THE IONE INDEPENDENT PubllsheJ livery Friday by . V. HEAD, Mitot Vublishcr SUHSOKlPTIONi On year $1.60 Six monthi .76 '''tee monthi 60 tauirvd ta second clau mttor at the postoflk at lone, Oregon, under act of Mm roll S. 1S79 Friday, Mar. 13 1925 Whnt you rim ilo, or drvnm you enn, iH'tln It: ItoUliK'nn hike gonitis, power huiI niniilo In It. Ooothe, The Bugle Song The splendor full on ensile wails Ami miowy nunimlt old In Htory The hwg Unlit almki'H nerons the lakes And the wild cnteract lenps In Klory. O hark! O hear! how thin and clear And thinner. 'clearer, farther koIiik Oh ttweet and far, from el iff e and ecaur The home of elfland faintly blowing. ( Mi. love they die, In your rich sky. They faint on hill or field or river. Our echoes roll from noul to aaotil And grow forvver aud forever. I'.low, IniRle, blow, net the wild echoes tfjlnir. Andanwer, Echo, answer, ilylni;. dying, dying. Teiibyson. CLEAN- UP AND PAINT UP Every community has a dis tinctive character or personality, just as every individual in it has We may say that this character is a composite made up of the sum total of the personalities of its citizens just the character of the individual is determined by the tendencies inherited from his ancestors. But the character of the is not absolutely determined by his inheritance. He may have will or purpose that is a modifying if not a determing factor. And it is so of cities,town8 and villages. We 'recognize this when we speak of the Seattle spirit or say, Chicago is the garden city. ii me cnaracter of a city is determined by its spirit, the rev elation of that spirit is made through the medium of appear ances. It is doubtless true that appearances are often deceitful but the world has seldom any other index. The town will be judged by , the home seeker or investor in acordance with th condition of its streets and public buildings and the appearance of its private . property. Clean, tree lined streets, and well cared for public buildings and grounds have a tendency to attract new comers and inspire the old residents with a desire for still better things. Unpainted buildings, weedy grounds, obstructed alleys and i ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON Everything in the line of hardware. If vvc havn't got it we can get it quick. ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON conspicuous gat base heaps hane the opposite tendency. The empty can is a poor sort of municipal badjre. WHAT ONE TOWN DID .One good example of a village that was not well planned origin, ally but that now has been trans formed into an extremely ' pleas ing place, is Weston, Mass. Wes ton formerly had a large swamp area in its center. This has been drained, graded, seeded to grass, and planted to pine, tir and chestnut trees. A new town hall and a Are station have been built opposite the entrance to the common. 1'ublic buildings are now centi ally grouped. Old unsightly, structures have been torn down. The improvements were planned bv a landscape architest. It took 25 years to put the plan through, but every one in Weston now believes that the enterprise was worth the time and money it cost De partment of Agriculture. Hall's Catarrh Medicine ThfiM hn am lit xriMjAH" lion will notlr that Catarrh hothars thm mum mon man wnen iny ar In (tool hMlfh Thla f . nrnu.. ..41- Catarrh Is a ltvai rilMM. It Is sroatly inniinPM or eonwtitutlonai mniminna. Htl.l.'S CAT 1HRII MKmrlKK la a Combined Trmtmrnt. both local and In ternal, and has bn ucrvnaful In the tratmnt of Otsrrh for over forty years. rcia dt an arufffnata. V. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. CUM Gum, speU it backwards If you will. It spells a mug. A mug it always tills And ye this mug is seldom still. Mug craves more gum To fill its maw Increase the expense To pa and ma And once the jaw Gets fully set, The mugs a sight You ne'er forget Anonymous. Mr. Bert Mason, lone, Oregon. Dear Sir and Brother: Replying to your letter of the the 25th instant am placed to to state that your member, Mr. M. E. Cotter, who is at the pre sent time' confined at the St. Mary's Hospital in this city is getting a'ong nicely from his recent operation. He wa3 operated on several days ago and the doctors are more than pleased with the re suits. He will will be confined there for several days more, and then permitted to go to the hotel to recuperate for several weeks before returning home. I am stationed at Rochester by the State Elks Association to look after the interests of the visiting Elks coming here to see the Mayo doctors. Every poss ible attention, assistance and courtesy will be exlended to Mr. and Mrs. Cotter while they are in our city and we will try to make it as pleasant as possible Rhea i Creek's First Settler C. A. Rhea, the first man to take up his residence on what is known as Uhea creek is entitled to credit for having done more toward the advancement of Morrow County than any other citizen, was born in Missouri fn 1845 and came west in 1852. He settled near Eugene where he re sided until 18G5 when the desire for the wilderness and fortune caused him to secure a herd of cattle and start for the bunch grass hills of Eastern Oregon. Like all pioneers he wanted a country of his own and when he found Cecils and Jopdan in pos sesion of willow creek he pro ceeded eight miles i.p the unin habited west fork and found the largest flat on Rhea Creek supp lied with the best spring in the country and cottonwool groves ne seiecieu it ror nis cow camp and laid claim to all the range south to the John Day. ' Twenty year old boys of the present day would think it an impossible task to settle down in a community one hundred miles from town and tailor made cigar ettes, with but four settlers with in a days ride and only roving Indians for company and start building a home with his only tool an ax. But Lum was made of real energy and filled with pioneer spirit and equal to the situation and proceeded to lay up a house. I'oles covered with rye grass and d filled the want of shingles and a raw hide was stretched for a door. The firnt home built on Rhea Creek was a real hand made one and was ap preciated more than are the fin est homes in the country at the present date. . Neighbors were few and far between and after three years of batching he returned to Eugene and was married to Sophronia Adkins, daughter James Adkins, who came from Missouri in 1SC3 She was the first lady to make her home south of Cecils where she spent the next thirty years Prosperity crowned their efforts and they soon built the best home in the country and when the cattle business became unpro fitable they were the first to bring in sheep and became the largest operators in .the country having a string of sheep ranches from the home ranch to the Col umbia. Tiring of disturbing his potatoe patch w hen in need of gold he proposed a bank and with the help of several Heppner Citi zens he organized The First Nat ional Bank and held the position of president for many years. When the range was turned to wheat fields he closed out the shee sheep interests and retired to Heppner and gave his at tention to other business. Mrs. Rhea who was one of the most highly respected pioneers of the county, died in Heppner 1900 leaving eight children. Lillie' wife of George Conser died in 1923, Ellor is the wife of W. E. Brock, of Pendleton, Waldron is in the stock business near Red mond, Josie Jones lives in Hepp ner Ada Curtis with her daugh ter was drowned in Heppner flood, Helena Wiley died a few years ago, Curt lives at Stan field and Carl is in Portland. After sixty years Mr. Rhea, left the home of his youth and is now living at Hillsboro. To be continued in next is.-ue for them. , I have also notified the secre tary of the Heppner lodge No. 358 of this brothers presence in our city and of the service we are trying to extend the visiting brothers. Thanking you for your, letter and with kindest regards to you, I remain, Sincerely and fraternally, Paul A. Grassle, Early Ohio and Irish Cobbler seed potatoes 4 cents per pound, cash. BERT MASON Church News Notes of Interest to Ml Local Denominations. COUNTY RALLY PROGRAM This program is to be held at the Lexington Christian Church, March 18th. MORNING 10:00 Devotional Wallace Jones. 10:30 Statement of Purpose 10: 10 The County Fellowship 11:20 The Pre-Easter Campaign 12:00 Slide Song, "Oregon For Christ" AFTERNOON 2:00 Devotional Wallace Jones 2:30Oregon Missions (15 minute topics) (1) Orej on a Mission Field (2) This Year's Bridget (3) The Goal Plan O) The Oirering (5)The Permanent Fund 3:45 Song 3:50 Thj State Conventions 4:10 Trie Diamond Anniversary 4:30 Open Discussion ' 5:00 State Song, "Oregon For Christ" NIGHT 7:30 Young Peoples' Rally 8:30 So g 8:35 The Task For Disciples of Christ l.-Rest "ration of N. T. Church 2-Worl,l Missions 5):35 Closing Song, "Oregon For Christ" Benediction CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CIIUitCH Sunday School at IC.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P.M f The Independent's phone num ber is 62. HEPPNER TAILORINGS. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And . Up Satisfaction Guaranteed Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner -: Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner . Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Ph6ne-Office , Residence Main 033 Main 402 OREGON HEPPNER Spring seeding time will soon be here A VAN BRUNT will serve you well. We have a good stock of drills on hand and our prices are right. Hoping the New Year brings you health wealth and prosperity. Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. DECK. Proprietor ; Drop In and looK over my Line of WorK Shoes. I ' I have a good stocK of Gloves and t Harness Supplies. Kepairingat Reasonable Prices. -444444444444 X f lone CEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. """"aaaBaMaaaaB .Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your "Patronage Solicited. t Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. ' SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR . DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE .ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAULG. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE E C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & ' INSURNCE IONE, - OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON 44,444 44 Marhet Clyde R. Walker.M.D. Physician and Surgeon Oflice in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Oflice: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon v