THE IONE INDEPENDENT Publlah.J Every Friday by . V. HEM). liiliUtt-l'ublitlier On year... $1-60 Six month ... .5 Tliica month 60 -.lured as acrond class matter at the poitoflic at 1 nil, Oregon, umiar act of V irvh 3. 1ST!) Friday, Mar. 6 "Let us develop th resources of our land, cull forth It powers, luilltl up Its liistiitatloiis, promote nil lis jrrent Interests, tint nee whether we also lu our dn.i inel generation iim.v not perform soiuethliiif worthy to be nunemliered." Daniel WYlwt.T. suspect that certain premises are devoted to practices that are pre judicial to the public interest and forbidden by the statutes of the state he may take no step in the public interest but on the author ity of a warrant which can only WILLOW CREEK'S REAL PIONEER John Jordan located his cow camp two miles eart of t tie pre sent town of lone and betran issue on impossible conditions opening up a ranch. His several years soldering after Indians SEARCH AND SEIZURE When an American citizen re turns to his native heath from wandering on a foreign strand his goods and his person are subjected to examination without the formality of a warrant There may be no special reason for suspecting him of attempting to avoid the payment of duty but the revenue officers go to the bottom of his trunk just the same. They may even make an intensive examination of his per son and whether innocent or guilty he is not supposed to he damaged except in case he may sustain actual loss of his goods or injury to his person. But what the revenue offi cers of the federal govt, may de, the peace officers of nation, state or municipality may not do. However much reason the sheriff or policeman may have to that are and which too often serve as a warning to the vio lators of the law to prepare for tre coming of the oftievrs. If the officers of the Federal government m the interest of revenue may search and seize, without a warrant why should not the same authority be exer cised by the proper officers of town or county in the' interest of the public peace and safety. No legal Action or judicial quibble should be allowed to stand between an officer and the discharge of his duty. The barrier anciently erected against the tyrany of despotic kings should not be converted into a paricade for the protection of criminals. Memorial to Our Dead Soldier TheO. A. C. Memorial Union is planning the erection of a building on the 0. A. C. Campus, which shall be a memorial to the college and state heroes, who fell in the Spanish .American and World wars. The student body has raised $263,000. Faculty members have raised nearly $31,000. and friends of the college are out after the balance of cash neeJed to cover the total estimated 'Ost oi $300,000.- Memorial Union. Church News Notes of Interest to All Local Denominations. COUNTY RALLY PROGRAM hunting- posted, property; vmmm ipil ank Winch '1 Send for your free copy of this book today! Tbebook tells you howyou can hunt on posted prop erty how farmer and sportsman can get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of the hunting ground is already posted. Where will you limit this fall? Read tlia book, "Hunting Pogted Property" it'a free, E. L DU PONT DE MEMOI RS & CO., lac Sporting I'tntilvr lliiit'wn 1P1 r .it SPORTSMAN? wis il 111 mmmm el' Is broadcasting to all th World this season "Cotlie ! W ara battar prepared than avar t anUrtala you and maka t your rlilt woiuWrful nptrlMM." If you have never btm to California it ihould t the efiort of your life to go. When you arc nUr to plan the trip let the Union Pacific b'!P- ,BrlvJlw,J") ndf!fml bjr phow, r mall call. I wil I v you llm a-tiHit nlar pRml hmtMM arrfnaprnrmr, of 1 ykit aand on tha moat halptul p.lot.d J,. h,l, f know vry ,uMa. W Uijn, avtry ul o( equipment anrf tlw art com. I ,iO aya vBiri1i-ning raf an wnnMatljw,annrida ra with w w ' ! uiu. hhj U lit rt ml. ur.H. V I wrn irtvarnt noma or vonr nlhv tn altMui.H .-.i. IlMvt tlx. txtt-ihrra b.&U ahall lrXTvS J. VV. IIOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. Kave him an idea of the value of their friendship and making it a point to gain their good will, he never had occasion to fear mo lestation of his home or stock. The discovery of koM in lloise llusin and Canyon City called for a shorter route than the Old Ore tton Trail and a cut off was made from. near the present sijjht of Pendleton across Kirch creek to the forks of Putter creek and then to Jordana and on west to Rock creek! Besides having. the ideal cow he was now on the main traveled road to tha mine and opened up a road house and sumilied the travelers with meals and drinks- as well as feed for the teams sold the Willow creek portion of his ranch and built a home one-hall mile up tthea creek. He wa? matrix in 1S72 to Missouri Haney, daughter of John Uaney. who settled at The Pint s in 1870, and continued in the cattle busi ness until cattle wtnt down to $10.00 per head when he sold out. In 1X82 they went to Alkali, now Arlington, where they built a laige hotel which they operated tor ten years. Then the desin for better schools took them to Monmouth where the? tuain operated a boarding house and prepared to educate their child ren. The death of their son John which occuted soon after reaching Monmouth caustd them to change their plans and they returned to the ranch in 1SJ3 Mr. Jordan was of the progres sive pioneer spirit and was the lirst man to intrduce a McCormick cutting machine on the creek an"d when he .returned to the farm he set out the only hop yard that was ever planted in these parts, lluj went down to 7 cents per pound and after harvesting two crops .the yard was plowed up and sown to alf alfa. He engaged in raising hay and stock until his death in 11)01 when he was placed beside his three, children in Lexington Cemetery. Mrs. Jordan operated the farm for several years and tlx'n came to lone, where slit has conducted a hospital and is one of the few survivors of Pjonet r Days. Mrs. V. M. Itay of Junction City and Lute Jordan of Los Angeles are the living children. . John Jonans populurjty is shown by the places which bear hisjname. Few present resi dents can tell you where Jordans water is located, but Jordan Fork is a well known section and Jordan Elevator will keep his name on the ranch, while Jordan Butte ever stand as a monument to our Grand Old Pioneer. TOMORROW .1.. ... i i n w-pjirv wnii'iiMK vt uve on wave Hut yet the thli! heave oiiwnrd We liullil, like eorralH. (rave on (grave let pave u pathway mnnvaril We're lien ten har k III many n fray lint hewer Htrenjftli We borrow unci wln re the vmigimnl renin today I he rear hIiiiII eaiup tjiinorrii w The few hIiiiII not fon-ver dway 'Hie many toll In tiorrow The ImrH of Hell an: l roii k today Hut CliliHt ehall reixn tomorrow. (lernM Mimeey, lone has very fittingly been called the "Egg City." At one time we had two doctors, one riamtd "Henneg" and the other "('hick" and now our town-scums to be giving up the poultry in dustry and running more to H's. Note this-Biz, Billy, Brislow, Bullard, Balnigi-r. and Bert. Trade with these merchants you will not get "stung." Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoaa who aro In a "run-down" rnndl. tlnn will nollra that Catarrh boihera tham mnrh mora than whan tliay am In coo4 haaltn. Thla fart provaa that- whll Catarrh la a ImaJ illawm, It I. rrwtlr Influanrad by eonftlltitlhnal ronillili.aa, . "'-''' 'TimH mkiiii inb) la a fomblnail Traalmant, bcih loral and In Tarnal, and ha han aiieraaarnl In tha traaimant of Catarrh for over fortr yaara. Unlit hr all dnirirlau. ' r. J, Chaney V Co., Tolado. Ohio, This program is to be held at the Lexir.gton Christiiin Church, March 18' h. MORNING 10:00-n votioual . Wallace Jones. 10:30 Statement of Purpose 10:10 The Countv Fellowship 1 1 :20 Th 9 l're- Easter Campaign 12:00 Slate Song, "Oregon For Christ" AITLRNOON 2:00 Devotional Wallace Jones 2:30 Oregon Missions (15 minute topics) (lfOre.ion a Mission Field (2) This Year's Budget , (3) Tin Goal Plan (t) Tin OlTering (5)The Permanent Fund 3:15 Song 3:50 The State Conventions 4:10 Tn Diamond Anniversary 4:30 Open Discussion 5:00 State Song, "Oregon For Christ" MCI IT 7:30 Young Peoples' Kafly 8:30 So-ig 8:3.) Tlie Task For Disciples of Cnrjst l.-Kesi iration of N. T. Church 2.-Voi d Missions 9:35 Closing Song, "Oregon For Christ" Benediction CHURCH DIRECTORY . Spring seeding time will soon be here ' A VAN BRUNT will serve you well. Ve have a good stock of drills on hand and our prices arc right. Hoping the New Year brings you health wealth and prosperity. Bristow & Johnson i IONE HARNESS SHOP C A. BECIY. Proprietor C0XGRKGAT1ONAL CHURCH Rev. W 11:00 A. W. HEAD. Pastor Services M. and 8:00 P. M.i FIRST CHU1ST1AN CHUUCH Sunday School ' 10.1)0 Prayer Meeting Thurs. Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:001 A. M. Evening M. FlllST BAPTIST CHUivCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor gt5.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.30 P, M The Independent's phene num ber is C2. HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Suits Made To Measure PRICE $29.50 And ' Up Satisfaction Guaranteed i ' Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, ft D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon todson&IweeT Attorneys At Law ' Firstational Bank Building Heppner Oregon When Vou Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston 'PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Phone Office i Residence HEPPNER - - Main 933 Main 492 OREGON Drop 111 ,nd looK over my Line of WorK Shoes. I have a goo. I stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Reasonable Prices. 4 ! ' ' 1 lone Market t CEO. W. RITCHIE. Prop. ' aaaaaaaBaaBBaaMawaaiaaaaaaBBaaBa t - holcsale and Retail Dealer in I FRESH and CURED MEATS ' Your Patronajje Solicited. Under New' Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon'. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSIt! ENGINES, ; MYERS PUMPS, STAR ifcd AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. . PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE 'H. C. WOOD REALESTATE & INSURANCE ' IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice .in all the Courts . IONE, OREGON Clyde R.Walker,M.D. , Physician and Sutgeon Ollice in Drug Store. IONE, . OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon