THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published livery Friday by I V. HEAD, IMitM-Publisher SUlii.LlilP'nON: One year. ....$1.50 iix mouth ., ,.76 moth ...50 i .. red as lecon class matter at the posiuffic at lone. Oregun, under act of Mn;,h 3. 1N79 Friday, Tcb. 6 1925 'With intilioe toward none, with charity lor nil; doing tliw right a Ooil gives u to tut- thu right." A.l.llR'Ol'l years had led great people through the darkness of the val ley of tribulation which lies a cress the pathway of all who eompromiae with wrong. It might have been said of him, as it was said of another that "while he lived he was the guid ing star of a whole, brave people, and when he died, the little children cried in the streets." j Hut it may as truly be said thati the soul of Lincoln lives on in the soul of America and has become , a part of the living and indes tructible fabric of the America that is and is to be. Willow Creek Pioneers Abraham Lincoln STATE PROHIBITION DE ' PARTMENT At the head of this column stands a Quotation from one of the Inaugural addresses of Abra-j We held no brief for George ham Lincoln, the Great Emanci.jC!caver l,ut we feel 8ure thatth pator, We select it from the mass State Prohibition Department is of his publis?4 utterances be-i n,ucl needed- Someofourlaw cause we believe the words to benforcement offlers are to much exDressive. not onlv of the genii. ! inclined to t-tand pat on "It cant manfr and nncnnua fhof rrnvurnui I 6 doilG, a great occasion, but an index of the great man who first uttered them. That sentiment and purpose we fervently wish for the senti ment and purpose bf all our people now. With these words as a part of his mental furnish ing and with this sentiment mastering his thought, the citi zen will do no wrong, with this purpose translated into action he cannot but do well for the God in whom Lincoln trusted is mitrh'rv tn nvorrtila rha oimfi rf ! men and make even their wrath to praise him. In April, fateful month in American history, 1865. the assaun'a bullet stilled forever the beating.of that brave heart, but did not, could not, stay the onward, upward leading of that mighty spirit that for four bloody 1 gonian. One witness before the Cleaver investigation committee at Salem stated that when she turned over evidence to the state dry officers she got action but that such re suits could be obtained from the federal officers or from sheriffs. Is that why the state dry de partment is being so rigorously investigated? Is it alright for a prohibition officer to sit in a swivel chair and acquiesce in law breaking but wrong for him to go forth with the intent of enforcing the law without fear or favor? This newspaper ha? long been dubious about some of the Cleavor methods. but we are frank to say we have vastly more respect for him. than for some other officers who could be lo cated without going beyond the confines of the state. East Ore- HUNTING ;posted property; Send for your free copy of this hook today! The book tell you how jou can hunt on posted prop erty how farmer and sportsman can get together . to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of the hunting p round a i already posted. Where will you hunt this fall? Read the book, "Hunting Posted Property" it'i free. E. L DU PONT DE NEMOIUS 4 CO, Inc. Sporting I'tiudrr Dic'uion lUU.IblO.I.UU. . C SPOKTSM AnY; Mm Is broadcasting to all the World this season 4 Come ! W art bett.r prpard than avr to tntartaln you and mak your vltlt wondtrf ul xprine.,, If you have never been to California It ihould b the eflurt of your life to go. When you are ready to plan the trip let the Union PaciSic bHp. grnd word to th itvnitnr d bf pbnm, or mall or U. I will give you tlw benefit of my personal bnowMft Bvln mttwm f ft bt tram. urcure i, tvety k mi of equipment and tl exact oovt. youriteepinncaf aroQmnK4Jtiofu,pnmd now every rtmta, ever I wUl and etrxnoncr, or I will apnd a Ui most hrlpful i inow rvery roi liofu. Drandf von an outline of yur tno. and dalivr vuur tirkta. Youm not Irav your hour or youroftica to at trad to bVithareorna dfiaiia. 1 have Ute boat.thert ta, aitd H ahall bo jmm Uai I muoant I know you dair it. J. W. I10WK, Agent, lone, Ore. Mr. A. L. Douglas who now lives about eight miles southwest of lone is one of the few surviv ors of pioneer days. ' His father 0. T. Douglas with his family left the old home in Linn County, Oregon, and in the Spring of 1870, located a home where Morgan now stand. At that time James Cec;l and family were living on The' Ore gon Trail and were the only other family on lower Willow creek. The nearest neighbor was liv ing three miles west of lone. The nearest, neighbors on the east were on Butter creek. The Da les was their post otlice and trading point. Mr. Douglas followed stock raising until the early DO's when he retired and moved to Weston, Oregon, .where he liveM until very recent years. When the hil.s became settled a post office was established in his home and was called Douglas untill when Mr. A. C. Morgan took charge the name was charged to Morgan. John Douglas of Weston and A. Lu Douglas vf lone are the living members of the family. A. L. Douglas was married to Christy Ganger, daughter of Andrew Ganger, a pioneer who lived just ea'-t of lone. A. L. Douglas was among the first to break sod and begin wheat rais ing west of Douglas, where they lived until 18US, in which year thty moved to Weston, where they farmed until 1918 when they returned to lone and bought a farm on Jordan Fork, where Mr. Douglas contiued his occupation, one of the most highly respected citizens of the community in which he has spent the past fifty-five years. Mr. Douglas' three sons and three daughters are all grown and living in Umatilla County. Mrs. Douglas died in 1923, and Mr, Douglas has recently married a second time. In a New York court a juror who had been designated as fore man listened solemnly ail throiiKh the case and then admitted that inasmuch as he did not speuk English or understand it he had not understood the testimony or the charge by the judge. It was finally agreed by the attorneys and the judge to let the. other 11 members render the ver dict. East Oregonian. Iiev. N. W. Phelps cf Wasco has stirred up the animals by an open letter addressed to Rep resentatives Fitzmaurice of Gilliam County and C. .A. Tom of Sherman County in which he takes a strong stand in favor of the proposed Child Labor amend ment to the Federal Constitution. The Condon Globe Times takes a fall out of Brother Phelps and cites the action of the National Grange in opposition to the pro posed amendment. Lodge News Notes of Interest to All Local Fraternities Bunch Grass Rebecca Lodge of lone, initiated two candidates this week. The Oddfellows get together meeting at Heppne'r was well attended. For particulars see our extended account in another column. ' io.m. LOixii; .o. 1.1:.. i. o. o r. Mt-i'iH every JSiiturdny ewiilng. X. )., I .'aiili Yoiuitr: V. U. Kewu 1-t'il lictlcr; See. i:rlA. Drown; TreuM. . .1. lirlHtow. in xciniiiAss ki;bi:k.ii Nu. hi. I. ' O. F. Mci-tM tliu Ili'Ht unil tlilnl I'liuiHiliiy of i'ih'Ii liiuii I li, N.ii. Kuliy Kiigt'lnmii; V. (I. Arvlllu Hwuiihoii; Sec. Verilt Kilclile: TreiiH, Kltn Urln- low. IO.VK I,')1KJK N.i. K'J. A I'. & A.M Meet every llrxt hihI third WeilneN- ofeuell month. V. M. (,'. Jt. WuUer; See. I,. K. Dlek. I.OCUHT C'HAI'TKK No. 1111. O. K Mit'la the xeilmil mid fourth '( uch day of eiieh moiitii. W.M. Mm, Myr tle Walker; Hue. Mrs. Nlua Ulddle. v KNOW HIM? Isn't it funny? That a man who thinks He is a bus ness man Will get up in the morning From an advertised mattress, Shave with an advertised razor, And puton i. lvertised underwear, Advertised Lose, shirt, collar, tie and shoos. Seat himscL ut the table and Eat ad vestised breakfast food, Drink advertised coffee or sub stitutes. Tut on an advertised ha Light an advertised cigar, Go down to his place of business And turn d wn advertising on the grout). I that Advertising Doesn't Pay? , 1'aeific Drug Review. 'imweumsnrs Church News Notes f Interest to 'All Local Denominations. Rev, Johnson is spending the week at hi? home at Lyle and on his return Citurday will be ac companied !y his daughter, who will attend the high school. They witl be at home in the parson age.Gras:; Valley Journal. The Unio.i Christian Endeavor Society will meet at the Congre gational Cnurch next Sunday evening, February 8. The top ; is "Overcoming Selliishnes" and t'ie leader is Mi.s Zoe Fai ien. The Junior C. E. Society meets at the Baptist Church at 6;30 1'. M. the leader for next Sunday evening is,Mary Grabill. The C- E. meeting at the j Christian Church next Sunday j will be led by Miss Marvel Akers. ! Spring seeding time will soon be here A VAN BRUNT . will serve you well. We have a good stock of drills on hand and our prices are right. Hoping the New Year brings you health wealth and prosperity. j Bristow& Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. DECK. Proprietor Drop In CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Pastor Rev. W. W. HEAD, Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH arttl looK over my Ime of Worh Shoes. I have a good !toch of Cloves and Harness Supplies. KvpQtrinrot Reasonable Prices. t lone MarKet X Gl-O. W. RITCHIE. Prop. I -v I Wholesale and Retail Dealer in I FRESH and CURED MEATS X I t Your Patronage Solicited. RevPAUL De.F. Pastor MORTIMORE. ! 10:00 A. Services M. and 8:00 P. M FIRST BAPTIST CHU iCH Sunday School at 1C.00 A.M Junior Endeavor st3.30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs. 7.3) P.M HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Cleaning ' Dyeing Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner :- Oregon Under New Management IONE . HOTEL lone, Ore. - 1 RcturnLshzJ an J Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law' First National Rank Huilding Heppner - Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Craduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Oirice Main 933 Residence Main 492 HEPPNER - . OREGON Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR ' WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, - ' OREGON F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all the Courts IONE, OREGON Clyde R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office In Drug Store. OREGON IONE, Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fell. r..y .. . , " iuuing Oregon Heppner