J,oui B. Clark Los Ancclr. "Dffnrf my retire ment I w.i tor 28 yi-ars a ilrtiKKut and Uiirini ib.it period sold many thomantl liotilrn of Dr. I'irrcc s remedies. I cmilil ulwavs frrl per fectly aafe'iii riTninnirinliiiR a mi-ili- cine nut up by Dr. I'isrce of IltilJaln, N. Y Mil it i a plemiir for me 1n ttutc that (lnrinx till the yeur 1 mlil medicine 1 never lud a khihIo coiiipl.iiiit roifiirdinK Dr. I'irrtc's remedies, Init hive Imd tiHiulreil of Iieople till me how inuili gonil ihev lave drrivcil frmit tliem. I hail, and (till have so much cnnfidenre in these mrilicinr that when I need tunic I take the '(inMi-ii Medical Dincovety' whith chars my nyalrni of all unfavorable nymptoin iiviii me a (ruling '! twrfivt licaltli." Louis It. (Mark, 1011 K. Jinn ht. Write Dr. 1'ierre, I'renident Invs liili' Hotel in Duiralu, N. V., for free medical advice, or soul 10c for trial pig. of any of Ins icnicdita. Lit Steam Cieapa Aftr filling a rubber wutcr botilo with hot water always prci Hie ildci befuro putting In Ilia stpM.r,, Thll inula tht steam, and there In Utile danger of the annua coming umlonn, no mutter bow hot tha water may be. Cray Cyea and Sin. A mini It the Arabs thera la a populur superstition I hut gray eyoa are a algn of aln. The belief la founded on a paaaegn In tha Koran which clamtna thein aa a poaaeaslon of tha wicked". Mature Slowly. Nature that have much heat, and great violent detiri') and perturbation! are not rlpn for Si'tlnn till they have passrd thH nierlillim of their years. Ilacon. ' ' DSSUB ' 'after every meal' Parents- encourafc Uie children to curt for MrUtthf fllve them WrlgleyTg. It removes food particles , from the teeth. Strengthens the guvs. Combats acid mouth. Rrfr shin, and beneficial! SEALED TIGHT KEPT RJOHT '1t riMKW IMTS King Arthur's Capital, 'The place In Kngland where King Arthur hnd hla palace and held his court, and where hla knights gathered about the "Hound' Tublo" was called Cuinelut, Borne say Camelot was Win chester, others locnlo It In Wales. FREE rom .fret .n.ui. , Mot nivarea. 5uoK-rnnM far mlirini mm. Strvnirth an Purity urn tunnel. Nnff mid In bulk. hVrtUd ind UUIM .1 ihe Ubo,. '1 )lfl OCItfllMl tauleM CIIOJ Oli. FRnit llierimre m nqunr n WAI.TRR jANVlliK, Int., 417 Canal St., New Yk , Ttf Mm J if. ftyct. ' ' 1 tl til inj Jif hm, KE HOGG'S TA 8 TEL MBS CASTOR OIL You Want a Good Position Very wll Tdka tha AeennntnneT and Huarnemi Mhiibs omnt. Private Bacratart a), Caleulator, Cumptniiieter, Htetmsra phle, TaninjinHlilp, ut Cuinmarelal Taach ra' Courae at Behnke-Walker The fnremnat Itualnaaa Cnlleaa of tha Northwaat which lina won mnra Aneuraay Award and (k.lil Meitnla than anv othap ai'hool In Amarlca. Heed for our Hiieeeaa CHIaloa. Kiiurlh Btreet lienr Mnrrlaon, rortlaad, 'r, Inn nn M. Wal kar, lra. P. N. U. No. 18, 192S II II X WW ii j. . Biortsai THE MAN THE FLY LIT ON By GORDON H. C1LLEY it bt aiiurt aiur rak. c.) TT WAS the' murk from a faMff i Jungle fire that hung, a bair-chok-lug haze, beiweeu land and sky but the eun pierced through from the braxen heaven overhead and beat down wild relentless rays till heat wavea diitieed from the parched and duaty earth. To the wounded man out In front It brought, first, Inde scribable agony that was told of In mniius. Then the dry and swelling throat choked hack even the eiprva- aion or pain. Now, perhaps, a mere! fill Uod had given him uneonseloua oca perhaps he was deail The three men In the dried out water hole hud few worda for eaeti other. There was nothing to ssy until some one of them should evolve a plun for safely. And what plan could there tier U's than one hundred yards out In front wus the hsniboo clump and within It waa a Filipino eharpalmoter and a wary one. Over and over had each of the three held aloft hla serv ice hat on the point of his cleaning rod, put the only fire It drew was a chuckling mucking laugh. It would not work. The little brown disciple or Agulnaldo held cartridge precious. It had eoiimled like an old ttprlngneld wlicu he eht the corporal probably that waa what It Waa If so, then he had but one cartridge In hla gun. He could be shut or there might be time to racspe before he could reload after that was fired. Ilut that one canrldgeMsaa one death. Vho's should It bej x, There waa but one solution, sod as each of the three eliminated all other poaalhle chaneva, that one remained In his mind. And each of the three knew that the other a knew, H11, when Adams pnam-d around his canteen with sn In dication thin Ihey should drink recti a third of the little water that remained, they knew he was about to pmpoae the one plan poaalhle. He waited until the canteen lay empty by hla aide, aud then be whlaered: "It'a got to he one of ua. It's prob ably a aure thing, for be eoo't mlas at that range. Hut the man that does It enn get up shootln', and maybe It'll startle him. And the other two can Jump up and shoot the minute hla gun crack a. Khali we drew strawst" There wus no reply. The others looked at each other eearchlngly. Then they looked dwws again. Adama went on. hla voice hard: "If either of you fellows has got a wife anj kids hark home, that makes It different," Again he atopprd and nailed., Then Welch aHikn: ' i "Jim Carney here'a g.t s girl back In Hiwton. she promlied to wslt for him." . "Stow your gnb," said Carney, roughly. "I'm Jiere to take my chancea... , "That's white talk." said Adama, with Juat a tinge of admiration. "I've got a girl buck there, too. Hut that ain't like help' married, with klda." "llow're we going to chooser asked Carney, Impatiently. Adams reached up to the edge of the wnier hole and carefully detached it long, dry blade of file graka. This he began to break Into pieces of differ ent lengths. A droning fly huxzed be fore his face and he alaped It Impa tiently. He watched It as It rose, alowly circling, and then he dropped the atraws. "Its leave It to that cuaaed fly." he aald. "It'a been fuasln' around here ever since we slid Into this hole. The man It lights on first." Ho looked at the others. Carney nodded his head. Welch watched the fly with s gathering frown and made no ruply. "Ufa all lie still and see who he picks out," said Carney. "We can't waate time." The men lay on their backs, their aching eyea following every movement of the fly. The soldier Welch ant up. pulled his hnveraack forward from hla hip, rummaged In It wild his hand, apparently found what he was seek ing, and, lying down again, put his hand to his mouth. The others watched him with suspicious Intereat. "Well, you are queer one," said Adama. "eating at a time like thla." Welch an Id nothing, and the three resumed their vigilance of the fly. It Mae, a black speck In the nlr, darted In parabolic curves back and forth, then slowly begun to spiral downward. .The test was at hand. The men luy along side with practically facing distance between them. Welch was In the cen ter. The fly descended deliberately, swung back and forth and seemed to still Its flight Just over the face of Carney. In the breathleas silence the faint chord of Its wings was distinctly audible. Incontrollably, the soldier's fsce twltchef. The fly darted away. The othera looked on without com ment while a flush spread over the man's neck and up to his ears. , Then the Insect returned and leis urely liummet back and forth and then In a swinging circle above the hand (hut Adams had stretched ont upon the ground. It settled within en Inch and the man laughed The fly mount ed upward again. Again It cume back, Fllea have no long flight, and already It was weary. This time it would seek s resting place. Its tired wings grew slower In their vibration and the noise of their bus sing deeper and more distinct It cir cled twice about the dusty shoes of Adunis, and this time he did not move. , He looked on with his features drawn In egony and teeth sinking Into Ids lip. Then the fly rose three or four feet In the air, circled slowly and de scended like a bullet upon the fare of Welch. It alighted on his chin and crawled toward his mouth. ' For a long minute the other men looked on In slU'tice. The fly slopped at the mini's Hp and begun lo feed. Carney suddenly swept his hand above It and the Inaect darted off. Itoth Car ney and Adams rose to'sltilng pos lures and looked Inquiringly at their prostrate comrade. Another minute pasaed, end a glance shot between them. Carney shifted uneaalty and whlapered: "Well. Welch, old mailt" fit III the man did liot move. His eyes were cloaed and a sort of smile hovered about his Hps. Adams seined his arm and shook him. The arm dropped limply back Into place. "Well, by 0 d!" exclaimed Carney, and then, placing a finger on the mini's eyelid, he roughly pushed ll back Only the while of the eye almwiil "Well, by O d!" he muttered ,c.iH and reached for Welch's wrlat. ll. held It for a little time between hla thumb and forefinger, while Adnma looked on with a pur.xled since. ' Car ney dropped the wrist and benl hla ear to the man's nostrils. Ttien he drew hack, settled himself In his sit ting posture and turned fo Ad.ims from whom a question hurst : "Knlnledr Carney shook Ills head. "I)eud acared to death well, by O A f For full five minutes the men were silent. Then Adams spoke dully: "Ha took bis chance with us. snd It fell lo him. lie faded out without makln' good. Ilut we can make hluvlo It We can hold him up and let him get shot. Then we can get that anenklng little devil that shot the corporal." Carney ant up. "night you are: 1 waa a fool not to think of It, hut It knocked me all In a heap to think of Welch turning yellow. It'a Juat what he's good for now. I will hold him up and you ran he ready for the tittle devil." He aelxed the body and. hugging It about the bjp. strove to ralae It so that the head would ahow above the water hole. Ilut It was still limp: ll would not hold erect. With a mut tered oath. Carney aelxed the dead man's rifle and Jammed It down the back of fhe dead man's blouae. The device served snd. holding by the hlpa and keeping hla own head well bent down, be bolated the corpse erect soil upward. Ther was a moment of agonising suajiense. snd then rang out the booming roar of a 8prlngnld The sound was hardly complete he fore Adams leaped up and begun pumping his Krsg at a patch of pow der amoks In the bamboo. At the third shot there was a yell and crashing of branches Adams dropped bis rifle, and ran toward the corporal, while Carney sat weakly down and propjied up the body of his friend. There, wss a yawning bole In the dead man's fore head where the anub-nosed Springfield bullet had cruahed through, and a stream of blood trickled away from It ' "If youH etsy here by the corporal. HI hike back to the coltTmn and gel the ambulance," aald Adams. Carney replied wlb a nod. and. when the soldier was gone, he turned to a clover examination of the body or Welch. "II I of a hole that old Springfield nukes," he muttered. He untied the handkerchief from about bis neck and started to wipe away the blood. Then he aaw something that made him atay his band. He looked cle at the dead man's face and then sprang to bla feet and swore aloud. For snout the Hps of hla friend, and apread all over the lower balf of bis face were grains of com mlaaary brown sugar! Juat before tape that night Carney stood vrlthln the flap of the major's tent and anluted. He averred urgent huslneas. The msjor looked up wear ily from tils wilting and listened. Car ney, with more strength of language thnn waa naual to the major's ears. begged that s recommendation would be made for a medal of honor for the dead man, to be sent to bla relatives, as Is cuatnmary when a soldier has died a hero. "I thought he bed turned yellow," ssld the soldier, "and, God forgive me. I held up hla body and let that Utile hellion Bhnot a hole In hla head. And then I found that he bad fixed It all up. He'd baited hlmavlf with sugar out of his haversack, and that d d fly lit on him Just ss he figured It would. Physically, slr, It wss more than he could stand, and the heart failure killed him when he felt the fly on hla chin. Itut I've heard you any. sir. that the real heroes are the men who do their duty and more than their duty when they are most afraid. You ace. sir, be knew Adama and 1 had eweet hearls at home, and be didn't." "Tou are right, Carney," said the major, "the moral heroes are the greatest of all, I will make the recom mendation for the medal of honor." Explained Hit Ab$enc The recrulf was a full, lanky man, and he had very large feet. In fact, ll waa rumored In the regiment that tie took else 13, and those who had seen his extremities sow no reason to douhi It.i One night he happened to be In eluded In a party that hud to do a Job several miles from the barracks, apd on their return and the roll being called he was found to be ahaent. 'lias s ny one . seen Q'lliilloranT" aaked the sergeant before dlamlasing the men. There was silence 'for moment Then one of the privates took a step forward, came smartly to attention. and enldi 'Yea, eergcunt. lie's Just gone up to tliti crossroads to turn round." ' BETTER HIGHWAYS YIELD BIG PROFIT American motorists cssh In s yearly dividend of 10 per rent on the capital Invested through federal aid In the Improved highways of the country, ac cording to s statement lasued by the American Automobile asaoclatlon. Thla dividend actually goea Into the pockets of the motorists and repre sents the difference between the coat of motor vehicle operation over unim proved and Improved highways. The differential, which Is conservative,, le bsaed on extensive engineering tests of motor vehicle operation costs made In different eectlona of the country and for different types of roads. A recent survey made In Kentucky shows that there Is on the average a aavlng of 2 cents a mile In the cost of operation over Improved roads end blghwsys. Some time ago a similar investigation conducted In Iowa Indi cated npp-n!nn"'T fie a-ne aavine. It line been eatimuled mutty times that the average car rune approxi mately 6,000 miles s year. A saving of 2 cents s mile for 0,000 miles amounts to 1150 a year. For 17,000, 000 automobiles thla would mean a aavlng of 12,350,000.000 a year on gaso line, tires, parte, upkeep, renewals and all phases of operation. This would be the total aavlng If every mile ovi? which en automobile traveled waa Improved. But, of course, only (10,000 miles of highway bave been Improved by federal aid. This 60.000 miles 'represents slightly more than 2 per rent of the total highway aystem, which amounts to approxi mately 2,.V)0,0i0 mltee. Two per cent of,000 gives 101.000,000 which can be legitimately credited to federal aid. The total cap ital expenditure for federal aid was 1,-100.000,000, which yields lol.000.000 s year, or 10 per cent In aavlng to the user of Improved highways t The study msde by the Iowa State college, the lows highway commiaalon and the bureau of public roads showed that the gasoline consumed on a. paved road waa only approximately one-half the gasoline conaumed on a dirt mad per unit of traffic. Inciden tally the Investigation developed that the gasoline conaumed per unit of traffic can be taken as an Index of the other costs of motor vehicle opera tion. It showed. In fact that there la a definite relation exlattng between the gasoline consumption per unit of traffic and other Items of cost In vehicle op eration. F. R. White, chief engineer of the lilgbmsy commiaalon, estimated that through Improvement of a road aurface the gasoline consumption la rut In two, the coat of tires Is cut In two, the S'ime epplylng to other Items, Including depreciation and repalra. For-'the first time theae studies make It posalble to present In terms of dollsrs snd cents the difference In coat to the motorist and the public la general between Improved and un improved roada. According to the Iowa study, traffic equaling 500 vehicles per day over earth rosds requires sn annual ex penditure from both private and public funds of t2.,000 per mile, while a simi lar amount of transportation over a concrete aurface costs $20,6o0 per mile. This means that for a light traffic earth road carrying COO vehicles a day there would be saved HitiO per mile per year If the same traffic went over a paved road surface. Assum ing the cost of paving a dirt road to be 125,000 per mile the saving In transportation cost would actually pay for the capital outlay In from four to six years. The difference between the coat of operation on s gravel road and s paved road would pay for the differ ence In the coat of construction In three years. Work on Post Road It Is planned to do a great deal of work on the New Tork atate section of the Boston Post road, and contracts for part of this work bave been let Traffic on this road Is Very heavy. A count laat sesson showed 60.000 vehicles passing day snd night. The traffic la aa heavy at night as In the day time and at times runs heavier during the night. Just when this Im provement work Is to be'started Is not known. , i : " Thick Roads in Oregon ' The Oregon state highway depart ment recently adopted a design of thickened edges for roada. The apecl Bcatlona call for s croas section seven Inches thick at the center and ten Inches thick st . the edgea, the In creased thlckneas graduating to the edge from a point two feet from ths edge. The coat Is estimated at 881 per mile. Different Traffic Rules With 48 states and thousands . of municipalities, sll making their own trnDlc ruies, the motorist Is more or less at sea aa to what he can and can not, should snd should not, do. But when the national government builds roads, for the nation, a national traffic lw will be Inevitable aa a national police force for the national highways. On all Pennsylvania state hlghwaye the polee are whitewashed six feet above ground. PHRTI AWn v A JLuZ-lX ljL Ml .11711111711! Id Portland, Oregon. Blallory Select Residential & Transient' lata anS Tarehltt. Portland. Onroa. Modem Fireproof American Plan "ALL MAKES" Guriinteed Rebuilt Typewriters SalaTtrnii; U.tt nunthlr If dMlrat. Kantad I mos, t. A sp. BanS fur Uiaatratad price gat. . . WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Ill Mith St., Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. Belter Franklin Service-Storage and General Repdrc? ANDERSON & RICE, KL09 Portland. Ore Of the tame Family. . The "timber" wolf Is one found in the northeastern part of the United States, 'while the "loafer" wolf Inhab its regions In the vicinity of Arliona. These may be regarded as the same type, the only difference being in the terms spplied to them In various parte of the country. Fruit to Be Avoided. The fruit of tHe choke cherry la generally Inedible, although now and then a large-fruited variety Is found that Is fit for eating. The leaves of the common choke cherry contain prusslc acid and both fresh snd wilted lesves sre poisonous. Papuan Savagery. In Papua, only 400 miles from Aus tralia, and part of the British empire, caaes of cannibalism still occur; the Papuans bave a tradition that no youth may marry until he has abed human blood. Inspired to Great Deads. ' . Many brave young minds bave oftentimes, through bearing the pralaes snd famous eulogies of worthy men, been stirred up to effect the like commendations, and so strive to the like deaerta Exchange. Would Be Wested Time. '01 Satan don' bare to set traps foh sinners." said Uncle Eben, "owln' to bis bavin' bis bands full tendln' to dem aa is standln' in line to buy tick ets." Washington Star. Family Bleeps In Sacking. ' Close to the famous Battle abbey. In Sussex, England, a poor family of five was found living In tents made of sack ing snd sleeping on straw with only a blanket tor covering. One "Wonder" Remalne. Only one of the "Seven Wonders of the World" surrlvee, that being the pyramid of Cheops at Oblxeb. Letters Much Hsndted. Many letters In this country pasa through IS handlings between time of mailing and delivery. Gaa Pipes In London. Twenty six hundred miles of mains are used to supply London with gas. Epltaphle. -Sufficient epitaph for most of us: 'He meant well." Duluth Herald. ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT: RAYS For Treatment of Rheumatism anf Neuritis ACTINIC SUN RAY PARLORS HI? Marrtr TVhiwr Bid.-., " ' Portland. Ornon WASHINIi I ON -TA"rrc "Lf W, fa. Chirk from MwM Aft? air., fttsttt wmllteU. AUo r choir Hp1 A UmiL IWfat tirtrt. 100 IW rtfilTtry gruarantw1, C'ttaliMt fr. QUKT-N MATCUr RV-JY fo44 Ms iKjurawwa an at t, a New Fluff Rugs Made From Old Carpets "Wear Like Iron." - Deal Direct with tlx Manufartarvr. Ahaehita Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bead la Your ta- tarial or Write for Prieea. WESTERN FLUFF RUO COMPANY. M-M Uiuoa Arenue Nor. Portland, Oraeoa ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken In time, prevent atkini tor Dtehete. Catarrh, Aathraa. Luna-. Throat Liver, Kidney, Kbeunatlia, Blood, Stomach and allfamale dla ordera. Bladder Troublea. Tha C CeelWo Remedies are harmlcaa, aa o druea or polaon are used. Coeaaoaed of tha chobeat medicinal roota, brrha. bude and bark. Imported by ua from far away oriental roun hiee. Call or Writa nr Inform- r " tr- ".! ji.i. w. vcc vvu iviiiucsc ncuiuiie vu. Now LocatloB 262 Alder St, & W. Cor. Third, Portland, Ore. a klitabltaned Yearalu Cortland OFFERS A MARKET .cor vnilR PPontirc - ' - - w w WeVsl VAUDEVILLE PHOTQ-PUYS ' Compleli Changs Saturday ; Adults, Week day Matinee 20c: Evenings, 86c. Continous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cenU all times Portland. Or INFORMATION . DEPARTMENT DRa CHAS CHIHE8I MEDICINE CO, LICENSED PHYglCUSt. Rnudka fat aloaaefc Slaordara, kidney, kladdar treablaa, gatt atoWa, asuUpalica, appaaSiattia aaS all (aula eanpklBta. Ta aaa take traatnaott at kaaaa If fv ferrad. 142 Baaii4 St. ear wT AMr, Portland, Of. Moler Barber College Taachee trad In I waeka. Bum par whlla learning. PoalUona second. Writs for cataloarua. 214 Burnatd Street, Pert land, Oregon. CUT FLOWERS I FLORAL DESICXS vwree suae nenatst sit Morrison at. NORTONIA HOTEL Tea WIS Feel Ris'.t at Home Her Sak aal (W-t leaeaUi lata. EleeOent Cafe, Sicml Weakly Boa Meeu ah Train. 11th aad Stark. PORTLAND. OREGON One Ounce of Prevention Worth Pounds of Cure - Prevent Serious Sickness by taking Bark-Rest Tcnic A Mild Laxative. A Syatam Bulldar. that ainlats Natura In keeping your bow la open and your general ayatem la perfect working or der at all tunaa. at Your Drug Stare Better Eggs. A rooeter by perseverance rolled an ostrich egg In the chicken yard. He called the hens and aald: "Now I'm ( not casting any Insinuations or re proaching any ot you hens, but I juat want you to aee what Is being; done In other places." Everybody's Magailne. Practice Kindliness. How easy It is (or one benevolent being to diffuse pleasure around him, and how truly Is a kind heart a foun tain of gladness, making everything In Ua vicinity to freshen Into smiles. Old Custom Retained. a "''1 Balaa. r .-..' . '. SAirftCf awa 1 fUMU01 I1 --J "Great Tom," Oxford univeralty's 4 famous bell, booms 101 notes every day to proclaim the number of founds- , tion scholars. This custom dates back to Henry VII. We Specialize In . ' HUn.Pellt.Weel, Mosair, TaOow, Casein, Ortfec Gripe Rest, Csat Skau, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tata lataat Price Uat Portland Hide k Wool Co. let saws Mfssl sosta. Manias, tetssa Branch at Potato!!, Idaho Rupture THR LAUR-DAVIfl DRUG CO., ITS Third BtrweJt, Portland, Omtnm. wilt mail com plete Catak of TruMea, Klaatie Stdekiniri anil AOdutninai , FREE! Write at Once.