The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 19, 1925, Image 4

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" '" "
Bruce Grady and Fred Lucas
pent two da) 9 of this week in
The Dalles ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gt)Red of Condor
pant the week end in Lexing
ton visiting at th- home of Mrs
Reeds aunt Mrs Alva Jones
Mrs Ethel Doris and her child
ren returned to their home ai
Salem on Sunr'ay after a very
pleasant two weeks visit in Lex
ingtonwith friends and relation
Most of Lexington's 0. A. C
tudents have returned hotrn
those returning iiU week wert
Wiima and Opal Leach, M as
Mrxine Gentry and Mr. Claire
Nolan. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Ray White arriver
from Seattle for a few weeks vis
it the home folks.
Mrs. Ed Dnran left for Salen
on Sunday for an extended visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Marj
Mc Murty.
. Married at Portland May 28, at
the home of the grooms brother
Miss Huldah Tucker anb Paul De
F. Mortimar The bride is a daugb
terof Mr.and Mrs WM.Tucker
of Lexington snd has many
f riends there who congratulte Mr.
Mortimor on winning such a fine
girt for a bride. The newlyweds
are making their home at
Gladstona. Ore
HmPt-ick the Dan
Ftatelurk the Dane was arly
Anglo-Danlah l.wo. Tht ton of the
Panlah king, hi wm ael "drift In
bont, bat M a?rd by Grim, Biher
ttiao, who returned him lo hla father
"Rf taring" Mad Fin Art
Profeaaioaal beak ratortra,
rule, arc nMt Ittanloua artlita, anj
they can prwduie an Imitation of
paga of rar book which wlU do
rclTt hundred of collector!.
Mr. H. C. Witzel came up fro ti
Vancouver Tuesday.
Mrs. Martin and her son Aveiy
tecompanied by Virgil and Knti
Morgan, returned ti Moro on
Jack Hardestv, brother of Jim
' tardesty w hom he had not Beer
for thirty five years, accompanied
y his son and Len Weinke arriv
d in Morgan Friday, from Ok
lahoma. They travelled by auto.
Mr, Frank Halferty and famil.v
( lone and Mrs Sadie Wade o
Estacada, aecompnied by her sot
Merle, were the supper guests al
the H. 0. Ely home. Thursday.
Miss Gladys Pierrot left for Sar
Francisco Wednesday morning
B, F. Morgan and famiiy wer
he dinner guests of H. 0. Ely't
Mr. and Mrs. Crutches of Post
and were the week end guests o
trs. Crutches parents, Mr. am.
Irs. Otto Lindstrom,
Miss Zoe Fanens of lone wa
isiting in Morgan Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bergen of Marsh
field, and their son John drovt
up last Friday to visit Mrs. Ber
gen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
. Harbison.
They came by way of Eugene
and brought ho.TieUobert Harbi
son Jr. whe ha completed his
first year at the Stata Univerii'.y
Mr. Bergen is a florist and also
condncts a floral shop in Mareh-
neio. iney started on their re
turn trip Monday morning.
R. E. Harbsson was in Lexing
ton Tuesday.
, "Butterby Flats" was the scene
)f a very charming wedding on
Monday', June 15. The bride and
iroom were Miss ; Violet May
(ynd, youngest daugnter of Mr.
md Mrs. Jack Hynd' and Mr.
Cecil Leon Lieuallan, eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lieuallan of
Mood River.
The Bishobof Eastern Oregon.
Bishop Remingt.n ot Pendleton
performed the impressive mar
i iage ceremony in the presence
of about fifty guest." on the
beautiful shady lawn where the
songs of the birds, the rippling
of the waters, flowing by the
lawn ana tug sm shining its
Orightest un thj tit lie and. the
bridegroom will not be fo.-gotten
ny those present.
Miss A. C Lowe, cousin of the
ride, presided at the piano. The
nymn sung wm the Voice that
irerthed o'er Eden followed by
the wedding mareh. - ,
The bride was altogether lovely
in white chitton trimmed wilhi
beautifnl lace. She wore a wreath
of orange blossoms and carried a
oeautiful shower boquetof piuk
sweet peas and carnations.
The bridesmaid, Miss Lois Lieu
llan, a s.ster of the bridegroom
was prettily dressed in white
out In pink and blue. A large
hree tier wedding cane, a gift of
the bride's aunt, Mrs. T. H.
Lowe , grae.d the center of the
table. The table linen which waf
used for the occasion was the
same which was used at the wed
ding of the bride's great grand
mother at rittington, Durham,
England one hnndred and twen
i v years ago, and kindly lent for
the wedding by the bride.a aunt
Mrs. T. H. Lowe of Cecil, Oregou
The bridal pair were the recii
untsof many beautifnl presents
and lit the course of the after
noon took their peparture, amid
a shower of rice, old shoes and
fervent gooJ wishts, for the
Coast and other points.
' Happy Look Ah tad
The llrltle ,nt think of It, ilea real t
Fifty yeara fro;. I yesterday will ba our
gulden innlviTMry.lliMtnii Trn
acrlpt. '
Spirituality of Maie
Muale li d ui In In nature; If ti
iiinterlul it will li anlrltual. I'1
lertnl ilile w apprehend through the
of lirirtng and comprehend
through tho li twlleet; ttt aplrltual ahl.i
reaohea in through the fumy (or
liaiigliiullon, M ba It mualc nf Mi high
nt riaaa) int., tba (I.kiImDiI part of
voile and carried a spiay of pink
The bridgroom was attended'
oy Jack Hynd Jr. brother of the
bride' ' ?
After the guests had extended
their congratulations to the hp
oy couple, kit uujoui'ued lo ine
thing room where asplendi J w ai
ding breakfast was served.
The decorations were carried I
i : . . m
11 I
131 ti
Not l Jeal for Firn
Some klnil uf wooda, aut'li in chwt
nut, butternut, taiimrack anil priK,
irv nut I'X'rt nmMla fur flreilnfr b
.auae they throw off o mnny ijiarka
Sciti c t. Politic$
SilentlatK .iff K-rtiilnlin tti
r-imt tteliiht "f Hi enrtli, having left
lo the m !!!! lh J"li f llnil'.n
out nnut Ik tin' niHllvr llli It. Mum
lug Orrguiiluii.
Votf Army ot Industry
r'ai'ior) uurken ntul ilrnlera wlw
Kiiln a HvhIiIimhI In Ilia building iin.l
marketing of one of the b-aillni; iimkt-
nt untuiiiiHiiim iiiiiktltuta an army
Inrger by Merul tliounandK than the
'nfiintry. fir i.l.y and artillery roiu
iiiuiiilrd by :!ir uf Welllngtnn
tlii'H tut il I: iled !'.. ;iut NaMileun
tt i'i li.
Picture Ahead !
Kodak as you go
W$ Beyond the Car Lines
r Jt? n country you
A can have city cooking .
' convenienre. a good oil coofc-
I itove'a inrm A.m. f-.m m
' II L-. . . 1 1 rmt .
j ncai amrmiraua: I nil
H mean a al kitchen and no firca to
tend NouelcM, limple, uft!
The kerosene to ue ihould b the
hi(kcat grade mfy Pearl Od elp
cially refined and -evrW foe uae in
bd cookttovet and bcateri Pearl Oil
bumi ra no imoke no odor
the air itayt iweet and pure Pearl
Oil ' corrode the metal parti of
your oil cookitove.
1 1 "Keroiene" or "coal oil" may mean
k! .... V.-.l Jl . ' n
miu ui Kcruicnci intui on rcan
by nam!
Then bring ir Kodak films
. 1 w
Specially built for Hillside-Harvesting. Will level
on hillside up to a 65 per cent grade.
and it's
I Over
This year Invest in a "Once over and it's ALL OVER" Machine.
Say fo yourself, "I cannot afford
to de without it". This machine is
a proved success, having been used
in these part for a number of C. W. SwanSOn
yeaia anu me new leveling device
and superior construction make
it athoroly modern and up to date
machine'in every way.
Come in and let us show you
how you can save money, time
and labor by investing in one of
these machines,
All But Halt
"My poor fellow," mild the n,ly
"hera la a uuurter for vou. Comlm...
KTlclom. It must be dreadful to br
iMiua, but juit think how inm li wow
it would be If you wera blind."
"Ver right,-lady," agreed the heggar.
"when I war blind I waa tiliiy get
ting counterfeit nionoy." Judge.
Karl L. Beach
Lexington, Ore.
lone, Oregon.
"He'g a cold nrupoalilon a regulai
cabbage I" '
"How'a tliatr
."Got. bis heart In tila head."
Cecil Lleuellan our popular traf
fic cop, met with a mishap'on the
highway, near Morgon, lastsun'
vening which was rather costly
to him but fortunately no person
al Injnry resulted Iiis best girl. to
whom he was to be married the
next morning at day breck, was
at his aide which perhaps caused
him to be somewhat obliviutm to
obstacles on the right of way.
Someone hoisj which stood In
the middle of the roud took the
full impact of his borrowed Essex
sedan, resulted In a badly jitrr.
mt'd radintnr, hood and fender, he
sides a brokeu lamp and other
minor damages. The horse disap
peared in the darkness and at th
is writing had not been heard
London and Pari
At Hie beginning of the KliilitiN'nil
century I'nrtii equnled l.oiulnn In 'P
ulullnn and an doubt lUriiimHcd It u'
loin earlier 1'i'ilmll. The fmitliik
which Kngland gullied In luillu (Hve
London a fre!i antirea of wriillh
through ti rh'li rommerea with the
Orient; It wui llieti that l.mid'Ui forgeil
ierniuneiilly ilieuil nf Pari In the
number of luhithltiiti.
The electors of thn dlftrlct mt't
at tho Hchofl hniiHt M mdav at
1 o'clock P.M. ami trantmsted the
usual annual bulsneis which per
tain to such occasions. Noah 1!.
Pettyjohn was re elected as Di
rector for a three year term and
Mrs. U.E' Harbison was re elect d
Clerk for 1 year.
A Critic Criticittd
J il I lien Agiite III London t'hrnntil--"Nltiii
tenlba of our wreen Idoli are
aa an Ktiglbili ioet haa mid, 'faultily
fuultli'Na, telly regulur, aiilendldl)'
null.'" Mnld tif them, Jnmeil Car
liilnly lint I Ti'imyann wrote t hut line
In 18.VS, long In-fore icreen Idola wei
dreituit of. And, mrt from thiil.
Jaiuea, your atMU-nii'iit Uu't Irua
air. 'luli.'t ao!
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
Dai'fy Txt
Evan It Joy forget lo bring hli fid
die with hi in. you ran ilinut to the
cliilng of lil IiiiihK
I "
Attention Farmers i
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas- I
onable prices
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
Cut Machinery Cost
In Half
The man who leaves his machines in the fields is pay
ing, by depreciation, for an implement shed, but not
getting the shed. ,
You an cut your machinery cost in half by prolong
ntf its Hie and usefulness. You can double the life of
an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you
are through using it
The cost of an implement shed to protect $2,000.00
worth of machinery is only a fraction of that sum.
We have many excellent Implement shed plans to show
you, and we have the right material to build just the
kind and size building you require. Do not make the
mistake of building before you examine our up-to-date
Implement shed plans, we will be glad to have you call
and examine them, whether you are building now or
later. . , ' '
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.