklU, Panland. Oianw
Mode- Fireproof American Plan
Better Fraddia Senice-Stcrage and Gentral Repairing
ANDERSON & RICE, mtt&mth Portland, Ore
Fruit Treat on Highways.
Thousands of miles of highways in
Franca and Germany are shaded by
rows of fruit trees planted on either
slda of the road. Soma of them are
state-owned and others are privately
owned. -New York World.
Heartbeats In Treat,
Sir J. C. Bote, the famous scientist,
declares that the Ufa activities of
human blngs and plants are exactly
alike, and that every tree bas, like
tha higher animals, a heart which
throbs Incessantly.
Queer Acoustics.
In St Alban'a abbey, London, the
tick of watch can be beard from one
end of the building to tbt other. In
the Gloucester cathedral the gallery
of octagonal form conveys a whisper
75 feet across tht nave.
Length and Agt.
The Great Wall of China Is the
longest but not tha oldest wall In the
world. It waa built about 214 B. C.
but the walls of Jericho were built
fifteen hundred years before tht birth
of Christ, and are thus about 3,500
years old.
Rare American Colna.
The haireagle of 1797 with 16 atari
Is very rare coin. At recent sale
In New York one of theae half-eagles
brought the highest price 1470. The
next highest amount wat I2S0 for
1792 eagle with 13 stars. Boys'
Flatterers and Frltndt.
A flatterer la aald to ba beast that
blteth smiling. But It Is bard to know
them from friends, they are so obse
quious and full of protestations; for,
st wolf resembles dog, to doth
flatterer friend. Sir Walter
Highway, Canada to Mexico.
Tbt longest continuous pared road
in tht United States is the Pacific
highway from British Columbia to
Mexico, tht only break In tht . bard
surfacing being short distance In
northern California.
First English Almanac
Tbt earliest known almanac wat
"John Somer'a Calendar," which waa
brought out at Oxford university In
tht year 1330. Tht flrat printed al
manac in our language vat published
by Richard Yynson In 1497.
Wholesale Family.
A peasant girl In Italy, who wat tht
twin daughter of woman who Waa
one of triplets, presented ber husband
with tlx tons at once. The following
year she became tht mother of flvt
' Twlnt and Disease. I
Similar twins not onljf resemble
each other In appearance and char
acter, but are likely to have the same
sorts of dlseast due to Inborn defect
or weakness. Science 'Service.
Wordt of Sr'er Wllllims.
Prayin' fer-ont particular blessln'
it all right ef you't tho' you only
needs one, bnt you les' ei well ter
ax do good Lord ter make it full
doien, whilst you't at It.
Harvesting Corks.
Cork trees of Algeria are stripped
once In nnt years after the age of fif
teen and give an average of 15 bar
vests of 100 pounds each. Science
You find workt of literature which
may ba said to be pure art. A little
song of Shakespeare or of Goethe Is
pure art. Huxley.
. Brother Wllllama.
No doubt dar'a money tn de river
bank but mighty fow people will take
de fisherman's word fur It. Atlanta
Constitution, '
What Really Happena.
Politicians aren't actually read out
of party; they are merely kicked out
from under the plum tree. Detroit
Favorite Economy.
The kind of economy that every
body tavora Is the kind that does not
prevent hla getting what be wants.
Compleli Changi Saturday
1,1., It. J W .
"', if cc ur maunee auc:
Evenings, Soc. Continue 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cents all times
cur Fiewns i floral designs
We Specialize In
Kdet, rdti, WmL Kdar,
Tab, Ccir, Orefta
Grate lest, Goal Safes,
Bent Hair
Write tar Shlppta Tata A heart Priae Liat
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
MS waas sffsst saers, fatruaa,
naeaat PaeataDa, Ida
. Tht Real Art.
"Thert It no difficulty," aays tha
steward of Mollere's miser, "In giving
" " J ,
the really great cook la be who can 7
MA rtt kannn.1 m-! t , ,n nnaa, " t
tv 1
an. ai&caiuay. t
1 1 n . . . I - a.
Name of Greenland.
Greenland wat named by the old
Scandinavian navigator Eric the Red.
Ha gave the place an attractive name
because he wanted to Induce colontsta
from Norway to settle In the new
For now the fields were spread with
growth, and the waters clad with sun- .
shine; and light and shadow, step by
step, wandered over the furxy cleves.
Mammoth Loaf.
A loaf of bread, tald to be .the
largest ever baked, waa made recently
In Minneapolis. It wat (0 feet long
and contained more than 400 pounds
of flour. .' t
Nation't Frog Canter.
Oshkosh claimt to be the frog
center of 'the nation. About 2,000,
000 frogs are aaid to be shipped from
the frog farms near there each year.
Relic of Old Warfare.
Devil Dyke la an earthwork In
Cambridgeshire, England, which la of
prehistoric construction about twenty
feet In height It Is supposed to have
been erected as defense against ene
mies advancing from the Fen country.
Greenland Currency.
Animals mark tht denominations of
Greenland paper currency Issue of
thla century.' The eider duck, saddlo
backed aeal, reindeer and polar bear
denote different denominations. Na
tional Geographic Society Bulletin.
Cut Them Out From Herd. '
A mother of 17 children, experienced
considerable difficulty In getting her
large brood safely to bed, until she bit
upon the expedient of parading them
in single file and counting them off at.
they passed ber.
CiplAla Built to Order
Two European capitals, Petrograd
and Madrid, were built to order. The
former by Peter the Great, the other
by Philip It, who chose the lofty site
because of the asthma from which bt
Stir-Spangled Banner Flag.
In the Smithsonian institute at
Washington la the American flag that
Inspired Francis Scott Key to write
"The Star-spangled Banner."
Where Everybody It Boxed.
A undertaker has recently suggest
ed that hit profession should be given
a more attractive name. Why not call
his shop the Box Office 7 London Hu
morist. Still Alive In Pictures.
A naturalist says the American
eagle is becoming extinct We should
worry so long at they continue to
strike off good copiet of It Philadel
phia Inquirer.
You Want a Good Position
Vary wall Take the Aeeetintaney an
Bualneaa Maugament, Private eaeetait.
M, Calculator, Cemptemalar, .euaaajim
phle, FenmanahJp, i CeeaaaroUl Teaeav
u-a' Course at t ,
The fereneat Business Collars ef th
Northwaat which has wen mora Accuracy
Awards and Geld Iledala thma uv ihr
tchool ta Amartcav Bant for eur Burcaas
Cain lof. Fourth Straat near Ifoniasob
Portland, Or. laaae M. WaJker, Prti
P. N. U. . No. 29, 192S