n f v i ',- '"' ' : " liependent none . Ji r m 'i VOLUME XIV IONE, OREGON, FRUJAY, JULY 17, 1925 NUMBER 7 IBV. II o JAMZS VrHITOOMS RILEY he little red ribbon,the rthtf and the rose! . Thesummertinie comes and me summertime Sqes Am nrvej fckSssom nail of the land Aswhttea die gleam of her Deckorahjj hand! big winter month5, and the glare ' ' . , . pftnejnovw; ThebruerednbbOT.trtfnng; and hV rose! And txyexa$mmeT of sun in the akies As bright as the light of her glorious ejesl "pyAMS onjyr are true; but th& fade rorhCTface ts notiieievSIwakenatdavfn; The lirfle red ribbon, the img and the rose Mheanji fiersor the dream repose. 1am wary of warting.and weary of I And HQ heart wearies, too, all In desolate vean. Moanino cw He one pnj$ song that il knows. j inennie rca nDDon.uve nng an tears, ese LOCAL NEWS NOTES FOR SALE One portable grain elevator See Or L. Barlow lone Oregon iiiiLi iv niw mn nnrvwi ins nnn xivi trui ialm Hit II. .... ..... , StyEasy " smjev i i- Wherever You Live )il Cookstovcs Are CTyou want cool kitchen AJ n summer, in au rouAd, year-'round cookstov with BO (re to tend use a good oil cookstov. It will help soKe your cooking problem by making your cooking "city eat! No nutty fires to tend no fuel or tehee to has simple noiseless ufil But be mn to um Pearl Oft ft Ptdrl Od il rt ikon "Just ktmrnf. It it refined and re-refined by our ipecial p roc cm to it awf corrode coobtovet or heater! will g" yo nothing but absolutely odorless, in teiue flame disc's all itotf Insist oa clean-burning Pearl Oil ask fix k by mam I" P E A R L O I L". STANDARD OIL COMFANT (&kM) wmm a. r "tr OIL (KEROSENE) At condition now are, there lis. but one way for me to bo business and that is to netl for cash. It takes cash, to buy stock and cash purchases force cash lalei. lone Market Geo. Ritchi t Prop' Ice crcom will be served at the Congregational Church parlor. Thursday afternoon, July 23, beginning at 4.00 p. m. Charlie Christopherson us tained a fire Ions Friday of about $1,000.00 when 1800 sackr, twine drapers and blacksmith tools were burned at noon. Mr. Chris topherson was not at home 1 1 the time the fire occjred and at the time of going to press was not informed as to the origin of the fire. There was no insur ance. Bert Mason who has( been in Portland in attendance on the Elks Convention returned to lone Thursday. Mr. Manon reports a great assemblage of Bills and en thusiasm at high tide. A 20 car Irainioad of sheep, valued at $45, C00, and consigned to Chicago, passed down the Hep pner branch R. U. Friday morning-Anyone wishing information abcut the "Women of the Ku Klux Klan" write to box 127 lone, Ore. ! I The first carload of 1925 wheat tf go out on the Heppnet Branch eras shipped to Portland, Thun . day, the lGlh ins'., by the Indt pendent Warehouse Co. from the lone warehouse, '. ' ' ; ?'fhe flrjjt caTload o' the season came from the ranch of DigU Minner who hai shippe'd th' firt CHrlobd of the 8 aaon for six coi sttcutive years. I ' WritE To WATER-JJSER Any one spririKlinif without m permit itii ued tur that pur;ost, or spriiiklmg other than il.e lim sett'y urdinancf. are viuutinj the law, and are no, on.y b-jeit to a fine, tu: their water wi:l beshuti'if withowt notice. ' City Recorder : It'sManagement that' The Itland ef luU CaUlkM, l1n eff the eeait of eoothera OaUienla, ki 60 mUee south of Lot Aaaelee. It dlKorered la 1M2 by Joan Rodrlfoea Cabrillo, a Portneraeee explorer. In the ' terrlce of Bpala and aamed Ban KaV vador. It was rlalted by Sebaitloa Vises too 60 year later tad named Sariti Cataltna. la honor of St Cath- you will readily make a savlntf Il ' boot frS.000 acrea. Tho tarface U hilly Oil your Winters Supply Of fuel, and well wooded. To Island eoatalaa Now U the time to order! mm Counts By using good judgm; t. your winter supply of slabwood j lea Cram'$ H'utwy Ice cream waa lint made la Italy. F.O.B. lone at ths Very ra. " ' thought that it waa Introduced , Into France In 1550, and the eariteat SOnablC price Of $5.50 per printed record of It In England was found In housekeeping magazine pob- cord cash. Remember and ii,R'f 178S- it introduced into . , the United State by a Philadelphia leve your OldvTS With til - caterer In 1S00, hot It was not nntil (?,,. L., n ' ! 1S51 that the flrst wholesale Ice rreanl armers blevator Co. bMlneii Wi, w Baltimore. .ill, IIIMIIUI lllllllll Li'i's Mrkinu-n ihein "GtyEasy MM jW esn X Am fir HEAT I W LIGHT This evulutio.i rumpu3 ha.-sig AliEllUvll TiinMLlw f i helped keep alive fou.- erroneous J s Harvest time Is here ami It pays to investigate as these are J H STRENUOUS TIMES and pennies saved will accumulate and 1 1 E become dolLrs,Now is the time to figure the cheapest way ko l market your grain Do you realize that there Is a shortage o 1 1 burlap? That is why sacks ire commanding a good price and S with the demand increasing every day, the price is still going up s That means that you will be losing some of your hrd earned 1 1 money by buying high priced sacks. Why should you be ham- EE pered by such an EXPENSE when it is so easy to eliminate the 1 1 5 heavy burden by making yo ineif CAPTAIN and MASTER of 1 1 the situation. It is easy. With just a little determination on you f f J part the great battle will be won. J There's a reason and it's a good one and a benefit to every 1 1 H farmer In saving the price of his sack bill every year and by 1 1 E so doing he will be hunduds of DOLLARS ahead of the sack industry. That's saying a whole lot and It's a fact E it's to your interest to study up on this matter and save doi-1 E lars. The opportunity is now at hand and stares you in the face EE Let's cooperate and unit as one great body and win the battle : : by bulking our grain at the ELEVATOR. Remember that we j are the fanner's friends and at your service at all times. ; i i FARMER'S ELEVATOR COMPANY if Consult Hallick Stange, Manager. j! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:::::;;;;;;niiiiiiii;i:,;;;;;;;.,i notions, out now. lvu, Jtiui. 's ' i--t hold thtt man decended from apes. Ihej bold that men and apes decendei from the time ancestors. ., Darwin did not ordinate the theory of evolution. Ancient, Greeks held similar theories, fh-j Darwinian theory, atnclly aptak ing, is that evolution is brouitM about by the survival of the fittest. Darwin's theory is not univer sal accepted by science. It has beer, and iJ being constant!; modified by new discoveries. Lastly, evolution is taught as a truth only where the teacher is ignorant or overly enthusias tic. It is merely a theory. It cannot be scientifically proven. But circumstantial evidence led scientists to believe it to be true. -vKast Oregonian Money is Plentiful BUT IT IS HARD TO KEEP WITHOUT ' ' A BANK ACCOUNT NO MATTER how plentiful money may be you cannot keep it if you fritter it away. And carrying money around in your pocket affords an ideal opportunity for frittering. MAKE MONEY PLENTIFUL FOR YOURSELF -DEPOSIT IT IN THIS BANK INSTEAD Oi' FRITTERING IT AWAY. BEFORE THE ALDERU2S A I derm a I desire to present a petition. Preeldlng Oncer The elert will read. . Clerk To the honorable board of aldermen, a petition from the 4nmatet of the almshouse, asking the board to protlde parking space for their mite- mobile. ' NECKING f $0 Amtrican Plan of Advertising Is Being Followed "An apple a day" is now pur. suing the doctors of Great BrU in, having probably reduced all American doctors to penury. A reriee of "Fruit Weeks in the various towns of Great B it ain lor the purpose of spreading the fruitarian gospel, has been arranged by the Fruit Trades Federation. Scotland.," said a federation official "has responded enthusias tically to the idea. Practically every fruiterer has joined the scheme, and one is tempted to wonder whether Scotland may be induced, for a week at least in the year to forsake her breakfast porridge. He Grace and I entered an endur ance contest In dancing. She How'd yon come out? Be Neck and neck. Sill SANITARY DAIRY TUBERCULIN TESTED COWS PRE-WAR PRICED PRODUCT To reduce the cost of living use more milk and cream YOUR satisfaction, OUR success. C. C. Sargent, Proprietor. a vh vh fH n n mxmssrrrsfk lllf! S3 Jfidsummee 'It TripS m Much fiefter On rssson I Ilk tn movlri Whin dd n actor falls. H osn'l rovlvs amid applutu Am laka ! curtain call. Nat art' Protection ' Lett Insect, which thrive i.n the guava tree, mimic the leave so i'1'ieeljr tint they change color with the U aves a the leaaon advance. Bank of lone Lost and Found More thun 10,000 piece of pr;ierty were turned Into the lost and r mini doiisrtuiont of one eastern railroad lait year. S ; . IONE, OREGON iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiii Purniit of Happintn Remember, however, It It the pursuit of happlne that la an Inalienable right, not happlne Itself. Newcastle Round Trip Exearalao Tickets To sll principal i vtuca on sale daily to Sept. IS Final return limit Oct. 31 taltkaral iluiNivaf privtUa momt off rttununa fl Vltit thm fbJts ' back Cast" now wni'e th aree are low Low faraaaltat ZSeaa National Park and TeUoweton NaUooal Park AtkrnrfrMbaokUt, dawriptlva of thtta laaawM moiti J.W.Hcwk ARt. lono, Oregon. Win. Mc Murmy 6. V A. Draper Bargains Dearing Harvester Drapers McCormick Header Drapers ; s t S mtL a 3 3 ess : 3 I have a purge stock of drapers for the above ma chines and offer them at dose out prices, for cash 1 1 Get my prices before fitting up your harvesting machineay. f Repairs for Deerrlng and McCormic Harvestes g and Deering and McCormick Mowers at bargain j price's for CASH ' : B BERT MASON lllllllllltll1ltlllltlltllltHtlM")",Ml I Courier. . . ... 'Portland, Oreg- mwmw H