THE IONE INDEPENDENT I Published Evtiy Fridsy by V. HEAD, Eilitnt-Publisher SUBSCRIPTIONj ...MM .75 60 i Ont year... . Six month Thuo months ..A ri msttor at th IMitufflc t Ion. Orrjon, under ct ol Marcli a. Friday May 8, 1925 K-vd U h ko i i. out hold fa9t is - - 9 a be f "" Old Proverb. BONDS OR NO BONDS a nmnosition to bond the coun 4- n. nffoient amount to com plete the trunk road and build mads will probably be tubmited to the voters in the near future. The maximum uuouni which may be authorized at this time is $0,000.00. If authoma lion is voted, only such part of the total will be p'aced on the market . ... time as mas be repuired to match amounts expended by the ! utate or to cover actual construe tion on market roads.The total estimated repuiremenU for the completion ot trunk highway is belween $75,000.00 and $100,000. , 00. This will leave above $4000, 000.00 available for matketroads. UP AND DOWN Wheat goes up and wheat goes jn..nn when the farmers have -nr. nr need some and down when the harlest Is on. The city market nnltiefil eroo interpreters ai the prosperity of the farmer when the wheat he has old for a $1.00 raises to $2.10 on the bowd of trabe. But the farm era will get even before lonK-just watch their smoke. SWAT REFERENDUMS The eounty judges and com'mis gioner's association have stared a etmoaifn to ursre people not tc aign ths referendum petitions to be circulated by the bus ana stage men. II this move is successful Houe Bill 413 will decome a law on May 23. If it is not successful and the bus nd freight truck men secure sufficient signatures to put the referendum over, the oDeralion of the law will be helu up for 13 months and ,the state will lose a half a million dollars. If the bill becomes a law Ma 68. the half million dollars will be come available during the period for maintenance. Condoa GloDe-Tiaui. A RESCUE AND A ROMANCE OK hi sirui( svsamg u 11 U s jounjf Ctrl uaitd Uebacca Martin u paddling blrciibark canuv alunt ttis Ohio rlvsr. Sua was returning tu lir boma at Ui uoutli of Oruve creok after vliitlng a tUtar 00 nillva up tltt rlvr. Her ralatlvea bad tried to per auada her net to attempt ' tha trip loos, but aha laughed at their feurt. Shortly after undown ilia ap proached a clearing where elie ex pected to ipend the night In the cubln of a frtend. But aa aha drew near aha aaw a war party of Indian danc ing and yelling around the blazing cabin. The river waa brightly illumi nated by the flumes and at any mo ment aba might be discovered if she attempted either te advance or re treat. Bo aha allently paddled clow to the bank and hiding at beat she oottld beneath tba overhanging brush, breethlMilv welted. Finally the fire died down and the Indiana departed, aome of them going upstream In their canoes.' By thU time the moon had risen and minlo traveling dangerous, but she knew she must try to ea'-ape. She did nut try to paddls but trusted to the current to carry her out of danger. After travel ing several miles thus she felt safe to begin piddling agaln. Suddenly like a drifting shadow . another canoe emerged from the oppo site shore, followed Immediately by three others. Seeing that she was discovered, Rebecca began to paddle desperately. ' Bullets began to slog over her head and to whip the water around hr. Finally one of them struck her psddle and shattered It. The girl tried des perately to guide her. bark toward the aliore, but Its progress wus agonizingly alow. The savages had almost sur rounded her W'hen there was a blind ing lightning flash and a roar as of thunder. One of the Indian ratines was torn to pieces and Its occupants thrown struggling Into the river. A big canoe swept out Into the stream and from the swivel gun mounted on Its prow a raking Are was poured into the other Indian boats. As the survivors frantically nadifled TALES OF THE OLD FRONTIER f By ELMO SCOTT WAlSun A FRONTIER SAMSON JAMliS CTlUtt ' KentiU'klali who fought with tii-n. Uoorji Hark In winning the K'i Northwest during the Hovoitiuou ftr tlm war . he settled near old Kaskaklu on the Mississippi. m r.v,.niiL In the simng or 1TSS Curry and a coiiiimnion naiutMl I-evl Teol, while returning from a hunt ing trip, came to the cubln of another settler, who was ahsent t the Unh and decided to spend the night there. The door of the cabin was fitted with strong bars, but near- the bottom, as was the fashion In pioneer homes, a hole had bwn cut to allow the cat to go In and out. Just before dawn furry wus awakened by a noise out aide the cabin and discovered a wui party of 10 l'lunkeshaw Indians stealth lly creeping toward It. T.w.l mil.. ftllllt. henrted than hi! ....... f.ivnriwt Mirt-enilerllii; nl oni-e, hoping the Indians would spa" their lives If they did not otter tkht i-iirrv relected the proposal scornful If Teel, however, went to the toor, ltliei ... mu.ii it mid surrender or to reion nolter, and stood with his foot near th ... h..i i.. imllan Instantly thrust a pear through the hole and pinned TWr foot to the noor. neu ne iu stlnctlvety reached for the spear to ....m i. nthop lunres s uslieu pun II ""S v..... hand until It was neipiess. inwiiii furrr had sprung Into the loft to drive the Indians away be- l.l. romoanlon COUla open toe door. He fired three times, nnnsing down a redskin each time. Then he leaped down Into the room again, umj ... .i t.i trnnsflxed to the floor and helpless. Curry Immediately resorted to a desperate expedient. In those days the roofs"Sf the settlers' cabins were made only of boards laid on top of the walls with weight poles acns them to hold them down. Curry again sprang Into the -n,! h a Minerhuinan effort tum bled the roof, weight poles und all, down uKn the heads of the savages -, ... rrnwiled around the diHir. Their leader was killed Instantly and ..11, r. hadlv Injured. U was duvllcht by now and as the Indians broke for the woods tlielr flight was haetanori hv the sham crack of Curry s rifle which accounted for two or three more savages before they got om o range. Making sura that they had left tin neighborhood, the traliant Curry, ca .i.. Kmh rifles and supnortlug In At rranl-mle. SPt OUt for KilS fc.cvt. Twt soon gave out entirely .ftw hlrtliie him In a thicket .s.. nr.,nt on to the fort and ri turned with help In time to save h. companion's life. Natural Advantage Jdf.llial scientists say that red haired women suffer less from serious diseases than darker women. This I put down to the fail that the akin of red-haired people Is usually qulrke to function than that of other folk in "(her words. It sheds poison tuort rapidly than. a dark skin. Too Obviovi Vtrr Toune Housewife Rut sureli this won't dm-elve the llltle things! It's very plulnly marked " Mouse Trap. London t "pinion. Seitt Opportunity Opportunity Is In respect of time in mne sense, as time Is In respect to eternity; It Is the small moment the exact point, tho crlticul minuie ,n whleh every aood work so much depends. Spirituality of Ma$ie Music Is dual In Its nature; It la uiiiterlnl ri well ss lolllluul. Its IDS lerlal side we apprehend through the sense of hearing and comprehend through the Intellect; Its spiritual side reaches us through the fancy tor IniHtflnutlon. so he It music of the high est class) snd the emotional part of us. Krehblel. ENGELMAN J0MREGfL Everything in the line of hardware. If we havn't got it we can get it quick. iGrmtHiAWARE IONE, OREGON TALES OF THE f OLD FRONTIER i i pi sir trnrr witson X " ft (41 nil, Wwitru Nwnai UnwB.) TIM MURPHY, THE ORIGINAL LEATHER STOCKING JAMKS K KM N I MO UK VOOl'KIt'S "Leathemtocklng," the super-fron-tlersmnn, was not entirely a child ol the novelist's brain, for there was a Uutherstiieklng" In real llto and many of his exploits during the Revo lnfinn far outshone anything that I'oimer ever had his hero do, lie was Tim Murphy, a Virginian, ami ne was th nreiuler sharpshooter otttlen. lianlel Morgan's riflemen who marched ....i, i. il,-lit Itnrsovne witn tne words "Liberty or Death" on tho front of tkelr buckskin hunting shirts. At the name or sanuogu u ..n Mi.Hibv's deadly aim that brought down tieneral Krasor. the real niHHary ulna f lturirovnea nrmy, whose , imiveil tho turning point 111 that campaign. So perhaps It would not be far wrong to say that the rifle of Tim Mnrnhv won the American Revolution. After the Saratoga campaign Mur nhv was sent to Tryon county on scout duty untl here ss an Indian fighter he won his Greatest fame. Ills name soon became a word of dread among the Iroquois warriors, for his fleetness of foot, his daring and his skill at fight ing them In their own way made him n onimv to he both odmlred and rtresded. Lodge Directory mXK LODOK So. lirt A K.i A.M leeta every first mid third lne , month. W. M. . K. niter tc. L. E. Dick. LOCKST CH .M'TF.It No. 11!". o. r. i.h .s thimecoiid nnd Intirtli Tui l,iv f eneli nii.ntli. W..M. Mrs. wjrr tie Walker; St-c. Mrs. Nina Ulddlc. liiE T.niCE No. XX,. I. O. O. r Meets everv Saturday evening. . i- i, v, V tterireil I.r s.. K.irie A. Hrown; Trens E. J. Ilrlstow. i.i-v.-uiM! iw itKRKKAH No. 01 V ..V I .'..,. i (. O. V. MfU the first and tliir i lmmdav ofeiu-h month. N-U. H"". .'.nwlniKn: V. ti. Arvlllii Swauso t-c. Vcrdu nitchie: Treas. Etta Brl :ow. ' Leave your watch repairtnK al Swanson's Feed and Supply bton for llaylor the Jeweler. Heppntr. Sl.itcment of the Ownersnlt, Management, etc. .. it at Cunirn'ss iy"iuin-i "v. liiu-iiMt 24. mi. of liine. Indepetideli ...,i.iui.l weklT at lone. Oregon r.. i,pll 1. 112.".. Muiinclrx Kdltor, . . i-.m ...... .1 V I lend, liitn Oreiron. .1. ..mMi.ra nre: E. S. Acser- -iii ti,.,.i,l!in Ave.. St. Loilh VI,. t.-',.n l, tnort(l'iK" .....i holders, holdiim .K-rceut or more ol total nmonut . , . ...... .... nr DLiirr wm:... ties. None I-. s ACKKHM V-V. Owner. , ,,,i BiiWrilM'd Ih-Io nwuru v ...... i.utir-t. iinr of April, l!'- '- ... n..i.i,,u,,n - Notary I'tllill Jly commission expires 2.l-2S. YOU M AY WIN $1,500 ... i.. K HWttt worjt out of " vou " Z'7. . toiut met A,.lnll.o IN CAbH prli oi ,wuUi lo commwi Is this , ... .1- uiiun.Ht:li.nlNO CONTEST HRMI ...... 5IH lump . n..... Aurort, IIHSt Church News Notes of interest to All Local Denominations. There will be a uroupgalhcrirnr of Sundnv schools in the imi'k a Tonn noxt Sum ay. lhe smiou" win hooin nt 10: 30 A. M. Fiillowiim thi' torn ei'rvice there will hi. n tieriod of class instruc tioi in the uniform U'bbohs. ill be a basket dinno UnH nil in town as well as out of inwn nre urired to bring baskets. There will be nn afternoon song service beinn-ntf at 2:12 which will be follow, d by a rollcall ot Sunday Bchoo'..', each schoolhav inc ten minutes, There will be a nmber of Bhoit ndtlresft-s. All 'ire invited whttli Sunday school inemers or not. Gdd Pre I from Lover Near one i-ntr uee of the greiu y the.lral of Sev. :e haugs n I'm ... ...i...... which once aoil Jiiiuno . served us a pri..,ely love token that failed ot Its mission. In 0 ws o-iil bv the sulnm of Egypt to A bestl- llful prtmvsH oi Spalu. wno aimr. t suitor whose tlrt present .wild scarcely b sold to speak of affection. "i. U. J." H (). S. Is a code signal oniy, sni .ot an abbreviation. un.c;any oirio no phrase a "save our ship or 'suspend other b- rvler" for which ti e letters slnnd. They were sJopieo s he universal i'.. dress signal by the International radio ! legrapnic on- tentlou ol lfilL'. The signal Is trans- !ii;ttfd as thre -lots, three iln-he aMl hree dots, en I v. as chosen lict nu-s t is eaully sc.. i and e.isdy ni"tin- mulshed. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CUURCH Rpv. VV. VV. HKAD. Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 V, M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHUltCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M Science i. Politic Scientists sre busr ssi-ertiiluliig tlis esart ftelKht nt the eurtli, lisvliiic left to the ill::.'luns the Job or Undls out unit t Is tli matter ltb It. Morn ing Oresunlsn. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law t First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office Residence Main 933 Main 492 HEPPNER - OREGON minium SPRING 1 v IS HERE Let us measure you for new BORN suit. We guarantee a fit; COME IN AND SDE OUR SAMPLES Bristovv & IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. BECK. Proprietor Drop In ond looK over my Lint- of WorK Shoes. I have u Rood stocK of Cloves and Harnt-ss t Kcpnirlnrf ut Reasonable Prices. lone Market CEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in FRESH, and CURED MEATS ; Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the 'Courts ' ' ' IONE, 0KEG0N1 Johnson Supplies. tl Clyde RAValker.M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner .;. Oregon