The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 05, 1925, Image 3

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    K n I mi
n4 wmk
PRHR ff m wftvr nauMl t
r Sutwr rvfiiiM fur fnMlt iMi uu, Strength
lit) purity UfKtiatisi., NwWr soli In
bulk. UwttUil -nd Ulwiltd at lit Ubor
' loriM. 'I Im etttttal iMitim GitiK wl
PUMTT Mtrtur n rwiuMf tm WALT PR
jANVIfiK, J.., 4,7 St., Nw Ywk
Tiw n,ir-t jr W
t ill f tW 4n$ 9W,
Dalglum to Psy Debti.
Washington, I). C naruo da Car
tier, (lis Hi'IkIhb ambassador, Inform
ed Bt'crctury Mullon Friday that his
govonimcnt dcslrod to Inlllato b(
ttultDDM at uu Sorly data for funding
cf tha lltiltf tan dutit to tha United
The uritiassatlor, who conferred with
tha treasury secretary for an hour,
pinna to Bull, anon (or noma to confer
with lil govorumont on tha question,
and upon bla return will b accompan
ied to Washington by members of a
Cfiinnileslon to tuke up lifgotlatlona.
Tha tniiva by llfluluin came with
striking sudtloiiness and waa based, II
waa understood, on ratilod Inatructlona
to tha ambassador to notify tba Amer
ican treimury of hla government's In
tentlona before leaving Washington
for )ruila, '
That Ruda Awakening. '
We read en account of a wan wto
slept pant tho time for hla wadding.
That'a nothing. Lot of nion don't
wako up till after marriage. Ios An
gelea Tlmei.
Lsst Wonder of World.
Duly one of tha "seven wander of
tlin world" aurvlvea, that being tha
pyramid of Cheops at Chlieh, N
'Each One Haa Duty.
We are members of one groat body.
Nature wanted In u a mutual love,
and f II lid ua for a aoclal llfo. W
must connldi-r that wa were born for
llm good of tba whole, Seneca.
Odd Form of Marriage.
MarrluKO I ct-Iebrated la a atrange
fashion In porta of India. Tbe wom
an put a pot of water In her proapee
tlva husband's homo, aud on bl lift
ing It up the marriage la ratified.
Tribute to Meeknees.
Meekness la the graeo wlilch, from
biniNith God' footstool, HfU up a
candid and confiding ay, accepting
Cod' amlle of futhurly affection, and
adopting those perfection which It
cannot comprehend. James Hamilton.
Etklmo Mltnamad. i
Eskimo algnltie "Eater of raw
meat," but these people eat uncooked
meat only when the abaence of fuel
prohibit cooking, or aa a side dlah.
Indirect Approach
Educated (affected by moonlight)
Somehow you're different from other
girl I have known. There's some
thing lAyatrrtuus shout you that un
fathomable something that make me
Co-educated (also affected by moon
light) O'wsn I If you want's pet, say
Woman' i Viewpoint
Tollre I'onatulile-Ulm, yoa are
Interfering with the truffle.'
Kulr Motorist Hlr, I beg to Infonn
you that tha traffic I Interfering with
Die. Answers.
rrofesnr Bus I wonder what
those foul kids sre laughing abvutt
Had Hit Price
"Will you be quiet for a bltr
Hie father Mid to Lew)
"No, ulr," his slanay eon replied,
. "Hut I'll keep ailll tor two."
What th Trttt H,ard
While viewing nature's . gorgeous
rolorlnK the) fair girl said : "Ueally, IS
there anything lovelier than full r -
"Yea," replied her sentimental es
fort, "fnlllnit In love "
You Want a Good Position
Very well Teke the Aereiintanrv and
Hualnaas Management, Private Baoratart
at, Calculator, Comptometer, IHonnt-re
phle, Panmanahlp, ur Cowmarelal TeacS
ra' Course at -
Th feremnat ' Btialnees Collets of the
Northwest which haa won more Accuracy
Awsrda and Unld Maitale than soy ethar
srhnol In Amerli-s. Band for our aucraas
(-aiainr. hour in otreal naar Mnrrlaon,
fortlanil, Or. lease M. WslkerL 1'rae.
P. N. U. No. 23, 1925
$ kr SUart Starr Psk. Ce.)
GUIQUITA, the little burro be
longing to the American doctor,
bad wandered sway from the
spot where the doctor bsd left
her. He bad sprung from ber back
with a force thst set all bar sliver
bells a-Jangle, ss be hastened Into tbe
garden, where a crowd of women
sobbed and clung about the dead
body of Mugdulena. The loveliest of
th village glrla lay with ber dagger
tliruit Into her cloud-white breast.
Nothing of this Chluulta kuew, but
she knew tbe trail over the mountain,
for only three days sgo aha bad cov
ered It, carrying the doctor from the
big city to the quaint Hpaoleh town
In the deep valley. Hack over the
trail she started, stepping lightly snd
softly, so softly 'thst only the very
rough bits of tha road called forth
the tinkling music of ber bells.
Hut Valenelo, crouching beneath ths
mesqulla bushes on tha hillside above
the bouse, knew sll of the tragedy and
more. He had waited, hoping that
there might be some mistake; that
Uagdulena might have struck a blow
less true than aha threatened. Hut
there waa no mistake; Magdalena was
desd; psst the shsme of bsvlng been
tricked by blm, plsyed with to rouse
the Icalouay of the woman be pre
ferred. And Ms coward's heart
trembled as he listened to tbe broken
Voices from below, for the cry of th
moment was, "Who Is to tell l.ulsr
Luis would come In from the Itsnrho
de loe Cerrltoi st sunset to spend his
Sunday with Magdalene. One Sunday
out of each month lie came, and it was
since bis laat visit that all of thla mis
chief bsd been done. Valenelo, bis
narrow fsre working, rnraed Luis snd
himself snd the whimsical Tonla, at
whoae fickle heels he had danced these
two years paaf. Hut for her coldness
he would not hsve dreamed of aettlng
np this flirtation; and surely he would
not have selected Magdalena if he had
thought of i.uls lor Lais wss bold
snd feerluas. and Valenelo was a cow.
srd. And Luis wss coming even now
he might be riding Into the town!
Valenelo crept up tbe hillside, keep
ing under tbe ensile of the bushes, but
hasenlng to get out of earshot of ths
crying voices below. Luis could crush
blm bresk blm In two snd Valenelo
knew that be would do It. He must
get away and at once. Not to any of
the big ranchoa, for no one would take
blm In now. The mountain trail was
bis only hope; once scross tbe divide
he might feel himself aafe, but no
where on' thla side of the mountains
would there be refuge for him.
Pear lashed blm Into swift action;
the lazy length of his body responded
to the new sppeal, and at sunset he
found himself high on a mountain
peak, looking down Into deep shsded
canyons where the night lay In wait
Faint, tear-whlte atara were trembling
In tbe sky, but Valenelo saw only the
shadows, creeping slowly up the inoun-
He could not stop for the night;
night or day Luis was sure to follow
him. Again lie cursed the luck that
had led blm past klagilatcna's garden
gate the night that it had pleased
Tonla to give ber smiles to i wander
ing musician. He had gone blindly
down the road, nursing hla sullen
Jealousy, until at Magilulena's gate be
had hear a allver-tnned laugh, gay snd
sweet, tinkling like God! What waa
Valenelo stood, trembling In every
cowardly fiber. A silver tinkle.
sounding among tbe rocks, bsd seemed
so near that be could have sworn that
Magdalena herself bnd laughed .Hut
Magdalena was dead lying back there
with the life gone out of ber torn
white breast
He cast one terrified glance behind;
the road was clear. The sound had
seemed to come from a point just
ahead of blm, where the trail wound
up over a bead of rugged rocks. In
burning baate be pressed on, the chill
of the shock changed to a fever of
terror. He must get sway, down Into
the wide world beyond the mountains;
the wide world that all bis life be had
been too laiy to desire.
Toe Issy. U was this that had made
him fit. upon Magdalena as an essy
prise. She was pretty, prettier fsr
thsn any of tha others, and so young
thst she knew no better than to glory
In her conqueat of him. To have
wrested blm away from the more as
sured charms of the older woman had
seemed to her a triumph Indeed. And
when Tonla had puased them chatting
at tbe garden gate Magdalena had
laughed for very Joy had laughed
like like
Again Valenelo panned, shaken,
trembling, clinging to a thorny shrub
for support. Again thst slher tinkle
had rung out, snd was echoing faintly
snd sweetly In the vast silence of the
mountain heights. He sank weakly
down to the esrth. What devil's magla
tvns this? No one was, near; no one
could be; and yet (hat sound waa like
nothing else In the world but Magda
lena' laugh, that care-free music
bubbling up from the pure depths of
her happy heart. Hut her heart was
stilled; never more would laughter
well np from It, as It bad on the nights
thst he bsd snt In her garden and had
sung to her the songs that he hsd
made for Tonla. Dead the child
Magdalena the child who hsd grown
woman before his eyes, Ht hurried
on, pushing aside th scene that rose
before blm, . 1
What was It hs had said to her
about not being able to remain? What
excuse had be made? He could not
recall his words; he know only thst
Tonla bad beckoned blm bsi k, snd that .
be wss going to ber. Mugdaleua, with
sll ber cblld-womsn's witcheries, could
not bold Hid. And Magdalena, stung
to the soul, had realized that be bad
only played with her to wlu back
Tonla's uncertain fancy. He could see
now what he bad been too dull to read
In the girl's pallid, tragic face; the
shsme of having been wede sn Instru
ment for bis vsnlty ; the self-contempt
that pronounced ber wholly unworthy
of Luis; the certainty that Tonla
would laugh now and that tbe whole
village would laugh with her.
Valenelo bad followed ber as shs
turned from him to run Into the gar-'
den; be bad seen the knife In ber hand.
bad beard ber despairing threat; but
even as ah spoke he bsd listened fur
the Isugb that should tell blm that
ber threat waa but a jest; that be
might return, csrs-free, to his first
love. He bsd listened for the laugh
for tbe laugh
Horror seized hlin snd held blm
rigid. Tbe laugh was ringing all about
him, echoing back from rock to rock,
tinkling, trembling, taking a hundred
new Inflections, but always with that
silver quality that had been Ita charm.
He lifted bis bands to his head to shut
out th sound, but he could hear II
ringing Into his brain; the laugh of
Magdalena, the child laugh that had
been the chief grace of - her young
womanhood, 1
An Indian legend dimly came back
to blm ; tbe story of a man who bad
been pursued by the dying whispers
of the woman be hwd murdered. Was
this to be bis punishment to be pur
sued by tbe laugh that he bsd killed)
The wild pounding of bis heart
stopped blm. He had been running,
sobbing breathlessly in terror of a
phantom that ran with him. Spent
and exhausted hs went down, only to
be urged up snd on sgaln by the sli
ver tinkle that came to blm, now
ear, now fsr, but slwsys wltl the
blithe ring thst be knew. Overhead
the tranquil stars gleamed, and tbe
young moon glided through the velvet
sky, but be saw only the shsdows
that the moonlight cast, sod trembling,
rsn from tbem.
He bsd forgotten Luis. Besting In
upon bis brain the sliver tones mocked
sll thought of human vengeance ,as
they mocked all pity for human weari
ness. Torn by the thorny brush,
bruised by many falls on the rough.
Stony trail, he would yet have count
ed himself bleat If be could have a
momeot'a respite from the Incessant
tinkle of tbat pbsntom laugh. The
stsrs psled and the moon went down.
In the blacker darkness he stumbled
slong, and always ths silver laugh
kept pace with him.
"Magdalena 1" be cried, aloud. "By
the pity of Christ r
"Magdalena I" cams back the echo.
Interwoven with silver tones, "By the
pity" and then the Isugli, more clear,
more metallic than ever.
"Magdalena, I die !" be gasped, des
perately. "Die 1" rang the echo, and though he
was sobbing aloud he could bear the
tinkle that came with the reaimnse.
Then In a frenzy of madness he, too,
lsughed, and tbe silver tones blended
with his as they bsd on nights too
well remembered. He sang, snd Mag
dalena'a atlver notes puld tribute to
tbe crazy tones ss they bad to bis
more artful music. Madly he stumbled
slong, crying, singing, shouting wild
ly, snd laughing In a crazy hysteria,
but tbe silver laugh was with bis ev
ery echo and bis baste did not out
run It.
Suddenly be stumbled, fell, snd
plunged into a gully. Crying wltk
fatigue be pulled himself up to the
trail again, and In th fulnt light of
dawn he looked over a steep precipice,
a acar In the rock face of the moun
tain. But even as he looked the sil
ver laughter came nearer; sounded st
hit very shoulder. With a mad shriek
he plunged down tha precipice Into the
rock heap at the foot of the mountain
scsr, t .
There was a faint, answering cry of
fear, and half a dozen atones slid down
from tbe trail ss Chlqulta, ber silver
bells jangling, paused at the edge of
the. precipice, and looked with mild
eyes at the shspeless heap below.
Proof That Pygmy Mtn
One Lived in Britain
In tbe British lalea traces of th
European pygmies sre to be found.
Here they fled from the tall men, snd
here they survived sfter their fellows
hsd been exterminated" on the main
land. The cairns snd ton passage
ways they one Inhabited are still to
be seen In various parts of Scotland,
Ireland and the Hebrides, the I'ltts
burgh Sun says.
These "I'lcts" houses," consisting of
subterranean stone-fuced passages, are
so low that they could only have been
occupied by a pygmy race. That they
were occupied Is proved by the discov
ery of remain of food, fire and other
sign of buman habitation.
In different part of Britain as well
as on the mainland, tiny arrow heads
called "elf-shots" have been discovered.
Traditions say they were shot at the
rattle by fairies, but science says they
were the weapons of pygmy men.
Another Fi$h Story
Husband (returning from angling
trip) What do you think of these
Wife Don't try to decelvt me. Mrs.
Naybor saw you In ths fish shop,
"Of course she did. Why, I caught
so many I simply bsd to try to soil
some." , . ,
fHinniniHi"Hnm uu
Robert Agnew
mn i ii i mm nun mil i-
f .... li
This familiar "movie" actor wss
born In Kentucky twenty-five yasrs
sgo. He spent his sarly boyhood days
In Tssa. After iru;ii ar.'pjrltr.e: In
vaudeville he entered motion pictures
snd has been seen with some of ths
leading players, usually in juvsnlls
leads. He le relative of tha lata
President McKlnley.
O .
IT IS becoming a mooted question
among observing educators as to
whether our present-day diversions do
not often dwarf tha budding IntelleHs
of the young and carry them fur
afield In tbe wrong direction.
With the possible exception of
music, the universal Isngusge, our en
tertainments, as a rule, have become
mere frivolities, appealing to the
baser passions, the redeeming features
In almost sll cases being the superb
it ace settings.
With their deft brushes the scenery
painters seem to be doing more for
the elevstlon of the mind then the
wlelders of the stage pen. .
Without the exquisite scenes many
of our popular plays would Indeed
become miserable makeshifts. Inca
pable of holding tbe boards a fort
night. Tbe One art of acting Is being rel
egated to the psst. There Is a
craving for the gross, glaring, flagrant
and thumping, rather tbsn for the re
fined, uplifting and ennobling, doubt
less due to perverted tastes snd crav
ings for sensationalism and excite
ment Th Intermediate colors snd fine
shadings of the older school have
given wsy to higher tones whose In
tensities and Umlts have about been
Just what will follow cannot be
guessed, except to bint In a vague
way tbrt this modern tower' of Bab
ylon will some day suddenly topple
over, tumble noisily st our feet snd
leave" ns babbling In strange tongues,
wondering what confusion mesnst
There Is In tbe human heart an
everlasting yearning for something
new, and no one apparently knows
whst to suggest
It Is Just possible thst we need
now, more than anything else, the
upland solitudes, where we may get
In the pure, clear atmosphere and re
flect awhile without molestation from
the crude scarlet letter snd blinding
lights which hsve wsrped our judg
ment and dulled our Sner seuslblll
ties. We need these upland solitudes far
more often thun we may suspect, for
It bl among them that we gather new
strength fur the higher duties of life,
a keener conception of our Infirmities,
a deeper realization of our lark of
bumun kindness snd a sickening sense
st the loss of our faith In the good,
the clean, the noble and In humanity
10 jr MaClar Nampapw SrnJIciU.)
By John Kandrlck Bangs.
AGKNTI.K breeae cama whla
perlnc by today,
And pauaad a moment on tti
laushlna way.
"I'm Junt In from the South," It
aaid. "and I .
Ilava etoppad to tall you that the
prlna la nigh,
And all her atylaa
Are baaad on amllea;
And whan aha cornea her pan-
nlara will ba full
Of bloaaoms fras rant and dalaot
able; And In her train a gay and
choral throns
Of happy blrda will wing thalr
way slong;
And brand new laavaa to cloth
tha naked trues
She'll bring and epraad aa lavlah
as you please;
And all tha country o'er
Her Itowera will dahoa aa on a
ballroom floor.
That all may know In thea dark
daya of dread
That Youth, and Grace, and
' Beauty are not dead!
But with ua at 111.
for man to mak such ua of
aa h will."
fin hw ktuClura NawiDtnar Svudlrat V
Portland, Oregon.
SoTect Residential & Transient"
lit and ramalH, Portland. Oronm.
Modem Fireproof American Plan
"ALL MA KITS" Guaranteed
Rebuilt Typewriters
Balr Trm; M.Ui oxwUily If doSrad. Ontad t moa., SS.tO 4 on. Brad
tat lliuatrated prica Sat.
111 Kith St.,
Mutaul Creamery Co.
Better Franklin Service-Storage and General Repairing
Recoid of Lotteries.
The earliest lottery of which an au
thoritative record exists wss conduct
ed In Bruges In Hit. In 1530 a lottery
with money prizes Is recorded In Flor
ence. Long before this time lotteries
were held In Rome as a form of amuse
ment, Nero having given such prizes
as bouses and slaves.
Propsr Cars of Palms.
Regular watering Is essential, but It
Is better to keep palms a little dry
than to overwater them. Browning of
the tips of the leaves Indicates trouble
at the root, probably overwaterlng;
possibly worms or lack of plant food.
A palm which grows three new leaves
a year Is doing very well
( Masks for the Sleepless.
To Induce sleep for insomnia suf
ferers, a Norwegian haa Invented a
tnotal mask to be worn snugly over
the fsce In order to keep out all light,
while the warm breath of tho wearer
brings a soothing effect.
Doesnt Ring True.
"De man dat brags continuous 'bout
hlssolf," said Uncle Ebon, "generally
turns out to be like one o' dese Inter
tatnments dat gives de best part of
de show on de billboards." Washing
ton Star.
Slaves Built Great Mole.
The mole In the harbor of Algiers,
Africa, was built by 30.000 Christian
slaves whom the Turks set to work on
It about 1S20. It took this great army
three years to complete the work.
Intelligence of the Rat.
A cara graph tells us thai a couDle
of carrots Placed in a potato bin will
keep the rata out of It, Our respect
for tbe Intelligence of the rodent ia
appreciating. Marion Star.
Auspicious Occasions.
"Red-letter day" la an expression
used to convey tbe Idea of a lucky or
auspicious day. It Is so called because
In the old liturgical books the greater
holy days were always marked with
red letters.
Curl Papers for Don.
In order that' her Ions haired doc
may have curia over Its forehead an
Englishwoman puts ber pot's locks In
curl papers every night.
Wster from Onions.
Water from boiled onions will re
move dirt from white paint most suc
cessfully, leaving the surface glossy
and white.
' Polishing Furniture.
When polishing furniture If It Is
rubbed the same way as the grain It
will polish much brighter and quicker.
Strength In Calmness.
Re calm In arguing; for fierceness
makes error a fault, and truth dis
courtesy. Herbert.
Un or Juna tatrhnt W, I
Clib'ti 111 t H. Rt 4 a'kt
IT. IW r li H.IIT IU1I-
autmL Writ tor bwU! prtrM
mi lilKim, a I Rnl or llund
Mutt IMiUrtl. l'llu In
hatci ir. RY-JY T
Avtwt aaTTi.ak
If takan la tlma, pmrent opr.
atlona foe IHabrtaa, Catarrh,
Aithma Luna. Tbmat. Mvvr.
K Ulnar. Rhwimatlam. Blood.
Htomaca and atlfamals die
ardata. Biaddat Traublae,
Tha C CaaJWo Remedial an
karmlcu, aa bo druaa a polkM
ar uaad. CoauxMcd of tha
cholasat madk-aul raott. had
btah and hark. imMctad by ua
Irani Sir away orkmtal coun
trtea. Call or Wrtta lut Iniona.
C. Cee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
New Locatlon-26214 Aldar St., & W. Cor. ThlrU.
Portland. Ota, s Ketabtiahed B Yaarala Portland
1 .sVl
Complete Chugs Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c;
Evenings, 85c. Continoua 1 to U
p. m. Children 10 cents all times .
Portland, Or
Portland, Ore
Hvyt btnet at Ninth
PBTSIOIAS. BaandHa faa
staauek diaordaf, tadaay,
kladdar traaalaa, gall etaaae,
aaasliyaUsa, asoaadldtis sad
all faaule eeaplatata. Tn au
Uka tnatBMata at koaw If fn
famd. ldl Biaand Bt, aar
wt AldT. Portland. Ora.
Moler Barber College
Teaches trade In I weeks, Bums pay
while learning. Poattlona secured. Writs
for catalogue. 114 Buntatde Btraet, Port
land. OrMon.
Clarke Bra. rWrtota, 1X7 Morrtaoa Bt
First Aid for Neuralgia.
As a remedy for ntnralgla get a
thick slice of bread, sc:c oneside in
boiling water and sprii.kle cayenne
pepper over the dry, hot Hide and ap
ply to the face. This application la
better than a mustard planter,, a It
dose not blister the face.
riamingo nesting oiro.
The flamingo Is the only member of
the stork tribe that builds a nest of
mud. These birds, which live In large
(locks, sleep standing on one leg.
Motto of Sons of Rest.
Let us hope for the best and. If we
can rise early enough In the morning,
do a little work for it
Seldom Wore Crown.
Queen Victoria, who ocupled tha
British throne for nearly 65 years, did
not wear her crown more than 20
times during that long period.
Bamboo Seeds and Honey.
A delicacy much prized by the Ilia
da consists of bamboo seeds, roasted
and afterward mixed with honey.
Springfield Republican. ,
' London's Big Playground.
In Epplng forest there are 114
cricket pitches, 244 football grounds
and 139 tennis courts tor the use of
the public. Epplng forest Is main
tained by the city of London. London
Prepare Things at Night.
Getting the children off to school Is
easier on the whole family It their
things are 'in order the night before,
says a woman household writer.
Some Mortgage.
God made the country, but man put
mortgage on It. Duluth Herald.
Sometimes Misjudged.
It often happens that those ot whom
we speak least on earth are best
known In heaven. Caussin.
No Diplomas Issued.
No man graduates from the school
of experience. It Is a life course.
We Specialize In
Bides, Pelts. Wool, Mobir,
Tallow, CaKara, OrtgM
Crips Root, Goal Sain,
Horse Hair ;
Writ far Bhlpnln Taa A la laat Priea List
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
Branch at Poaatalls. Idaho
Htrswt. Portland. Drfffun, will mall a com
plot CaUlofj o TniMMM, KImUs) tibrtltiujr
and Abuunuiwi imhu
Write at Once.