The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 03, 1925, Image 2

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, l by Hhort Btury fub. Co.)
T' 1110 Pacific Mull Btt'Biiiahlp Pe
king, wliU-Ji lulled for Hongkong
luat Uiontli, carried thre hun
dred mid fi-rty-Mvrn paasongi-r
of various nulloiiulltlvi. In lliut whul
Dumber tli it wu una,' a Chlnumaa,
Who litrt no friend behind, mid yet he
wilt to missed, frum Main to Cullfur
Dla. Ah Wong, tli exceptional man
Huong mveral hundred ocean voynii'T.
would lie exceptfoiiul In my minima
titty on the fuct of lit globe, llti cur
ried Willi lliut, In letter! of credit,
fortune tliut will keep lilm In luxury
fur tlia rest of bit duyt, turned with
out work In a unlqu profession Which
tin Invented hlinaelf. lis belong to
rue Unit till long been credited With
pecullur nptlludu fur wayi thut ar
dark und trick thut nr win, hut Ah
Wong'i way Imn been to luiwh dark
cr tliun thoa of lilt fellow-countrymen
that 'ha It the most cordially bated
mail thut hut ever been smuggled, over
tht Cunitdlun border,
. Ah Wong It tht ton of an actor,
tine dead, who performed "" '
tht minor theater of (.'union Inmull
tnent iinyt thut luated for a month.
Ah Wong I alto- the grandson and
great gmndaon of actors, anil from hit
earliest youth hut shown inurked abil
ity In the limit line, aa he made devil
fare at lilt mother, frightening her
half out of her diminutive tliort, be
fore he wat a year old. He toon be
came unoiulur with hit funilly, who
regarded him a having heen bora
tired, hut It wat thought that bit In
herited tulenti could be counted uHn
to provide hindaoniely for hit parent
In their old age. Hut disappointment
attended their eiwtutlona at every
atep. When the hoy wit old enough
to go to tclioyl he begun to limp to
badly thut he had to be carried In the
anna of a tervaut. Hoon afterward
he appeared to be tubjeet to tuddi
attackt of Mlndueaa, to thut all
thought of providing Mill with a reg
ular education had to he Indefinitely
postponed, Then lib) father, In hit
lelsUr time, undertook to teach lilui
by Dot the text of the ancient (V
leatlul tragedies, and would harnngua
at tli top of hit vole for hourt to
gether. It wat all breath wealed, for
after the flrat wordt Ah Wong't bear
ing would become blunted, and he
would tit In paaalv somnolence, with
a curtain of alienee between himself
and the nolso of talk.
Ah Wong't ttoinacll teemed to b
the only part of hi anatomy Hint re
mained In good working order, aud In
thl th family rejoiced, believing that
If hla upix-tlt remained good, the llm
would coma when lie would outgrow
hit phyalcul defects.
Many yeura passed, the actor father
wat giithered to hit futhera, and Ah
Wong, Instead of being a prop for the
lupport of hit widowed mother, waaa
troubletoma burden. II vi'ua now be
lieved to hav been Ixirn (any. lie
wat more unpopular than when he
made devil face at her at a bnby,
o hi mother, exrrclalng her right
a head of th house, .culled a
family council to tit upon hit cut.
Th wle old ludy itrongly hinted
that It might b well to put him
out of hit nilacry permanently, i'o
ilbly ah might have found oin one
to hold a sword. If he would content
to fall upon It, but th uncle and
couttna had another plan. They took
up a collection among Iheinsi-lvea. and
with thlt money Ah Wong win tent
acroat the ocean to America, pouht
1pm h would be Well cured for there,
and In any event he would be unable
to return.
It all turned out at they hud tnld.
Ah Wong wat unloaded In Itoaton from
th "underground railway" Ilk a lump
of lead Taken to turn diatiint rel
ative, he at their rice, drunk their
tea and amoked their tobacco for lev
erul yean, and earned th title of the
Jutleat man In th world. When told
that he muat go to work he wat too
luty to refuac, but somehow he never
did th work, When he wu kicked
out of one atore lie quietly settled hlm
aelt In another, and when hla dlatant
relutlvea wild Ulaagreeuble things, hit
heurlng became dulled to that h wna
not disturbed, Hit needl were few
and the burden of hit food and tobac
co win not a heavy one, hut hit per
petual Idleneat win a constant annoy
ance to hit coualna, who at luat loat
pntlcnce and began to talk of tending
hint hack to Clilnu.
Then the deafness left Ah Wong.
II did not want to hear Hint talk, but
In tplte of hit Inllrmltlei be could
not help It. With China came thoiighit
of fulling on twordt and all that tort
of thing, ao he promptly told hit coua
lna that ho would ion he able to do
something for hlintelf, but he did noth
ing until Para Cliln got caught pound
ing a neighbor with a flat-Iron and wat
aura to get ill month In the houte of
correction. Bum Chin could not af
' ford to wail 10 much time, iia It
would menn the loat of all hit laundry
customer, While he wat out on bull,
twnltlug trial, lie wild thut be would
rather pay a buy Chliiamun flv hun
dreds dollar to go to Jul I thnn go
himself. With luughl and Joert Ah
Wong wat advlaed to apply for the
place, and when h gravely nodded hit
heud lilt coumIih laughed till they dou
bled up Ilka Juck-knlve. Ncvertlie
leaa, It wat oil arranged, though th
price wu only half of what Bum Chin
bad Jokingly ottered.
When the 'Jay of Ol trluf cmue, Ah
Wong wut In th clothe of the other
th painted face of Ah Wong wua like,
th fac of Sum Chin ind th decep
tion wat not discovered. Ah Wong
wat pleated with hi burguln when the
money wut paid and securely hidden,
for ill tnouthi It not lung In a mun'i
Ufa aud h wit told thut In lb houae
of correction a good bed and plenty
of , food ar provided. II hud not
been told that 8am Clilu'l tenteiic
demanded hard labor, aud for th Drat
time In hi life, to hit dlagutt, Ah
Wong hud to work, From thlt work
cum thought, angry thought at flrat,
but calm aud tutlafylng afterward,
beraut before the til montht were
Up h hid Invented t new prufeaalon,
When released, h aiked hit coualna
to writ to New York, Han Kranclaeo,
Denver, and other cltlet, to lay to the
leading Chinamen that Ah Wong would
go to Jul! In th place of other men for
not lea than a thouaiind dolluri and
expense. Ill coualna laughed again
and taid that Ah Wong had learned
to work, but h tald nothing about hit
lecret Invention,
In two month h went to Provi
dence, where Ye (let wut arretted
with tinuggted opium In hit Jacket. The
aentcnr wat a year at hard labor,
but when It wat Interpreted to Ah
Wong h only milled broadly. He
did not tuille at the Jail, but when the
lltn cim0 for hlin to go to work, he
wat found all doubled up with tome
it rung dlaablllly, and both wrlal and
on ihoulder were out of Joint. Th
doctor reduced th dlalocttloui and
tent th prtaoner to th hoapltal to
recuperet. Th food wut better In
the hoapltal, th bed wut better, and
Ah Wong recovered at alowly at he
could. When at latt h wat lent back
to work tit itrung tlckneat attacked
him again and th Joint of bit armi
wer again dislocated. II never left
th hoapltal after that, and, at be had
become a burden upon th authorltlet,
h wat releaaed In nine months, en ru
ing hit thoueund dollirt nior easily
ven thin lit hid expected. Thlt time
when b ret unit d to hi coualna he
found tint b wat wanted In Philadel
phia and Ban Francisco at th tain
time, and h kept both men walling
until th prlc au bid up to three
thoutand dollar. At th beginning of
hi profeialonal career he waa to thin
tint he could only Ink th pluc of
laumfrymen and luborer In th peni
tentiaries, but with arm out of Joint
h lived on the fatteat of boapltal fare,
and aa h gained weight he look the
tenttneel of rich merchant who were
able to pay more. II permitted him
self to be tried for any crime, only
drawing th line 'at murder cases, be
cause, at h nld, h waa now a rich
man and could not afford to leave hi
Laat fall h decided that he wa rich
nougb to retire. He had served In
twenty Jail aud a h could not do hla
contortion ipeclalty In any on of
them a Second time, hla Held of useful
nest bid become restricted to clllea
where ther wer but a few, and thus
generally law-abiding, Chinamen.
Therefor h decided to return to the
land of bl father to enjoy th fruit
of bla lailneaa, and wai planning to
reach ther In time for the celebra
tion of th Chines New Year. At the
last moment, however, he wa sum
moned to New York by a letter from
a man who wit about to be deorted
for being Illegally In th country and
who rich friend wer willing to pay
liberally for a auhatltut to he sent
back to China In bl place. The new
arrival, then out under heavy ball, wua
a comparatively thin mun, but Ah
Wong agreed to take hla pluc for two
thouaand dollar and reduce hla weight
till b Otted the other clothes. So Ah
Wong enjoyed th New Year' festival
on a narration diet of rice and water.
When, with hi mug fortune, he tin.
burked on the I'eklng, hla paasage pnltl
by- tli government of th United
States, he wa awaited by a patient
llttl almond eyed bride, secured
through - th good o dices of his re
pentant fumlly.
Petroleum Fir it Taken
From Water$ Surface
Th earliest system adopted for th
collection of petroleum appenra to
hav conslated In tklmnilng th oil
from th surface of the water upon
which It had accumulated, and It I
fated on good authority thut at Point
Creek, In Johnaon county, Kentucky,
that a man named (!orge, and hi as
sociate collected oil front the aunda
''by making ahallow cunult 100 to '.no
feet long, with an upright board and
a reaervolr at one end from which
they obtained aa much at 200 barrel!
per year by ttlrrlng tht tindt with
Th Pennsylvania Hoik Oil com
pany waa formed In 185-1, but Ita -caution
wer uuiiicceaaful, and In
1857 certain of the member of thut
company founded th Seneca Oil com
pany, under whoae direction K. U
Druk started a well on Oil creek, in
northweitern Pennsylvania. This win
th first well avowedly drilled for the
production of petroleum, After drill
ing hid been carried to i depth of (III
feet, on August 20, lft.M), th tools sud
denly dropped Into a crevice, und on
th following day th well wna found
to hav "struck oil." Thlt well yield
ed 23 barrel a tfhy for tome tliuo.
The Wlte Raconteur
Two men were talking at the club.
"When I am tolling! man a story,"
aid on of them, "I Hop abort If I
tea a peculiar gleam In hit eyes.".
"Poet It mean that he hat heard th
ttory bforet' Inquired the other,
"No," anawered th flrst, "It means
that ht Itn't listening, becatit h It
thinking of th on h Intend to tU
George O'Brien
This popular "movlt" star hat
been n In a number of motion
pictures, much to th satisfaction of
nit many admlrtrt. O'Brien wit kern
In San Franelste. H I flv fast, 11
Inehe tall, welghe 180 pound and
ht brown hair and blu eye.
tKW peojil real I re what a great
mass of penlatent tuiierstltloo
underlies our modern culture how.
though th temple of lals and Osiris
are crumbling by the bunk of the
Nile; the "stars glimmer through the
loop of time" m the Itoinan coli
seum, Tlior ind Odin relgu no longer
In th Noraeman's heaven and Ktone
beng lie Itruldles upon Xalisbury
plain, th auieratltlina evolved In the
day when these thlnge belonged to
a living .present and not to a hoary
pa at remain at 111 w ith ua, descended
from all these various sources, ap
parently Indentrurtlbte and forming a
part of the lives of the people In the
present day.
Th superstition regarding the
dragon fly or, as It la popularly called,
the dertl't darning needle. It ao In
heritance from Norse mythology. In
Scandlnavli the dragon fly It culled
th troll'a nfalle, or troll's spindle,
tnd I regarded by Norwegian chil
dren as It I by the American child,
la our name w have simply suhatl
tuted "devlf for "troll." Who has
not, when a child, brushed away with
fear a hovering devil' darning needle
lest It should "new hla mouth up," or
"sew hi ear tip"? The niieratltlnn
differs but It I generally the mouth.
Th mouth I the original form of the
tuperstltlon and (he rvuon for this
Is apparent. The trolts hated nolae
above all things It reminded them
of th days when they fought with the
gvHla and Thor threw his hummer
after them. Children ar apt to he
in) lay and thus awaken unpleasant
recollections; wherefore tha troll's
needlea sew up their mouths to keep
them quiet. In Icelandic literature
the troll were giants; but In None
literature they Inter became dwarfs,
which was probably the result of
their unaucceasful attack upon the
god. A belief In the trolls still ling
ers ,ln the Scandinavian peninsula.
They are the "hill people," the "little
neighbors who live In the Interior of
hill and correMnd somewhat to the
"brownie" of Scotland. They are In
general well illmed but eually of
fended, oneclully by any noise, and
tadly given to petit larceny. In
America thf' devil's darning needle
superstition I con lined entirely to
f children, hut among them Is universal.
,1 ev McClurs Niapr trnsicau.)
, Complimentary?
He Your cousin refused to recog
nil nie at the hop lust night. Thinks
I'm not Ills equal, I suppose.
Blie Itldlculotn! Of cnuise, you
are. Why, he Is nothing hut a con
ceited Idiot. Stunford Chupurrul.
I ? v
W 4
f )' )' -'
,10 r MaClura Nawiyaiitr Iradlaata.)
" Alfalfa hay proved superior to tu
dan hsy at a fetd for dairy. cattl at
tha Ilayt (Kim.) experiment station
in th third trial comparing th merit!
of the two feedt, according to th re
port given by Prof. 3. B. Fitch at th
annual Kantut roundup.
Thlt trial, conducted during th past
year at th Hsy a station, gav result
agreeing with those obtained In th
flrat trial when cow fed alfalfa hay,
kaflr tllag and grain In proportion to
milk production produced 13 per cent
nor milk each day than th same
cow when tudan bay wat substituted
for alfalfa hiy.
In the second trial, however, th
cow fed atidaa hay, kaflr tllag tnd a
liberal grain ration produced tllghtly
mor milk each diy than th same
cowl when alfalfa bay wat substituted
for th tudan hiy.
Eight Ilolstcin cow were rtsed In
th third trial. They averaged S79
poundt of milk and 21.S pounds of but
terfat dally while fed alfalfa hay at
compared with Cll pounds of milk and
10.7 pounds of buttcrfat on sudan bay.
, "Cow fed alfalfa bay, kaflr silage,
and a liberal grain ration, produced
8 per cent mor milk and 10 per cent
mora butterfut than the sum cowt
when fed tudan bay," aald Professor
Fitch In auiiimarlzlng th results of
th third experiment -Th body
weight of tli cow wer practically
constant during tha three period. Tht
alfulfa bay wat consumed In larger
amounts than wst the sudan hay.
"In two of th three feeding trial
comparing alfalfa bay and sudan for
dslry cuttle at th Hay station, al
falfa hat proved to be better than tu
dan. In lh trial where tudan proved
better than alfalfa, th alfalfa bay
waa of Inferior quality. In all thre
trial th liberal grain ration and th
relatively abort feeding period! appar
ently have reduced th difference be
tween alfulfa hiy and audan hay. Thl
itatement la nad th result of a
large number of feeding trial with
dairy cowt comparing feedt ilmlltr to
those naed In this experiment Alfalfa
bay and audan hav practically th
asm amount of digestible protein
baiiudun. The quality of the protein In
alfalfa ta alio superior to that from
other bay crop and grain that hav
been compared experimentally to data.
A a source of minerals for dairy
cow a th legum bays, and especially
alfalfa, are of special Importance To
maintain milk production and body
weight over a lurg period of Urn
when nn tudan hay cow must b fed
a grain ration containing a protein
supplement. In region where alfalfa
cannot be grown and where It la high
In price It i deal ruble to feed three or
four pound of alfalfa daily, to dairy
cow at an additional tource of min
eral and for th protein It contains."
Soy Bean3 Are Superior
as Protein Supplement
Cracked toy been a are equal or
allghtly superior to Unseed ollmeat it
a protein supplement for dairy cowt.
After thre sepnrat trials with tblt
new feed, Invetttgttora at th Iowa ex
periment station hav reached th
above conclusion.
Furthermore, they demonstrated that
any beitnit do not causa tcourt under
th conditions existing In tht experi
ment Th basal ration consisted of
corn silage, alfalfa bay, cracked corn
and ground outa. Boughage wat fed
according to the capacity of the cowt
and th grain mlxtur according to
No tendency In th beans to becom
unpalatable over long feeding period!
wa observed to long at a dally allow
ance of four poundi wai not exceeded.
When th prlc for oy bean aeed
geta lower and reasonably large acre
age are planted, soy bean can b ex
tensively used.
Soy bean oil meal, which It the prod
uct left ifter oil extraction, wa also
teited at the Iowa elation. It valu
wa fotmd equal to that of ltnieed oil
meal. The relative price of th two
feedt wU determine whlcb It th bet
ter to buy.
Planted with cornfor tllag, toy
beana did not thow any value, accord
ing to th Iowa teats. Work dont so.
far tndlcatea that corn allage 1 of
practically the same valu a corn-bean
allage for tht production of milk ami
butterfut The tonnage per acr ahoweJ
an Increase of 800 per cent where the
two crop were grown together, cotm
pared with corn alone. Th cost for
teed and seeding largely offset the ad
vantage In tonnage, however, making
straight corn illage practically at eco
nomical at corn-bean silage.
In the flrat trial th percentage of
benn In th illaj,' wa about 8 and
th lecond S3. No advuntag wat noted
In the Increased percentage. There wa
practically no difference In th palatn
bWt. .
Producing Green Ducks
Th I'ektn breed of duck I kept al
most exclusively by produce of
green ducks. It It estimated that the
cott of raising a ten-weekt-old Pekln
duck la from S to 0 centa a pound. In
th market when marketed from
April to November, they bring between
13 and SO cents a pound. Th cott of
picking them It pluced ut from 5 to 6
cent each, but thlt I practically cov
ered by th valu of the feathers,
which bring from 40 to DO cent!
pound when cured.
1 Jl i M-itUms
Portland, Oregon.
Select Residential & Transient'
Uth ta TmiSIU. Portland. Onm.
Modrti Fireproof American Plan
Ship Your Cream Often
Better Frasklin Service-Storage and General Repairing
ANDERSON & RICE, W, Portland, Ore
Argentine 8nta Claua.
The American consul general to Ar
gentina tayi that "they do not bare
a Santa Claut In thlt country a wa
practice It is 'he United State,, but
on each 6th of January they drett
up to a very limited extent what they
called 'Lot IUcV (the Kings), wear
ing a Santa Claui beard and a red or
colored coat but ths performance I
very tarn and not at all general."
Consult! Many Pin 8ecd.
Government experiment with tha
appetites of ground squirrel! and chip-
taunki In an endeavor to determine
what damage they 4a to the teed crop
of our conifer tree showed that the
ground squirrel averaged 340 pine
teedt In 24 bourt while the chipmunk
got away with 237 over the tame
Uses for Jetties.
A jetty Is an embankment whlcb ex
tendi Into a lake or ocean for the pur
pose of controlling the tand drift that
would otherwise aboal up a channel or
encroach on the thore. Jettlct are
usually built of large broken atone, or
tlmberwork; concrete blocks, etc, can
be used.
Planta and Animal. '
The fundamental difference be
tween plant and anlmala are that aa
a rule animal! can move from place to
place, and planta cannot; plant make
their own food from sunlight and com
mon chemical while animal depend
on eating other anlmala or plant.
Practical Ideallim.
One ahould keep one' eye raited
to the mountains, and refuse to lower
ona'a Ideals. All th tame, one mutt
not ignore lb road one la traveling
along, or one will trip. Ideallim must
be translated Into the practical term
of everyday life.
Son Was Interested.
Old RIchleigh (In lecturing mood)
"I well remember the time when I
hadn't shirt ot my back." Ilia Son
"That must have been a hot old foot
ball (tame, dad. What posts h did you
play?" Boston Transcript
Scourge of th Sea.
Montbars, a French pirate ot the
Seventeenth century, wa called, on
account of hit ferocity, the "Extermin
ator." When eighteen he went with hla
uncle, a naval officer, to the West In
dies, and there joined the buccaneers.
Th Call.
Josephine Mother, I mutt go home
sooner than I expected. I just bad a
letter from Edward telling me to stay
aa long at I wanted to!
South Carolina Took Lead.
South Carolina waa the leader in
advocating end fighting for the doc
trine of ttate'i right. It waa the first
slate to secede from the Union, De
cember 20, 1S60, and it opened the
Civil war, April 12, 1861.
Haa Been Held Monster.
Kubla Khan, tha grandson ot the
great Cenghlt Khan, who completed
the subjugation of China begun by
his grandfather, haa been described by
Marco Polo, the Venetian traveler, at
an able and enlightened ruler.
Fortunately for Humanity.
There It in the heart ot woman such
a deep well ot love that no age can
treete It. Bulwer Lytton.
Unlike Humanity.
Animal! are such agreeable frlonds;
they ask np questions, pass no criti
cisms. George Eliot.
You Want a Good Position
Very wall TaVe th Aeeettntaney an
Bualnaas Manaa;ment Private Bacretmrl
at. Calculator, Comptotnater, a)tnor
phlfl, t'annvanahlB, ur CeaaiawrOisl Taatsh
ra' Cours at
Th foremost 3ualnf"J Collate of th
Northwest whlctf has Wbn mors Accuracy
Award and Gold Medals than any tthar
achool Id Amdrli-a. jand foe our ftnceaa
Catalo-. Fourth Btreat near Morrlaon,
Portland, Or. lasae M. Walkar, Pras.
p. N. u.
No. 27, 1925
Carrtplela Changi Silurdir
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c;
Evenings, 86c Continous 1 to U
p. m. Children 10 cent all timet
stoaaeh Slaoritn, kaaaer,
klaUar tmblM, gall stesaw
sasatipaUoa, aesaadidU ta
tit iaaala seaplaiaM. Tm aa
Uks trastaaate at koae at rw
larra. 142 Mea4 BV. m
saff Aldtf. Faritond, Ora.
Clark Brsaw Harts t. Stt Mai if a X.
FOR SALE Country iton kandllnr eraml
Una. Will aril ptupwrty and Bilurva includinr alt
or any part of stock. Writ fur complete Inform
ation. No tradca will b comMotm!. , Lindley
and Jfihnaon. Apploton. Waahinirton.
On Absoluts Rul.
It it easier to adopt oursolvei to the
world around us, than to change It, to
do what we, can with the tooli we
hv, than to force circumitancea to
give ua what wa viuld choose. How
ever much we may with to climb, one
thing It ture we must begin where
we are. '
Expresses Perfection.
The "T" square, or rule, I aa in
strument used , by mechanic and
other when great exactness la re
quired, therefore, "it tulta to a T,'"
that Is, It it correct in every way at
a piece of work would be if measured
by the "T" rule.
Could B Sure of Him.
"One thing that I Ilk about our new
ledger clerk," tald a member ot a
firm to hit partner, "la that he'a re
liable. You can alwayt tell what be
it going to do next" "And what ia
that?" asted the partner. "Nothing,"
waa the reply. Pearton'a Weekly.
Appropriate Arch.
A gardener who recently waa mar
ried at Edinburgh, Scotland, decided
to vary th old army custom of march
ing out ot the church under an arch bt
swords. Hit arch wat formed with
hoes, rakes and other garden tooK
Striking Effect of Diet.
Our Unci Abner tayt that, aa be
looks around among mankind in gen
eral and a few that ha might mention
In particular, he ia more than ever con
vinced that a man it what be eata and
that a large percentage of them eat
prunes. Liberty Press.
Won't Go That Far.
Howsoever every man may complain
occasionally ot the hardships of hi
condition, he la seldom willing to
ehanjo It for any other on the aame
Not Missed.
"Conversation at breakfast." says
an essayist, "have become a loat art."
Well, a lot of it waa pretty loud any
way tor those porosknlt apartment
houses. Detroit New.
It Menac.
The worst thing about golf la that It
It uselessly prolonging the Uvea of ao
many tuperfluout citizen.
Us Flashlight. ,
When threading a tewing machine
needle. It tha light Si poor, a flashlight
I most effective.
'V IM i
Willi tH-trM tolas Bt 1
and fwtl ruulm tiuwiM
giivNit lliti-hr i'uili I
will Mtn Uul k,
I'n.ltt-. Writ today (of
-ra)l firti MI INI Whlt, R. t KnU atul
Mso lar.AvSNUI ssattls
We Specialize in
Hides, PelU. Wtei MoUr, '
Tallow, Casein, OrtfM
Crapt Root, Gut Slant,
Writ for Shippin Taa A avUat Friee Liat
Portland Hioe a Wool Co.
, tM neta Haul aeant, niiuns,
Branca at Poea tails, Mate