The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 22, 1925, Image 1

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loNirORECONTFKlD V. MAY 22 f 1925
' No Alibi in Winter
0. li. 1.. write! ' In the Kprliitr Iih
aprlng fever; In the summer Ii'n the
ilog days; In lb iiutuinn It's im-lim-cliiily,
but In the winter lii'-ro Is inly
out- name fur It and Unit in laziness.
IIuhIuii Transcript.
' Klwln (Idling of hunting I rli T !
alio! at a squirrel mm niiMfeq him, tiion
Ilai) Wood miulu a iimim-sH
trip to I'erulWon on Thnrsduy.
Coiuiiili'nidle tftnin W hmtW eon
sracted this work. lie price i
tt i i t :i(l iur liu-dud.
A larn ntoek of Mc Untuck
tin 4 at a squirrel nun nnweq nun, men j , .
1 shot again nml a if lii l t mmw nower repairs just reci-'iveu.
! Beggar of Rank
Tli "blue g"iis" the I'""'
given to rede4mcti, i.r bi:t!'ir, who re
ceived alms front the ettlh Jtllu:;-.
be-uiiac llicy with blue gowns iir.'l
pester liulji.-M. ' Tin1)' wrt-e allowed In
beg In any urt of rVollimd.
,Hou) to Remove Shellac
wii.lilni.- ultli deiiiiltired alcohol will
rtl.,s..l.,IUc otlmt it i..n) I- ,... , j h fjr8tof
-..IW. VsiiiWh remotur nml alml- petl i" -iu'" " r .
Hftt Mason
Mr. I). A. Heck has moved
hoe shop into the Mc Murray
buildinit. ' .i "
Hill Brasher mmle an auto
trip to Hood Uiver this week re
turn'inii Friday. ,
W. IS. Bullard ami family ore
in Portland thin weik. Iln-y ex
lMr liquid, du nut dissolve .lirllne. 'jUHP.
"A Receipt JJW
That I what you have for every bill or account
you pay by check. You don't even have to make a
memorandum of the payment. The bank keeps the
account for you. .
You have no trouble hunlinaup receipt an J. receipt
ed bills. Just call on the bank for your check and you
have the evidence complete.
The bank solicit your JvpusiU. law or small, and
Invites you to pay your bill through it. It's the safe
way, ;
Our Protection To
Capital and Surplus $35.000 00
Bankof lone
Lidii;' miming dresses at Bert
! Mason's Hlore.
School flection day will soon
he here.
I'rincipulFre i Kelly of the Lex
ington schools paid The It.d -pendent
alulef cull on Wednesday and
whiln here tiaid a hitfh compli
ment to I he character and ability
of the prfnelpiil-elH-'t of the lone
m-hools, Mr. K-y Skeer.
Jf in need of harness see O. A.
Berk. 0 uiSity kwmIs at riht price
The loeal levator companies!
havj notices out for the annua'
elections on the thirteenth of
June; Wrmer'a ot O ldfellos hall
and Jordan atUhea Creek senKjl.
Or Think Thty Have
TIiiti- lire n (onlii no trnulilHiiu
iluiM) llmt liuv" wit. Itt-njuinln
Not Ideal tor Fire
Kuiin" fclniN of imiih, mrli R rlimt
nul, liiitu-niiit, tiiiimrm'k nml wrm,
re not it"' wim1 fr flri'iiUi'- be-i-tttiMP
tin")' throw oft no mmiT Rimrki.
, Truth i-i Advertising
' liiimti linra (miilliiB lnn mi-r llrki-'
iiHIit)- 'li, John. II .f. "Kntlrp l'.;il
rimy ::i Vtit." l.el'n tf It, w'H I
nil le I'nuw Yellow ("rail.
A few years ao Unci S;m
iuulit for yountt- men able anb
willing to vo ov.r the top tnd
found them.
I O . r. f lV.irrt car nrittj In fiepfl
0","ou","", " t ' , Imuran
0.' some one to go over the too for, VV to
them. Let's all no. The American
lui iiuwnl''ll"l'"w"
...,r- mm r.iHE"
ni : .
lllllU of tlie Old iroiiiwi
... ..m lw. tvitll
thm, wmt tint one valllrtory for blm
v - .. !. ii-ue border breed
.11 ne wan "iiv
Legion leads the way anurias set j -Jla aiel gome.'
the immediate objective tit one
hnndre l dollrrs.
False Teeth of Steel
K.lelit ili-litWti lire eiiitiluyeil by
KniDiiii In thf ili-)iirtment for inaklnj
fule leeih of mcel.
t!o. Inured!
."An' llie viny hlio Kf"ke. M'"". 'Arrli.
nn tliu-ih I woi n bit ' dirt. W hy, 1
wiiuliln't "iM-nk to my 'tint.a-nl li e ay
he upoke to me." I.ntiiloii IIniiiurM.
Venturesome Age
Tlie limn lio toH to iimke urc
be U rllil bffore kIiik ulo'iid nowa
iliiyn Ik truniileil on by wvernl tbou
miml ,iT-..rm wlm Hre willing to tuk
a iliuiH i-:! Hot Journiil.
Grid Ring Inside Cod
enlil rlns a f;'imi Inside eoi!
by a flli deali-r'ir nvulKlimt at KIliR
ion. KiiKluml, ro'enily.
Began B'g Industry
Tlie tiri iltii- ii.adt" In lln' I'il'.'t
Stiit. h wa from tlie red ox Mr f '
ItT-iy at tlie urn-nal In WntdiliiKtot
in ts:is
'Bui B BBt
specially duui jut nuwiuc.uuivwMns.
Perfect rrovision for Leveling
Doth Lengthwise ana Diuewisc
Macliine Will Level on HilLdJe
Up to 65 ;o oraac
Can Be IJneJ With Equal Success
on Hillside or ivci
ONCE OVER AND ITS ALL OVER" yearly becomes
w the harvest slopan ot a rapiaiy un.rc3iiis
practical, de?P-thinking grain Rrovcrs-men who know that
low pro-luclion cosf is the surest runrantee of r;rain profits.
Thcse rrcn are ouyinR ii.v,ui..w.-w:-....- -
McCormxk-Dcerins is a proved success, both nt home and
obroud. Second, because they realise the value of depend
able, clcBa-at-hand Harvester Company service.
The McCORMICK-DEERING Hillside Harvester-Thresher
is a remarkable machine. Euilt for 12-ft. cut, .this "combina
tion harvester and thresher cuts tne train, threshes it
thorourhly, separates it from straw and chaff, and delivers
it lm o wacon box or sacks. Straw is scattered at the rear
as fertilizer for future crops.
Grain Is Delivered Direct from
SicUe to Thresher
eliminating uu of' twin, hauling of .hocka, and toaaes dua to handling,
'one. over" harveating aav.a tin,, and labor, and put. thy gi.m in
.r-n. for mm.d.f. wh.n prlcea m.k. adv.aabL. Grain
cu( Ind thrsh.d milh th, MoCorm.o.Dr,n . r. .very w-y
ua ro in flu.. I, or b,tir thsn thst cut ,t thrh.d w,tn
rar msohinesl ,
Plan Now for Harvest lime:
. . I f . ,kMI,M.
Wa auirireat that yon consider invemnwm in ... u. ..h.
InrmTnd maAic.l m.ihlnc. this year. Fully illu.(-ifd lUeiotiir. Wilt .
tesTrt m W- Cll on th. McCormick-Dcmg dealer and ln
mot. about tbia machine.
International Harvester Company
lnoofpofalai" . .
C VV. Swaison. lone, Oregon,
Karl L Beach' Lixin:ton, Ore..
On the
nrluifTalo hunter s sur
rounded by hoatlle inillana In tlis
IeJIowalone country of ilontiinii. I he
bull-ts of the uaK nan
.i,. of on of the hunter. o badly
I that tit could nt rlil ! ""
panion. stayed with him.
fered to do, It meant th. death of
Hb aaked tor hit revolver aiM, t
tlioush they knew why Ue wanted it,
they brought It to him. He pu .
Iu7.r.le to hit temple nd pulled the
Tt. .Mrtrldue did not ex
plode. Tt.t hunter looked at the
weiiHin eurloutly. -That wa the flrat
time It ever failed me" be said
auietly. The. be rolled the cylinder
one notcb-tnd thlt Uiue It did not
fall him. . . ,
, . lltWII I
Mr. P. C. Peter who h rl jt
opperatina the Helkes ranch for
some time purcaased tee Matt
Halvorsen ranch this week fro .i
C. R, Ganzel Tlj ranch inclu li
Borne sixteen hundred acres v.
valley and and upland. Mr. Peter
son takes pdsseS3ion the first of
The sale was made through
the realty office of H.C. W jj I.
Moon Larger Than Lu,
The moon It murh lanji-r thnn m
ppile reall7. lit diamnter In i '
tlmn one-fourth that of the ir
2,105 mile. '.
Aluiay$ Fool Frier
A wotmin never renlly kmr
until arter abe hnn applied '
vori-e : then her fool frieniU
droa in and tell lier tilings.-
Once loine Texa. cowboy, who nau .......
. . . ml olllclal punitive expedl- Cravel It the given tu s
made t .em -oil Rial pun-" e -ater-worn and rou-l
tion senliw tne iu .' " ; . ;r , ..i,. ,nrln
"You aay," gald the defending coua-
tel, "that the fence It 14 feet high, tnd
that yon were standing on the ground
not mounted on a ladder or tny-
"1 do," anawered the witness,
; "Then," replied counsel triumphant'
ly, "perhaps yon can explain how you,
man of five feet four, coufd set orer
a fence 14 feet high, tnd wttch the
prlaoner's tctlonl"
"There'. bit of a hole In ths
fen re," was tht calm reply.. . .
Perfectly Honest
A taxi-driver applied for a Job.
"Are yon honest T" they asked him.
"Ob. yes; quite."
"Perfectly honesty
"Perfectly." , ,
"Suppose ymi found a pocketbook
containing negotiable securities worth
IKW.imio in your taxleab, what would
you dot"
"DoT" said" the Uxlcah driver. Td
do nothing. I'd live on uiy Income."
tured by the Mexicans. ieel"l Simla
Ana ordered that they snoiiiu u..
from a Jar tilled " black beans and
while beans to determine who of their
number should face a firing squad.
Major Cook, who had Jurt paHed
b! thirtieth birthday, plunged his
hand Into the Jar and drew out a
.. . . - an--II lia illl With t
MU' K oeun. " c -
smile, "thev Mb me of only 40 yenrs.
Ur.'U- Tc:;:m, mimed Henry Whal
ing, looked ot the death sentence he held In his hand. "Ihey
i d.n't make much off of me. rve
i ,.i.....i ihn 25 of their yellow-
t.!ll.- he said with a touch of pride
in bis voice.
p on a Michigan river a crew or
luinhei Jack ere trying to break a
In- Ji.m. They were "dry-pick ng.
s'w laborious work under the Jum
bl .l i'ia--t of timber that toweret
foet In the air. Vtider the very face
f ihe mas. was t young fellow nuuied
Jimmy l'owers.
Suddenly there was a roar tna in
fragments of rocks, varylmt
from a pea to t walnut. When t x
fragments are smaller the d t
1. sand, when larger It Is railed
Unchallenged Monopoly'ullv vtrv government ou
earth Is a customer of a little shop In
.New Jerwy, where the geomeirc
iailies for engraving the pattemt on
biinknote and similar plate! tre niana
factured. Death' Great Gift
IKnth gives us sleep.'eternal youth.
nd Immortality. Kicnier.
A Critic Criticized
J,me Agate In London Chrom.L .
'.Mae-tenths of our screen Idols nre,
as on Knglfch poet has aald, fault Iv
fatittlf-w. Idly regular, splendidly
null.'" said of them, JnmesT Cer
Tennyson wrote thai ira'
Suddenly there w as ru.n i uuni in" ; -''.
m-i-w of logs lurched f..rtvard. A dues 'tHl iSTfl, lw befra reea Idolt wer
. . ,i..h . . . ..... ......r from thill
' 7iX o
1 Lijisjt ,
. . . lirnken 1U -B liu"
Jlninir l'owers rs-allr-eit Unit- he was
tnippL So he Jerked off hi. hat
tend old felt hat and hurled It tie-fi-uitiy
In the very face of the solid
wall of I"" and water that P-ised
over him fr a second. "So bng fel
lows " spectator, on the hanks nbov
heard lh vol. of Jimmy rowers.
Then the bgs crushed down.
Montana buffalo hunter. Texas cow
boy. Michigan lumber Jack-f ront lere
men til they died game.
.lr,. nf And. anurt from nni.
James, your statement Isn't true au..
sir, 'tain't so!
Biff tons in Motor
Something over $2.O0O,00O Is
nested in the pass-nger car br.iu. li
,f the motor vehicle bushiest.
Piscatorially Appraised
Applying for a divorce, an old :!
gia negro said to the Judge: "Hit dy
est me a string er Huh ter git mur
rle!, ,-eslge; but Uwdy, Jedge. I'd five
ehnle ter git rid er her." Bol.'Or
lleiio you believe love comet mors
than once!
She If you treat him right, he doea.
Need of the Hour
' What w. would llks to know
la why smart thinkers
Haven't IhoiiKht up aom. way to
Abolish cUnkera.
Cheap Clothing
"It must cost less to clmhe a wom
an than It used to," suggested ths
"How do you dope tlmt outr de
manded the married num.
Well," explained the bachelor,
"there was a time when a Woman
would put everything she had on her
back nml now she putt nothing on It
but llltle powder." s
Hi Regular Job
rollcenmn, wlio has Just caught a
burglar breaking Into a bunk Ah, bal
What are you doing here?
Ilnrglur I am a financial reporter.
rollceinnn -What were you going to
do In bereT '
Iturglur Oh, I wus only going t
tuke a few notes. Stray Stories.
1 I am ready to fill your needs vith .
Irepairsfor Mc Cormick mowers andpr
Irakes; U
1 I have just received a large ship-pj'
!m:nt of repasrs and can supply youry
wants at right prices l
Making Hay, Etc.
S'tnge Manager (to tinnleur nctress)
Hung III IMtlu't t tell you to .lap
his face and not let blm kiss you?
Actress (Inuocenlly) Vees. But
thai'. In the play. This Is only a rs-lieurnul.