THE IONE INDEPENDENT! Publithfcl Eve y Friday by . r. HEAD, Eittt Publisher . SUBSCKh'UON: On year 11.60 Six month! .76 Tin months BO Kuwimi as second elm mttar at the posUiflka at Ion, Oregon, under act ot March 3. 189 Friday, April .24, 1925. Cowards die many Jlmcs before their deaths; the vivllent never taste of death but once. Shakespeare APRIL HEART By Irma Urac Blackburn April' heart I -n-eat with rain, Tender to larth' labor pain. Aprtri.rwBn bright with flower Shining with her unshed showera. April' hnlr 1 wurm with Hit lit, ltkh with promise of delist. April' liu are gay with songs, LurtnK Hp f youth along;. Taught by yearning skies above . April' heart l ripe tor love; Aurll heart I brave to dare! You have taught me how to wear Hid lu ralnbosr inbttat of tear- - Heart of April through the year Halcey, Oregou THAT POSTOFFICE DEF icn A Post Office deficit alleged to ha Hun t the navment to P. 0. employes of an increase in com nension to a point a little nearer h rata nftid bv business for similar service has been provided . for by an increase in postal rates, It has always seemed to us that one Serious error in tbe management of postal finances basbeen in carrying free the mail of other departments of the government. We are aware that the cost service in either event must be met by the tax payer, but the aou-M of that cost wonld evident As it is now the general public are led to believe that the deficit when insured has its origin in service rendered to the paying portion ol the public at too cheap a rate. Where as the real source is in the gratuitous ser vice rendered to the other de partments of the government and the use and possible abuse of the franking system. My dear Mr. Editor: The Acting Chief Forester has just advised me that Oregon has been apportioned $1,039,474 out of the $7,500,000 authorized for national roads and trails in the Second Deficiency Appropria tion Bill passed during the clos ing days of the last Congress. Following is his letter to me: "The Second Deficiency Ap propriation authorized the secre tary of agriculture - to apportion $7,500,000 among the national forest states ' for the construc tion of national forest roads and trails. Thii amount, however, will not be avaible for expenditure nntil appropriated by Congress. By section 23 of the Federal Highway Act, the total is divided into two funds $1,500,000 for the Forest Highway fund and 13,000,000 .for the Forest De velopment fund." j The Secretary of Agriculture' has taken the required action, j Of the $7,500,000, Oregon wil receive $581,745 from the Forest; Highway fund and $457,729 from the Forest Development fund." Most sincerely yours, Robtert N. Stanfield. Mankind' $ Great Virtue $ Thou are nereiMtrlly the great eM virtue which ire mot useful to itinera: Justice, courage, moderation, magnanimity, liberality, Kentlencss, reusonablsness, wisdom.' International Harvester Prim rose Cream' Separators at "Greatly" reduced price?. I have No. 1 and No. 3 sizes. If in need of a Separator get my price BERT MASON -!3 Uazatdous The justice of the peace, at Hermlston sentenced two still operators to serve a year each in the county jail and to pay lines of $1500 each; such punishment as that will soon place the booze business in the category of he ard occupations. East Oregon- inn. I TALES OF THE. t X X OLD FRONTIER Br ELMO SQOTT WATSON t 1$). 14, W..l.m Xwiiapcr Uuiua.) THE BRAVEST WOMAN IN ALL FRONTIER HISTORY SIIK was the mother of Oil. Klchnnl M. Johnson, a hero ot the War of 1S12. and Inter a vice president ot the I'nlted State, but Kentucky kuoy her beat a Mr. Jemima RiiKltett Johnson, the heroine of ltryan's sta tion and performer of the bravest deed In all frontier history. She wis In (hut stockaded fort one hot August duy in 17Si when a force of -MM) In dians led by tha notorious white ren cgndes, Ulrty, McKee and Campbell, appeared before It The settlers were accustomed to get their water from a bubbling spring several rods distant, but they had care lessly let the supply In the fort run low. The Indians concealed their main fore In the woods around the spring and sent a small skirmishing party before the gates to tempt the aetrlers In,,, m.lrlnir a mnrt I Knnwin. th. vital need for water In tt.. i.t HcMino- umi tn hpirin. Punt. John Craig, the commander of the fort, resorted to desierate expedient , to get It. He assemhtl the women and children and told them that If the men tried to go for the water, ft In dians, knowing that they did not usu ally do this work unless danger was neur, would Imniedlutely ayaek them. But If the women and children went as usual, the savages In their desire to keep the presence of the large am bushing party . concealed probably would, not harm them, although there was no positive assurance that they would not. Immediately Mrs. Johnson laid baby Richard In his log cradle, told his sis ter Sally to look after him and vol. nnteered for the duty. Other women quickly followed her example and In a few minutes a party of twelve women and sixteen of the older chlldrr-ti strolled down toward the spring. They were laughing and chatting as though totally unconscious of danger, but at the thought of the possibility of capture their hearts almost stopped beating. At the spring they filled their palls and with no visible aim of haste prepared to return. Although con scious of the savage eyes glaring at them from the hushes barely an ami's length away, so well did they play their part thnt the Indians were com pletely deceived and allowed them to start bark undlstnrbed. Then began a struggle within themselves to keep from making a mad -dash for safety. But their superb will power won. and it waa not until they were under the very walls of the fort that their steps quickened and few drops of the precious water was spilled. The men of Bryun's station defeated their enemies. They could not have done otherw ise and been the sons and husbands of such women as these. O. S." H. O. S. Ii I rode signal only, so i"t an abbreviation. Officially then i no phrase aa "save our ship" i.r 'suspend other service" for which h letters stand. They were adopted at the unlversul distress signal by the International radio telegraphic con vention of 1112. The .ignal U trans Milled as three dots, three dnehe uiid dree dots, tai v. as chosen Lecaur t la easily sent and c.isily dintln-ifulshed. ENGELMAN HARDWARE 10NE0REG0N Everything in the line of hardware. If wc havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON ILLEGAL TO ' REDUCE , FAXES? Someone at Salem is now try ing to imagine that the state tax commission violated the law is not levying a higher direct prop erty tax in order to make up for the shortage caused by repeal of the state income tax5. Bui where is there anything in the law or the constitution that makes it illegal for a taxing body to re duce a levy? Why not assail the) egislature for appropriating money without being sure there would be money available, Where is there anything in law or in ethics that says the farm ers and home owners of the state must have their taxes in creased so that 90 uer cent of the tax paying ability in Oregon may be exempt from state or local taxesI-East Oregonian. Soufl.t to Unit Italy Caesnr ;.;tfia itmr be said to he the forenwnw ot the Cr.'ted Itnly movement. fie begun in IV) I to lay the foundation of a central govern ment, but Alexander's death, In l.MU made further effort useless. Lodge Directory ION E LOltOli No. 120. A. K. A A.M M cet every first nnd third Weilnes of ech month. , W. M. . K. Wnlaer Sec. I K. Dick IHUSTCIUI'TEU No. lilt. O. K, Meet a the second and fourth Tues day of 'each month. W.M. Mr. Myr tle Walker; Sec. Mm. Nina IHddle. 10NK 1.0DOK No. 135. I. O. O. V. Meets? every Saturday evening. N. (J.. Frank Yountr: V. U. Berir en l.e letter;8ec. Enrle A. Itrown; Trena E. J. llrlstow. BCXl'HOKASS RF.BKKAH No. HI I. ). O. K. Meet the tint and third Thursday of each month. N.U. ltuliy EngeltUHD; V. t. Arvilla Swauson Sec. Verda Itiuhle: Trea. Etta Brls tow. Leave your watch repairing at Swanson'a Feed and Supply Store for Haylor the Jeweler. Heppner. Statement of the Ownership, Management, etc. lUyjuln d by Ac of Congress cf August 24, l!H2. of lone, Independent, pulillshed weekly at lone, Oregon, for April 1, 1-t25. MuiwiKiiiK Editor, W. Y. Head. Editor, I'ulilleher, J. V. Head. lone. OikoD. That the owners are: E. 8. Acier ni ui, fillH Scanlaii Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ', Known bondholders, mortxuifiss and other m-curlty holders, hoidliiK 1 per cent or more of total amount of lioods, mortKaKM, other securi ties. Noue E. 8. ACKEKMAN. Owner. Sworu to Btid sulMicrllied Is-fore me this flint day of April, HCi. K. II Itoblimon, NdUry Public. My cotuuitsslon riplres 2-20-2S. YOU MAY WIN $1,500 II M art sblt to isiht Hit not vorlf M ol Ik !! conulMS Is lh words "TOILET NECES SITIES." Aloulolfim IN CASH Sflit will bt fviti to conptthors In this GREAT WOKD-BUILDINO CONTEST Sn4 isns lor clrcuisr Mi rulot. A44rm. Si,tfltldfLsborio(l. Dtpl. it, Aurora. iMInolt Church -News Notes ot Interest to All Local Denominations. Sunday ichuol attendance in all schools of lone was 120, last Sunday morning. The proceeds of the sale of food and faney work by . the ladies of the Christian Church amounted to $30. The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church met with Mrs. Howell, Wednesday afternoon of this. week. Christian Endeavor Society now meet at 7 p. m. instead of 6:30 as heretofore. Evening church services at 8:00. Uemember, Baccalaureate Ser mon, May 10, at the Chri tian cnurcn. &etvice8 will be at 11:00 a. m. Don't lorget International C. L. Unventioi. at Portland next July. The prayer meeting at the Chi it tian church this week was led by Mrs. Etta Howell. Kev. Clark M. Smith, Amer ican Sunday School Union Miss ionury is out with an announce ment of a uuries of Sunday School ralles tor the schools of his field. One of these will be hold at lone, May 10. Schools included in the' call for the lone tally are lone, Lex ington, Hep.jner, Eight Mile, Khea, Morgan, Fairview and Willow Creek. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHUHCH Kev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P. M Science v. Politic 8i-le:itlsis sre l.'jsy ascertaining the Mai, weigh! of the earlh, having left lo the p. lit!. Isiis the Job of ilndltitf out wnat Is the matter with It. Morn lug Oregonian. HEPPNER TAILORING CO TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, 11 D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law v First National Bank Building Heppner . Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the . Elkhorri Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Office , Residence HEPPNER.; Main 933 Main 492 OREGON EMS. SPRING IS HI5RE Let us measure you for a new BORN'suit. We guarantee a fit. - 'i V; COME IN AND SEE OUR SAMPLES Bristow & Johnson I irxvir u ad C. A. DECH, Proprietor ; Drop In and looh over my t Line of WorK Shoes. 1 I havo a good stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. t Repairing at Reasonable Prices. I lone ! CEO. W. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. , Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. ; SAM GANGER, Proprietor. ; Nice Rooms. Good Service. 'aruii ' Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR j, WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. v PAUL G. - lone, SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD RE1AL ESTATE & , V . INSURANCE .ONE,.- OREGON F. H. Robinson At tomey and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courti .JWJ JLU!lJ."rif ' ' .1 T. vTrcc oun X Marhet RITCHIE, rrop. BALSIGER , s ( Oregon ClydeR.Walker,M.rj. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior .DENTIST ; Office: Odd Fellows Buildintf Heppner'1.:. Oregon . I IONE, OREGON