i VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1925 NUMBER 32 BASEBALL PLANS GOINGFORWARD RAPIDLY lone to have team in spite ot a late start caused by bad weather conditious Owing to the extremely colJ and windy weather of the pant few Sundays the turn out for baseball organization has not been completed and aome of the more anxious candidates have joined forces with Heppner, however, with the coming of warm weather we will be able to pick up a team which will keep lone on the base bull map as in the past. ' Statement of building baseball grandstand. Receipts of Donations Sam Ganger $25.00 E. S. Griffith 10.00 E. It. Lundell 10.00 P. P. Hauler 5.00 Bristow Si Johnson 10.00 Lax ton McMurray 10.00 Sam Lininger 5.00 F. 11. Robinson 2. CO W. E. Bullard 10.C0 J. II. Bryson 10.00 J. E Swanson 2.50 J. W. Howk ' 5.00 P. G. Balsiger 5.00 S. E. Moore 5.00 II. J. Biddle 10X0 C. E. Kellogg ' 5.00 Turn A Lum 10. CO Bert Mason 10.00 George Ritchie 7.50 Frank Engelman 20.00 P. J. Linn 10.00 Fred Randall 2.50 s tart that and when you think of a bank, think of our Bank then come in and get acquainted. You Need Us We Need You As business friends we are both made stronger. Bank of lone ESTABLISHED 1893 IONE, ORECON CREAM Nature gives every skin a moisture to keep it soft and smooth. But every day washing, housework, shaving and powdering, wind, alkali dust, hatd water, cold, and sun steal away this precious moisture. That's what makes skin coarse. CREAM LOTION, however, is scientifically pre pared to put back into the skin a precious moisture exactly the same as nature's. It's the all-round skin guardian, . ' Guaranteed to give satisfaction BULLARDS PHARMACY The KODAK Store INCOME TAX DRAW JACK In eight years the feberal in come tax collected was more, than $30,000,000,000. - Refunds amount to $10,871,672.72, and refund applications numbering 277.648 ase now on file. The House appropriations committee 'kn $150,000,000 additional to cover the 1925 re funds. Some of the refund will be counter balanced by back taxes to be collected for evasions or. misun. derstaiidings. The Manufact urer, Mr. Walter Cason went to Portland by Wednesday - morn ing's train and on his arrival will take up his work with the Rail road Company. II. C. Wood 10.00 Bank of lone 10.00 City Dray 10.00 Dr. Walker . 10.00 C. W. Swanson " 5.00 Fred W. Lunger 6.00 C. E. Shaver 5.00 E. L Pabderg 6.00 Chas. Allinger 6.00 School Board 25.00 Base BallClub 79.00 Total 369.00 Paid Out fum-A-Lum Co. material $247.81 Bert Mason material 18.77 H. Stange, labor 69.00 C. E. Shaver " 7.00 Frtd Randall " 5. GO P. J. Linn " 35.00 C. Allinger. " 41.40 City Dray ' 17.75 lotal expenuilurea $432.93 Total receipts $359.00 Deficit paid by Bert Musnn $73.93 account today LOTION LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Walter Cason was called to Portland. Friday, by the ill- ntR of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Cochran. Mrs. Roy Cochran of Portland, whose illness we noted last week is now on the highroad to recov ery. ' Laxton McMurray has been busy this week hauling lumber from the old school house to the farm. A blockaded alley might make all the difference between a little blaze and a bad tire. The Independent's phone num ber is 62. " ' . Let us wbinper to you that its the "Earliest Bird" that gets the "Worm." Why not let this bird be you? From this notice until the next istue of this paper we will sell to the earliest bird, one cord, 16 inch alabwood, price 17.00, cash. We also have several cords of 16 inch cord wood price $10.00. cash. Its at the FARMERS ELEVA TOR CO. ' The Jordan elevator is getting a hew coat of paint this week. Ernest Montanden is busy there days pruning fruit trees. The Baptist Sundayschool has installed a post office. The fix tures were designed by I. R. Robison and constructed by S. E. Moore. Mrs. Maggie Bowers is re ported quite ill with the flu. Miss Elinor Swanson, Mon mouth Normal student, arrived home on Thursday evening a train. International Harvester Prim rose Cream Separators at "Greatly" reduced prices. I have No. 1 and No. 3 sizes. If in need of a Separator get my price. ' BERT MASON presto A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove ts instantly ready. 1 1 con centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or. wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil the clean-burning, uniform kero senescientifically refined and re - refined by a special process. . Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY , (California) PEARL iuiiv i vdiu uvn i vvui inns, uviii the Elks ball and banquet at Condon report a splendid time. There are quite a number of riild caes of influenza about lone. ( Iexington schools were closed for a part of last week by reason of an epidemic of influenza. The Meadow Lark is with us again. He ought to be poet laureate of the feathered tribes of Oregon. ! Do you need garden tools? Engleman has thtm. A 25c bottle of HAT DYE will (Hake a new one out of your old One. ' BULLARD'S PHARMACY Mr. W. H. Cronk formerly of 'lone in connection with the turn A-Lum Co. and now a resi dent of Portland was in lone this week. James Howard is visiting with friends at Newport, Oregon this Week. , Mrs. Lowe, an1 Mrs. Mc Murray went to Heppner Thurs day afternoor. Mr. Nolan Page acted chauffeur. Mrs Sperry has returned from her brief sojourn in amid the fomantic scenes of Morgan and s busily engaged in the prelim inary skirmishes of gardening. Don't forget that Dorcas Society sale Saturday April 4. Good eats at the Senior class Cafeteria supper, Friday evening Let's all go. Don't miss the tp.'retta,. school auditorium, Friday March 27. Now booking orders for day old chicks. Terms one-half cash i with order. 12, 14, 16 cents each. When eggs are furnished will run 144 egg capacity for $6 00 cash when set. Willow Creek Poultry Farm. Morgan, Oregon. Leave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply Store for Haylor the Jeweler. Heppner. OIL HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The senior class will give a cafe teria supper in the Harris build ing, on Falday, March 27. , , Inez Clark, an lone high school alumnmna, was a visitor at school last Wednesday. Of the two games announced earlier in the week for the local high school, the game with Con don has been cancelled. The Condon coach telephoned late' in week that they would not be able to come. ' It seems that the Condon team has but one pitcher and having a game for Saturday decided that it would lie impossible to play both games. The games scheduled for Sat urday afternoon with Heppner high will be played as announced. Given good weather there ought to be a good turn out of lone fans for this first game of the season. t Victor Peterson's mother is moving into town and will occupy rooms in the Harris apartment house. Three of our young college blades, Wendel Balsiger, Nolan Page and Carlton Swanson mot ored to Arlington last Tuesday to hear the Willinmette varsity ladies glee club sing. At least hearing the singing was the an nounced programme. We re member, however, that the poet saith: In the spring a gaudier iris Paints the plumage of the dove In the spring tho young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of. NATIONAL flamming 3W WEEK March 16 to 21 incL See Our Special Display This storo is observing National Humming Bird Week with 1 an unusually fine display of these famous silk hose. You will find a nost of new Spring shades which you never dreamed were to be had at a popular price. Take this splendid opportunity to complete your Easter outfit, to lend variety to Your Spring garments with flashes of the smart new Humming Bird colors. Humming Bird Pure Silk Hosiery have a nation-wide repu tation for extreme durability. Tops are doubled, heels and toes are stroncjy re-inforcea with lisle, and soles with pure silk. Tapered in knitting, their exquisite fit cannot "wash out." Flawlessly woven. ' Come in. Examine Humming Birds closely. You'll pro nounce them an exceptional value at Per Absolutely the only time this year, "Humming Bird" will be sold for less than $1.50 per pair BERT MASON IONE, OREGON , SCHOOL FACULTY TO GIVE BENEFIT PLAY SOON "Mr. Pirn Passes By" U title of play to be giveu on "April tenth The faculty of the lone School with the help of a few othi a will give the play, "Mr. Pun Passes By, by Milne, on Friday April tenth. The characters: George Marden J. Clifton Tucke. Dinah Marden, his niece anJ ward Gertrude Mcjntyre Olivia Marden, George's wife Portia Kidwtll Mr. Pim, a passerby . Earle A Brown La ly Marden, Aunt Julia . , Vera Engleman Brian Strange, an artist Victor Peterson Anne, a maid Ruby Engleman This play will oe given for ti purpose of raising money to bny a curtain for the stage in the School Auditorium: For sale 40 Fold or 128 Hy brid club wheat. Fall seed or feed. Chas. M. Wagnir. See J. E. Swanson. Strayed from the Sorensen' ranch, one buckskin mare with black mane and tail and black legs. Branded on left shoulder with reversed R. L. bar. Send informationjto R. L. Ekleberry, lone, Oregon. Humming Bird Pure Silk Hosiery Wears Longer Box of 3 Pairs tK.EKO.1KNE) STANDAAD OIL COM r ANY ltf!VHLft.te HEAT AND LIGHT