The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 05, 1925, Image 4

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B. H. Grady made business
trip to The DalV this week.
Mrs. Minnie Woods of Port
land returned to her hone last
Saturday after u two weeks visit
wl.h her parent Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Clarke Ujris and two
youngest childrt ii arrived from
this week for a '.wo weeks visit
with friends and relatives in Lex
False Teeth of Steel
Eight dentist mv- employed by
Krupps lo tht department tor miking
fala. teeth of ItNl.
Death's Great Gifts
Death gives us sleep, eternal youth,
anil Immortality. Klchter.
vuo) a(j-'ijoj jnoqn
! iSHMAS D JO rflHIUJ OUoq A(1X 1
Applet Pit Up in England
As many as 100.000 barrels of apple
hare been stored at Southampton, ng
land, at on time.
Gravel and Shingle
(ravel Is tht name given to ii-.'-re
sintlons of water-worn and roii:i.l't
TinT'iK'nts of rocks, varying in le
. t!n a pea to a walnut. When the
trax;m nta are smiiller the deposit
la sitnd, when larger It Is railed
. Variation in Egg Sizes
The ma I lent bird's egg la that of
the humming Mnl. while the largest I
that of the extinct sepjornis. all
times the slie of an ostrich's egg
The eggs of the wingless kiwi of New
Zealand are larger In proportion to
the bird' size than In any other case
of known species.
F ore of Habit
Absent-minded Editor funked to any
grare) We thank Thee for Thy boun
tiful. blessings, but beg to state that
they are unavailable for our present
purpose. Boston Transcript.
Miss Brashers of lone was
calling on Mrs. Minnie Ely on
Tuesday .
Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Harrison
were in Arlirgtoi Thurslay.
Mrs. Bert Palmateer and son
l'eddy lest on Sundy for Estacada
to visit relatives.
Miles Martn and family of Lex
ington were visiting at the home
of Ben Morgan Sunnay.
W. F, Palmateer arrived home
the valley Saturday.
Mrs, Okey Wrgglesworth and
Jangoter and Miss Beulah Ptey
john arrivb home from Walla
vValla on Tuesday.
Truth in Advertising
Dumb Dora (reading sign over ticket
ofllee) Oh, John, it aayg, Entire Hul
eony 89 Cents." Let's get It. so we'll he
all alone. De Tauw Tellow Crab.
Began Big Industry
The flrst tine made In the t'ulted
Suites was from the red oxldt of New
Jersey at the arsenal In Washington
In 1833.
Fast Work in Suger
Only Ave or six minutes are r.v
pilred to spin oft and wash '
,unds of sugur. says Nature Muss
ine. The products of this proce
jt wa.hed raw augur and wash sirup.
It Is the latter that Is mixed with the
aw sugar when It first enters the re
unery for the flulrhlng processes.
Cherish Your F riends
A friend whom you have Wa gain
ing during your whole life, yu ougiil
not to be Olspleused with In a mo
ment. A s'.une Is uiimy years becom
ing a ruyi tuk rare that )n do not
destroy It In un in-Mant ngninst an
other sluue. Saaii.
To Preserve Shots
Beeswax or mutton suet may be
rubbed around boots and shoes !n wet
weather to keep out the duiii.'ne.
To preserve kid shoes rub them at
night with a little petroleum Jelly an I
DollKh them In the morning. The
treatment applies to patent leather
Kodak Enlargment Free
I With $2.50 worth of finishing we
& give you an 8 x 10 enlargement freel
b tse sure to save the enve ODes as yon a
get them.
Portland prices and prompt, snappy
We will appreciate your business.
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
Why not Wart Zion
National Park, tha
newly opened
Wonderland In
Southarn Utah,
thia Summer? Atk
tor booklet in nat
ural colors, which
ghat complete in
formation con
oar ring thia
unique land.
la etteet sUlly bat wt asm
May 22 and Sept. 1 5
Kansas City..
St. Louis
New York.....
it. 96
Cornpondini term to other impettant centers
Final return limit October 81, 191S. Liberal stop
over pri vileges going and returning.
A aide trip to Yellowstone, at small additional
oust will afford th experience, of a Ufa time.
Can us by phone and let us male all your arrange
aunts. Costs no more and will aava your valuable time.
J. W. Howk, Agent, lone, Cregon.
Diameter of Sun and Moon
T'.ie sun Is Immensely liirger tlinn
liter earth or moon. Its tlliimetcr
more tlitin 100 times that of the
i"ti 11 ml Its volume mora limn u lull
Ion times us great, lta mans Is it:!'-'.-'
U trines tlmt of the enrtli. Tlie
mon has a diameter of 2,10:1 miles.
' out a quarter that of the earth.
Its volume Is about on forty-ninth
'hut of the ourth.
Great Is Patience
Patience Is t consent of strung
drinks, for It kills the Uliint Despair.
Douglas Jerrold.
Moon Larger Than Et- .
The moon Is much larger limn ihm
people realise. Its diameter ! to.ire
than one-fourth that of the -
J, 105 miles.
Hot: tt Rimcv Shellac
Waihll vi'!i 'ei':iln ed njenliofwlll
:t'!olve.n-ie" tli:it It t-.ay he wlieil
.rf eislly. VuiiiIkIi remittor und slinl
'.ur lltiuMs do not tilsioive ticllne.
Mrs E. Stout who has beeu visit
inir with her brother, Alfred
Mtdlock, at 'The Poplars" re.
tinned to her home in Hppneron
en Sunday.
Mr. and Mi E. A. Thomas and
Mr. Mrs, ti.-neue and Emory
L'hmamwero week end yuests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lowe.
"Restoring" Made Fine Art
Professional nook restorers, as a
rule, art most Ingenious artists, and
they can proilitce an Imitation of a
pago of a rate book which will de
ceive hundreds nf collector!.
Porcupines Annoy Railroad
The government's Alaska railroad
liua to light rcupluuiu Rubber In
any form Is I the porcuplna what
waste paper at;d ruhhlih are to the
popular for lunching
Larpe$t Model Ship
The world's IiiUimI model kIiIii la i American goal.
In the Xew Bedford Winding museum purposes, and ilie railroad oftlclaW
It la a half slue model of the Lagoda. hv ordered I .liber hose In pumping
a whaling bark of old New Kngluml stations und n ! rubber fixtures to ba
sailing davs. '," '"''
knovc not ij" her eye
are bLht
Lsaimmer skies or
they are don
Wim mysterp:
To make their hidden meaning
VMe der their surface, like a tear
That ripples to the silken brimt
A lookof lon'ng seems to swim
All worn and wearv like to me;
And then,as suddenrj?,nrp siit
Is blinded vrith a smile so bnwit,
Through Jolded lids 1 still may
My bride, nw bride that is
to oe.
pur wan
TTS nriijhty 'poor economy to
f rrofi-u- m 1
ing, whether it be the inside
floors and woodwork or the out
side exposed surfaces. What
year and tear are doing on the
inside, rot and rust are doing on
the out3ide .slowly pulling
down the value of your property
.through cjrface neglect.
To put paint and varnish on before it (a
needed, and not after, is true economy.
Uamage is u.ider way just aa aoon aa the
aurface is bro'-.en down, which is often before
you realize it
Buy good painl-il's cheapest
Cheapest because it protect tha aurfaca
better, lasts longer and goes further.
Rasmusten Paint and Varnl.h Products are made
SI J"" ' . in,rt P,in' ''ifs In the United
State. th, U,g. in th. Northwest. They ara
?l Zi lVp",,,wno h,v " in'lmate knowledge
of Nor hwert climatic condition-, knowledge
gained through many years of actual eontact with
theae conditions.
Ihe strict maintenanea f
Raiviuaaan DnalUw
nV.rn. ... t .. i , . "I
i ' , F ""' ot these paints
nd arnl.nes from the first selection of the lead,
.... ... w,.r materials, to lbs tinal
aooiing ot the can.
aling and
her.', ha U .L- n.
r.!. , , '-m " "asmussen rure
Falntw. add our guarantee to the manufactuf
are . Cr10g your painting problems to us,
Notice For Publicaiion
Department of the Interior, U. H
Liinil Olllco atTlHi !itllia, Dn'ftuu,
April lNt, 1025, .
NOTU K la llvmhy Olveil tlmt
C'lmrles A. Hiiiihou, ul Iiititi, ttri'KDti,
who on, J iini) It), lltt), iiihiIu lluiuo
atend Kntry No, O'imH, for V..
XK, Hctlon 17, Towiinhl)
2 South lliuiKK 2!l KHMt, WllliunelU'
Merlillun, Ins II led notice of luten
tlon to iiuike flniil tlireo your proof,
eatnlillHh cliilm to the liuul tibove
ilcHcrllted, befuro Ony M. Anileraoii,
t'ltltvd Htittea CoiiiiiiIshIoiiit, nt
lleiiiier, Unt(on till tlie'.Dtll duy of
June. HIM
Cliilinnnt iminea lis wltneaiica:
J, w, rttrlntter, Frank Young
kiifna Knrrena mnl Cecil Nurifont,
all of lone Ortifoii,
J. W, lioutiely.
Man's Limited Knowledge
What Is all our knowledge? W do
not even know what weather It will be
tomorrow. Berthold Auarbacb.
London and Paris
At the beginning of the Kluhleentl
century lsns equaled IxiiIimi In pop
ttliitlon and no doubt surpussed It it
some earlier perl. ids. The fiHitlng
which Kngland gullied la India gave
London a fresh source of weulth
through lta rich commerce with the
Orient ; It was then thst London forged
permanently ahead of Part In the
number of luhahllanta. -
StVr ot Are
A in un Isn I old u m II everyllilni!
wins wrong, ll n'uv lirpfelt Ht e ,
.My or sixteen.--lluclivalvr Times
O.i-f Valay Plant
In t i'ltr Hi u ips growi four
o'clock pimii hiiIcIi opena Its flower
at four oVln"k In the artemnon and
closes them exnclly 12 hour later.
Rains Hard on Java Roads
I'liuuillng of torrential rain mimes
more ur to ruada of Java than traffic.
Gold Ring Inside Cod
A gold ring was found Inside a end
by a fish ileuler't aMlaluiit at Kings
ton, Kn.lnnd. recently.
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
Attention Farmers
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
Cut Machinery Cost
In Half
The man who leaves his machines in the fields is pay
ing, by depreciation, for an implement shed, but not
getting the shed.
You can cut your machinery Cost in half by prolong
nfl its lite and usefulness. You can double the life of
an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you
are through using it
The cost of an implement shed to protect $2,000.00
worth of machinery is only a Taction of that sum.
We have many excellent implement shed plans to show
you, and we have the right material to build just the
kind and size building you require. Do not make th
mistake of building before you examine our , up-to-date
implement shed plans, we will be glad to have you call
and examine them, whether you are building now or
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.