Do You Cough? ' MRS. DORA FLIPi'EN I-o AnKct-, Cat. "I lud a hrnvy Cold llut wit lrc n my Iiiiiki, Willi a (nimluiit ruiinh. 1 cuiilil nut Krp at niKlit, had no ilrtiic fur lm'l, and lud a feeling u( tiur ami drupniidriiry. Two Imtllrs of )r. I'iikc'i Imlili'ii Medical Ditrnvrry luljicil me grtiitly, (or it re lieved tiro tiitliiui'si in my chest and rid me of my mid. 1 could cat and ulrep naturally. 1 am enjoying I?""! luullli now and ran safely ircoirtmcnd Dr. l'irrce's (iold'ii Medical Discovery to llanc wIkj are ailing and ritiiiiv.ii." Mm. lhir. I ItpfM-n, lllO S.111 Akuhuo St. l)r. 1'icrcr'i (itiiilrn MnhiM iimv try it a well known tonic and liuildrr ran Ijc pruuirrd in t:i).ti or li iiid from jrmir nriirli'Mir ImmhI dm'Kitt. Send Ilk- to )r, I'lricc'l Invalid' Hotel in liuflalo, N. V., for a trul ,kn. of tl.c tablets and write for frie advue. ' An Idea of Space. Ono may Judge )iow great li the distance to even Ilia nearest stare, aya Nature Magailno, from the (act that Vega, a near neighbor, li about 1,(00,000 tlmot moro distant than the tun, which la our own particular aun, the one about width our earth re- volvo. A Sweet Breath at an times THE X MR After eat in or svohint Wrtjley s fmanu the tmiik and sweetrn the breath. Nrrrr are soothed, throat te refreshed ana die flaw aided, lo eary te carry 6 llttirpadiett after ei'ery meat, J Obliging. A man charged In an English police court wrote that he could not attend In thn morning, but If tho court would alt for him any afternoon ha would "be pleased to ntuko an appointment.' Wonderful. SlmpHon (lulling of trip out West) The m oh t wonderful thing; wo saw wai tho Grand canyon. Il'i really Impoa Ing. Juat think, when my w If a saw It alio wna speechless for five minute Bulldog' Ancestry. Thn bulldog la a cross between an KngllHh mnatlff and a largo pugdog from southeastern Asia. FRfjfJ from tfir-nuit Not iWtxi. SuMT-rvftrwd fnf mvdidiul im. Stfrnarth and tHirtty umhniri. Ntvtr aald ill hulk. UotiW and ifttwll, at the Uhtw ickim. 1 Im original utitlw tutor otL FRPR llffrtrur en rvquMt to WALTER JANV1I.K. Inc., 4i7 Carul St., Nw York Tim rfwr-iff. W jor. 4 til govj afmj ttwm. ' KELLDGG'S TABTLKS3 CASTOR OIL You Want a Good Position Very wall Talt the Aeeoiintanry end Itualneaa Managnmont, Private B.orotart. all CHli-wlalor, Comptometar, manners,, phlc, l'nnutnhlp, or Commardlal Teaoh re Couree at Behnke-Walker The fnremnut nuntntM Cnllrge of the N(irlhwBt which hni won more Acouracy Awarda and (lold tlrdala than any other ehool In Amnrlra. Hnnd fnr our Burro.i ('alalor Fourth 8triet nmr Mnrrlaon. Portland, Or. Iwiao M, Walk r, Pre. P- N. U. No. 20, 1925 tor- rvsa m V v THE MAN WHO DID THINGS TWICE. By DON MARK LEMON ttii r abort iwy fak. (la.) nr COMMANDING figure and toldlerly bearing, with deep- V, y let gray eye, hollow, cadav trou cheek, and niustaclie and hair an Intense blue black, hi iln gular personality alon had anywhere and at all time attracted special at tentlon to the man ; but coupled with thl distinguished personality, and sin gling hi in out a remarkable In the hlgheat degree, was the fijct that lie lived In duplicate. Thus If on Monday lie arose early, breakfasted on coffee, toast, and eggs. afterward retired to his rooms to oc cupy himself until noon at bis desk; then, after partaking of lunch, quit hi rooms to ramble about the city, alv Ing alms to the old blind organ woman, going up and down partlculur street and through particular quarters, thence back to hi hotel, to his dinner, to hi desk after dinner, and Anally to bed on Tuesday he would go through preclaely the same regime; arising early, breakfasting on coffee, toast, and eggs; afterward retiring to hi desk, tbenca to lunch, to hi ramble up and down those particular streets and through these particular quarter he had visited on Monday, giving aim to the old blind organ woman ; thence back tu hi hotel, to dinner, to hi desk and papers; finally to bed. On Wednesday he perhaps would spend the day quit differently, arising late, going out on horaetiack for the entire day, attending the theater at night, and to bed at midnight or later; but howsoever he apent Wedneaday, Thursday or the day following was sure lo be a repetition down to the smallest detail. Friday would e commenced a new aeries of action for Saturday M duple cat. That thl man should deliberately go about living a If hi soul were a steroacoi, and life, to be appreciat ed, must be Ilka the stereoscopic pic ture, double, was generally considered an astonishing thing; and, beside. It seemed such a reprehensible wast of energy, tlihe and money. To fall from bla horse npon a Wednesday at a particular crossing. bruising bla body and apralnlng hi wrist was bad enough; but to repeat the accident at that particular crossing upon th follow big day wss a pur wast of energy. To lo a half hour on Friday by coming down to the de pot too early was perhaps an error of calculation ; but to rejieut the action on th following Saturday waa a wast or time. To visit his tailor on Monday and order a new suit of clothing Was nothing reprehensible; but to drop In on th following day at precisely the same minute and order a similar suit of clothing could b nothing less than a wast of money. It wsl this trait of duplicating all his expenditure that had first at? traded attention to th man lingu lar character. And, Indeed, on who coolly and voluntarily paid all hi bill twice over wa certain, sooner or later, to have minute notice taken of him self and hi coming and goings. It may have been that th man' mind wi divided, one half acting nor mally and consistently, whilst lb oth er half drove him each alternate day to Imitate his conduct of th preceding day, a a little impish boy Imitates th actions of one going before him In th street. Or perhaps b was merely eccentric Itut there seemed something more than eccentricity In Ids conduct when, upon a certain Sat urday, he deliberately returned and al lowed a vicious dog to bit him In th manner that It had bit blm some twenty-four hour before. Such conduct could arise from nothing less than methodical madness. Living his own life In his own re served way, cultured and studious, troubling do one, offending none; doubly liberal In hi eipendltures and never pressed for means, tteadfaat In bla choaen eccentricity If such It were and In bis face and manner no questioning doubt of himself; perhapa In time Henry Ilobart bad been ac cepted Ilk any other man, th curl ou bad censed to b curious, and bl mysterious character, without any fur ther or deeper scrutiny, had become one of the mysteries of human life, bad not th nian been suddenly struck down as by an luvlslble hand and tha appalling mystery of his death height ened tenfold th mystery of Ida life. On a Tuesday morning, at fifteen minute of ten o'clock, an attendant was summoned by th call-bell to room 03 of th Sumner house, and upon obeying tha call found Henry Ilobart struggling In the throes of a strung and unnatural deuth. The Man Who Did Things Twice, half-dressed, (funding In th center of hi outer room, wa buttling with th Invisible sir about him for breath, or, a tha attendant put It later, "Llk h wa flghtln' with something that weren't there." The bote! was aroused, Doctor Thlel was hastily summoned from hi of fice on th next floor, and everything wa don that science could suggest or despair persuade, yet In less than ten minutes Henry Ilobart lny dead on tha floor, within hi stilled brain hidden the profound mystery of bl life, and still echoing In th death room bla one strangled cry er death sealed bit blue lip Tomorrow I It wa a strains caie. a Question able, cue, frightful case, but bejondl all It proved a baffling case, for th pollc Ctn, removed th body to the morgue, Intimating death by poUon or other foul play, and examined the room and overhauled th possessions of th dead nian, but who th de ceased was, wbu hi kindred or what bis former residence, or th cause of bl death, they could not discover Th scholarly tome that filled bl shelves bore no signatures or book mark, and private papers of any kind there wer none. Th autopsy mads th auiutt day afternoon upon the body of th deceased failed to discover any poison, and Doctor Thlel's belief that th man had been strangled seemed without support, as no foreign substance or growth of any kind was found In th wlndplp or air paasegea. Nevertheless, Doctor Thlel was firm and blunt : "The man wa strangled," h maintained. "Mk the best of that, gentlemen, and then go to your dinners." On thing only seemed certain, one thing only wsa undisputed The Man Who Did Things Twice, with levered windpipe and autopsy-marred buuj, would not duplicate his own death upon th morrow. II had com to bis death on a Tuesday, a Tuesday with which had he lived he would have begun a new coume of action to be duplicated on Wednesday. Hut he had died, and now for once The Man Who Did Thing Twlc would fall In hi eccentricity. Perhapa for that bis spirit would be troubled. ' Next morning, while the attendant who had been first on the death scene of the previous day wa holding forth at length on th tragedy with certain servant cronies, th call-bell suddenly rang and tha band Of the call dlui spun around and pointed to No. 63. Tha man haateued to obey th sum mons, not noticing that the band of th hall clock pointed to fifteen min ute of ten, nor delaying to recollect what gueat occupied room 03. The tragedy of tha preceding day had been the event of hi life, and he bad not aa yet descended to th trifle of bl dully routine. A be tspped briskly at the door of room 63 and put hla band upon the knob to enter, It suddenly ram over blin that he had don preclaely such a tiling before. That at about that time of some other morning he bsd been summoned by th call-hell to room 03 bsd knocked, turned the knob, entered and a loud cry, a about thick with horror, broke from th man lips, and be reeled back Into th hallway. There before him. In the center of th fateful room, half-dressed, battling with the tnvlalble air, with blue Up and protruding eye, stood Th Ms Who Did Things Twice. Th ominous, ghostly huah that fol lowed the frightened attendant'a cry wa quickly broken by the hurry of many feet, and soon again th hotel wa aroused and again Doctor Thlel bent over the prostrate and dying Hen ry IIoharL Outaide and dlatantly could be beard th clang of the fire bells, but In the room of death all wa sudden alienee. all were bushed by tha frightful, ghost ly thought that th cen before them bad been enacted before th . dying man with hi discolored face and struggling hands, th idiyilclsn bend Ing over blilt, the alarmed, pitying faces of th gathered guests, and th frightened servant buddled In th background. And th man muat die die a he hid died I They looked on, and watted. Then th end came, and Doctor Thlel, aris ing, said, "He 1 dcadl" II bad ot tered those words one before and un der Ilka conditions. And th guests and the servants spoke together In hor rified whispers, a they had don be fore; then th issembly broke up and tba hallway waa cleared a before! There wa something Immeasurably painful about It all, to live a thing over In that frightful way, to be, aa It were, mere puppets at a show, and on day to be to another day as a re flection In a mirror. For a time tho wbo hid witnessed both tragedies seemed to live In a kind of trance, and moved about and whis pered together Ilk being In a dream; but finally th natural reasserted It self, and then curiosity selr.ed them. What wss th meaning of It Hen ry Ilobart hid died and hi body bad been mutilated by th surgeon's knife. How, then, bsd he died a second time and his body shown no marks of the knife? Had they been deceived by a ghost T No: there In room 03 lay the dead man flesh and blood ond seven blocks away, resting on a marble slab, with th water dripping continually on It, lay the other body of Henry Ilobart Tha Man Who Did Thlnga Twice. A sudden doubt enme Into the mind of Doctor Thlel, a misgiving that frightened him. Wss that other body that autopsy-marred body still rest ing quietly on Its slab at tha morgue! Or Hastily quitting tha hotel, he hur ried towards the morgue, and sudden ly came up against an Insurmountable blank wall of mystery. The morgue wa a heap of charred ruin and smol dering, steaming ashes, and If tha autopsy-marred body of Henry Ilobart had been lying on Its slab during the period of th fire, then It had- been totally consumed, and that other body up at tha hotel wa that of a second Henry Ilobart; hut, If tha autopsy marred body of Henry Hdbnrt had not been lying quietly on Ita alub during tha raging of the Ore, then, In Qod'e name, wbo and what was he who hid died up at th Sumner house Uiut morning? By ( of Ultra-VioUt Ray Science, working toward creation of aynthetlc tissue by use of the ultra violet ray, la now abl to produce vegetable matter artificially. THE TEACHER By DOUGLAS MALLOCH pOH half a century, and more, A Th feet of boys forever wore A pathway to th teacher door. let, fifty yearr b took bl stand, A Latin grammar In bl band, And taught th chlidien of th land. A general, a great divine. Tea, men whose names with luster shine, , Learned Latin at that simple shrine. For often here th great began To dream, to wish, to hope, to plan; Today la born tomorrow's man. And so tha teacher grew to gray ; Tea, fifty years have passed away When someone happen on a day To pause before the teacher' door, The threshold tha, the children wor A half a century or more. And asks, as that good man appears: "Are you not weary, tired to tear. Of teaching Latin all th years?" A slmpl answer be employs To tell a teacher holy Joys: "I don't teach Latin 1 teach boys." God bless th teacher who can look Above, beyond, the open book, Th one wbo teaching undertook. Not merely for th Latin's saka But for th boly chanea to make Tomorrow' man, a soul to wake; Whom nothing wearies, naught an noys, But glsdly all bla life employs, Not teaching Latin teaching boys. g kr Hectare Npr Sra4ll.) tfpiiWM Laving- words will east but little Journyln up th hill of lit. But lhy niaks th wsak aad wsary Mtronsr lor the strll. Da yoa count thsra only trifles? What to wrth are sua and rala? Navar waa a kind word wasod, Navsr was oaa aald la vala. FAVORITE "FRUIT DISHES A LUSCIOUS basket of fruit gar nlahed when posilble with Ita owa leave, la aa ornament to any table. Next to taste and palatablllty, w ilk to bav osr food appeal to th eye. Food nicely eerved and daintily gar nished will b much more appetizing than that w hich la served carelessly, Salplcon ef Fruit. Shred pineapple, add a bansna or two cut fine, aa orange and a grape fruit broken Into bits. Mix with a cupful of sugar and a tabieapoonful of water, boiled together until It hairs; add a tableapoonful of lemon Juice, and when cool pour over the fruit Serve chilled In tall glasses and gar nish with a cherry. For those wbo cannot eat uncooked apples or pesra. her la a dainty dish: 8tew the fruit In a rich alrup until tender enough to plerca easily, then decorate with quar tered blanched almonds, dust with powdered sugar and return to the oven to finish cooking, pour th sirup around them and use to baste the ap ples during th cooking. Serve with whipped cream and th thick rich alrup. If pears ara used add a little lemon Juice te th alrup. When fresh' fruit Is not to b ob tained us a few preserved strawber ries added to a lemon Jelly or orange Jelly ; serve In quivering mounds with whipped cream and garnish with a few berries. Cored apple filled with nuta and marmalade, covered with a meringue la an attractive way of serving such fruit Grated appla added to th whit of an egg and powdered sugar and beaten until atlff makee a delicious dessert Berv garnished with cube of bright colored Jelly. Peaches put through a slevs added to plain almond-flavored Ice cream are delicious. Halves of rip peaches, filled with chopped nuta, neaped with sweetened and flavored whipped cream ara very good. Canned peachea may be Uset placing one-half on rounds of sponge cake, with plenty of th fruit Juice. Serv with cream. 8 tewed pear cored and filled with Jelly,, served with cream, la still anoth er way with fiuit Orange Julo. For an elderly member of the fam ily who need a tonic and a Jog to the digestive tract, orange Juice, from on orange, at least three times a day, la a wonderful health-given A month of Ita use will ahow real results. The orange Juice contains mineral salt, fruit acid and life-giving principle which cannot ba given In a more pleas ant form. Very amall babies ara fed a teaspoonful of orange Juice between feeding, tho doing away with ca thartics which, except In rare cases, are Inadvisable. For Supper or Luncheon. Oysters wrapped In bacon and cooked under a gua flame until the bacon I crisp, served on toast with a pepper aauc prepared as for pepper on toast omitting th celery, mak a fin aupper or luncheon dlah. Place the oysters on a deep platter and th aauct In th center. (& till, WMtara Kitime Ualoa.) PHPTI A Mm vx-inilLf Portland. Oregon. IMallory EH Slect Residential & Transient lit an4 YamhllL Portland, Onm Modem Fireproof American Plan BATES MODERATE CASH FOR CREAM MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. I Better Franklin Service-Storage and General Repairing j ANDERSON & RICE, 40att5rNm,k Portland, Ore Explaining Daw. Three concurrent source of dew are recognized: the condensation of the moisture of the atmosphere (when dew may be aald to fall); the con densation of waterjr vapor arfslng from the earth (when dew riaes), and the moisture exhaled by plants. Gal Piaya Queer Prank. When a gale struck the borne of George Nelson In a small New England town, It ripped off one chimney on his house and blew a bole through the other, leaving a atable ahell and In no way disturbing the top layers of brick or other part of the building. Great American Surgeon. Tfb father of American surgery Is a title aometlmea given to Philip Syng Physlck, a Philadelphia surgeon and physician, born In 1768, died In 1S37. HI name and profession made blm a butt of the punsters. ' First Whit Hout Bride. Lucy Payne Washington, aister of Mrs. Dolly Madison, was the first White House bride. Her marriage to Associate Justice Todd of the United States Supreme court took place in the President's mansion In 1S11. Keeping It Dark. In Manchester, England, a magis trate who remarked: "You are mar ried?" waa Interrupted somewhat In dignantly by the exclamation: "Hey, not so loud It ain't a thing I boast about, anyway!" First Map of the Atlantic The first map In which the Atlantic ocean Is depicted and given Ita proper name waa published In the year 1306, and wa th work of an Italian geog rapher, Marino Sanuto, of whom lit tle 1 known. Celebrated Trick Horse. Morocco, a horse owned by one Banks, amazed all London by bis clev erness at the close of the Sixteenth and the beginning of the Seventeenth century. Mention la made of him In contemporary plays. Grouchy Reflection. An old bachelor says that the most prolific source of a woman's worries la her Inability to think of something to worry about. Kp Your Credit Good. Ef you don't pay de tiddler, you'll have ter depend on de wind ter whis tle for you when you wanta ter dance. Atlanta Constitution. Wstches Must Be Exact. Railroads Insist that employees' watches do not vary more than 30 second a week. Nothing Gained by Hurry. Business dispatched I business well done; but business hurried 1 business ill done. Bulwer-Lytton. ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT RAYS For Treatment of Rheumatism and Neuritis ACTINIC SUN RAY PARLORS SIT Mamly Tlchnm Blilr., Portland, Oregon WA NO TON STATR ll or Jim. tulrhxl W L. I'liklu III t IM. hi a Hn ka II. Itto'4. Iln Atllxrr u.r- ulral Writ, for .im-lil prlcM t Uilmm, a. 1. KM ur llttrwl Huk 1'ull.u, ClLlui (IN. avawv' "SSATTLS New Fluff Rugs Mad From Old Carpets "Wear like Iron." Daal Dlmct with tho lUnufaeturor. Ahoolut Bitlafactlnn UiMrantMd. bona la lour no torial or Wrlto lor Prico. WK8TEKN FLUFF RUQ COMPANY. M-H Unioa Aran Nor. Portland, Orofoa SHI OFFERS A MARKET , FOR YOUR PRODUCE VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Compltti Chmji Saturday Athilta Wulr A,i Vr.,;.. on-. Evenimrs, 3.rc. (Winous 1 to li p. m. Children 10 cent all times "ALL MAIIZG" Guaranteed Rebuilt Typewriters Sat Terms; KMmmMylt dMinrf. Rmtud II mm., t.U A so. Band fur iUiuuib piiea Hat. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., IIS Prttal. Or INFORMATION . DEPARTMENT .DHS. CHAS LAM CHINES! MEDICINE CO, LICENSED PHYSICIAS. RtmxUM tot itomich aiwrdMS, kataay, bUubUr troablM, aO atH, coattipUoa, appaadklus tmi all foul ompUint. T.l m Uk. tiwtmats at hoa II t ftrmd. 12 mam BL, aw nr AI4r. Portland. On. Moler Barber College Teachea trad In I weeks, Bum pay whUe learning. Poaltiona aacurad. Writ toe catalogue. t3t Bunurid Btraet, Pert land, Ortson. EARWIfIS "r ktnd of (rain, for "lIWlUa mn. truck, orrhard or tin. brr InaaxtT If at, mri tat my frar tibntur. Ml Ina about IM lurkallr milnl. officially InvvMi. mud Mm of controlllna V. KmnUrtn, IM Wnt Kilpatrick St.. Portia, 4. Onm CUT FLOWERS ! FLORAL Clarke Broa Ptorlata, Ml orrWoa a. One Ounce of Prevention Worth Pounds of Cure Prevent Serious Sickness by taking Bark-Roct Tonic A Mild Laxative. A System Builder. that aMtnts Nature In kaepln- your bow la oiiea and your InrmW sy.t.m la prfct working or der at all tlmoa, Sold at Your Drug Store Powerful Light Ray. A special ray of light which will penetrate for a distance up to 300 yard under water at any depth, ba been Invented by an Italian scientist. Natural Taste. "Peoples Jes natchelly like to be scared." said Uncle Eben; "which Is what mukes 'em want to listen to ghost stories an' git 'nltlated In secret societies." Washington Star. Droughts in Grace. During droughts In Greece children are sent In processions to all wells and spring under the leadership of a girl adorned with flowers, who alnga at each halting place. Charg, Account Another time man get the laBt word Is when he says: "All right! All right! Just tell 'em to charge It." Duluta Herald. We Specialize in Mn, Hit, Woel Moksir, TaDow, Casein, Orefoi ; Crip Roe!, ' Coat Sluat, Horu Hair Wrllo tor Shipping Tin 4 latoat Pries Uot Portland Hide a Wool Co. its nmmw saint, ntTuue, MIM. , Braaeh at Pocatollo, Idaho ' ! Rupture TUB I.AUE-DAVIS DRUd CO.. 178 Third Ktiwt. Portend, Orwon, will mall a torn. plu Catalog of TniMM, Klaitla Blocking. anil Abdominal Oriu FREE! Write at Once. Jl r .a '- 1 j