The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 27, 1925, Image 3

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    lh:rty-lwo Yeiti L'xper'ence
"In my personal experience of
thirty-two years with Or. I'icrce's
lavoril I'rcKcriptmn," said Mrs.
C'clla l.hrertniin, Box 160, Route 2.
Sn l-eaiiclro, Calif,, "I mint nay it
ii t lie lineal tunic and nervine for wo
men that I have ever known. It
relieved me of pains from which I
had iuflcrcd at tunes since my devel
opment into womanhood. I think I
owe my preent good health to Dr.
I'irrce'i I avnrile I'rmrription, and it
hat my hj(het endomrment as a
woman a special tonic and nervine."
Any droit store. Tabids or liquid.
nena iuc kit iruu iKg. to nr.
I'ieree'l Invalidi' Hotel in HufTalo,
N. Y., and write for free advice.
Pleaaurea and Business.
A man that knowi how to mix pleaa
urea with bunloima Is never entirely
posscesnd by Hu m; he either quit or
resumes Hu m at hla will; and In the
Viia he makes of them he ruthor finds
rulsxutlon of mind than a dungi-rous
charm that mlKht corrupt Mm,- Ft.
Protects Hlmsslf.
"Mvo are not ai flcklu aa women
"Perhaps not," ssacntod Mlaa Cayenne.
"A woman la free to change her mind,
but a man after iuy Itiit an ennagitment
ring hue a little something to protect
In the way of an luveatment." Wash
ington Ktur.
Peer's Relatlvea Commonara. '
The relatives of English pi-era do
riot officially belong to the English no
lilllty, ulthouxh to all purpoacs they
are nobles. Thry may, howuver, hold
Ultra through courtesy, hut according
fo Kugllnh luw they art mere com
moners. Destroyed by Eleetriclty.
Illg grower and shippers use rleo
trlclty In kill Insects that tuny lurk In
bass of null. The aacka are run
through an electric. Ironing machine
which destroys, through' heat and
pressure, any lnact cgxa or larvae.
1 Rifle Invtntlona.
The flint -lock rifle was Invented In
Krstics In tho year 1C 10. Tho percussion-lock
r I flu waa patented by a
Scotch clergyman named Alexander
Komyth In 107, and had been adopt
ed everywhere by 1820.
Some folks saddle their trouhlea on
the world bttcsuse they think It has )
ninny to carry, a little more won't
.make any difference Atlanta Consti
tution. There aeems to ha something about
certain persona that violets really dls
llkn, and not only will they withhold
their perfume but they will droop as
well. Much the same kind of thing has1
been nbaervvd In tho more delicate
sorts of roses. -
Y After Every Meal (
Pass it around
after every meat
Give the family
the benefit of Its
'aid to digestion.
Cleans teeth too.
Keep it always
In the house.
(jlCosts link-helps much " t)
You Want a Good Position
Very well Take th loraentenrr suit Bualneet
Menaewneni, Private flacretarlel, Calrulatof
QeBtoiaater, Itanafrephla, I'anDannanie, si
Oeauaerelel Teenher1 Court at
TKs foremoat Business Collnta of th Nerthwett
kink kaa woa store Aecuracr Award and Uala
Medals thea any othr iooool la Amarlca. Bead
far eur tiuefwea Ostelof. Fourth Street ou
MerruMa, Portland, Ur. 1mm M. Welr, Vtm.
P. N ,U.
No. 13, 1925
IW r Snort Siirr t'uii. U I
In a delirium uf fever a newaus
per repurter as the call of death,
'i his Is a vivid piece of Imaf liisilun
dealing with a thought that sums
lima ur anulhor baa win la us all.
IN HEALTH, George Craves edited
bust-ball news ou a Quaker City
dully. Now, afliiiue with fever, he
tossed restlessly on a cot In Jef
ferson huspllul.
In delirium he sometimes cheered
ghostly bull players or sat up lu bed
to better write liiiHglmiry snappy nar
ratives ot the drama hla heated brain
unfolded before him. When rational,
his sparkles of wholeaome wit, bis
calm courage, and pleasing courtesy
gave sest and spirit tu the surgical
wsrd where he ley.
The medical w ards were overflow
ing, very private mom was engaged,
hence (Jraves was allowed tu trespass
on the good grsces of "lllg Jim" Ken
tiedy, the house surgeon fur the surgl.
cat section, lie had once roomed In
the same flute with the newspaper
man and took a lively Interest In hla
The usual crUls wss near for
Urates, Ills friends on the paper bad
chipped In generously, from iiiaiinKlug
editor to copy boys, and the beat
physicians In the city were his at
tendants. Ills condition wss serious.
A blsck depression shsdowed his dealt
In the llrosd street skysorau-r.
Us woke at midnight, entirely ra
tional. There was a buatle at the
door. Someone was brought In on a
stretcher. A bed next his own was
preps red, the figure was lifted into It.
Graves thought he saw two sleek
Chinamen slsndlng near, looking with
ead faces at the bed. When they
had gone, to make sure, he called
Thlee Lung, Chink," snld the doc
tor. "The cbsps you saw by the bed
are his brothers. Itlch. but hss bsd
case peritonitis. Native doctor oa
Usee street prescribed yellow paper
with tmnlile bun sauce, lu cat out the
devils In hla body Only one chance
for hlin operation tomorrow, wsshlng
out of abdominal cavity with saline
solution may llv may die."
The foot of the Chlmtnan'e bed wss
propped up rather high when Craves
woke the next dsy, near noon. The
faint smell of ether came to him.
Presently the patient began to Jnhher.
Graves sa up In bed, his matted hair
clustering In wada around hla gaunt
face, with Its ragged ends of fever
beard. Hut his eyes sparkled, and a
amlle twitched the corners of his
mouth. Ills friends scented the fun.
' ."Thlee Lung will now give the Chi
nese version of a Hwlas mountaineer
yodellng," he sputtered. "One lung
would fall I Observe him csrefully,
gentlemen I"
! As the etherlc sleep steadily lifted
from the Chlnsmsn, he renewed his
Jabbering, mixing our Kngllah pro
fanity with plaintive high-keyed bints
In his mother tongue. At the first
pause Graves spoke again:
"Imitation of a eteamhoat making
a landing. Notice particularly the
whistle and Its absolute fidelity to ns-
Piping yelps. Itidlcrounly like the
whistle. Immediately followed. The
Chlnsman's after-operation egony was
.Intensified by bis high fever. In spite
of the seriousness of the rae the oth
er patients rosred with laughter at
the predictions and ' their humorous
' "He a good boy, Mr. Graves," said
the nurse, coming up to his bed. "Lie
'down and try to sleep,"
i Graves hsd a rle of two degrees
jln temperature, and the Ire-wster tub
'wss rolled to his bedalde. lie stood
It like the game fellow that he waa,
and exerlenced much relief when
wrapped In a blanket afterward.
Presently he found hlmaelf on the
,brlnk of very high cliff. Over Its
edge ran a wire cable, end hanging
from It were many ropes, each at
tached to a stout pulley which ran
along the top of the cable.
Garbed and bearded like the pic
tures In the family lllble, a patriarch
stood pear the cliffs brink, writing In
!a huge book the names of people who
came there.
Kach arrival caught one of the
ropes and slid over the edge of the
cliff, suspended from the heavy cable.
All shot down Into the dense mist be
low and vanished. Their destination
wss hidden from view.
The throng was very large and It
seemed to lirsves that they would
never stop coming. It reminded him
of the crowds arriving at the city
parks on a sultry Huturdny night.
Grave-faced men with frock couts and
silk beta were there; women of the
gutter; children and even buttles;
swarms of worklngmen and youths
and mnlds. Every type of humanity,
every color and every gnib that Graves
had ever seen In the world's activities
or beheld In pictured presentation,
was there. The panorama ot person
ality dazed him.
There was not a word spoken, not
a whisper exchanged between any of
the arrivals; even the babies voiced
no cry of pain or gurgle of pleasur
uble emotion. Thorn seemed to be a
complete npalhy or Insensibility of any
one personality with regard to the
presence or condition of any other
In the gathering. Graves was pus-
He earn at last before the patri
arch, and murmured hit name In re-1
sponse to some Inward prompting, lie
was told to swing over the brink as
those hsd done who hud preceded hlin,
"Hut why?" said He.
"Tills Is death I" replied the patri
arch, as he took the name of a beau
tiful woman and then that of a gen
eral In full uniform who was Just be
hind her.
"What?" ejnculuted the amnzed
young man.
"This Is death!" calmly replied the
registrar, and he aguln wrote the
names of several. One of them wore
garments of fine linen, one the taw
dry gurb of the slums.
"Hoes everyone die In this way?"
asked Graves. It was so different
from what be had Imuglned It would
"Kings and queens, and grpat gen
erate, laborers snd paupers, sick wom
en and tender bullies?'
"Hut," went on the bewildered
young nian, "I was always taiufht Hint
at death there was a cla::'.ntlon
"There Is a swltih on the cable In
the mist below," answered the grave
ly majestic figure. "There It la known
where each Is to go snd there ore no
mistakes when the paths divide."
Grsees pondered. More people
paaaed hlin. The procession seemed
endless. Hack In the throng he saw
a Chinaman It was the mine one who
had occupied the bed neit to hlin In
Jefferson hospital.
"Well," said be, and there was no
fear in bis heart aa he spoke, "If
fragile babies and gentle ladles, brave
generals, criminals and saints must
sll go through the same procedure,
I miens It Is good enough for ie."
He reached nut his hsnd for the
pendant rope. The Chinaman stepped
In front of him, Jerked It from his
fingers, and swung over the cliff.
He looked s round. The hospital
walls stsred at blm. It was midnight
snd very still. Kennedy and the nurse
bent over the bed next to his. They
were putting a sereen s round it, lie
rslsed feebly on his elbow to see bet
ter and noticed that he was peraplrlng
freely. The nurse turned io blm.
"Don't make any nolae, Mr. Graves.
The Chlnsmsn Is Just going over the
river 1
All States Recognize , ,
Laws Made by Others
The Constitution of the L'nlted
States Imposes certain obligations
upon the ststes In their dealings with
esch other, Section 1. Article IV, pro
viding that "full faith and credit shall
be given In each stale to the public
acts, records and Judicial proceedings
ofevery other state." This clause lies
been held to mean that In civil cases,
when the courts of one state bsve
given a Judgment, such Judgiueiit will
be recognised and enforced by the
Courts of every other stste without a
new trial. It alao means thst con
tracts legally entered Into In one state
are binding' and enforceable In anoth
er. In the matter of divorce, by thle
clauae a elate Is required to recognise
a divorce granted In any other state,
even though It may have been granted
for reaaona for which the lawa of the
first state would not allow a divorce.
The only restriction which courts have
upheld In their Interpretation ot this
clause of the Constitution Is that the
state granting the divorce shall hsve
Jurisdiction over the parties; that Is,
that the party ahould have a bona fide
realdence within the atate and that
proper notice ot suit should be given.
Thus Nw York muat recognize Ne
vada divorces it It be shown that the
plaintiff had a legal residence In Ne
vada aud the defendant had been le
gally noil (led of the suit.
There are so many thlu.'S that might
be said about TaUntlne In spring time!
To begin with. It Is one of the most
beautiful countries In the world. It Is
well worth visiting for Its own sake,
quite apart from Its religious associa
tions. The wild flowers on the Judcan
hills, standing out In their bright red
and yellow and blue against the bare
rock (for there Is very little grans),
are a sight to be rememhered; und
they set you wondering whether the
makers of those stalned glass windows
In our Gothic churches ran all of them
have been to I'alestlne, for the flowers
shown there have always an nnnutural
brightness and absence of a green
background. C, W., In The Outlook
Engineer With a Heart
The train was speeding along toward
the tunnel and the eclipse was gradu
ally getting to total. Westchester com
muters were straining their eyes for a
flryil glimpse, many wishing the train
would get In a Jum so that they could
see the great slipw. Then the train
stopped. , It remained still until the
sun was entirely covered and theu
moved quickly Into the tunnel. .
The engine driver produced more
good will for that road tliun weeks of
propagnndu and dozens ot otllclul proc
lamations, and at Grand Central many
passengers moved forward to thank
him. Wall Street Journul.
Surely Lucky Stone
No sir I You can't convince 0. W.
D'Vys of Itowe, that the genuine Hin
doo luck stone he carries In' a wallet
In a pocket over his heart Isn't genu
inely lucky. While strolling along the
shore of Lake Maesiibpslc, N. H., he
halted the progress of two bullets, the
shots being fired from a further side
of the lake. The lucky stone proved
a life preserver as the bullets struck
the stone at a variance of less than
an Inch, then glanced to either side,
twice wounding D'Vys seriously, but
not fatally. Doston Globe.
(rraswnS kr tb t7nlt4 SotM CtprtmM
f AfrlculturO
More thsn l.GOO.UOu bead of breeding
stock on farms In the L'nlted States
are undergoing systematic Improve
ment through the use ot pure bred
sires, according to a report just Is
sued by tire bureau of animal Indus
try, United Slates Depsrtment of Agri
culture. Persons participating In this
work at the close of the yesr 1024
numbered 13,137 exclusive users of
pure bred sires, widely distributed
among 46 stales. The department. In
conjunction with state and county ex
tension workers. Is aiding these stock
owners te Improve their methods of
breeding and feeding.
This orgsnlzed plsn known ss the
better-slres-better-stock campaign has
resulted In noticeable rivalry among
counties and states, where sgrlcultural
leaders have uwd It as a mc::n nf
bettering farm live stock. Ohio, Ken
tucky aud Virginia each bave more
than 2,000 furmers enrolled In the cam
paign. Largely through the activities
of county extension sgeota, 40 conn
ties In nine states each hsve the dis
tinction of possessing 100 or more live
stock owners who are using pure bred
aire exclusively In all their live stock
breeding operations. Pulaski county,
Virginia, leads the list with &92 sncb
breeders, and Cnlon county, Kentucky,
la second with 457 participants. The
chief advances In the progress of the
work during the lest three months of
1024 occurred In Kentucky, Vermont
and Ohio. A conspicuous new center
of Interest In this field of live tock
betterment wss in county, lowa.
Altogether 235 additional stock owners
affiliated them,elves with the cause
during the three-month period.
Ia commenting on the keen Interest
which live stock owners are taking In
aystemstlc Improvement by the better
sires route. siec!alists of the bureso of
snlmal Industry rail attention to the
most Important result of the work
namely, the superior types of animals
which these breeders are raising and
the substantial market benefits they
ere deriving. As a typical, example,
sn Oklahoma stock owner reported to
the depsrtment thst "the difference In
price en the market more then psys
to keep pure breds even though we
sell no breeding stock." Scores of
similar reports show that the benefits
are practically the en roe In all parts of
the country. The department's rec
ords, shewing the gradual growth of
the better-sires movement, appear to
be aa Index to the growing prevalence
of good live stock on farms snd In
markst centers.
But before good live stock can be
produced In tsrge numbers, the spe
cialist add, there must be a wide ap
preciation of the utility value of good
breeding coupled with the actual use
of algb-clsss pure bred sires at the
head of the herds and flocks. The
better-slres-better-stock campaign un
dertakes to r.ipply this need In an
educational wav.
Any live stock owner who replsces
his Inferior male breeding animals
with good pure breds la eligible to take
an attlv part In this work. The de
partment grants esch participant a
barn sign, "Pure Bred Sires Exclusive
ly Used on This farm," besides fur
nlshlng b tip fil Information on the
breeding, feeding and care of farm
The new report on the progress of
the work contains summaries of stste
and county activities, statistic on
number, kind and breeding of animal,
announcements and terse facts on the
practical value of Improved stock. It
eontalna nine pages and la In mimeo
graphed form. Copies may be obtained,
as long as Jhe supply lasts, from the
buresu of animal Industry, United
Rtste Depsrtmeat ot Agriculture,
Breed Dairy Cows for
. Late Fall Freshening
Dairymen who can aucceasfutly prac
tice a system whereby their cows will
freshen during the esrly winter months
almost Invariably make a greater net
return and find that the cow' pro
duction holds up longer, aa when
spring grans comes the milk flow Is
stimulated after three or four months
ot winter production.
, In addition the price of butterfat la
Increased during these months, which
Is an added Inducement for early win
ter freshening.
The fact thut most furmers have
more time at their disposal during the
winter than during the growing sea
son constitutes the tldrd Important
reaaon for having the cow freshen
during the late full and early winter
months, 11. It. Lsscellea, Colorado
State Dairy Commlasloner.
Calf Needs Colostrum
All calves should have an opportu
nity to suck their dutus at least two
or three times because, ss dairymen
Well know, the first milk, or colostrum,
I necessury for the new-born calf In
order to clean out Its bowels. This
milk seems to be Isxatlve; nature hss
inade It so for a specific purpose and
that Is why a calf should suck it dam
for at least a day or two. After that
It I best to resort to hand feeding.
A a general rule, start by feeding the
calf one piyind of milk for each ten
pounds of Its welaht '
v a J-sX-Eiii-r
Portland, Oregon.
Select Residential & Transient'
U'k s4 Yamhill, Portland, Oman.
Modern Fireproof American Plan
"ALL MAKES" Guaranteed
Rebuilt Typewriters
8! Iinwi K.00 mouth lr If 6Vriid. (ton tad I moo., K.JO A op. gmd
for lllurmtd price Bat.
Ill Htith 8L.
holds no thrills, and
but little anticipation, for the
sick and puny.
Therefore keep up tbat
I 1 100 feeling,
f by taking
A MM Laasthe
A Intaas laOdaf
That will assist NA
TURE In keeping your
System fit at all times
At your Drag Store
W. I. Cbkkt from artot.4
foral a.n a; prdifn
ln.. Sritc ff,lltl. aim
rhnlra H.-l" A aa. Inrnt
prtwa. IUO-J, liva d.iHrrj
rtiaranii. -rak In.
Homemsde Lancet.
A good surgical needle ot the lancet
type tor home use can be made from
a large darning needle. The point Is
ground and whetted to the shape ot a
spearhead, which glres a keen, pene
trating and cutting edge, aays Popu
lar Science Monthly. A cork pushed
on the eye end aerres as a handle.
Before using the needle, atertllze the
point by holding It in the flame of a
gas jet or match.
Term Carriea Stigma.
Cashier, which, by 'the way, la not
an official term In the United States,
is commonly construed among mili
tary men as baring a more disgraceful
Significance than dismissal, although
there ia no analogy or precedent In
the use of the word by leading Eng
lish authors to support this construc
tion. Light Colore Aid Growth.
Young animals, and presumably
children as well, grtfw mors rapidly
in rooms with walla painted In light.
cheerful colors than they do in dark-
painted apartments, says Popular Sci
ence Monthly. Experiments show that
pale blue, white and light tan are
most conducive to rapid growth.
Burying the Hatchet.
When the red man roamed the
western plains it was his custom,
when not engaged In fighting rival
tribes, to bury his tomahawk, whence
we get the expression "to bury the
Women Breed Silkworms.
The breeding and rearing ot silk
worms forms one ot the most Import
ant and lucrative occupations among
women of the Italian countryside.
Smoke on Sly.
Dissension has split with the Has
tings (England) town council. The
councllmea want to smoke and the
councllwomen are up In arms. Reso
lutions to prement members to smoke
during council sessions have resulted
in bitter fights, while town business
has gone by the boards.
BATOR. Mmlalntwa
ion. Arid aowtton any
tima, Earh aenloo s
aomplata Incubator,
lana eap&cltjr amill
liaot automatic rniulat
kin, laaa work, km oper
ating roa(. You oan't
bratlt In Prkwor IWh.
Adtlnaal ma at nnca for
-,lfl II
t't T-
a-a t rm
J'i Jl
iiii soa
frtwcatftlotrtMi. Nutmal-
ar Inrubatormluaabtalnabla. Fran trial prora
It. lift ymra practical aapariaoos sod Mens?
aaca uttarnntas,
A.R. Badtw.Prop, BoxSS CaoUalia, Wuh
C4xaw aoca ca
for vniiR punniirr
Complete Changs Saturday ,
Adults, Week day Mstinee 20c ;
Evenings, 3nc. Continous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 cent all times
Portland. Or
Moler Barber College
Tsschse trade la I weska. Boms pay
while laaralng. Positions sscarsd. Write
forcataJofva. Ui Burostd Btrest, Port,
land, Ortfoa.
Clarke Broa., FlortaU, l7 Morrtaon Bt
Tog Win Faal Rlffet at Hons Har
U, mi Clatral-UaauUt lain.
E Italian t Cafa. Spatial Warklr
Bataa. Boa Maata all Traina. lltfe and Stark.
We Specialize In
EiaVs, Pela. Weil, MoLJr,
TiDew, Cascart, Orefei
Grape Root, Goat Ski
Hortt Biir
Write tor Shipptac Tass A lataat Prlca Uat
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
im nana mat asm, estiuas, .
Branca at PoeaU'la. Idak
New Fluff Rugs
Made From OU Carpets "Wsar Ufeo
Daal Dirart with tha Manafaeturar. Abaotuta
Satiatartioa Gaanuitnad. fiaad ia ar Ma
larial or Write fur Fncaa.
M-U Uakat Amraa Nor. Portland. Oram
The Shy Bridegroom.
One of the strangest marraige cus
toms Is that observed by aome ot the
women ot Assam. There the bride
sometimes takes the initiative. She
goes to fetch the bridegroom, and It la
etiquette for blm 'to bide and resist
until carried off. Women of means
are permitted to choose a temporary
husband and when tired ot him pay
him oft and take another.
Left Poor Author Alone.
The shortest run for a play la re
ported from Australia. It waa a four
act play. At the end of the first act
the critics left; at the end ot the sec
ond, the andlence, and at the end ot
the third, the actors themselves de
serted. Boston Transcript.
Authors' Immortality.
Immortality for an author la that he
should blossom In so many future
works of others that bis own are re
membered no more. There Is no high
er immortality. Jacinto Benavente.
Banana Industry Periled.
By Introducing a variety ot banana
that was Immune from the fungus dis
ease that was destroying the trees ot
Jamaica, growers ot the Island have
saved the Industry.
Why Uplift Isn-t There.
The trouble with many uplitters Is
that you cannot pin them down to the
real home job which society has as
signed them. You cannot lift any
thing unless you are in some way
braced to the 1 ground. Rural New
Writs for lowaat ericas avar
en w. L. crocus or famous '
Northweit quality. Choice "Rtda
snd Rocks" SIS par 100. 100 live
dalivtry guaranteed.
iMuiaand ou aour Drnza be mailBoariJ
ervlce riven mail anjara
TniH Expert. 171 Third St.. Portland. Ore
mm tf taken In time, prevent oper.
atione fur thalta, Catarrh.
-e Aithm I,n. Throat.
1 K ulnar. Hhaumatlam. blood.
Stomach and allfamala dia-
-.., order. Bladuar Trouble.
JJk. The C Ceejwo RameJIo are
v narmtrta, aa no drune or puhvMi
: are need. Compoard of the
" chmatat medklnal root, herb.
butt and bark, bneerlad to as
l F tront (ar away erirntel eoun
1 trie. Call ot Writ tat Inform.
at km
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
New Locatlnrr-262 Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third,
Portland, Ore. tlatebliahed U Yearata Pertlud