The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 06, 1925, Image 3

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    y x..w F
A distinguished cltlw.ii. Honored
politically uikI pmfiswloimlly, Ir. U. V.
I'litroe, whoee ililur appnani aliova,
made k hiitO-h few have equalled. Ill
pur lierliul rwm!lm wltU-h have UI
Hit Ut for tlftv years arn still annum
tlin bl sellers." Dr. I'lercu's (liililcn
Medical DlMiivxrr I IjI"") Uindlclnii
and sUimsch alterative. It clear Um
kin, beaiilllle li, Increase the Ml
supply and tlio circulation, and jjIuiI-
Mid eruptions vanlah quickly. Heeuty
li but akin di'P and good blirnd l be
neath Villi, r'or, your blood Ui bo gl.
yuiirswinwh iiiunt m In condition, your
liver active. Tula Dlarovery of DocWir
I'leroe's put yu In flue condition, with
kit the ori. .live. Aik your war
rut drtifnlt fr Doctor I'lnrre'a triildrn
Medical Discovery, In tablet or Uu"id
lurm, or mmi 10 ceiils lor trial packtii
of tablet U iw. rioron1 Invalids UuUl
In liurtub, !. Y.
Cauata of Pogt.
Fogs occur most frequently In u
tumn and aprlng, bocause at tboae aea
ion I Ilia temperature la moat variable,
The fogs which form or descend on
Ilia earth' aurlaca ara actually clouda,
and when change ot temperature oc
cur the vapora ara apt to bvcuma aud
di'nly condunsed.
Tha Man of Integrity.
There la nothing ao dtlKlittul aa tha
hearing or tha apeaklng ot truth. For
Ihla reaaon thftre la no conruraatlon ao
airorulilu aa that of tha man of In
tcarlty. wtfb hoara without any Intun
Hon to betray, and apaka without any
Intvnllon to deceive. l'lato.
. "Ultima Thule."
"Thuln," which meane Norway, waa
tha moat dlitant land known to tha
Montana. Tha adject Ira "ultima" mean
"utmost." United, tha two worda ullt
niMtely came to mean "the extreme
Auiplcloua Oceaalona.
"Ited letter day" la an expression
ued to convey tha Idea of lucky or
auspicious day. It la ao called became
In the old liturgical booka the greater
holy daya were alwaya marked with
red k'ttera.
That Rude Awakening.
We read an account of a man who
alept pant the time for hie wedding.
Thal'a nothing. Lota of men don'l
wake up till after marriage. Loa A
gules Tlmea,
Intelligence of tha Rat.
A paragraph telle ua that a couple
ot carrota placed In a potato bin will
keen the rule out ot It. Our reaped
for the Intelligence ot the rodent la
approclntlng. Murlon Btor.
Tribute to Meeknsas.
Moekneaa la the grace which, from
beneath Ood'a footatool, lift up a
candid and confiding rie, accepting
Cod'a amlla of futherly affection, and
auopung tnoae poriucuons which u vau
not comprehend. James Humilton.
Virtue In Benevolence.
Ilenevolence la a duty. Ho who fre
quently prac.tlcee It, and aeea hta be
nevolent Intention! realized, at length
comei really to love him to whom he
has done good.
Curl Papera for Dog.
In order that her long haired dog
may have curia over Ita forehead an
English woman puts bor pet' locka In
curl popora every nigni.
Hymn Inettad of Applauae
Audlnncoa at a myatery play at Rich
mond, England, are requested to alng a
hymn from a leuflut Inatead ot ap-
pluudlng with tholr handa.
Sand In the Eye.
Ualng aand to disperse clouda lan'i
now. The go-gottora have been doing
that tor centurloa. Duluth Herald.
You Want a Good Position
Tary well Tk Ik AernuntaneT and rlnilnaei
inilinMh rnnw fieeretenai, uimiaiop
Ooakuiater, Btaaot-raphia, PmiiiII),
Pfmrrlil Teecbera1 Ooare M
Th fcreraeet Bodnmi Oollef of Ik North)
hiak kea warn mora Aeenracr Award and (fold
MadaJa tha any thar actual In America. Bead
r m rJeoeee Ctlo. Fourth BtrMt ihi
HarrUan, Ponlawl, Or. lataa M. Wikr, Fna.
P. N. U.
NO. 8, 19ZB
( lir Vhurt aiorjr I'ub. Co.;
N liwrir for Mra. flllgtrl Whan
ha haa a claim aaalmt th rail
ruad fur paraunal Injuria to har
ouw, h (lua lh oullaotlna har
alf; and har malhod of pruoadur
deaan't conform tu any rulaa of
praotlua lu or out of Ilia law book.
TliH railroad had killed her muley
cow, and the railroad bad got
to pay for It ao aald Mra.
Till muley cow would probably not
have taken a prize on fancy point a at
rattle aliow; atlll aha waa a patient,
Induatrloua animal, and a good pro
vider. Ilut at lait, unfortunately, the
eitreme acarclty ot provlalona drove
her to night work, and alia wandered
onto the railroad track and unlnten
tlonally ran agultmt a freight train In
the dark. In the morning Mra 111 liter
dlacovered little more than One line
of Hamburg ateak itretclilng towarda
the weatern horlaon. It waa a particu
larly hard blow to her, became aha waa
on the eve of V-ceptlng a flattering
Offer of thirteen dollura for the animal.
There waa no doubt lu lira. Itllger'a
mind from the Drat that the railroad
would have to kettle for her cow, 80
aha In funned the atatlon agent the
very day following the accident, and
after protracted negotiation; the latter
agreed to forward a demand for aett le
nient to headquarter, Mra. Illlger
didn't aee why be couldn't avttle for
her martyred cow on the apot, but alia
waa willing to make reasonable con
ceaalona. Her final price waa twenty-
three dollara.
80, after a while, the atatlon agent
forwarded her demand to the division
uperlntendent, and after a while the
dlvUlon auperlntendent forwarded It to
the dlvUloa claim agent, and after
while the dlvlalon claim agent decided
he would aend out a man to look up the
It took about three weeka In all for
the railroad ofllclala to get around to
Mra. Itllger'a caae, and Mra. Illlger, de
prived of her chief meana of bub-
(nance, waa becoming aomewbat dun-
Finally aha decided to give the ulti
"Here, you," ahe aald, when the eec-
tlon hand came up one noon for their
dally aupply. "You don't get no water
out of my aprlng till you pay for my
muley cow you killed."
What muley cow? We ain't killed
no muley row," auld the aatonlahed
action hand; but It waa no uae to
Ulk to Mra. Illlger.
The bo, a fat man. who had aome
wbat of a determined character lilm
aelf, waa eeverely aarcaitle on tbelr
titmme that pall, I'll ahow you bow
to get the -water." He waddled off
with the pall In a truly ferocloua man
Mr. Dllgr waa In the bouae at th
time. The kectlon boa walked trl
nmphantly up to the aprlng and
looped down to take up the water In
hta pall Juit aa he waa about to ac
rompllah bla purpoae he euddenty
toppled over head foremost Into the
aprlng with the graceful, tilting motion
of a mud turtle fulling off a log. Mr.
Illlger had waylaid him with her
When be finally did get out, aplut
terlng and wearing, he found himself
looking Into the inutile ot a double-
barreled hotgun like a pulr of opera
glaaaea. He fled precipitately without
bla water bucket.
Mra. Illlger threw the bucket acorn
fully after him. "I won't take leaa'n
thirty dollara now, caah down," was all
alia auld.
After that It waa vain for a railroad
man to attempt to uae that aprlng. She
watched It moat of her apace time her-
aelt, and when ahe didn't ahe had her
boy out. Whenever a railroad man
came In alght the chlld'e little piping
voice Bounded the gimrd mount, and
hla mother came on duty with her gun.
A great many railroad men who had
thought they wanted a drink before
they aaw her, found that they were
mlataken and turned aavay.
Ily and by, however, the aectlon boaa
got tired of thla tort ot thing. There
waa a good deal of work that year,
railing the tracka on that grade, an
there wasn't another aprlng for tw
mile. Finally he decided to negotiate
with Mra. Illlger.
That' right," auld Mra. Wiser,
"you killed my cow and you've got to
pay for ber. Bhe'a wuth jeat forty
So tha ecttonol Bought out th
road master and told hltn about th
affair, and the rond muster told the
dlvlalon iuperlntendent It had been
ao long alnee the dlvlalon uperln
tendent bad heard from the atatlon
muter about Mra. Btlger'a cow that he
had forgotten all about It Dealdea, It
didn't aound like the nine cow, any
way, the valuation being so different
So the dlvlalon superintendent filed an
other report with the claim department
Mr. Illlger, not hearing anything
from her appeal for Justice, frequented
the atatlon at Grafton a great deal
coming In about train time and tnlklng
violently to the atatlon agent Finally,
the atatlon agent agreed to write again
to the dlvlalon uperlntendent Ily thla
time Mra. Dllger'a prlcl waa fifty-two
dollar. . .
It 10 happened at thla time that th
division iuperlntendent wo oft on
hort vacation, and bla aubitltute, In an
ezceia of aeal, filed the third cow re-
tvirtail with tha clulm deuartment
I rtofora It reached there, however, th
dfvlalon claim agent had Waited Mra.
Illlger with a check made out for her
flrat aiklng price of twenty-Uiree
dollara. .
"Have you loit two cowa, Mrs. lin
ger r aald he politely.
"No, I hain't," that worthy woman
replied, "only one; but I alu't going to
take no twenty-three dollara for It
That cow will coat you Just alxty-two
dollara now,"
"Hut ahe wasn't worth tiny alxty-
two dolluri," he protested.
Mr. Illlger waa ohatlnat. and the
claim agent took back hli check, and,
ctlng on Mra. Dllger'a threat to go to
law, aent over the flrat two paper on
the case to the general claims attorney,
Intending to aee blm about It next day.
Next day he wa culled off auddenly
to another part of th road. While h
wa gone the second report from Hi
atatlon agent came along, with a bill
for fifty dollar for Mr. Illlger' muley
cow, ind, th department claim agent
being away, wa lent straight to th
claim attorney. Th three bill con
fused blm.
In th mcanllm Mr. Illlger began tu
take th bit In ber teeth. 8h now re
solved to suspend traffic generally on
tbe road till they paid eome attention
to ber. For thla purpose alia secured
n bid red flannel shin, and hitching
It on the end of an ax helve, began to
flag all the trains going up th grade
yon killed my muley row, and
you've got to pay for ber," aha auld,
when the train came to a itandetlll.
I won't take leaa'n alxty-aeven dollar
for her.
Th railroad men finally didn't pay
any attention to ber red flag at all, ao
far aa Hopping went but aa nobody
knew Just when ah might decide to
do something serious, like piling op
atone wall on tbe track, for Instance,
they watched that flag with consider
able curiosity.
And at last ahe did decide to do
something. Filling two buckets from
the half barrel of soft aoap ahe alway
kept on tap, and taking a bucket In
each band, Mra. Illlger started out Into
th dark, and walked half a mile up
the grade. Then ahe arUstkcally ap
plied her soft soup to abour a
: quarter
of a mile of the track.'
The next train waa a freight When
ahe struck that aoft aoap aha alld
ahead like a comet rollicking through
apace: the engine rocked from aide to
aide like a ateam launch In a atonn.
It's that d d Illlger woman again I"
yelled the engineer to tbe fireman.
What'a ahe dune nowT
"Oh, my Codl" aald the fireman.
thinking of bla family; "bow do
Then ther both held onto the aldea
of the reeling cab and hoped bard. The
engineer ewore arpeggtoe to a aort of
running obligate on tbe whistle. Tbe
train went by the atatlon like a de
moniac ateam callope escaped from
circus, with a frightened train hand
hanging on (be brake of every other
The wont of It waa, they didn't
hav tbe least Idea what ailed tliem.
because by that time all tbe aoft aoap
wa worn off th wheel. They hadn't
Uie time to look around, anyway, be
cause they had to get down on the next
aiding for the through ten o'clock pa-
aenger train.
The exprvsa waa extra heavy that
night and the engineer bad horrible
rate of apeed on her when aha reached
the grade. . Nerertheleaa, when ah
struck It ahe stopped abort In two
lengths. To the wild dismay of tbe
engineer, the big driver of bla engine
Just whirled around and around like
a top. Finally the engineer stopped
her, and he and tbe fireman got out to
By thunder I" exclaimed the fire
man, stooping down ; "If soft oap."
Now will you pay m for my muley
cowl" aald a voice from the darkness.
If you don t youll never run your
darned roid (gain."
U wa Mr. Illlger. Her price bad
rlaen to elghty-aeven dollar.
It to happened that a very Important
person waa on thla train, the prealdenl
ot tha road. He waa In a hurry, too,
and be came out of bla aieclal car to
see what wa going on, Juat aa Mra.
Ullger arrived.
"Well, what' th matter hereT (old
the president
"Soft aoap, klr," laid the excited en
gineer; "thla woman' been daubing up
the track with aoft aoap ao w can1
run the train, because aba bad ber
darned cow killed and they won't pay
for It"
"Yea, they will," auld Mra. Bllger
"and It'll coat 'em elghty-aeven dollara
not a cent leaa."
Mra. Bllger felt ahe waa In a posi
tion to dictate, and ahe proposed to do
ao. The railroad president appre
ciated Uie situation.
"Well, my good woman," (aid be,
"don't you think you'd compromise for
a little lea aay evenly-Over
"Who are your' aald Mrs. Bllger
"Well, I'm the president of thla
road," aald th great official.
"Well, then, I want eightyeven dol
lar for my muley cow,'' laid Mr. Bll
ger, "and you don't get ber for any
Thla amused the president consid
erably. He took out hia fut pocketbook
and counted out big roll of bills.
"There you are," aald he, "I'll pay It
myself." Then he got Mra. Bllger
mark on a receipt tefore witnesses. In
front ot Ui headlight; and the muley
cow waa aettled for Juat five months
after It death.
"That muley cow wa a good paying
property," muaed th railroad, presi
dent, ai he Rented himself In hla spe
cial car, "If ihe'd given a barrel of
milk a day, and had a calf every two
month since the time of her demise,
aha wouldn't have yielded bucq large
lour Last
A RECENT authority on lurnames
falla ua that X'iivm fa firm nf tli
name derived from the Old Testa
ment, and that no less a character
than Noah is sponsor of thla name.
The popular form of the nume waa
Noy, from which It la easy to derive
Noyes and Noyce.
Some member of the Noye family,
however, have a different theory a to
th origin of their name. Tbey trace
It to Noyers, a place In France, say
ing that old form of the name were
Nolera, de Nolea and de Noulera.
Tbe first of the name In thla coun
try were two brothers, Itev. James
Noye, who wa born In England In
1002 and hi brother Nicholas. They
cum to thla country In 1034 In the
Mary and John and the next year
kettled In Newbury, Mass. Itev. Jarne
Noye was minister there for 20 year.
Jte enjoyed quite a reputation for
learning, being eomethlng of a (Jreek
scholar, and he wrote a ratfvhlam
that waa widely used In bla uuys.
He la spoken ot In old record aa
"one of the greatest worthier of hi
age." The bouse In which Rev.
Jame Noye lived ha often been
spoken of aa tbe oldest bouae In
Among the descendants ot Rev.
Jame Noye are a goodly number of
clergymen and acholar, but It Is for
It able bankers that the Noye fam
ily la chiefly distinguished.
Rev. James Noye and bla brother,
Nicholas, were sons of Rev. William
Noye, rector In Wiltshire. England.
It la aald that he traced hla dearent
to Normandy and that bla name waa
originally Noye.
Angel Thla Is probably one of the
numerous surnames derived from a
ahop algn. In medieval tlmea every
ahop had Ita algn by which It and ita
keeper came to be called. Thus, If
a cobbler named Tbomaa bung out a
painted algn representing a lamb, he
became known aa Tom Lamb. Many
of the signs were taken from church
Imagery and th angel waa one ot
(O. Hit. McCUr Navapapar Sadlcata.)
0 -
The Appleton Family
Mr. IjmbW Jak Applet
Mr. L'laaaW UU Applata
Km Dayarf Maru Applet a
Ff OFTEN hspprne on a morning
when there la extra work at borne
that Daveey Marine Appleton la over
rode with a dmlre to Go Forth Into
th World, end Do Good, and ahe
usually lei da to thla noble Impulse by
hunting up some one who la afflicted
with poverty and alcknesa. Sometimes
ahe takea a tract, and other tlmea ahe
goea empty-hnnded to cheer the af
flicted with her optimism. She recent
ly visited a woman who had Buffered
the misfortune to fall and break both
her anna. Dnysey Maynie gated at
the poor creature with both anna In
splluts, nd th tear came to her eye.
Ilut ther I no situation too (lurk (or
Daysey Maym to cheer. "You have
much to be thankful for," alie sold to
the woman. "You have two good.
strong leg left to run to Are."
When Mrs. I.ysunder John Appleton
clean house, she does the work ao
thoroughly that articles are lost which
ar not found in three months. She
claims the proud record of once hav.
tng cleaned the parlor ao thoroughly
that a glasa cuse of stuffed birds waa
not found In ten year.
There la a bond of sympathy be
tween Lysnnder John and his son,
Chauncey Devere, born of a desire to
katlafy the women folks, and the fail
Ure to do ao, which they hardly know
exists. They have never In ao muny
worda found fault with the women
folks, being timid In their presence,
and loyal In their absence. Ilut Mrs.
Appleton and Dayety Mnyme don't
know of thla loyalty. "What." they
will ask when they see son and father
together, "ar they comiplrliig nowT
Daysey Maym Appleton waa re
cently bragging that ahe la an expert
enced traveler, though the neighbor
Bay ah wa never In a Bleeping car
but one In her life. "I rfm ao used to
travel." auld Daysey Muyme. "that I
can go Into a pullnian dressing room
and bold possession of It with nine
teen women pounding on the door;
' (S br Oeere Malik Adam.)
wlA 1 LliLJ
Select Residential & Transient
UUI and YanblU. Portland. Oraaxm.
Modem Fireproof American Plan
Cedar Chests
itoc rtionr, lamb
arajr Portland.
Cut, aaam, ham and nwchln (I flfl
pit akirta raadr ror band.
llamatlt. bin, pirotlnc and tuckln.
U Klfth Hlraat Portland, Or.
Taacha trad In I waak. Horn pay
whll learning, pualtlnn aacorad. Writ
for ritalucu. tit tiurnald BCratt, port
bind, Oregon.
CUrkl)ro., Florlat, J7 Moriiaoa Bt,
Women and ('biMraa
PHrginAM St Ufarette BWf BOBOFOH
Peatur Printing (or Lea
1 Third Hlraat Portland, Oregon
ATTK.NTIOM t.AtlTFB IS aear aama ok
HaniUrv beaotf parlor; wa hi To ap; wa
aka all kind of flair pleeaa oat of eomblnff;
I ltBl iwik h, e' ; 1 alema, II 40; ( al-ma
'J. K11U eonne of beautr en it are. ja.
400 llekum bmldinf. Portland. Urero. '
Prostate Cured Without Operation
BpdCU lrsyOtiO1 U MoflMfJl, HOWti4 lUcUl
n4 Ftmai Trotttt
Brotvlwty BMg. PortlantOf.
AMofnlnal BuppottdrTti Arrh
bupfnnL bend fur muu
tn Blank it,
lane-Daris Dro C.
Truaa Exparta
171 Third BL. Portland. On
Wa Specialize In
Mm, Ptllt. Weal, Kokiir, TaHtw, Cdsctn,
Oretoa Gape KseL Cett Sjbs, Ham LUk
Wriie for Salpptn Tao ltaat IMe Uat
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
era. rTUSi
UnachM Paeatalta, Idaha)
Carnet'a Power
Tbe garnet la an emblem ot con
stanrjr. Ita ilrtue waa to dispel "poi
sonous and infectious air." During the
Middle kgek It was considered to pos
sess the same marvelous and medicinal
properties as the ruby, though to a
less degree. It gave and preserved
health, drove kway vain thoughta and
reconciled differences between friends.
Record ef Lotteries.
The earliest lottery ot which an au
thoritative record exista was conduct
ed In Bruges In 1446. In 1S30 lottery
with money prizes la recorded in Flor
ence. Long before thla time lotteries
were held In Rome a form ot kmuse-
ment, Nero having given such prlxe
aa house and alavea.
Proper Care of Palms.
Regular watering la eaaential, but It
I better to keep palm a little dry
than to overwater them. Browning ot
the tlpa ot the leavea Indicates trouble
at the root, probably overwaterlng;
possibly worms or lack ot plant food.
A puhn which grows three new leavea
a year la doing very welL
Masks for the Sleepless.
To induce sleep for insomnia suf
ferers, a Norwegian haa Invented a
metal mask to be worn snugly over
the (are In order to keep out all light.
while the warm breath of the wearer
brlnga a soothing effect
London's Big Playground.
In Epping forest there are 114
cricket pitches, 244 football grounda
and 139 tennla courta tor the use of
the public. Epping forest la main
tained by the city of London. London
Prepare Things at Night
Getting the children oft to school Is
easier on the whole family It their
things are In order the night before,
says woman oousenoiu writer.
Hot and Cold.
Some book are very funny, aya
the office boy. Although tbe heroine a
eyea flash tire, ahe can also freeze
you with a glance.
Odd Form of Marriage.
Marriage is celebrated in a strange
fashion in porta of India. The worn'
an puta a pot of waier In her prospec
tive husband's house, aud on his lift
ing it up the marriage la ratified.
Mall Train Hav Crash.
Llhby, Mont The weatbound
aecond aectlon ot the Great Northern
railway's fast mail train crashed into
the first section near Llbby, Mont.,
lnte Saturday night, demolishing the
rear car of the first aectlon and de
railing the front truck a ot the aecond
section locomotive. No one wa in
offers a Market
Portland, Crfnfo
Oaatplata Chansa Katardaf. Alalta. Want ,
daf Mallaaa, 30; KtanlBfa, v. Conllna
na 1 ta 11 p. m. ntllMraa 10 aanta all tlmoa
JSx? Tennessee Cedar
at Dala? Bta. Offle. Ralnmnm. IS K. Bmad-
Too WID Fad Rl(ht at Home Har
Sad asi CtrirIUMiSl kale.
Excellent Cafe. Special Weekly
BeaMeetaall Trelni. nth sad Stark.
smK ror reliable rwanlns and Dy
jjnA In aarvte aand pareela to we.
fflTljQ We per return poatajra, fnform
etkm ad pftoa sWeo npo re
WISfftFM auaat.
EatabUahad 110. Portland. Or
It Is Fine to Regain
Health; Still Better,
to Keep Good Health
at All Times.
A Itild Lasatte
A Syrtem Bvildar
Astists. Nature to Re
gain and Maintain
Cood Health.
It Cost So Little to
Give It a Trial -and
be convinced of its
true mirltt.
At your Drug Store
Weather Prophet Dies.
Hackensack, N. J. Andrew Jackson
de Voe, 80, nationally-known amateur
weather prophet, died Sunday at hla
home of heart disease, disappointed
because ot (allure to realize one ot
hia life'a greatest ambition. For years
he had been looking forward to view
ing the eclipse of the aun, but when
the great aolar spectacle came Satur
day he waa too ill to behold it
Three stlckup men from Zlegler, 111,
had the surprise ot their Uvea late
Saturday night when they attempted
to hold up the restaurant of Sam Fl
antico. In the northwest part ot tha
clt. In tbe melee two of the robbers,
later Identified as Richard L. Smith
and Orval McKlaalck, both 20, were In
stantly killed and a third who made
bla escape and ha not been definitely
Identified, waa believed to have been
badly wounded.
Doean't Ring True.
"De man dat brags continuous 'bout
hisself," said Uncle Eben, "generally
turns out to be like one o' dese Inter
tainmenta dat gtvea de best part ot
de show on de billboards." Washing
ton Star.
Eskimo Misnamed.
Eskimo aignlflea "Eater ot raw
meat," but these people eat uncooked
meat only when the absence ot fuel
prohibits cooking, or aa a aide dish.
Odd Ocean Denizen.
'John Dories," perhaps the ugliest
fish known, grow to a length ot two
feet, and are so thin that they can al
most hide behind a blade of aeaweed.
A curious mark on their aldea is, ac
cording to legend, the Imprint ot St.
ret or' thumb, when he took a piece
of money from the fish's mouth.
New Fluff Rugs
Mad From Old Carpet. "Wear Like
. Iron."
Deal PI reft with tha Manufacturer. Abeolut
Batiafaction Guaranteed. bn4 la Xuur Ma
terial or Write fur I'ricea.
M-M Union Avenue Nor. Portland. Oreson
WA S HlNti l t N!S TVVTfj:
W. !.. Cblrk rroni aelretwl
local ht-ne A double pt-ulrrre
alree. mate errrntril. Almi
eholoe A R' k. Iwenl
prkee. 1IM lite dillrerj
tiarantPiHl. retain free.
BATOR. Made in two
tint. Each ewtion a
complete Incubator,
lerea eapaelty email
Ink automatic regulat
ion, leaa work, low oper
ating coet. You can t
beat it In Price or Ilatch.
l il BOO II Adilreae ma at once lor
IMnitai TOlIl fraemulneue. NnereaU
ar Ineubaloc valu. obtainable, flht trial proee
It. m yeara practical experience and Bon J
keck Guar an tee. .,
A. R. BaJfer.Prop. BuaW Central-, Wm.
it1 " ;
110 tat
C 're--'! HP