The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 24, 1925, Image 1

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INGTON Game Ends With Score at
4 to 1 With Local Tosscrs
On the Long End.'
Th lone ball team motored to
Lexington last Sunday afternoon
nd beat Lexington by a 4 to 1
aeore, ,
The game stood 1 to 1 until
Ithe fourth when the game wai
delayed by rain, but after the
clouds blew over the lone boya
proved the euperior.
Young Rrlilow wai the "Babe
Ruth of th day having making
Ione'a flint ten-e with a circuit
'drive ovwr th- left fitlder.
We understand Lexington is
to play Pine City at Lexington
next Sunday, At this writing
the local boys haven't a game
scheduled for Sunday.
The High school team met de
feat last Tuesday at Pine City
the score being 4 to 2.
The lone boys plays the last
scheduled game on the local
field with Lexington, today, at
2:30 p. m.
A. B' Montgomery aud John
Montgomery were registered at
the Hotel lone, Sunday, -They
were accombauie'd by their wives
who were making their fisrtvisit
to lone. Monday they went ro Pen
For thescond time in two years
the Log Cabin Baking company,
pakerrof Holsum breab.has won
th Harry M. Freer trophy for
the most excelleut bread submit
ted by an baker in the United
States. ,
The oneshunred and fiftieth an
iversary of the Battle of Lexing
toon was opserved wit appropri
ate ceremonies, Monday after
noon, by the faculty and students
of the lone high school.
Deacon I. N. Howard and fami
ly took their departure this week
fortheirnew home In Hood River
"Hap" Woods, the local earth
merchant journeyed to Btanfleld,
Tuesday alternoon.
H. L Ekleberry went to North
Powder on business last Tues
A careless smoker Is a forest
fire provoker.
Holsum bread, finest under test
"A Receipt In, Full
That is what you have for every bill or account
you pay by check. You don't even have to make a
memorandum of the payment. The bank keep the
account for you.
You have no trouble hunting up receipts and receipt
cd bills. Just call on the bank for your check and you
have th evidence complete.
The bank solicits your deposits, large or small, and
invites you to pay your bills through it It's the safe
Our Protection To
Capital and Surplua $35,000.00
Bank of lone
Picture ahead-
. Kodak as you go
You don't need to join a club or buy a
license or change your clothes to have the
fun of picture-making. It's just part of
every day's doings. Get your Kodak out.
Autographic Kodak 6.J0 up; Brownies
i.oo up a complete assortment. And an
intercited lalnman to show them to you.
The famout Yellow Box film in your aUe.
Developing and printing that you'll like.
The KODAK Store
Members of the lone school fac
nlty so Jar chofen are: Roy Skeen
Principal; Alper A. Croiaant,in
stuctor in the high school; Mrs,
Blance Hummel, teacher of the
3d and 4th gaades ; Miss Linia
Troedson, teacher of the 5th and
6th geades; Earl A. Brown, teach
er offthe 7th anb 8th grades.
The primary teacher and two
Instructors in the high school are
yet to be chosen,
E. R. Lundell has sold to the
Standard Oil Company of this
place two latest type Ford trucks
one of these trucks will have a
tank mounted to take care of the
bulk trade, and the other Ib an
all steel body mounting, for
package and barrel delivery,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Newton of
South Bend, Washiugton, accom
panied by their daughter and
son-in-law Mr. and Mra. Jelmar
Kosky arrived in lone, April 1,1,
for a few days visit .with rela
tives and old friends, having
made their home in lone for
several years. They moved to
South Bend 16 years ago. They
noticed many changes around
lone since they left
They returned to their home
in South Bend, laat Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Newton,
srrived in lone from South Bend
Washington, to visit Mrs. New
ton's mother, Mrs. Katie Pett-eys.
Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mrs.
Frank Engelman have been .en
joying a visit with their sister,
Mrs. E. P. Newton and family
of South Bend, Washington.
International Harvester Prim
rose .Cream Separators at
Greatly" reduced price. I
have No. 1 and No. 3 sizes., If
in need of a Separator get my
A Qualification
Tlit anape of lift art generally "-
gulrtd by ptop't who have plenty of
Bethel Chapel Missionary Soc
ietygave a social Thursday
afternoon, at the Chapel. They
invited the Dorcas Society from
loneard Lexington. Quite a
goodly numer came and all hid a
lovely time.
The afternoon was spent with
games and an excellent program.
Mrs. Eddie Chinn and also little
son Daniel sang songs in Chinese,
well rendered andthoroughly en
joyed. Elizabeth Phelps gave
two of her lovely whittling solos,
Lillian Cochran told stories and
sang coon songs in her own in
imitable manner, little Miss E'va
Lucas plaved several piano solos
and Miss Patrica Mahoney and
Majarie Clark gave several ex
cellent duets, with Mrs. Phelps
at the piano.
Refreshments were served.
Mr. Harold Ahalt reports hav
ing caught 19 coyote pups this
Mr. L E. Dick.s little daugrt-
ter, who has been quite seriously
ill for some time was taken this
Friday to Portlano, where she
will be placed under the care of
a specialist
EGGS-Fut them away while
they are CHEAP. Water Glass
For sale 40 Fold or 128 Hy
brid club wheat Fall seed or
, Chaa. M. Wagner.
See J. E. Swanson. .,
The Independent's phone num
ber U 62.
Spirituality of Mane
Muile la iual In iti nature; Ir i
muttrlal at wtll at apliittaal. Its Ma
terial aide wt apprehend tnrojgh lit
(dm of bearing and 'comprehend
through the intellect; Ha aplrllual all
renchpi ut through the funry (or
Imftglnatlon, an be It muilc of the high
est tliMl and emotional part of
ua. Krenlilel. '
em rat i m mi
'TTS mighty poor economy ttf
postpone painting or varnish-
mg, whether it be the inside
floors and woodwork or the out
side exposed surfaces. What
wear and tear are doing on the
inside, rot and rust are doing on
the .outside slowly pulling
down the value of your property
through surface neglect.
To put paint and varnish on before It b
needed, end not after, it true economy.
Damage it under way juat at soon as the
surface ia broken down, which id often before
you realize it
Buy good paint -it's cheapest
Cheapeat because it protects the surface
better, laatl longer and goes further.
Raamumn Paint and Varniih Product art mad
tit ant of the fintit paint lactone In th United
Sutae tht large in th Northwett. Thay art
tdt by tiptrt who havt an Intimata knowladg
of climatic condition a knowledge
gaintd through atany ytara of actual eonUct wiia
thatt condition.
Tht ttrict maintenance of Riivumn Quality ,
govern avtry ittp ia tht making of tht paint
nd vamUh from tht firt selection of th load,
til. and other material, to tht final ttaling and
labeling of tht can.
Thart't no batttr paint than Ramuta Par
Paint wt add our guarantat to tht manufacture
tO i Bring your painting probUmi ta ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grady and
family spent Sunday with Chas.
Swindig and family of Heppner,
they also took in the ' show at
Heppner Sunday night
Mrs. Fred Lucas entertained
with six tables of bridge, last
Saturday at her home in Lexing
ton. Those winning prizes were:
First Mm. R. Thompson, second,
Mrs. Wm, Ball and consolation
prize, Mrs, McNamer, all of
Mrs. Wm. Beamer, of Hepp
ner, met with a alight accident
in Lexington last Thursday when
her car took a sudden notion to
leave the highway and crashed
into Bruce Grady's office tearing
a hole in the corner of the build
ing. Puncuring a tire and bend
ing a fender was the car damage.
Lucky no one was hurt
Rufus Nichols and wife of
Pullman, Washington, are here
visiting friends and relatives.
Ralph Jackson and wife, and
son, Kenneth, returned home on
Saturday from a weeks visit at
Hubbard, Oregon, with Mr,
Jackson's parents.
Bruce Grady and Alva Jones
of Lexington, were business
visitors at lone , on Tuesday of
this week.
Delvin Cox and family of
Roosevelt, Washington, spent
the week end in Lexington visit
ing relatives, Mr. Cox is mana
ger of the Roosevelt hotel. t
The base ball game between
Pine City and Lexington, last
Saturday was a very interesting
game. The score was V to 6 in
Pine City.s favor, their victory
was due a great deal to good
work of their pitcher, who is a
whix when it cornea to fanning
the batters.
Neil White and family have
tented their farm north of Lex
ington toChas. Marquat and
have moved to Ukiah where tbey
have rented a stock ranch.
A Ittter from .Mrs. Clarke
(Continued ou page four)
Friends' Celebrate Birthday
Anniversary of
Mrs. Petteys
April 15th was Mrs. Katie
Petteys' birthday and her friends
gave her a real birthday party.
The afternoon was, spent in
visiting, friends met and had
such a good time talking of old
times with friends they bad'nt
seen for years. Those present
Mesdames Young, Rodgers,
McMurray, Petteys, Redford, of
Portland, Keller, Jordan, Linn,
Troeoson, Rietman, Padberg,
Bryson, Rankin, Clark, Mason,
McNamer, Fletcher, McNabb,
Morgan, Burroughs, Shaver
Nichoson, Miss Msynard, Mr.
and Mrs. Engelman, Mr. and
Mrs. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
Newton and Mr. and Mra. Koa
ky, of South Bend, Mr. and
Mra Ganger, Carlton, Norma,
Ruth and Elmer Swanson, Man
nie Petteys, Alice Rietman, Val
gene Clark, Betty Ganger and
Junior Mason, all of which par
took of the birthday dinner and
pronounced qjt the best ever.
The combined agea of those
present amouuted to 1786 years.
Although Mrs. Petteys has
passed the three score years and
ten, she ia wt-II and active, and
dots more work on the place than
half the'young women of today
would be able to do, and we are
just waiting for April 15, of next
year to race around that w
might get- this same group of
friends together again to cele
brate another birthday in iike
manner in Mrs. Petteys' honor.
Do you need blacksmith coal?
Englemau has it Best quality.
Right price.
1 shoe I
I In order to close out odd lots of j
shoes I have thrown out 200 pairs
of shoes which will be sold far be- g
low cost of manufacturing. i
They are not of the latest style g
but Will beat going barefoot and
you cannot afford to overlook
them. ' .
Ladies, childrens and mens j
shoes from 50c up and j
every pair a j