The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 01, 1925, Image 4

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J, J Kelly, a prominent sheep
man of Heppner was calling on
J. J. McEntira at Killarney, on
E Schafer arrived at Butterby
Flat on Saturday, with a bunch
of horses belonging to Hynd
brothers which he was bringing
from Hynd Bros, ranch at Ukiah
Jim Logan of Four Mile was
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Havercost, at Rhea Siding- on
Mrs. Alfred Medlock and sons
of Ruckcliffe, spent the ween
end with friends in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. J-i'K Hynd, of
Butterby Fiats, were the week
nd guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Ball, near lone.
Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and
children of Rhea Siding, spent
Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Lundell.
Cecil Liueollen of the State
Traffic office of Pendleton, was
thr guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hynd, at Butterby Flats, on
Monday. '
Dr. and Mrs. Walker and
children of lone, were calling in
the Cecil ricinity, on Sunday.
Mrs. H. V. Tyler, of Rhea
Siding, spent Sunday with Mrs.
George A. Miller at Highview
ranch, near Ceeil.
.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dufur and
tons of The Cot, were visiting
in Arlington, on Sunday.
Gene Logan son of Melvin Lo-
pan, sheriff of Gilliam county,
and his cousin, John Logan,, of
Four Mile devoted Sunday in
exploring the beauty spots of
Ceeil and surrounding conntry,
Mrs. Daisy Daly of Prane City,
is spending a few days with Mr,
anb Mrs. Wm, Sexton, at Logan
Messers Krebs, Lowe, Pope,
and Hirsch and Misses A. C and
M. H. Lowe, represented Cecil
on Saturday evening at the Elks
dance held in Heppner.
Mm 0. Wigglesworth and
Miss Gertie Pettyjohn, of Mor
van, were visiting Mrs. Pat
Medlock at Rockcliffe, on Mon
day. 1
Mr. and Mrs. L. L Funk and
daughter Geradine, of Curtiss
Cottage, accompanied Mrs. A,
Boss and son to Arlington, cn
Bert Thorn burg has returned
from Hood River and he and Bus
Jhnson are busy at there old job
of painting.
The seniors Lexington high
'wenton a very enjoyable picnic in
the mountains beyond Heppner
on Monday this week, Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson chaperoned the
Mr. Tom Cutsforth and daugh
tar, Miss Dora, were Walla
Walla two days of last week.
One of the most exciting
games of baseball this season
was played on the Lexington
diamond Saturday morning,
when lone and Lexington grade
schools crossed bats in a return
game resulting in a score of 12
to 11 in Lexington's favor. Ver
non Scott playing for Lexington
was high man making the maj
ority of tallies and Kennie War
ner proved himself to b a whir
at the bat and was largely re
sponsible for Lex's score.
A number of Lexington folks
went to Heppner iMonday night
to attend the celebration of the
Oddfellows anniversary. All re
port a good time.
Walker' Traffic Light
A London newspaper rejwris Hit t
frost lias become the eututiiohlle peril
la that eratwhlle land of quiet line
aad remote byway that people walk
las at night on busy highway wear
ver their shoulders snmll red glaaa
Alalia that reflect the lights of auto
nomies approaching from behind, thus
Indicating to the driver that a pe
destrian U ahead on the road.
In a Hurry
Mr. Twiggs (after ten mlnstet coo
isutlon on the street with chance ac
malntiince) Well, I must be getting
tiloiig to tht plumber', Mr. Brown,
cos nie 'unhund' at 'ora with 'U
thmuli on a Muted pipe, waiting till '
topie, Lvudon I'unslnj Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Streeter and
daughter Opal, called on James
Hardesty and wife last Thurs
day, then all wtnt to lone.
Mr. Wagner was in Morgan on
business, last Sunday.
Noah Pettyjohn is weeding
his summer fallow this week.
The Ben Morgan family are
slowly recovering from an attack
of the flu. ,
Fred Pettyjohn finished sum
mer fallowing last week.
Mr. Alvin Ely is helping Mr.
Gus Liebl finish plowing,
Martin Baurenftend morgan
general storekeeper, has finished
fencing his lot to keep the town
cows from eating him up.
Advance or Retrograde
The man vho la not altning at eomt
thing bigger and better la not pro
greasing. In hi satisfaction with what
he ia and has, he ia sinning sgnlnst
himself and all those dependent oa
him. No man ha any right to satis
fnetion If he has not attained to the
at moat height of bit capabilities.
Do Good ToJay
There Is n ld prcverh that the
gsodnea that you may do this dsy,
d It. and abide not nor delay It aot
Ull tomorrow.
GRAIN POLICIES no. 7101 to 7125,
luclualre, of the MOHUA.N, OKEQON
ttift-ncy o( the National Union Klre
Insurance Company, of I'lttsburg,
Pa., have been lout, mislaid, or sto
leu uuiler which circumstances, their
Uvsue being unauthorized, aid poll
clea ore null and void.
The holder ol these policies will
please return them to the company
at Pittsburg, pa., and should there
be any return premium Involved It
will be promptly paid.
In caae of lotia claimed by any per
son or peraona aa holder ol these
policies, the Company will dcuy uny
or all liability thereunder.
National Union Fire Insurance Co.
uMd successfully , to Um tnalmrat ot
sists of as Ointment which Quickly
Rdleves by local application, and th.
Inurnal Msdlclns, a Tonic, which acta
through th Blood oa th Mucous Bur.
(aces, thus reducing th InOammaUoa.
Sold by all druggists.
F. J. Chaser Co ToUdo. Ohio.
Cmt(iri may
adopt ihM high-class
ysaMrs an th future
lh 1925 Star Car
mas them wou thafi
JSy wt lay
ToimWi Car
The Million Doller
FeurWhitl Brake
, fmllForFud
Dte Clutch
Dr. H. II. Green, Dequty State
Veterinarian, and County Agent
Morse comqleted testing for tu
berculosis on forty-three herds
of dairy cattle this week. Many
of these were family cows bo
that a total of only 174 animals
were tested. No re actors were
found among these cows. This
makes a total of 1015 cows tested
this year with onlytwore-acteis,
or less than 1-5 of one percent of
the cattle tested reacting. This
shows Morrow County is excep
tionally free from tuberculosis in
its dairy cattle, although if the
entire conty were tested the
percentage would .probably run
higher, inasmuch as many of the
herds tested this year were test
ed two years ago and something
like 17 re actors killtd. A com
parison of the re-action in pthet
sections shows that 617.610 cows
tested in the United States dur
ing March. 19,841 or more than
an average of .three per cent re
acted. In several states the
average runs over ten per cent
of re-actors, the State of Oregon
as a whole averages a rate of one
per cent re actors.
There are approximately 217.-
745,196,000 board feet ot saw
timber on the National Forests
of Oregon and Washington, ac
cording to estimates of the U. S.
Forest Service. The principal
species in this stand are Douglas
fir, western yellow pine, western
red cedar, and western Hemlock.
Forest .officers point out that
national forest timber is handled
as a crop, and provisions made
for growing a new crop when the
mature timber is harvested. Pre
vention of man-caused forest
fires is the most serious problem
in forest growing, it is said.
The otal consumption of wood
pulyin the United States has
increased from 2,200 eords in
1869, to 5,548,842 cords in 1922,
according to , forest service
Lett-Handed Tribute
Gushing Aunt (to young hopeful of
tbc family) Play something for ns be
fore we stsrt home, desrie; we si ways
feel more Ilk going after we'v hsarg
yoo play. Bnstna Transcript.
'For Many Years
When you put your money into t Star
Car, you buy the best value your dollar
can by.
The staunchly built 1925 Star Car is
the final y in the low-coit field. No
other oar ofTen so many proven feature
a the 1925 Star Car.
The Star U built to last, to give service,
to deliver the maximum of motoring
ttg till, Wwm Nawiir Uaioa.t '
A MONO all tli.' frontier tyiwa who
took Dart In the westward march
serosa th omit .icnt, there I on
whose Importance ha never been auf.
Oclently rsoognlsod by th hlatorlna,
That was the land speculator.
Daniel Uoons Is popularly rvgardsd
a the typical Independent pioneer,
yet when hs crossed over the inouav
tains Into Kentucky hs wenl ss tlis
scent of a North Carolina land specu
lator, CoL IUchnrd llendoraon. Aa
other such real estate dealer of aa
surlier day waa lui less a person than
Col. Oeorge Washington, the futura
Tather of 111 Oouutry."
William Penu'a fair dealing with
tli Indians la proverbial, but bis
on were not 10 tcrupuloua, They
were the authors of the notorious
"Walking Puroh: se" of 1787. They
opened negotlnt'ons with th Dat
awares for extending th Pennsyl
vania colony heyond Neahsuilny
creek, one old chief who opposed th
cession reminded hi brethren of th
"Oxhlile Purcba-te" made many year
before by settler who silted only
enough land to build a Are upon or
as much ss could be encompassed by
an oxhide. The request waa granted.
Hie settlers rut the skin Into this
atrip and tl" Itelavewres learned Is
their dismay Just how much land
Could be encompassed by an oxhld.
.. Hut despite this bitter lesson th
Delaware BnsUy consented to th
fenns' offer, th agreement being that
the new territory was to extend a far
west from th Neshaiulny a mas
could walk In a day and half, hear
the name "Walking Purchase." Tha
-the l'eons built s smooth road Into
the territory and hired a swift runner
ho went over th rout several times
to become familiar with It The result
wa( that en th day th measurement
was msd this) runner gained for th
Penns at least four times as much
land aa th Delaware had Intended
they should have. The Indians pro.
tested snd kept oa protesting until
the I'enn substituted strong sna
saethod for'.erjf. T.,iy called la
His Iroquo' , wl o drove the. Delaware
sff the disputed land.
Hut the Indiana bad a long memory,
fifty years biter they reproached
Osvernor Ht. (lair of the Northwest
territory with th "Oxhide Purchase"
snd th "Walking I'urchsse" when a
railed the Ohio tribes Into council at
Pert Hsrmar, and It was not until
after a bloody war that th tribe
ally ceded their lands.
. Slow in Mieeinm S2JS00
, A grocer of Cardiff docks. Wales,
left his caas containing 12.500 la
treasury notes In hi automobile out
side his oltlca for sn hour, then drove
to soothe.- part of the city before b
learned that the rase and content
bsd been stolen.
comfort, economy and safety every day
ol the year, year in snd year out. Its
Million Dollar Motor is only one es
ample of the progress and value mlk
into the 1925 Star.
Check these high power reature that
guarantee long life and perfect motor
satiifaction over and above any car ia is)
price cUm. "TomorWiCsr Tod
Notice For Publication
Department ot th Interior, U. H.
Imml Olllce at The Dulles, Oregon,
April 1st, 10211.
NOTICE Is Hereby (liven that
Charles A. Hanson, ol lone, Oregon,
who on, Juno 111, 1020, made, Home
atend Kntry No. 0'JIHIH, for V..
SWJf. W, Section 17, Township!
S Houih Itiinge 23 Kast, Willamette
Meridian, has tiled notice tit Inten
tion to intike final three year proof,
to eHtatillah claim to th land above
described, before (lay M. Anderson,
I'lilled Ntatcs Commlsaloiicr, at
Heppner, Oregon on the 20th day ol
June, 102.1.
Claimant mimes lis witnesses:
J. w, Htrlnger, Frank Young
Kiifus Karren and ('sell Burg-cut,
ull ol lone Oregon.
3, W. Domiely,
Puny, the Wie One
Apparently w owe the word est t
th Homani. They called th tulmal
"cuius," which meant the "knowing
one," and the word paased Into ths
nmiinr languagea to "chat" and
"l!to." Other authorities will hava it
that the word "cat" la corruption ef
i,n old word borrowed frvm ths French,
In wit, "sct.,
Feathered Sureeon
' A famous I'snslsn surgeon statea
he killed a bird whoi broken leg
had been aupported b) Mrt of sling
niads of festhera brund Into posltlos
hy ths bird Itself.
Be Inconsiderate
With Yourself
When you come to know that your
fuel is almost gone.
It pays to investigate fuel prices at
When you are in need of fuel at reas
onable prices
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
Cut Machinery Cost
In Half
The man who leaves his machines in the fields is pay.
ing, by depreciation, for an implement shed, but not
getting the shed. .
Yoy can cut your machinery cost in half by prolong
ing its lite anq usefulness. You can double the life of
an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you
are through using it
The cost of an implement shed to protect $2,000.00
worth of machinery is only a fraction of that sum.
We have many excellent implement sh:d plans to show
you, and we hive ths right material to b j!!d just the
kind and sizs building you require. Do not make the
mistake of building before you examine our up-to-date
implement shed plans, we will be glad to have you call
and examine them, whether you are building now or
v m ir ,t f-T .y'i"H
tsvooji u iesiMil MI
a) Bj l ", nox) Sni uodn is
1(1 t(lnojii )tij or lis l Ui" 'll
a ip mm nu viiq i n fit to n
n HI l,u" ,jn"M u" "''II'1' Ki 1 lBJ
i i isanj) us. jiui imii
as im i0 aiualS t 'uVtH MX
Famout Seven Citie
Th X,'V1 Cities of Cibola, belong-
Ins lo t! s i'.udl trlhs of Indians, which
occupied th si's of th present pueblo
of r.unl, In western new Mexico, ware
held In renown hy rly Spanish ex
plorer is U,ro,
Daily Text
Even If Joy forget to bring his Id
die with him, you ran danra to h
clapping of hi hands.
A Good Time
To Subscribe
for the Inde
pendent is
mmit UMIrK
Lumber Co.