'4 1 1 VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1925 NUMBER" 32 : .. . , , . . . ... t ' ' ..." , ANNUAL CONVEN TION OF REBECCA LODGES MEEIING AT HEPPNER WELL ATTENDED Bunch Crass Rebecca. Lodge Degree Staff Confers Degree The annual convention of Morrow County Kebecca Lodges which met in 1. 0. 0. F. hall, at Heppner last Saturday wan largely attended, every lodge in the county being represented. Thoae in attendance from lone numbered 42 and the total at tendance of members and frienda at the evening: session was above 2.'A . Brother and Sister Whetstpne of Pendleton were in attendance. Sister Whetstone being Past President of Rebecca Assembly of Oregon. A literary nnd musical pro gramme arraigned by San Souci Lodge proved a rare treat. The next convention will be held at Iiardman. The officer for the coming year are Mrs. Knighton of Mis tletoe Lodge, President Secre-tary-Treasure, Mrs. Turner of San Souci, Vice President, Mrs. Lillie Morgan, of Sapphire Lodge Morgan. i At the evening session of the assembly some time was devoted to the reading of a aeriea oi Qtart that account today and when you think of a bank, think of our Bank then come in ami get acquainted. You Need Us -We Need You As business friends we are both made stronger. Bank of lone ESTABLISHED 1893 IONE, ORECON CREAM Nature gives every skin a moisture to keep it soft and smooth. But every day washing, housework, shaving and powdering, wind, alkali dust, hdtd water, cold, and sun steal away this precious, moisture. That's what makes skin coarse. CREAM LOTION, however, is scientifically pre pared to put back into the skin a precious moisture exactly the same as nature's. It's the all-round skin guardian. . ' Guaranteed to give satisfaction BULLARDS PHARMACY The KODAK Store B. P. 0. E- ATTENTION Ball and Banquet At Condon Preparation have been made to send a large number of cars to Condon, Saturday, carrying Elks to the ball and banquet given by the Grant, Wheeler, and Gilliam county . Elks, It is planned Jo have. Heppner cars come in-a body to lone, where they will be joined by the lone Elks and procee to Olex, where the Arlington Elks will join the caravan and go to Condon in full force. All Elka and their ladies are urged to join the crowd. An extention to the chimney of the Congregational church was made Wednesday of this v&ek, bringing it two feet above the ridge of the roof. Mr. Chan. Allingur did the work, assisted by Mr. Paul Bal siger. questions relating to Lodge pro ceed tire, their discussion and answer. ' At this hour also the Degree Staff of Bunch Grass Rebecca Lodge conferred the degree in a most impressive manner. Re ports of the committees on thanks and resolutions were pre sented and adopted. Sister Whetstone gave a brief address in which she congratulated the lodges on their splendid exempli fication of lodge spirit, and pro ceedure. The Independent's phone num ber is 2. LOTION A DAUGHTER'S HOME C0.M1NG The home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Lindatrom of Morgan was the scene last Friday evening of an unusually happy gathering of friends from tins surrounding countryside. The event was in celebration of the homecoming of their daughter Gussie and husband; Mr. and Mrs. " C. L. Crukher of Portland. GuBsie is one of the lalrest of our naiive born .daughters and neighbors vied with each other in greeting her estimable young husband, who were married .in Portland at last Christmas time; this being their first trip home to receive bith their parents' and their neighbors' blessing. In spite of the .strenuous con dition ofarm'work the turn out of neighbors was a housefull and guests stayed until a late hour engaged in social couverse, games and in the enjoyment of a bounteous repast spread, by, mine host and lady. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Lind strom and family and Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher the following families, as nearly as the scribe can recall, were present in force: Johann Troedson, Al Troed son, Crabtree, Stender, Mianer, Morgan, Harbison, Ely, Palma teer, Maffkin, Turner . and Baurenfeind. After week at home the young couple returned to Port land last Sunday, where Mr. Crutcher is engaged in business. A 25c bottle of , HAT DYE willj make a new one out oi your old one. ' BULLARD'S PHARMACY Leave your watch repairing at Swanson'a Feed and Supply Store for flay lor the Jeweler, Heppner. presto A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out-a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil the clean-burning, uniform kero senescientifically refined and re refined by a special process. Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (Gdiforni.) PEARL IKER.OSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT LOCAL NEWS NOTES , Herman Haverco'st, who has been working for Carl Farns- worlh was so unfortunate a to have a horse step on one of his feet and he is now' going about on crutches. The ladies of , the Djrcas S)ciety of the Congregational church gave a St. Patrick's Day Tea Thursday afternoon of this week. A short literary and' musical programme was rend . 'red. Fresh milk cows for sale. Cecil C. Sargent. Mr. J. W, Stringer whs a business visitor in lone on Mon day of this week. Wendel Balsiger is at home for the spring vaeation. Let us whisper to you that its the "Earliest Bird" that gets the "Worm." Why not let this bird be you? From this notice until the next issue ol this paper we wilt sell to the earliest bird, one cord, 16 inch slabwood, price 17.00, pash. We also have several cords of 1C inch cord wood price $10.00, cash. Its at the FARMERS ELEVA TOR CO. Born-to Mr. and Mr Bergen Leadbetter March 16, a ten pound daughter. Mother and child doing well. 1 Word reaches us that equip ment for gas-drilling operations to be conducted in this vicinity by the lone Gas Co. will be on the was on the 20th instant. International Harvester Prim rose .Cream Separators at "Greatly" reduced prices. I have No. 1 and No. 3 sizes. If in need of a Separator get my price. EERT MASON OIL STANnJUU) COMf IMF ANY ZINK PLACE CHANGES HANDS A. B. Montgomery and J. E. Mmtgomery both of Portland have about finished seeding the Zink place north of lone for which thev trade 1 recently; the deal being arranged t irouh the Realty Office of Hap Wood. In the deal Mr. Zink took an irrigated tract in southern Idaho of which he takes immediate pos session . Chas. Chick and Robert Cum mins of Portland were in lone last Friday and Saturday visiting friends. The C.E.S02. of the Christian Church will hold a food sale on in thi M: M array building Saturday, March twenty first. The Ladies of the Christian Church will hold a food sale in the Mc Murray building.Satur day, March the twentyeighth. Now booking orders for day old chicks. Terms one-half cash with order, 12, 14, 16 cents each. When eggs are furnished will run 141 egg capacity for $6.00 cash when Bet. Willow Creek Poultry Farm. Morgan, Oregon. The ladies of the Dorcas Society of the Congregational church are planning an Easter sale for Monday, the fourth of April. The high school class in Bible study met tbis week, Wednes day afternoon in the parlbrs of the parlors of the Congregational church. T NATIONAL WEEK March 16 to 21 incl See Our Special Display This store is observing National Humming Bird Week with an unusually fine display of these famous tilk hose. You ' will find a nost of new Spring shades which you never dreamed were to be had at a popular price. Take this splendid opportunity to complete your Easter outfit, to lend variety to your Spring garment with flashes of the smart new Humming Bird colors. Humming Bird Pure Silk Hosiery have a nation-wide repu tation for extreme durability. Tops are doubled, heels and toes are stronuly re-inforced with lisle, and solea with pure ilk. Tapered in knitting, their exquisite fit cannot "wash out." I lawlessly woven. Come in. Examine Humming Birds closely. You'll pro nounce them an exceptional value at . $4 p" Box of 3 Pairs Absolutely the vnly time this year, "Humming Birds" will be sold for less than $1.50 per pair BERT MASON IONE, OREGON . H. S. BASEBALL BEGINS NEXT WEEK FIRST GAMES AT LEXING AND IONE Schedule of twelve games to run from March 28 to May 2 lone plays the first leasu3 ; base ball game here, with Hepp ner Mar. 2& The league l.aa been divided into two districts again this year with Heppner, l Hardman, Lexington, and -Ion in the upper district and Fosil, Condon, Arlington and Boacd man in the lower district. The winners of the districts will pluy each other for the- champion ship of the league..' The sche dule is as follows: March 28 Heppner at lone. Hardman at Lexington ; Aprd 4 Heppner at Lexington, Hardman at lone; April 11 lone at Hepp ner, Lexsngton at Hardman;, April 13 Hardman at Heppner, Lexington at lone, April 25 lone at Hardman, Lexington at Hepp ner; May 2 Heppner at Hardman lone at Lexington. Doris Parker of North Powder is the winner of the EdUon Marshall short story prize of $30. Miss Parker is a senior at the State University. The title of the story is "a Problem in Matches."- Humming Bird Pure Silk Hosiery Wears Longer