The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 08, 1925, Image 3

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    Mrs. Adilla Davis
mm aasi
': i
Listen to This Woman's AdvloS
Seattle, Vah. "Dr. rierce'a Fa
vorite I'rracriphnn wss recommend
cd to me by friend, for i had been
very tick nil thru my tint expectant
period, and motherhood had left mo
very frail, 1 found in the 'Favorite
Inscription' a splendid tonic and
builder. '1 ho next time, I took tha
Treicrimiou' regularly and my con
dition that time was line, for I was
utile to attend to my work ritfht up
to the lt without help and In com
fort. The, Tavorito J'rcicription'
waa audi a help to me I could not
help contrasting my condition dur
ing my firat experience, when I
sulfcrril ao much, with the second,
for when taking the 'Prescription
1 never had a airk day." Mrs.
Adrlia Davit, 8525 Dayton Ave.
Obtain Dr. I'icrce'a Prescription
now, in liquid or tahlcti, from your
druttipt or aend 10c for trial vVg.
of tablet to Dr. I'icrce'a Invalid'
Hotel in Hniljlo, N. Y' or write
fur free medical advice.
, Bag Reflection. '
Nature tliut have much beat, and
grout vloli'tit doslms and perturba
tions, are not rlpo fur action till tlmy
have psssrd the meridian ot their
yi'ars, Huron.
Powerful Floating Crane.
A floating mine, built by a British
firm and shipped to Japan, la prob
ably the largost In existence. It ran
lift load of 350 ton at 100 foot
radlua, or 300 ton at a radlu ot
i:t foot.
Plea for Tolerance.
( We ought not fo be ao rnah and
rlgorou In our cenaurea. aa iom are.
Charity will judge and hope for the
boat. Exchange.
"Hello Daddy-doft
forget my Wrtgeyr
Sip pack In
your pocket When
yon tjo home (o-
Oiveth younjalm
this whole sonnUm
laMn, twect . fbr
pleasured bet. jf.
Vtt II yoarwtrafW
molting or when
trorfcdrad. Its .
Jml llttU fmluraer
Book Alway Friendly.
To avert at any time a troublesome
fancy, run to thy bonks; they present
ly fix thee to thorn, and drive tha other
out ot thy thuuxhti. They always re
ceive time with the samo kindness.
FRttD-fmn' mrac tain
ami ader.
FRIIB from aftar-aauaaa ,
Nw ftaaond.
r Supar-raflnad lot madirinal uaa. Strangih
and Purity unchaniiad. Navar told in
bulb. Boltlad and UMIad I hi Uhor.
mm. Tha original laatalaaa caator oiL
PRIiF liitratun on twM WALTER.
JANVIER, Inc., 4'7 Canal St., Naw York
7Va 'r lyr. J jet.
a til foW 4nt nom.
You Want a Good Position
Vary well Tska the Aceonntsnry and
Huslnnns Msnacemant, Private Sara-atari,
si, Calculator, Coniptoniatar, Blamngra
phle, I'anmannhlp, or Commarelai Taawh
rs' Course at
The foramost ItualnMS Collars of th
Northwest which tins won mors Accuracy
Arls and Gold than any othar
srhtxil In Amarlnt. Hand fe our Hucnaas
Catalog". Fourth Straet naar Mnrrlson,
l'ortlund, Or, lxnao M, Walknr, I'raa,
P. N. U.
No. 19, 1925
(Si lir Snurt awry ruk. Cs.)
A burglar s;oas to tha trouble
ot blowing a "burglar-proof" safe
and Is thtn satiaRsd to ao on his
way with a woman's ploturs la
staad of th bank funds,
AB UK stepped out of th alley
Into tha street, It began to
rain dismally. This pleased
him, for It added to the black
ness of the night end had a tendency
to drive away any late pedestrian.
II was not hampored by luggage.
Such tool a be needed a bar of
soap, an elrpump, a can of nitre
glyserln, aome fuse, Jimmy, a dark
lantern, a revolver he carried In tils
pockets, and, under bis coat, folded
grain sack.
, Without pausing, without hesitating,
be glanced eeiirehlngly up and down
the street. A amoklng oil lamp stood
upon post on th corner of the
main street of the village. Its feeble
ray struggling Ineffectively In the
mist. No living creature waa stirring;
no other glimmer visible.
A few etrldes took bun to the aide
window of building. Tb sill was
on level with his bead. Us tried
to raise tb sunn, but, aa he had ex
pected. It was fastened. Bo he took
the Jimmy from his pocket, snd. slip
ping Its thin edge under the frame,
threw all Me weight auddenly upon
tli handle.
With retort like that of t pistol,
the lock snapped. For five minutes,
perhaps, the burglar crouched In th
shadows under the window, watching,
listening. Hut not a sound, save the
patter of the rain In the gutter, did
be bear; not a moving object did be
Then carefully, noiselessly, be pushed
up the sash and climbed In. He was
In total darknoaa, but knew exactly
where be stood. He could have drawn
an accurate, detailed plan of the In
terior of the building knew precise
ly how many feet It was from tha
window to the aafe; from the aaf
to th front doors; from th window
to bis car, atandlng In th alley at
the rear,
Ro, although he could not see bis
hand before htm. he turned confident
ly to bis left and walked six pace.
Then he circled to bla right around
the end nf tb courtier, and took four
atepa more. Pausing, he reached out
bis hand and touched the aafe.
Tbe burglar moved bis band glee
fully over th door and laughed. Tbe
bank was not provided with vault A
good vault costs aa much aa a build
ing, and this was small bank In
country town, fio th fund were
entrusted to the protection of this
"burglar-proof" safe. lie wondered
what the cltlxona would aay about
"burglar-proof" aafe wbll gathering
up the pieces!
.Without losing moment, be filled
the cracks around tbe door of the
safe with soap, leaving one small open
ing. To thla opening he attached his
pump and exhausted the air on the
Closing the ripening, b cut piece
off tbe bar of soap, and, rolling It
between bla palm and molding It
with hi fingers. Soon fashioned It
Into the shape of a small cup. This
be fastened at the bottom of the door
and filled wltb nitroglycerin. Then
be attached fuse.
Ten feet from the safe, a door
opened Into the rear office of the
bank, and In this room tbe safe-breaker
had planned to aeek refuge while
the explosive was doing Its work. Not
desiring to tarry unnecessarily In close
proximity to charge of nitroglycerin
about to explode, he concluded, be
fore lighting the fuse, to antlafy him
self Hint the door of thla Inner room
waa not locked or bolted.
lie turned tb knob, the door opened
readily, and he took one atep across
th tlu-eahold. Then be paused.
In th Intense darkness h could not
see sn object; In tha perfect alienee
he could not hear sound.
Hut something premonition. In
stinct, some Indefinable sixth sense
something sent a chill through him,
and he trembled as one wbo sudden
ly becomes conscious of tbe presence
of Anseen spirits. Without the power
to move, be stood, staring Into the
darkness, the perspiration atandlng In
Icy drops upon his forehend.
. Wltb the desperation that fear In
spires, he drew his dark-lantern,
slipped back the slide, snd threw the
searching glnre around the room, light
ing first the most distant corner. Slow
ly be moved the lantern, bringing tbe
rouqd spot of brilliant light toward
hi in across the carpet. Suddenly he
uttered I low cry snd shrank back
as the light fell fiercely upon an ob
ject almost at bis feet.
So near that by stooping tbe burglar
could have touched him, a dead man
lay, his waxen face and sightless eVes
turned upwards I The carpet where his
head and ahoulders rested, gleamed
scarlet with his blood; the nerveless
finger of bis right band clasped a
pistol; In tha center of his forehead
was a ghastly wound.
With strange weakness In bis
knees the burglar bent over the deed
in ii n, brushed bnck his mntted hair,
took the pistol gently from his fingers
and folded his hands across his breast.
In th corpse the craeksmsn recog
nized Frazer, the bank cashier.
On the desk beside lilm was tb
following latter, unsealed;
"Doing no longer able to con
ceal mj shortage, to bid th fact
that tli safe does not contain the
amount of money that It should,,
and being coward, I have chosen
coward's method of psylng my
debt. I do not aak fur pity, I
only ask compassion for my wife."
For a moment the burglar stood on
decided, the letter In bla hand. Sud
denly, breaking tb Impressive silence,
cam the loud ringing of a telephone
bell. Instantly, Involuntarily, the
burglar closed th lantern slide,
gripped his pistol snd crouched be
hind tbe desk. Again th bell rang,
and mechanical ly be arose and walked
to tbe telephone. Standing wltb one
foot on each side of the dead cashier,
be took down the receiver,
"Hello," be laid, Imitating tb vole
of one whos eyes be could feel, but
could not see.' IJ wss answered- by
a woman.
"Oh, Henry!" ahe cried, "I have Just
awakened from aucb a vivid, sucb sn
awful dream. I know It Is silly, but
It frightened me. I dreamed Unit you
were In trouble, In disgrace. And then
I awoke snd found you bud not r
turned home. Oh, Henry, what is keep
ing you ao lute? Come boms at once,
will you not, dearr
"Yea," tbe burglar replied, aa one In
a date.
"Do," she continued, and there waa
anxiety in her voice. "I am so glad,
so glad it was only a dream. I would
rather see you dead than dishonored,
Uenry dear."
Th crackamaa crept back to th
desk snd seated himself In the dead
man'a chair, tb woman's vole still
ringing In bis ears.
That voice! It haunted him like a
memory of long ago, like an echo of
th days of childhood. It stirred. It
thrilled him. It aroused thst old mad
love of hi boyhood. Whoae voice was
It? Undoubtedly the wife of that dead
coward lying at his feet. But wbo
had ah been before before she msr
rled him?
That voire! Could It be Martha's
Years and year ago, when they were
schoolmates, he bad loved Martha,
worshiping ber from afar, fur she waa
dweller on the avenue, and be
child of the tenements. A vast social
gulf divided them, bnt he loved ber
In aecret, knowing that he scarcely en
tered ber thoughts.
Once be bad Ihraahed a boy for
teasing ber, and ahe had smiled at
blm. He had never forgotten that
smile. That waa years snd years sgo,
but, though she had long since pa sued
out- of bla life, he had never loved
another. And .now was that voice
Indeed the vole of Martha t
Again the burglar deliberately
opened the aide of his lantern snd
turned tbe gleam upon the desk. Di
rectly In front of him be aaw a pic
ture In the silver frame. It waa s pho
tograph of woman not a particu
larly handsome woman but. glorified
by a daxxllng smile and he recog
nised thai smile!
From that face he turned reluc
tantly at last to gas with scorn at
th cold features of tbe man lying
there with the acarlet mark ot aln
upon bla brow. He felt no pity now
nothing but contempt but Martha's
word a "I would rather sve you dead
than dishonored." rang in his ear.
Wltb a siull" he placed the letter
the contemptible letter In hi pocket,
picked up Frazer's pistol, replaced the
empty shell with loaded cartridge,
and laid the weapon In a drawer.
Then be tor the collar of the cashier's
coat, ripped one sleeve half Ita length,
and overturned tb chairs and scat
tered them about.
It was nearly daybreak. Jn a fe
momenta th gray would be creeping
up the eastern sky. ...
Quickly the burglar blew th aafe
and scattered tbe gold and silver and
banknotes upon tbe floor. "Now," be
said, to himself, "they will find the
bank broken, tbe aafe looted, tbe
cashier murdered !" Leaving his soap
and dark lantern by tbe shattered
safe, lie fled, and two things only did
be take the cashier's letter and tbe
photograph In the sliver frame.
Through th rain and darkness he
drov away, penniless but not unhap
py. A woman's smiling fact seemed
to thank him. He laughed sloud as
be fled through the gray of morning,
thinking of a schoolgirl smiling at a
ragged urchin.
Not Empty-Headtd
Jlmmle Jonea failed to pass In his
tory because be did not know wbo tbe
President of the United Statea Is, nor
could be name hla governor, senator
and representative In congress. But
Jlmmle knows who led both tb
American and National leagues In bat
ting averages last year.
He can recognize tbe pictures of 43
movie Kara.
He can pick as good an All-American
team as Walter Camp, and give rea
sons. He knows the call letters of every
Important broadcasting station In tbe
United States.
lie can give you th name ot prac
tically any car when he sees it coming
a block away.
And yet
Bom folks call Jlmmle an Igno
ramus! Kansas City 8tar.
Prt-Indian Rtlic
A remarkable ' atone wall built in
tb form of fortress on tb top of
a Georgia mountain south of Lookout
mountain, Tennessee, Is believed to be
of pre-Indlan origin as the Cherokee
Indians told th Orst whit settler
that ' a strange whit rac were
In this vicinity before them, says tb
Dearborn Independent. A wolledup
aprlng Is near the opening gate.
Tber Is not a civil engineer In Amer
ica who could improve on it con
struction as a fortress defense. Phil
adelphia Bulletin,
Tber ar now In the United Stales
46S,(XJ0 tulles of surfaced highways.
Every ten years tbe total, Including
country roads, will be around 800.UU
miles, which will constitute a niur
velous basic system excelling. that of
any nation In the world.
. W are making rapid progress not
only In ruad building, but also In our
understanding of highway financing,
taxation and use. It is worth while to
res I lie the fundamental significance
of sll this activity which In the final
analysis Is simply an Investment In
On the political and sodul aide,
nelghborllnees meana mutual under
atundlng and tb ability to live to
gather In harmony. It means that the
West knows th South and appreciates
Its problems, and vie versa, writes
Roy D, Cbspin, chairman of tbe high
way committee of the National Auto
mobile CbumUer of Commerce.
On the commercial side, nelgliborll
nesa means reedy facilities for dis
tribution, ease of travel. In short,
that tbe distant point can be reached
aa well as tbe nearby point
We ar In highly fortunate posi
tion In that tills country ba a grid
Iron ot rail lines. This gridiron
should be maintained, operated, en
couraged on a sound basis. Ulveu this
long-haul transportation equipment,
tbe highway aystem become doubly
serviceable bees use It meana that
every community of B.000 population
la linked not only wltb, a motor-travel
system, bnt Is likewise within rapid
transit reach of the luiig-dtatance rail
road service.
It is recognized that the motor-car
user gets a more immediate and more
definite return from improved blh
ways than any other clans of tbe com
munity. The burden of federal expenditure
for highways has not, however, fallen
on tbe general taxiwyer at ail as yet.
Tb reason for the federal govern
ment entering Into highway construc
tion, moreover. Is given in President
Coolidge's message to congress of Vv
cember 6, 1ITJ3, In which be said:
"No expenditure ot public money
contribute so much to the national
wealth aa tor building good roads."
In view of tb enormor extent of
thla country, totaling 3,000.000 square
miles, tber 1 no other public work
which is more deserving of our atten
tion. New California Road Is
Now Open to All Traffic
Easterner motoring to California by
th southern route can now save con
siderable time through use of tbe
newly Improved highway between
Yuma and tb Imperial valley, which
la now open. -
The trip of 05 mile over th sand
dune between Yuma and Kl Centro,
Inatead of requiring 12 hours to two
days to negotiate, and at times even
longer, now can be mad reasonably
In a coupl of hours. Tb new srtery,
including IS miles of graveled road and
21 miles of asphalt, ia a decided Im
provement over th old desert road
that stretched across the (and hills.
Thla work has been consistently
urged by the Automobile Club of
Southern Cailforalu, which leading
motor organization Is- highly gratified
at being able to tell tourlats that this
southern rout to th (tat line at lust
ba been placed on a par wltb the
trunk lines of the stste.
It la felt that thla Improvement I
one that will uphold the statement
that th saving In cost of operation
to motor vehicle users wbo travel over
an Improved highway la nior than
enough to maintain the highway. This
conclusion wss announced by the Na
tional Automobile Chamber ot Com
merce following investigations made In
North Carolina and other atatea In
connection with tbe argument that the
motor vehicle ahould pay for ail high
way maintenance.
Tax in Many States
Thirty-seven of the forty-eight
statea and the District ot Columbia
start 105 wltb a gasoline tax In fce.
In several atatea the tax Is 1 cent, In
IS states snd the District of Columbia
It Is 2 cents. In two It la 2V4 cents. In
nine it Is 8 cents and In one atute It
la 4 cents. Of the remaining 11 states.
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, lowu
and New Jersey, ss well ss Kansas, nil
have gasoline tax measures under con
sideration. It Is probable that most
ot these measures will be enacted into
laws. Massachusetts la the only state
that haa definitely turned down a gas
tax meaaure by popular vol and It la
generally believed that the reason for
thla defeat la to be found in the ap
portionment of funds proposed rut her
than, In tbs fact that it was a gusollne
To Relieve Traffic Jam
The first step toward dual hlgbwiiya
to lessen traftlc congestion, purtlullv
due to heavy movement ot trucks, may
be taken by Maasachuaetta, for the
state department of public works Is
planning 12,000,000 highway, paral
leling the stat highway from Itoston
to Worcester, The new highway is
to follow cloaely the present Worces
ter turnpike. A leglslutlve appropria
tion will be necessary before work on
this much needed Improvement cau he
Inaugurated. ,
PORT! A lin
vu a afLatf-iiiaLr
Portland, Oregon.
I I VM Hiii..'sflU
Select Residential & Transient,
lit snS Tamkltl. Portland. Omw
Modern Fireproof American Plan
"ALL MAIIZS" Guaranteed
Rebuilt Typewriters
Sal Isms; 14.00 nxmthljr It AMntl. Kmtad S moa MM A ip. Bmi
(at MintimM irrica Uat.
IIS SliOi St.,
Better Franklin Service-Storage and General Repairing
ANDERSON & RICE, 4HrNN,,H Portland, Ore
Turquoise's Odd Uss.
A Fourteentb-centary authority
atatea that turquoise protected horses
from the ill effects resulting from
drinking cold water when tbey were
overheated. It Is said that tbe Turks
often attached theae precious atones
to the bridles and frontlets ot tbelr
borses as a mulcts.
Honor for "Unknown"
Tbe decorations awarded the Un
known Soldier were: Croix de Guerre.
France; Legion ot Honor, France;
gold medal for bravery, Italy; Vir
tutea Milltara, Rumania; war crosses,
Czechoslovakia; Vlrtutl MUltarl. Po
land I Congressional Medal ot Honor,
United States.
Honesty does not merely mean that
you will not lie with your llpa or take
somebody's money or property. It also
means that yon will do your very best
In everything, do every taac to a com
plete finish, and stamp each Job you
do with tbe trademark ot you.1 char
acter. Kiel Kraftaman.
Lute and Guitar. ,
The lute la a atringed musical In
strument of the guitar family. Tbe
formal difference between a lute and
a guitar la to be found In tbe back,
which In the lute is pear-shaped and
in tbe guitar la fiat. Tbe lute Is with
out ribs, which are essential to the
framing ot tbe guitar.
A Bronx woman gave ber young son
a nickel for tbe beatben, and he went
and gave It to bis father. He must
have overheard a breakfast-table chat
New York American,
World's Largest Picture.
Tbe largest picture ever painted is
the "Paradise" of Tintoretto, which
hangs in tbe palace of tbe doges at
Venice. It measures St feet by 35
Famous Greek Statue.
Hermes, one of the masterpieces of
Praxiteles, the ancient Greek sculptor,
was found May S, 1877, at Olympla.
It Is now preserved In the museum
there. Tbe figure of tbe youthful god
Is shown aa tbe protector ot bla baby
brother, Dionysius. The statue was
made about 250 B. C.
Csuses for Gratitude.
Tbo 'people to whom we are tbe
most grateful are those wbo belp
raise our standards, who awaken in
ua good impulses, who enrich us spir
itually and morally, and who make 'us
reaolve to express ourselves In great
er service to others. GriL
Pspuan Mourning Customs.
In Papua, widows mourn tor 8 de
ceased husband for more than a year,
and it Is custom tor them to remove
all their clothes and cover themselves
with white pipe-clay. The costume
consists of a grass skirt.
For Treatment of
Rheumatism and Neuritis
31? Manly Tichnar Ride.,
Portland, Orag-on
W. I. Chlfki from in-ltvttij
lren.. Ktite ctv,hUh1. AUd
f bnlrfc U.'.t K'aa, l.owt-t
laio iKavflNwc - aaATTa k
New Fluff Rugs
Made From Old Carpets "Wear .Like
Iron." SWlljJSaa
Daal Dlract with tha Manufacturer. Abaolnt
Batiafactlon Guaranteed, Band is Your Ma
tarialorWrHafur frlcaa,
M M Union Annua Nor. Portland, Orvfoo.
for vniiR PRnnurr
tfiiinrtiii I r nunrn ni tun
anAuuniLLt rnuiu-riAtt
Conpltli Changs Saturday
Adults, Week day Matinee 20c:
Evenine-s, 36c. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cents all times
Portland, Or
PUYBICIA.V. Rsswdta lot
sumach Jiaonlan, sstssr,
bladder trostilas, (all atofiaa,
cooctipaUofl, appamUelUs salt
ail fafaala rvmptainia. Thbs
taka tnatauDts si boast at V
terrad. U2 Bm4 Hi, ear
wr Alilar, Portland. Or.
Moler Barber . College
Taachea trade In I week a Bum pay
wbil learning. Positions aacurad. Write
for catajogua. tli Burastda 8 tract, Port
land, Qrnon.
Clark a Bros, Florists, til storrtaoB at
One Ounce of
Prevention Worth
Pounds of Cure
Serious Sickness
by taking
A Mile Laxative.
A tyatsm Bulldar,
thst salts Nature
In ktaplnsT your bow
eta oh-o and your
rul syatara la
perfect working se
der at all Umaa,
at Your Drug (tare
Gema Used as Playthings. '
The first large diamond discovered
in South Africa Is said to have been
found In the leather bag ot a sorcerer.
Several authorities state that In tbe
early days In South Africa highly valu
able diamonds wens frequently the
plaything ot tbe Boer children.
In an Age Benighted.
Jam and Jollies were not known
until the Eighteenth century, when
virtues unknown today were ascribed
to them, Jelly being recommended for
a sore throat and Jain advised for a
Safe Anchors.
Hope and patience are two sover
eign remedies for all the surest re
posals, the softest cushions to lean
on in adversity.
Claimed Prophetic Gift,
Joanna Southcote, a domestic ser
vant, aroused all England about 1814,
with her pretended supernatural gifts
and her claim to be the woman men
tioned In Apocalypse, chapter 12. She
gained over 100.000 followers.
We Specialize In
Rides, Pell. WosJ, Mokair, ,
Tallow, Cascara, Orefoi
Grape Roof, Coal Siuatv
, Honcltyr
Writafor Shipping Tan lataat Fries Ual
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
im mm mm soars, rsnuMS, mmo. ,
Branch at Poeatallot Idaka
THE LAUE-DAV18 DRUG CO., 171 Third
Stnwt. fortland. Orvaoa, will mall a eora
plfta Catalog of Truawa, kllaatla Otucklnss
and Abduminal Blla
Write at Once.
1 wi a i ca