The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 17, 1925, Image 3

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I'M'': '
young imiiii who practiced medicine
In I'uniievlvitiiln bccuino (union and
m called In consultation In many
town and cities bconuae ol lil success
In Dm ticatiiicut of disease. This was
lr. l'lurcn. wliu llnai I v n i ado up lili
inliid lo place some of hi medicine
More lint j)iiljlo, and moving to lluf.
l:li, N. V,, put lip what In called hla
"r'avorlio I'limcrlptloii and placed it
Willi tint (IniccinU In every stulo.
Dr. I'lercu's l'avorllo 1'rcscription Iim
lung boon recognised aa a ionlo (or
diseases peculiar to womankind Alter
suffering puln, feeling nervous, dlKey,
weak ami drnggid-uowQ hy wealt
nesse if her ava, a woman la quickly
restored to health liy It um. Thou
Miidi "I women testify Hint lir.Pierco'
favorite Prescription Iim entirely
cr.vlicnU'd their dintresrlng ailment.
1'ul lip in b'Kli fluid and tablet form.
Send 10o b Dr. l'leire, llnllalo, N.Y.,
(or Iriul parkiK tablet. WrlUi (or
fn-e ooiilldi'iitiul medical advice.
Buy Cqfflna In Advane.
I'nlli'd Hiuli'i autliorltlci recently
admitted ln(u tho country aa personal
property a vary handsome coffin
brought lie re by a woman (roin Kurope
who, fearing death while hero, wan ted
lo bo burled In casket of her own
choosing. Thli fait cauiod uudertsk
ttra to reveul tha (act that hundred!
of eccentric persons, mostly women,
bad picked out their cofflm In advance
and they were atored awaiting rail.
Homo are of Ivory, some of cast Iron
and other of rnrcit tlinbera.
tUVB-4txm tmm urtt
UlI'B riw iffif Muni.
Urn livttiO,
r trtinmi fog- ntailMiiui! m. StrvtwtK
Punt niwinMj N- tnM III
hulk. botfUti f4 m tfrat ltSnr
mmm, 1h wigjnal tNW wL
J AN V ILK, 1m. 4-7 Cl St., NYHi
T wwik. aW fm.
ml tt fW 44 0mm.
English Dukt'a Coronet.
The coronet of an KiiglUh duke con-
lull of a circlet of gold around which,
arranged at rqual dhttance from one
another, are eight gold sfrawborry
leave. The leave are called pamley
by aome authorities.
Colonial Speed Record.
There was great excitement In the
American colonies In 1766 over the re
markable feat of an express wuiron
(hat made the trip from New York
city to I'hlludelphla In the record time
of two days.
Bay tVsr Williams.
They ain't no use In prnylu' for
Providence ler take care of you ef you
don't give da railroad train do right-of-way.
Atlanta Constitution.
A Sweet Breath
at an umes
After eatlni e aaokint
Wrljlryk freshen the mouth
and sweearn the breath.
Nerve art soothed, throat Is
refreshed and digestion aided.
So easy to carry the link padurtl
after etfery meat ,
You Want at Good Position
Very well Taka the Aermintnncv end
llualnraa Mnnacement, Private Becretarl
e, Cnlculiitor, Comptometer, rltenoara
pine, i-nrniinNnip, ur uummerciat Teacn
trs' Cuurse at
The fnremnet HiilneM Cnlleae of the
Nurthwent whlrh hn won more Accurney
Awnnli Mid (loM.Mivlnln than any other
aehiHil In Amerlia. Hend for our But'eeas
i ntnliiK. Kuurth nireni near AimTisun,
l'orlluiiil. Or. Imiao M. Walker, J'rea.
P. N. U. No, IS, 1925
( by Short Ntury PuM. Co.)
IN TUB lltUe Oeriuan town of Suls
bacb, Joaef Itudolatidt wa an Im
portant man. for mora than fifty
years be bad been organist of the
village church. And to be the organlat
of the village church of Sulabacb I a
distinction second only to that of be
ing burgomaster or pastor. Hut both
organ and organist bad become so
Vd that even the ultra-conservative
townspeople saw that a change wa
uecvaaary. To buy a new orgau wa
not a difficult matter, but to discharge
tha old organist, now too feeble to Oil
tha poelUod, was another thing.
A popular subscription was taken,
and tha townspeople saw visions of
an organ that would b the pride of
the lower Khlne-couutry. Itullder were
called from Urusaeli, and In the course
of time the orgsn wa built, brought
to Kulibacb and let up.
On tb day that tha work wa com
pleted, tha question of the old or
gaulst' dismissal was settled, for It
was learned that Josef Itudolstadt had
died during the night.
Now another question arose. Who
wnt to play the new organ? Such
position of honor could not be given
to tb first man who applied for It
True, Sulsbach had a doten aspiring
orgnnlts,.yet only two seemed eligible.
One was Kerr Esquerr and the other
waa Karl Itudolstadt, eon of the old
I'lerre wa a Frenchman, and bad
lived In the town for year. Ilia house
waa In the lower part of the town,
near tha Ithlna. Thla, together with
tb fact that llrrre waa a musician of
exceptional ability, waa all that the
people of the town knew about blm,
for be wa a mu who kept much to
himself. Ooaalp had never bit upon
any explanation of bta past. Just why
so talented a man should he content
to live In a village and teach music
waa a matter that bad never been
Karl Itudolstadt wa man of con
siderable popularity, lie had spent all
his life In the town, was well known
and well liked. Karl had Inherited hla
musical talent from his father, and
had apeut yesra In training, under th
direction of the old organ master.
Such man was fitted for th posi
tion, hi friend Insisted, tint there
were other who were determined that
th Frenchman's great skill should not
he Unored. Tb question agltatec
Bulshach fur day. It was, discussed
with much vehemence by the towns
men, and whenever a group of people
were seen on the street. It was rea
sonably certain that the tuple of con
versation wa tli Ksquerre Hudnlstndt
Finally a ptao wa evolved and
agreed upon. It was decided to hav
trial day, and th rival musicians
were each to play. The tow nienpl
were to be the Judges, snd th selec
tion of th organist wa to be by
popular vol.
For days tha rival musicians prac
ticed on th big organ.
Finally th trial day arrived, tt
had been declared a public holldny,
and every man who could brought hla
family to th church to hear the candi
dates play.
The pator of th church announced
the conditions. Eacb organist waa to
hsv th privilege of playing what'
ever he wished. If either of the two
refused to compete,' th choice wa
to go to hi rival. Every person above
th age of eighteen wa entitled to one
vote, and their choice would decide
th question of such moment.
The nam of I'lerre Ksquerre waa
announced. TJiere waa much sup
pressed excitement when the French
man took hla place a( th organ and
arranged hi stops.
Th people of Bulthacb bad never
beard aucb playing. Pierre bin! choaeu
only on number. II started wltb
the aot toned (top of the organ,
gradually added to hi registration.
building up hi them a he weut, un
tU be reached the climax In thunder
of diapasons that brought th entire
audience to their feeL
He left tha organ bench flushed, and
with ft look of conscious triumph. Th
peopl were speechless for a time.
Then they, looked at on another In
amusement, for when had any of them
heard such playing I They discussed
It In suppressed whispers. It wa
wonderful! Hut other Insisted that
Karl Itudolstadt could outdo the
The nam of th young Gorman wa
announced, and th people were all
attention. Hut tb rival candidate did
not appear.
Five, tun, fifteen minute passed,
tben half an hour. Tb people grew
restless. Tben It waa luggosted that
I'lvrr be elected, for by th term of
th trial, Itudolstadt' elisenc mad
him Ineligible. Th Uonnan' friend
protested, because they knew that Karl
was no coward, and that h wu not
absent voluntarily. Messenger were
sent out, but the man could not be
A vot wa taken and th French'
man elected.
Day passed, and Karl Itudolstadt
did not return. Th town wa agitated
for ft whllft, for It wss not usual for
ft man to lesv hi family and friend
In such manner, especially In com'
niunlty wlier generation live and die.
and no on think of moving away,
Gradually th matter wa forgotten,
and In th course of time It became
a tradition of tb village.
Tli organ and th organist wer
famed throughout th region, and
many tale were told of the wonderful
(kill of tb organist.
Finally, before a fest-day, It was
decided to repair th organ. The
French organist, now grown old, bad
kept It lu repair, but now It needed
thorough overhauling, and the
builder wer aent for and arrived. '
That night 1'lerr Ksquerre wss seen
entering th church.
On tb following day tb master-
builder wbo wa repairing tb organ,
left th church In greut excitement
and summoned on of th town of
ficials. Hi builder led th way to tb
cburch, and motioned (or tha select
man to follow blm to tb organ loft
Tut your foot on that pedal," tb
builder said.
The selectman obeyed, but there wa
no sound.
'What I wrong wltb th organ 1
Why will that pedal not sound r
"Follow m snd yoo'll tee."
Tb master-builder hurriedly led tb
way to tb back of th organ nnd up
a long Udder to platform. Heion
war th row of great, open pedal-
Th builder lowered bis Hitht Into
on of them and motioned for tb town
official to took.
"A man' feet I" th (electaoaa cried.
After hurried discussion, number
of workmen war called, and th big
pipe wa lifted out and Inld on tb
floor of tb organ loft. Then the
workmen draw from th lesid of tb
pll th body of tb old Frenchman.
Th men wer horrified. No one cared
especially for tb sinister old organlat,
but tb manner of hi death wu ter
rible. On of th men, sroaiixring tb body,
govs cry, and called tb attention
of hi companion te rope clutched
In th band of th dead Pierre.
Tbey pulled th rope out of tb pip,
and at Ita end wa bundle. Tb
selectman' eye Hashed meaningly.
"I hav always suspected," he aald;
"now w shall see."
11 rut th leather thongs and un
rolled ft faded coat of peculiar make
that even th younger men remem
bered aa belonging to tb missing or
ganist Inside of this wss another
bundle. In which wa wallet, watch
and severs! smaller articles of Jewelry.
In th esse of the watch wa engraved :
. "Karl Itodolatadt, Bulabach, 181T."
Th story waa clear to all. Before
th trial tb selectman explained to
the or ran builder, the Frenchman bad
killed his rival and bad made way with
bta body, possibly (Inking It In th
river. He bad hidden In th organ
pipe tb dead man' coat and valu
able, w hich would hav Identified blm,
should th body be found. When the
builder cam, tjis Frenchman, alarmed
at th possible discovery of bis crime,
tried to remove the Incriminating arti
cle from th organ pipe, had lost his
balance and bad fallen In himself to
terrible death.
Tha excitement In 8ulzbach, when
the new waa learned, wa great, and
many reproacbea wer heaped on the
memory of th dead Frenchman.
Th organ I tb pride of th vll
lajrn, even today, and th townspeople
never grow tired of telling the occa
elonnt visitor of Ita nnuaual story.
With Prey in Gratp, '
Tiger Sensed Danger
Moat wild animal are specialists;
that la to aay, they are highly devel
oped In on particular direction. The
tiger I great a atalker. His feet
seem to be shod wltb sllenc. A gen
tleman, for many year ft resident of
India, cites an experleoc of on neigh
bor Ulustratlv of thla point
II bad been much annoyed by
tigers, and at last tied ft bullock out
In clearing and took up his own po
sition In a tree to wait Ull th tiger
should com after the bait The
ground waa covered wltb dried leaves,
which In hot weather are ao brittle
that even th walking of a bird over
them can be beard for good distance.
In no very long time a large tiger
lipped out of tb forest and slowly
edged toward th bullock. Ill method
waa ao elaborate and careful that the
man who aaw It used to declare that
It would have been worth a thousand
rupeea to any young sportsman to
hsv witnessed It
So carefully did he put down eacb
paw, and so grsduatly did he crush
the leave under It that not a sound
wa to be beard. Iletween him and
th bullock waa stump about four
feet high, with long, projecting sur
face roots. Thla, plainly, th tiger
looked upon a godsend.
He got upon on of the roota bal
anced himself carefully, and so was
able to walk quickly and silently a)
far a th tump. II approached ao
gradually and nolsalestly, and his
color agalnat tb brown leave waa
ao Invisible, that he waa close upon
the bullock before be waa perceived.
Then, Instantly the bullock charged.
Th tiger eluded him, and In mo
ment more had hi pawa on the bul
lock's neck, ready to drag him down.
Tben, Ilk flash, he caught sight of
th rop by which the bullock was
tied, and sprang nto th forest
Mythological Lore
We often speak of Nemesis punn
ing someone. Nemesis was the god
dess of revenge, who mercilessly hur
ried to punishment guilty soul con
demned by th goddess of Justice. Her
nam ha becom a synonym for retri
bution. "A sure t Fate" Is a common
phrase. Why 1 fat so sure! Th
Fate were three sisters who con
trolled men' destinies. Th first sla
ter spun life' thread, the aecond
twlated It nnd th third cut It off with
her shears. They alone dared oppose
tb sovereign will of th gods, and tbey
Issued lrravocabl degrees.
Do everything you ran to make
your bene comfortable. If their bealtb
and vitality are kept at tb highest
level, it will add many eggs to your
bssket If your bens sr worried by
lie and mites, tben tbey cannot lay
tb maximum number of eggs. An
ounce of prevention Just now 1 worth
ft pound of cur later on.
fllils) Is good poultry gospel, accord
ing te D, 11 llall, extension poultry
specialist wbo warn u that wltb tb
warm weather coming on we will hav
more trouble wltn Ilea add mite tban
w bad during the cooler months, and
that everybody should take extra pre
caution at tbl time of tb year to
get rid of these parasites.
Mites can be controlled by sprsy
Ing th house with whitewash to
which ba beea added enough dis
infectant to make a 0 per cent solu
tion, A good coal-tar product such
a creosote or taroleum, may be used
a a disinfectant. ' rninir acid Is
also good. In spruylng ih bouse be
sure to spray every square inch of
surface. If you niia a few mites,
tben yon will have a multitude to deal
wltb tb following week. It Is also
good Idea t paint tb perch pole
wltb a mixture of equal parts of kero
sene and used engine oil.
Lie ar found on th Individual
bens. Tbey spend tl.'lr entire life
on tb body, laying their eggs snd
sticking them to the feather in small
colonies. Ubey can be found In tbe
fluff feathers sod under th wings.
No ben will go about ber business of
producing eegs wltb sny degre o
efficiency wltb lice covering her body.
The best method of getting rid of lie
Is by dusting with a good Insect pow
der. Sodium fluoride Is s good para
site killer. Tabs pinch of sodium
fluoride snd dust It Into th fluff
featbers, under eacb wing, on tb
neck, back and - body of tbe fowl.
Work the powder down Into tb festh
era to tbe akin. Another good powder
can be mada from one pound of snuff
snd one-half pound of sulphur mixed
with on gallon of road dust or ashes.
It Is good Ides to build a dust box
and allow eacb ben to dust herself.
Look over the bens In about ten
days to sea If all the lice wer killed,
and If necessary glv them another
good dusting.
Feed Poultry With Eyes
Open and Watch Closely
Experience counts with poultry, de
clared poultrymen at the New Tork
State Oolleg of Agriculture at Ithaca.
Tbey ssy It Is easy to tell bow If
should be done, but that It Is dif
ferent matter to do It, and that, doirifc
It over and over again wltb one's eyes
open la the wsy to gain th knowledge
that make poultry pay.
Immature and undermined pullets ar
often tb csus of low egg production
la many flocks, say men at the state
college. And some poultrymen. they
say, try to mak themselves believe
that they have flock of good-slxed
pullets by weighing the largest ones.
Tha only persons tbey fool ar them
selves, and that to no avail,
A pullet which Is nnderstxed or Im
mature will not lay enough to be pro
fitable. And wbat one man consider
small pullet may be considered large
enough by another man. It Is not
wholly matter of opinion, however,
aa thera ar standards of weight
which ar about right for egg produc
The tlm chick ahouid b batched
dependa on th man wbo I going to
do th feeding. .Chick may nintur
much earlier under th cure of one
man than under that of another. The
general rut should be followed of
maturing tb pullet so that they will
com Into laying In th early winter
month when egg price are highest.
As with every otber kind of live
stock, eternal vigilance 1 th price of
success, snd th poultryman wbo
make profit I the on who "rare
for bis flock In both sanse of tb
Chicken Production of
Last Year Very Heavy
Som 078,300,000 chicken wer pro
duced In tli United State last year,
which waa 29.400,000 more than In
1023, according to estimate Just re
leased by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.
Despite this Increased production
there were on farms January 1, 1023,
approximately aL'T.OOO.COO ihlckens as
compared with 470.300,000 on January
1, 1021
Th decrease In stocks on hand Jan
uary 1 U attributed to increased con
sumption, and to larger stocks going
Into storage.
Total stocks of froxco poultry In
storage February 1 wer reported at
138,253.000 pounds compared with 99,
480,000 poundaJlcbruary 1 a year ago.
Tankage for Breeders
It Is customary to Include In tb r
tlon for laying ben tankage or meat
crap, and It Is usually mixed In with
mill feeds to form a dry mush which
I available to tb bird at all times.
Where the egg are to b used for
hatching It Is not advisable lo mak
th proportion of tankage more than
10 to IS per cent Where milk Is
available It can take the place of th
tankage In th mash, thru gallon of
milk a day for such 100 bens being
va. a i jut
Portland, Oregon.
Select Residential St Transient'
UU s4 YamaUl. PortW. Onm -Modem
Fireproof American FUa
"ALL MIIIES" Guaranteed
Rebuilt Typewriters
8al Trm; 16.00 wrothlj If ttini. tmtoi ami, SI. 60 ft op. ' Seng
fat Ulustntod price tost.
n ninth an,
Serving1 Eleven States
Llmburger Cheese.
The unpleasant odor of Llmburger
cheese Is due to specific fermentations
Induced during ripening. This cheese
is made from sweet milk, the curd be
ing formed Into cake about five
inches square and two Inches thick
and are pressed. The main cause of
the putrefactive fermentation la the
extremely moist condition in which It
la kept.
Work That Counts..
My friend, all speech and humor are
short lived, foolish, untrue. Genuine
work done, wbat thou workest faith
fully, that is eternal! Take courage,
then; raise the arm, strike borne, and
that right lustily; the citadel of hope
must yield to noble desire, this sec
onded by noble effort. Thomas Car
The liberty of ft people consists In
being governed by laws which tbey
have made themselves, under whatso
ever form It be of government; the
liberty of private man la being mas
ter of bis own time and actions, a tar
aa may consist with tbe laws of God,
and of bis country. Cowley.
Nsturs's Wisdom.
Nature give to every time and sea
son some beauties of its own; and
from morning to night, as from tbe
cradle to the grave, la but ft succes
sion of change so gentle and easy
that we can scarcely mark their prog
ress. Philippine Mohammedans.
In the Philippine Islanda there are
about 450,000 Moroa, wbo are Moham
medans. Although the wildest and
most fanatical of tbe natives, they are
the only onea who bava petitioned to
have the United States keep control of
the Philippines.
Babylon's Dimensions.
It Is now believed that the ancient
city of Babylon waa 14 miles square,
surrounded by a wall 60 miles In
length. 300 feet high, 100 feet broad at
the base and wide enough on tbe top
for two charlota to race abreast.
Taught Value of Potatoes.
The potato owes Its Introduction as
sn article of food Into Franco to the
effort of the French chemist. Tar
mender, who lived on potatoes dur
ing an Imprisonment of five years,
from 1758 to 1763, In Germany.
Education's Impress.
The force of education la ao great
that we may mold the minds and man
ners of the young Into wbat shape we
please and give them the Impressions
of aucb habits s shall ever after re
main. Adjusting Your Garter,
The final test of poise Is the ability
calmly to adjust a sock supporter In
the face of feminine amusement. Du
luth Herald.
Midget Among Birds.
, A small humming bird, not very
much larger than the ordinary house
fly, Is common in many Euat Indiun
French Philosophy.
All man's misery springs from his
Inability to rest with tranquility in
one yoom alone. Pascal.
W, U Cblrlie front awtl
I.M-at hrti double fMHllgrf-a
ire.. Mute arrmlltwl. AUa
ckel' e ItnN 4 Ria'ka, l,ow..t
price. iao live Sellvery
guarantee.!, Cslalug free.
New Fluff Rugs
Mad From Old Carpets "Wear Like
Deal Direct with the Manufacturer. Absolute
Batlafaetlon Guaranteed. Band la Your Ma
teriel at Write foe Prlcea. .
M-M Union Arenue Nor. Portland, Oracoa
mm n
offers market
for yhiir pRnntirr
Compliti Chinfi Salurda; $
Adults, Week day Matinee s!(ej
Evenings, 8oc. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cents all timea
Portland, Or
Moler Barber College
Teaches trad In t weeks. 8un pay
while learning. Positions secured. Write
for catalocue. 134 Burnslde Street, Port
land, Oregon. i
Clark Brea Florists, 1st Motrtaoa tt.
To Win Fl Rixht at Bom Here
Safc sal Curai-i Hi laas.
Eieetbnt Cafa. SmeU Week!?
Rates. Baa Mart all Tralaa. Hta and Surk.
One Ounce of
Prevention Worth
Pounds of Cure
Serious Sickness
by taking
A Mild Laxative.
A tystsm Builder.
that assists Nature
In keeping your bow
els opea and your
general system In
perfect work Ing or
der at all times.
at Your Drug Store
Whlppers Rout Hopper.
Tbe grasshopper pest became so
serious In parte of Arkansas at one
time that negro laborer with whip
wer hired to whip out tbe grasshop
pers In the cotton fields. H. K.
Thatcher of the Stat Agricultural col
lege says the plan was an astonishing
success, aa the hoppers beat ft hasty
retreat before the whlppers.
Language Retains, Hold.
A thousand years have elapsed since
the gypsy began to leave his native
Indian plains, yet even to thla day Ro
many bears a striking resemblance to
India's modern tongues.
No Doubt of It
"Many a man would be Improved
said Uncle Eben, It "he minded de
Bible aa close as be docs de constitu
tion an' by-laws of his 'soclaUon."
Washington Star. ,
We Specialize In
Bides. Pelts, Wool, Moluir,'
TaHiw, Cdscara, OrtgM
Gripe Root, , Gut Skias,
Horse Hair
Write for Shlpplnc Ta A latast Pries List
Portland Hide j. Wool Co.
in sue mtxM soar, nam, mum.
Biaaokat PooateUo, Idak
I'MYHICIAS. Remedies fin
stomach diaordera, , kidney,
bladder troublea, call atones,
eonitlpatlon, appendicitis and
all female eosiplalnta. Yos sas
take treatment! at boms U (ft
(erred. 142 1 ftenmd Ht., ear
ner Alder I'ortlund, Ore.
AMotnlaal Supporters Arch
Hupporte. Bend for neaaiir
Ins blanks.
Uue-Divi$ Dmf C.
Truss Eiperta ,
171 Third St.. Portland. Or