If Results Are Desired visited with their cousin, Mis. Streeter on Sunday. Mr. Wafer's aun and gram , father from Milton, brought Mr. Wagner's two nieces ovir last Ihe littlo KirivS i.re make their Two Portland policeman were arrested near l.pe Horn, Wash., a few days atzo on a charge of hiiackinfi. Tim siory is interest- Saturday. inir tar nuvsri I rnusnns. Thrt ! Ol'DllUnS nd Mil m.-n were traced through use1 uncle and aunt. Of two federal (nicers who had! Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn and son, been asked to join in on the Earl, met with quite a tenous enterprise, . They were instrue-; accident while wagio lone last ted tofeitfn aiquiesence in the ' Tuesday, tl ey were in a tniKfcV plan and Jo ko Uon. They did and was ran into by an auto. Mrs. to and the erring policeman were Pettyjohn was thiown out and caught red handed, quite seriously injured, Earl In other words the officers jumped and escaped being hurt, usfcd two federal operatives as The buggy was vuecked. Ail "stool pigeons," one might say. caused by bomeono's reckless What was wro.ig aoout that? driving. Nothing that we know of. It j Miss Mcdlock of Cecil was. law violators are to be caught cabin in Morgan on Sunday, then officers must be able to use! Martin .aurenfeind called on bucIi methods us will suffice, be1 James Hardesty, Sunday, they after bootleggers,- bankj Martin Baurenfeind, Morgan's rnbhjra nf what not If we ex-' iollv storekeeper and Miss Far- peci results we must permit officers to work eerlectively. The Cape Horn incidert proves the case. Yel, when the same methods are followed in appre hending boot.eggers or moon shiners ?here is often loud com plaint. There are newspapers that openly object to the use of "stool pigeons" to catch a booze runner, llow do they get that wa T Why is the booze runner any better than any other viola tor ?-East Oregonian. rens, principal of the Morgan school, drove to Ileppner, Friday evening. International Harvester Prim rose Cream Separators at "Greatly" reduced price?. 1 have No. 1 and No. 3 sizes. If in need of a Separator get my price. BERT MASON OUR WALTER Respected by Foe, Worshipped by Friend. . Eastern Oregon is proud of Governor Pierce, especially since he licked the tar out of a bunch of damphool tricksters who tried to jb him and the people during .the last letfislature. Every time you turn Walter loose to himself he rips up the sod tears down the fences, charges headlong into the red flivver and gets himself in bad generally. But whenever a bunch of amateur legislators, of even a bunch of old time cow hat.di in the political game make an attempt to rope, tie and brand Walter, they simply rrake a concentrated target for this abundant energy, and Old Walter emerges from the state house corral, unbranded, victor ioua and with the cheer3 fnm the gallery. -Arlington Bulk-tin. CECIL NEWS ITEMS Miss Violet Ilynd, toaclie near iom acconipanie bv Miss ArWta Farrens were week end guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Hyntt of But terby Fiats M. W. Sherrard and son were calling; in Cecil on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Slender entertuine a largo party ot friend on Tuesday eveing. The guest of lionos being Arthur Turner. Arth nr left on Wednesday morning to vis-it fivmls near Sslem. Jim Harcesoy and fa:iily weiie visiting at the home of Rlos. ll J. Stroruer on Fu iday. Mr. Jnhd Mrs. Webb os Wulln Walla were visiiitg lit 1 ho borne of Mr. PatM 'dloek at Roekclffo, near Cecil, on Wul. Mid Thn. Mrs. Fred Buchanan of Io.se ac companied cv her father ,W. 11. was falling on Mrs. Carl Farm worth, ot Rl. a Siding on Thuri. Mis". Mild 'd Duncan of Busy Bee ranch ,n ;urned to Boanlmun on Sunday U resume her utilities at Boardman high school. ' Waller Pope of llilsid, Bob Low and Noel Streeter of Ceci were doinu the sii..itsof Arlington on j Sunday. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO:: OF 1 LEXINGTON STATE BANK Charter No. -1$ Reserve, District No. 12. At 0. 1. "V 4. VII III NOTICE TO PUBLIC thi: rnu.n- is hkkeuy noti fied THAT: tsitAlx roi.iclKS no. Tim to Tl:':.. iiiilimlve, of tlio MiMUiAN. OHKijo.V airi-ney of tlm National I'ninn I'liv Iiixurunie ('oiiinui.v, of 1'it l'nii'i. Pa., lmve htfii lost, inlxliil.l, or nto leu miller wlilcli liri-um.itiiiii't", t lu lr iui' Ih'Iiik iiniiiitliuri.el, caiil poll leu lire null mill void. The IioMit of tluse polleli'M will tliiie return tlii'in to tins eniiiiinv ut Plttxburj;. I'".. "i'l aliotiM tlietv lie nny reluru iiivintiiui Involveil ll vvll'i lie promptly palil. In eiwe of lox I'lulmvil liy any r mm or piTrioii an liolilrn of tie' polkrtu, tlie ('ompaiiv will deny any or all liability tiK-ivu.i.i. r. National I'nliiii Kin- ItiMirutir.' ( o, Vm. P. r.h.si:i., manaci::: FOR OVER 40 YEARS MALL'S CATAttltH MEDIUM: liai bo. n uh?1 autxeNiluay in the Utaiumnt cl Catarrh. HALL'S TATARnn Mtniri.NB eon. tlMa- ot an Ointm-nt t.i.li i.nil. v Hvlievta by loial apt llntlon. and 1. Internal Medti:i, a Tonic, whi. h ' through th. Bl"o) on the Mucous Ku: (a .'. thua ructnf the toiUmmuUon. Sold by all drugcata. F. J. Clwney 4 Co- Toledo. Ohio, 11 . hIiowii .X fori-lirn , liii'lit.lluii biinl. i'n d r. w rvc ilnir bank 'i. I I and Iteiiix $:0,(.V1 i. Lexington, in tho SiaUs of Oi'og.ut at Cue c'. a of l)U3inc33 April 1912.1. RKS0U4;C1S . l,on ninl illxroibitN, liH-hlillnu rt'.lleoiintn nil I'll anil .in. If any - " l'. s. ll. ivi'i'iinii'iit H.'. iii'li Ion owned liu'ludiiiw: t 111 it.-iim ".0 mi. I .'!.".. If nny - Other lion Is, w iiir.iiitH and m-rur tli, lui'ludl iriivi'i-mii.'iit, itnfi', inimlilpal rnr. ration, ete, tluwi' h'li.Hvn In lii'iiw and .'Li. I( ,'iny St..r!., c.'.'urltl.'H. rlalni" liriix, Jml .: m 'M 1 1. I'll'. Ha liking li'iiiM' , Noil.-; turn It lire nn I tltt iir.'i, -.l;.'.-il fNtate own.il ot lier I hail lui nklriir hoil'i', I ahi Cadli on li md In vault and it m from b oil- and tntt ri.ii.it"ii'H iIi i-i-ihi to I and niH'row ii4"tH' ot 1 Ins I. auk .... t In t hs on haiiKs uutslde elty or tmvn of h-pe None; total insli and due from b.ni!,s, Items S, 11, luti n'st, taxi' and eii'is.-n piiltl ,' iiudlvldi-d (ifn'ltM Ot In r assi'ts, II any .... tkVl no l.nis.li!) . ;m hi 1.IIIKI IK! I.UHI.Oll 7.4:t4.S2 Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist III lllterillll Meilli'llin for (lie UiHt. twelve yi'iirn DOKS NOT OPICRATK Will be In tlic Dalles on Sat urday April 18, at the Dalles Motel, and In Pendleton on Sunday April ID,' at the Dor ian Motel. Office hours 10.00 a. m. to 4.00 p. in. ' ONE DAY ONLY lleilwlcli WIlHiin, Quid Iletith, Or, viiracnai' Hlt'i'i'M, I'riiiiU Koelili r, Tlir Dalli h, Ore, atotiiaell trouble. Mi'H, 10, li. I laujiuoi k, Myrtle Point Ore,, ifi'ller. . Min, Jiilill Mi't'tle, l.nki'Hlile, Oh'., iiieiitlli'lt Id, Henry W estfnll, Otilarlo, Ore,, ill eer if aloiiiai h; Mm 10. V. Hated, linker, Or., eeie. iita. Ileiiieiulier abovil iblte, that Coil- nulla Inn on IIiIh (rip In free, ami I tin l li Ih treattiii'tit Id il liferent, Miil'rli'd vvoiiieiMllilNt be lien itnpti . tiled by their IiiihIhiiuIm, -Aildi'.'Ms; 'Jll Hradluiry .llldu;., I.oh AllKi'leii, Callfoi'lilil. No Charge for Consultation l'r. Mi'lli'thln Ih n ri'Kular uradu iilelit iiiedleltie ami xiirKi't-y and Im lleellMi'd by t lie mIo to of Ori'Koli. Ili dot'N not operate for elironle nppru iIk'UIh, gall Htotiex, nloera o( stoui in ll. IoIikIIm or adelloiiU, r ii.. i..... ... 1. 1.. .....n. , i ir nun in inn i-rrioi. VI oililiTIIII re suits lii dis.'asi's of the H.ninirli. llv.-r' bowels, blood, sklu, iirnos, heart. Kidney, bladlirr, bed Wettlnjf, en tarrli, weak lunu's, rliiiuiullniii, srl;i Ilea, leu ulii-r ami r.i'tal nlliiieiitx llelow lire the namea of a few of lii many xatlsfled patients la ore, Total livj.jll nr.. t '.v. :il A Good Time To Subscribe for the Inde pendent is . --NOW- nAi!iLini;s VI 'To The Last Man" WITH Lois Wilson AND Richard Dix AT Legion Hall Sat. April is PRICES--25-50 MORGAN LIFE Mr. Art Cogswell having bought some hay of Mr. Witze is now busy hauling it home, Mrs. Paul Webb of Walla Walla was in Morgan !aBt Wed nesday viaiting relatives. Mr. Chan. Ely of Walla Walla, took dinner with his aunt Este Baurenfieind and her son, tl e.i spent Tuesday niuht visiting his brother Hal ar.d family. Mr. Ely left for Portland anil Seattle on Wednesday morning, iien Morgan and son claud, left Wednesday, for John Day river, where they met Mr. Wm Martin and traded horses, le turning on Friday. . Ben Morgan and family also Mr. and Mrs. Palmateer and Bon Teddy, spent Easter Sunday in lone, attending the Easter ser vices held their. James Hardesty and family Hi. t'niiilMl Htori paid 111 , ,-. 17. Sn-oUis fund - v. Is. ( a I rn.llvi.l.'.l prof.tM l'ssi'llt relltexp llsi'M, Infi'lvM and t .l s p il.l !l!l". I'l l.'Cr.-l! '.IsJ.'O I 'I'M AMI IM't'DSn S, other than ban Vs. sill.) .et to reserve: ?. lndivldii.il deposit sul.j.Ht u eh . k. In. In dim; de.oln Ine t lie St tte Of I trefoil, I'l'llllt J. ei! i.-s uri.l her pill. Ill' f :111.1m i'l Ih mati.l tvrtitleiits of iletmsit outstanding l.'i. I nsider's ehiv.s of this b ink 'oiilstaiidlilif piiynietlt oil iletn.itil .... Cert itied 1-h rl.s oiiistaii.lnitf. Noll": ti.tal otileiiinil.l .1 'no. It, miliJ'H't to reserve, Items H. '.'t TIM'; AMI SAVIN N lr.l"T rs, sub) ct I.nyable on dem.'in I or sul.je 't to t...tiri; '7 Tbnei'ertiiii'Mte ot ilep..it onita'idl:i Savinus den. .sits, p.ivuliie snl.Ji'.'t to lio'i ' . i ; of time an I savings denmit pay i. I.I. on demand or to not l.-e. Items 7 and 'i, $i.".7'.l.il :',0. NoteJ and I. Ills iv.llseiiniite.l liii lii bn bonds or other i-nrl. lies s.,1,1 miller repiii'ehnse nun . iii. nis nil e..m Indent llalilihl. I'l I III pa.Mil.le with federal rewrve hank or with oilier jtl.",,M) m : 777.H7 i to "'t,iel J re'r' .'i at: 1 !. .i'll siibji'i t liat i; or trust ei.tnpnnl. . I.iiiliilltif oi lier than above. Total if nny r.i.iii:..'.': .i.im.s), I iN.n.'i i:..7.-.i il l .'l.r-Hl im i:.,is) tie I'.'.M lo...i:,:..;lt S' ate of lii '..ii. otint.v of Morrow. .. I 1. W. () Hill, e.isliier of the al.ove named Imnk. do mitoinn'r awear tliu' the above statement I true to the best ol mv knoit le.ltfe .'md Isdlef. W O. Hill, t axliler. Siila-cribeil and aworn to bef np m this I ll h day of ' pril, I'i.t,, Samuel l...otsi.ii i tiry I'liblle Ci lltKl.tT Attest: My roiiiniinsiiiii ixplri'H lee "7, VU7 I'rajik iilliiiin. Deo. , M.-Milhin. IMiv tor. ("-.'5-' , - r " . ' ' ' yl 'i - . - - s. r Tli ' $ v . . ' - 4 ; ,j . V-. z ;; -I- y .-' ' ' ? ! -'7- ' . .J '-' ' ,: t if. . i ii L'. v. v V ' A UiiiV v il' , 1 11- '. w.' , ; m 5 6Yj Attention Farmers ;i f T?T, TT- ri'..'" 1 1 ' 'T T -' TCTT '? '"-iW...TAa. ." mi. .1".T f " - ---gg DON'T Be Inconsiderate . With Yourself When you come to know that yoiir fuel is almost gone. It pays to investigate fuel prices at THE FARMERS. When you are in need of fuel at reas- f onable prices See Us. Parmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. MIMMtlHHHHMMMMMMMMMHMMHMIhl The ALL YEAR CAR 'For Many Years Competitor! may CLdn)t these high-dan features in the -Mure the 192$ Star Car luu tliCTn now tJutf' why vet tay "Tomorrow's Car ' Today." The Mill -'in Dollar Motor . Four-H'lietl Brakei H Full Force Feed Lurhetion . Tvhv.hr Backbone . . Disc Clutch' i i-i i Vhcn yciu put your monry into a Stir Cir, you buy the bot value your JolLiri can by. . ' . i The it.mnc!i!y built 1025 Pitir Car U the flnitl wy in the low-co-.t fic'il. No otlirr c:r ofltrs o rrwrny proven (taturct as the 1925 Star Car. The Sur is built to lust, to (nvc tervicc, to dclivcf tlic maximum tA niototing C'.tnfort, economy and safety every Lif of the yi"ir, year in and year out. It Million l)ollar Motor is only one ex tuple of the proyrcn and value built into the lr25 Sur, Cl.cilc these hi;li power featurci tliat guarantee long life anil perfect motor tali Jattion over and above any car in itl price ilisi. "Tomorrotv'iQtr TnJoy" INDEPENDENT GARAGE Qif.O mar km x r IT AiiJk fl I Ni'iv Low II Cut Machinery Cost In Half The man who leaves his machines in the fields is pay. in& by depreciation, for an implement shed, but not getting the shed. You can cut your machinery cost in half by prolong, jng its life anq usefulness. You can double the life of an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you are through using it The cqst of an implement shed to protect $2,000.00 worth of machinery is only a fraction of that sum. We have many excellent implement shed plans to show you, anJ W3 have ths right material to build just the. kin J and size building you require. I)i not make the mistake of building before you examine our up-to-date implement shed plans, we will be glad to have you call and examine them, whether you are building now or later. Tum-A-Liim Lumber Co;