THE IONE INDEPENDENT Publtthed Every Frktoy by . V. HEAD, BditatPabiaber SUBSCRIPTION J Una year fl.60 Six niuuthi .76 lbioa month! JM Kutarvi) aa aecond claas matter at U peatutttra at lone, Oregon, ondtr act ot March 3, 1679 Friday May 16, 1925 at: Pleasures art like popys spread You seize the flower, the bloom is shed; Or like a snowdrop on a river A moment white the gone for ever. Robert Burns, I TALES OF THE OLD FRONTIER 3 TALES OF THE OLD FRONTIER THE THINKER Back of the beating hammer By which the steel is wrought Back of the workshop's clamor The seeker nay find the thought iThe thought that is ever master Of iron and steam and steel, That rises above disaster And tramples it under heel. The drudge may fret and tinker Or labor with lusty blows, But back of him stanas the thinker, The clear eyed man who knows; For into tsch pliw cr cater. Each piece and part and whole llut go the brains of labor. Which gives the work a soul American Machinist. ' America Still A Land of Opportuuity The radical says it is not, but a 16 year-old Filipino boy, Guaden cio R. Pinaroc, has proved that is At the age of 13 , unable to read or write English, he worked his way on a boat to San Francisco, where he secured a job as house boy in an American family. Six months later he secured a posi tion in the home of a California Assemblyman, Eugene W.Roland in Oakland, California. Three years after landing in America he, in competition with more than 42, 000 other American boys and girls, won second prize in the National Home Lighting contest, being awarded a four year scholarship in any univrsity he may choose, s well as two cash prizes of $500.00 and $50.00 given by local and regional committees of the National Electric Life Association. This boy is now attending high school and is looking forward to entering college. He believes that the Uuited States is still a coun try ef unbounded opportunity for any one who is willing to pay the price-WORK. - TALES OF THE i OLD FRONTIER ! B ELMO SCOTT, WATSON A FRONTIER SAMSON JAMKS CLKHV M a Kentmttlnn who fuuKht with Utn. tieome Bokws Clark In wlnninc uie Northwest (luring the Involution. After th war he willed near old KiukusU on tl) MUallll. One evenlnir In the "prlnir of 17S8 Curry end a companion named Uvl Teel, while returning rrum n hunt ing trip, came to the cabin of another aettler. who wa aluent at the time, and decided to upend the night there. The door of the cahln win titled with trong ban, but near the bottom. a waa the fashion In pioneer home, 'a hole had been cut to allow the cat to go In and out. Just before dawn Curry waa awakened by a noiie out aide the cabin and UlaoovereU a war party of 10 Plankenhaw Indiana stealth ily creeping toward It ti nwir faint-hearted than hla companion, favored aurrennenng ai onoe. hoping the Indian would apare their Uvea If they did not otter num. Purr rejected the promwal aoornnwy Teel, however, went to the door, either to oen It and aurrender or to recon nolter, and atood with hla foot neur the cat-hole. An Indian Instantly tnruai a apear through the hole and pmneti Teel' foot to the floor. nen lie m tlnctlvely reached for the iear to v.m it nut other lance tlaKhed hi band until It waa helpleat Meanwhile Curry had aprung Into the loft to drive the Ind ana away be fore hla companion coiUd open the door. Ue flred three time, bringing . r,ivin each time. Tlien he leaned down into the room again, only to And Teel transflied to the floor and belpleaa. Curry Immediately reaoneu to a deaperate expedient. In thote daya the roofa of the ettiera' cablna were made only of board laid on top of the wall with weight pole acroaa them to hold them down. Curry again aprang Into the Xn and by a auperhuman effort tum bled the roof, weight polee and all. down open the head of the aavagea who were crowded around the door. Their leader waa killed Inatantly and aeveral othera badly injured. It wa daylight by now and a the Indiana broke fur the wood their flight wa naatrnefl by the aharp crack of Curry' rifle which accounted for two or three more aavagea before they got out of nitre. Making lure that they had left the neighborhood, the valiant Curry, car rylng both rlflea and upiortlng hi wounded comrade, aet out for Kaa task la. Teel aoun gave out entirely and. after hiding blm In a thicket, Curry preened on to the fort and re turned with help In time to aave hU companion' life. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON I4 1. WMttra vnraa l TIM MURPHY, THE ORIGINAL LEATHER STOCKING JAMKS KKNNIMOKK CH)PE1V8 "Leatheratocklng." the euper-fron-tleraiuan, w not entirely a child ol the novellst'a brain, for there wet "Leathertocklng" In real Ufa and many of hla exploit during the Revo lution far outahone anything that Cooper ever had hla hero do. He wa Tim Murphy, Virginian, and he waa th nremler aharpabooter or n. Itanlel Morgan' riflemen who marched north to fight Burgoyne wltn tne worda "Liberty or Death" on the front ot their buckukln hunting ehlrte. At the battle of Snrntoga It wa Murphy'e deadly aim that brought down lienerul Kiaer, the real milium nnini of Burgovne'a army, whone death nroved the turning point In that campaign. 8o perhapa It would not be far wrong to ay that the rifle of Tim Murnhv won the American Hevoiution. After the 8ratoga campaign Mur nhr wa ent to Tryon county on cout duty and here a an Indian tighter he won hi greatest fame. Ill name aoon became a word of dread aiming the Iroquol warrior, for hi fleetnea of foot, hi daring and hla akin at ngiu- Inz them In their own way made blm n enemv to be both admired and dreaded. Church News Notes ot Interest to All Local Denominations. Lodge Directory By ELMO SCOTT WATSON $. 1H, wura Mwappr Lniaa.) WHEN COON SKINS WERE MONEY ONCE upon time there wa an American atate named franklin and although It had a governor, a leg lilarore, court of Justice and even a tnllitla of it own, It never wa admit ted to th Union. Inxtead It wa branded a an "outlow atate" and It citizen poated a "rebel and traitor." In 1776 the aettlera In what I now Cra Tenneeaee allied North Caro lina to annex their land and their requeat waa granted. But at the clone of the Revolution the legllitire of North Carolina ceded thin territory to the federal government without con ultlng the aet tier1 wiahe. The pioneer were very ngry at thl action and, calling a convention In 1784, they organized a mate of their own and called It Franklin In honor of the great Phlladelphlan. They choe for governor John Sevier, a leader at the brilliant victory of King' Moun tain during the Revolution, a inreeaa ful Indian fighter and a nun who, un der the nickname of "Nullchucky Jack," wa on of the greatert heroe of the old 8onthwet. Although the new atate had a com plete machinery of government, It lacked one vital thing currency, the llfehlood of a commonweiilth. Lock ing both the material anil tnt-un for producing metal coinage, evler and hi advlter decided to make ue of the commonest medium of exchange at hand,. (he akin of wild animal. The trale of value which they ea labllahed wa coon ikina and fox ikln, one (hilling and threepence, and Jiwver ikln nd ntter akin, alt hltl- Nmhtrml Advantage Medical tetania; ay thit red baired women aufTer le fr.wa aeriou dlaeaaea thaa darker women. Thl I put down to the fact that the akin of red-haired people la uaually quicker to funi-ilon than that of other folk. In other worda. It ahe.l polaon more rapidly than dark (kin.- Too Obvioul Terr Young Homewire But lurely thl won't deceive the Utile thing! It' to very plainly marked "Mouae Trap." Loudon Oi'iniun. Sii Opportunity Opportunity 1 In r-pect of time. In uiu ene, aa time la In reaped to eternity ; It la the ,amall moment, the exact point, the critical minute, on which every good work to much depend. Spirituality of Ma tie Mutlc 1 dual- In It nature; If la material a well t plrltual. It ma terial aid w apprehend through the ten of hearing and comprehend through the Intellect ; It tplrituil ilde reacbe at through the fancy (or Imagination, to be It muilc of Ui high ear claai) and the emotional part of u. Krehblel. IONE LODOE No. 120. A Y. A A M twt.a ererr flrat and third Wetlne f erh month. W. M. . It. W lcr Sec. Is. V.. Dick. UK'CST CHAt'TKR No. U. O. K Meet the aecoml iiud fourth 1 ui dar of eiuh nmnth. W.M. Mm. Wyr tie Walker; Sec. Mra. Mna IHUUif. IONE IX)IM1ENo. 115. I. O. O. Meet every Saturday eveninK. n Frank Younir: V. u. uergen ix- lietur: Sec. Earle A. Urown; Twna. E. J. Hrlatow. Bl NCntlRASS REBEKAH No. 01 I. O. O. Y. MwU tlw Ilrat ami thl Tlmradiiv oteach month. . N.U. Ituhy EnirolmHn;V. 0. Arvllla Swanaon Sec. Verda RlUlile: Trcna. Etta Brla- tow. The attendance at the service at flu I Inn nVilifrtri lauf KlinilfJi 1K1 IDLtll vii w I wit iaw MMxv morning. The occasion waa th . preaching of the Baccalaureate sermon to the lone High School ass of 1925. ' Hev. E. S. Bolinger, Congrega tional general miHsionurv for the Ute of Oregon haa been very ill recently but is now n cov.'ring. The union Sunday school rally held in the park at lone was attend ed by representative of nearlvall tin schools in the Willow Creek i-trict-Among thespeakera at the afternoon session were Pastor A ford of the MethodUt church at Heppner and Pastor . Head of the Congregational church at lone Classes from the Christian church school of lone and from the Union Sunday school of Hhea Siding. Fairvicw Sunday school has dig continued work temporarily' The Cougregational church at Condon has arranged for a dally vacation Bible school under the direction of a student of Pacific University, who may later con at Lexingtou. Send in the church news, please, Tellu s and we'll tell the world. Leave yotir watch repairing at Swanson'a Feed and Supply Store for Hayl6r the Jeweler. Heppner, Statement of the Ownership, Management, etc. ltMinlred by Act ot CoiigHna AuiUt24, 1912. of lone, liideiiendcu nnhllahed weekly nt lone. Oregon fnr Anrlll. ltltV Matingliig Editor, W. W. Head, t',mr PulilUher. J. V Head, lone Oregon. t. thm nwnpra are: E. K. Acker- ... .... mxi fd-Hiilan Ave.. Kt louli Mo. Known bondholdir. liiort(rne and otlier tecurlty nol.leni, holding per cent or more ot total ainonut ol bonda, mortgages. or m,vfT mreu" tlea. None E.8. ACKERMAN. Owner. o ..... n Miirt aulHaiTlbed lielon DWUIM .thlBrt day ot April, Hi'. a- if itoldnaon. Notary Tutillc My comuilaalon expire g,YOU MAY WIN $1,500 . u.i..,lilbll0 ' """ZJZ U - TOILET NECES citifs" AioulelSi IN CASH ! H btrWloeoiiliolaltil .DfTWOD-BUILDI"a CONTEST ... ..... m rlicidu J nilM. AddrMt , ri.m'k. i.j. Aurora. llUa n rami .n rAiraaaia SPRING IS HERE Let us measure you for a new BORN suit. We guarantee a fit. COME IN AND SUE OUR SAMPLES Bristow & Johnsonjj anVnWMHHHBBMHnHMMHH mllfBSUG IONE HARNESS M2? 1 C. A. DECH, Proprie'..r ' . Z iiup 111 anu iooia over my t Line, of WorK Shoes. I f at . , i s . i nave a gooa siocrv ol oioves and t Harness Supplies. I Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone Market CEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. ENGELMAN HARDWARE - IONE, OREGON Every thing, in the line of hardware." If we havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHUKCH Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. H. Prayer Meeting: Thurs. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor s 15.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M Science vi. Politiet Sie:illl are luj aarertalnlns (be eiart weight nf the earth, having left to the M.llt!iant the Jot) of 0udln ut waat I th matter wlib It. Jloro Ing Orefonlan. tan HEPPNER TA1L0RINGC0. TAILORS Suit PRICE Up Made To Measure $29.50 And Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. 1 D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ' Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorney At Law First National Bank Building Heppner ' Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone-Office Residence HEPPNER Main 933 Main 402 OREGON 1" Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from hom. with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. ' Good Service. Farm Implements , VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, , MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD i REAL ESTATE & j 1NSURNCE IONE, ,. OREGON -P F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON Clyde R.Walker,M.D Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. 'ONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellow Bulldin.J Heppner Oregon t i t