The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 08, 1925, Image 4

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Noel Streeter, and his frier.
Elmer Tyler of Khea sidintc were
BpendingCthe wpt k end trying to
solve the problem i f making the
most pocket mot. y in the quick
, est rhd easiest tr inner possible,
' Miss Thelma Miller of Heppner
v was the week et d guest of Miss
Violet Hynd of "Uutterby" Flats
Elvin Miiierof Hixlivitw and
E. Turner from lone were calling
ii Cecil on Sunday.
Ursi-I Yoccm of Portland has
been spending a lew days with
Mr Mrs. Funk at "The Curtins
,. Jack llvndof Butterby Flats
) left on Tu- sday for Portland
l where he will visit for a few days
before haying comes on.
UKA1N I'Ol.HlKS no. 71U1 to
luilimlve, of the MOHUAN, OKKtiUX
agvucy in the Nail. null Union Hre
luxurauce I'ompnn.v, of riltlmrR.
fa., hnve bveu but, mlHlnhl, or eto
lea under which cirvuiiiMtHtu-ee, their
leaue IteliiK ilimut Itorlietl, uniJ poli
cies ore null nmt fold.
The holiicr of these policle will
plenxe rvturu tbeiu tu the eompnny
t I'itt4)nr, and should there
be any return premium involved it
will tie promptly paid.
In caw of Um8 claimed by auy per
od or ptrxoim a holder) o( theee
polk-lea, the 1'ompiiu.v will deny nny
or all liability .thereunder.
j Ntttloual Union Fir lueurauce Co,
Wit. P. CASSKU M VNGi:il
Picture ahead
Kodak as you go
You don't need to join a club or buy a
license or change your clothes to have the
fun of picture-making. It's just part of
every day's doings. Get your Kodak out.
Autographic Kodaki 6.50 upj -Brownies
$2.00 up a complete assortment. And an
interested salesman to show them to you.
The famous Yellow Box film in your sie.
Developing and printirg that you'll like.
The KODAK Store
sJ) j?H Hound Trip
nfkp w are
Why not f sir Zion
National Park, tha
rtawly op an ad
Wonderland in
Southarn Utah,
thia Summer? Aak
tor booklet in nat
ural ooors, which
iivat complete in
formation con
cerning thia
unique land.
Kansas City, , ,
St. Louis
Cincinnati ....
Call us by phone and let us make all your arrange
tnenta. Costa no more and will save your valuable time.
J. W. Howk, Agent, lone,
Mrs. Wigglesworth and Milton
Sperlock were calling in Cecil Sat
urday evening.
Gladys MeJlock cal ed on Mrs.
Hardcsty Tnesday.
The llatdesty's called on Mrs.
Fred Pettyjohn on Monday.
W. P. Palmeteer went over to
Earl Morgan's place to help move
the cat home, as Berland Earl
! have finished ploufhing and are
indued to think they deserve! a
after ploughing about 900 acres
in so short a time.
Frank Hlferty and Bert Paime
teer, spent Sunday with the Ely
H. E. Harbison and wife accom
panied by Mrs. Esther Baurefiend
drove out tovisit the Lindstrom'l
last Sunday.
James Hardest-, wife and son
cailed on Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Streeterand family.
Tee N. Pettjohn family and
nd Mrs, Wigglesworth ahd c'lil.
dren were visiting friends in Ce
cil last Sunday.
Mr. Wells, the assessor of Mor
row County, was in Morgan on
business lalt Mcnday.
Mrs. R, E. Harbison was call
ing on the N. Pettjohns last Sat,
The Fay Pettyjohn family spent
aunday at the Fred Pettyjohn
Mrs. Ben Morgan is slowly re'
covering from the flu.
In effect dally between
22 and Sept. IS
Cleveland ....
Pittsburgh ....
Washington, . ,
Philadelphia.. ,
New York.. . , .
Correpondlni arm to or W important oentert
FlnelrrturnlimitOotober 31.1925. Liberal atop
over privileges going and returning.
A side trip to Yellowstone at small additional
cost will afford the experience Qf a life time.
Must Car fur Themselves.
"Thf farmer realises now that un
less ha ia in control of production,
and marketing also, he will be tiia
victim of those who control tha nuir
sets. There ia no business hut must,
through 'oririinliiulon and ability, ba
prepared to tuka car of Itself,"
I'nltod Ststes Senator Korah of
Iilnho made tha above atatement
months, ago, when tha government
statistics were given out that there
were 88 H millions of farm folks pro
ducing food for tha nation and that
them were 19 million middle folks
concerned in distributing tha farm
product! to tha homes.
Bornh saw in this rendition, what
any man may seo if ha will do a lit
tle real thinking, that In order that
these nineteen million middle men
might live, tha price paid tha fanner
must ba very low and tha price to tha
consumer must be very high. And
that ia the present' condition. Tha
pricea are ao low to tha grower that
he cannot make a profit, and ao high
to tha homea that they buy only what
they must not what they would.
The American Federation of labor
in session in I'ortland year, made
the statement that it cost more to
sell agricultural products than it
coat to produce them. The New
Hampshire State Division of Markets
in its official publication, showed
that the potato growera' portion of
the retail price of tha product waa
20, the country buyers' part 15,
freight 1JV. city distribution 60
and retail lOO'. Tha farmer fur
nished everything, took the risks
and received but one-fifth tha price
the consumer paid. .
Any time the producers of the na
tion want to change thia system bad
enough, they can change it, aays C.
. K. Spence, State Market Agent. There
is no n?ed for this army of middle
profit-takers, and what middle seen
fies are needed could be supnlied by
tha producers themselves. The con
sumer pays too high a price for his
products and the producer gets too
small a part of tha conaumer'a dollar.
When these two classes cooperate,
the system can be changed.
Buying Quality.
Tha middle west, which la now
waking a tremendous advance in all
kinda of co-operation, ia now apply,
irg the test to milk bought in many
cheese factories. It is but a matter
of time when nearly everything will
be bought on its test or grade worth,
and la a system that givea a premium
fcr the best producta and a penalty
on poor quality.
Various reports ar that the severe'
eo!d of the past winter damaged a
large proportion of the cherry trees
in Idaho and eastern Washington.
Advance or Retrograde
foe man who la not almlne at innta
lilru higher nd better la not pro
iro.lne. In bli satisfaction with what
ie ia anil haa. he I finning against
i!iue!f and all those dependent on
lilm. .v0 man has any right to satis
faction if he has not attained tn the
iltm at liehjuia f nU capabilities.
Chinett Superttition
According to the superstitious be
lief of Chinese Junkmen lonjf lines of
evil spirits follow close In (Jie nuke
of the Junks, if a Junkman ran ml
across close under the bow of large
river bout he can by this means ml
away, at least for a time, the pur
suing line of evil spirits.
'luWi TTS
.1 1
tig) lll wii 111 Newspaper I lium )
A MONO oil t..j tiouilor typti who
took part In Iho weslwitrd mnrt'h
acrusa the inml Incut, them la ont
Vtho tinMrUiu'tf luis never been anf-
di'lcntly nw(iiiU.Hl by the lilstorina.
Tunt Vius the lu.: 1 spwululor.
Dnnlid llnone la pupuliirly recunliMl
as the typical Inilcpomlent pioneer,
)vt when lie or wsed over the uiutin
tiilns Into Kentucky lie Went as the
agent of a North ('arullnit I11111I apectl
lulor, I'ol, ltk'l. inl llentliniou. An
other such real estnte denier of an
curlier day wua no leas a person tliuil, (iconic WnslilnKlon, the future
"Ipitlher of Ilia v'ouiilry."
WIIUhiu Venn 1 fnlr ilenllng with
the Indians Is proverblul, but his
sons were not scrupulous. Tlicy
were the niilh' of the nutorluua
"W'ullilng Turd ;ise" of 1T'.17. They
0m ncil ncgotlti, una with the lvl
iwuree for exteiiillnff the I'eiinayl
vmila colony beyond NiKliniiilny
creek. One old chief who opposed the
VKSion remlndi I his brethren of the
"(Uhlile 1'urcliAne" uiiule many years
berore by settlers who nuked only
enough bind to build a tire upon or
as 1. 1 licit as could be encoinpussed ty
an oxhide. The request waa grunted.
The settlers cut the akin Into thin
alrlps and the lHduvnires learned to
their dismay J"t how much bind
Could be encomi .uiw'il by an oxhide.
Hut di-splte thia bitter lesson the
IMuwarcs llnnlly consented to the
I'enus' otter, th agreement being tlml
the new terrltorv ns to extend ns fur
t from the VeMhumlny ns a man
could walk In a duy mid n hulf, hence
the mime "Walking lurchan." Tlien
the f'enns built a smooth road lulu
the territory and hired a swift runner
ttliu went over the route several time
to become fulnlllar with It. The result
was that on the day the measurement
wiih made thia runner gained fur the
1'rnns at least four times as much
hind as the Pel a v. 11 res had Intended
tin y should hare. 'Hie lnillitns pro-tiie-l
Bnl k.p; on (.o gling until
the si : 'tt ti d strong arm
Diethoda for trickery. " Tliey culled In
the Iroquois, who drove the Ikduwures
off the dlsiuted land.
liut the Indium hud a long memory.
Fifty years biter they reproiirhed
Governor Mt. t'lalr of the Northwest
territory with the "Uxhlde I'urehiiae"
and the ")V Hiking rurchnse" when he
called the (Hilo tribes Into council at
Port Iliirmar, and It waa not until
after a bloody war that the tribes
tnnlly ceded their limits.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Thoae who are tn a "run-down" rnrdl.
Iin w il k ll e li st Catarrh botliera tl.em
muh mor than when they are In food
nealth. Thia fact proves that while
atrrrh la a local 4isae. It la rrratly
:nfl"ni-4 tiv ennetltiitlnnnl rnndltlnna,
nmoinea onm io-ai anil In
mal, and has rxen euceeawful in the
ireaiment or catarrh for over forty years.
win oy an qniKSiaia.
r. J Cheney Co Toledo. Ohio.
Have'ock the Dana
H.iveliHk the,Ine was an eurly
nlo-I iinl-h hero. The smi of the
Ihmiuli VHk. he s set mlrtfl Itr a
'out. hilt i-..s li-ed by (irlni, a lllier who clin'i.d him ' '-iiliei
II I I lilh aaiiMa
pur irony
mighty poor economy to
tpone painting or varnish
whether it be the inside
floors an 1 woodwork or the out
side exposed surfaces. What
wear and tear are doing on the
inside, ret and rust are doing on
. the outcide slowly pulling
down the value of your property
through surface neglect.
To put paint and varnish on befor It It
needed, and not after, it true economy.
Damage it under way just at toon at tha
urface it broken down, which it often before
you realize it. '
Buy good paint -it's cheapest
Cheapest because it protect! the turface
better, lasts longer and goet further.
Rasmusaen Paint and Varnish Producta are made
In one of tha finest paint factories in the United
States tha largest in tha Northwest. They are
by. "P"" wKo " n intimate knowledge
of Northwest climatic conditions knowledge
gained through many years of actual contact with
these conditions. .
The strict maintenance of Raasnussen Quality
governs every step in the making of these paints
and varnishes from the first selection of the lead,
II. and other materials, to the final sealing and
labeling of the can.
n il.' no better paint than Rasmussen Pure
?Z?n " our trantee to the manuitcfurs
uaaa Bring ypW piintiog piabitDM im.
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior, U, H,
I.unil Olllco nt The DhIIch, Ori'Kiiii,
April Int. W
NOTH'K Im llernhy (liven tlint
Clnii'lcM A. HniiMon, n( lone, Otvtriiu,
u lio mi, Juno Id, iiijo, nmilti 1Iuiiii-Hti-ad
Kiitry No. OL'ISIH, for K.
S y SK),, Nectlon 17, Township
2 South Itiitiuo '.'II KriHt, Wllliimotto
Mei lillttii, luis nieil notice of Inten
tion to tuiik" (I mil three yenrproof,
to eatiilillHli claim to the Inml itltove
li Kcrllied, before (luy M. AikIci-soii,
I'ulteil Stnte t'oiiniilsHloner, nt
Heppner, OreKoti 011 tlii:Vth tiny of
lime, lll.Ti,
Cl11lmik.11 1 liilliics ns wltueeHUM!
J,' w, (ttrlntrer. l'riink Yotinir
Riidm KarreiiM anil Ctcll Hargciit,
all of lone ()ivun,
J, V, Uonnely.
Putty, tha Witt One
Appureiitly we owe the word cut to
the Unmans. They celled the animal
"cntus." which meant the "knowing
one," and the word passed Into the
rotnnnce Uinguuges to "chat" and
"gnto." Other authorities will have It the word "cat" la a corruption ef
i.ii old word horrowed frxin the French,
lo wit, "acate."
Ftathtrtd Surgeon
A fiimous Parisian surgeon states
he killed a hlrd wiiei broken leg
had been supported Ij a fwt of slin
made of fenilicru hi und Into poaltlou
hy the bird llseti.
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
. It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us.'
Farmers Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
T.(.- p,-l"f "f r m
Cut Machinery Cost
In Half
The man who leaves his machines In the fields is pay
ing, by depreciation, for ait implement shed, but not
getting the shed.
You can cut your machinery cost In half by prolong.'
ing its lilc anq usefulness; You can double the life of
an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you
are through using it
The cost of an Implement shed to protect $2,000.00
worth of machinery is only a fraction of that sum.
We have many excellent implement shed plans to show
yaj, an J we hive the right material to build Just the
kind an J sizj building you require. Do not make the
mistake of building before you examine our up-to-date
implement shed plans, we will be glad to have you call
and examine them, whether you are building now or
ussous. qwu wjig iil
( II 'ieis si) unuj Snnu uodtt 4h
q) 14H110J111 i.i.i; u, d 11,1 1 uhj i'i it
1 f)J )NI1 ll l.llll inejl S JO Shll
1(1 MUM PUU '4I0 uu so 1 1 111 nil )o e)iu
ju ,i.iij u 11 j 'sjeiv.w jiil siiiii
a )ui .)iullt 1 'Usui 1 ns iix
Famoui Seven CitUi
The ,Siv"i Cities of ninilii, belong'
lug to ti e i'.iitd 'rlhn of Indiana, which
mcunled the site of the present pueblo
of r.unl, In western New Mexico, were
held In renown hy early Spanish ti-
pi ore m d, '
au. j m AS
Rven If Joy forgets to bring his rid
die with lilm, you can dauct to the
elHiinlnu of his httllila.
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent iY
. f
' . i ..
Lumber Co.