The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 06, 1925, Image 1

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Local men will pass .on loan
At the result of the representa
tion! made by the committee ap
pointed from the different wheat
growing .ountiea of the State.
House Hilt No. 2G1, wax passed
a an emergency measure, by
the House and Senate and re
ceived the Governor's signature.
The bill provides for the appro
priation of not more than fl.DOO
000 for the purpose of making
loans for purchase of seed wheat
to be secured by first mortgages
on the crop in favor of the State
of Oregon.
The rate of interest is fixed at
6 per cent and it is provided that
the Board of Control may, in its
descrition, extend the period of
credit for one year from Jan
uary 1, 1U2G, on or before which
date, all loans granted under the
provisions of this act becom
A local advisory board has
been appointed by the Board of
Control to pats upon the applica
tions 'for loans, whose recom
mendations ire the Oasis of final
action by the Board of Control.
The AdviHory Board or Com
Little Credit is Given
And Little is Due
To the bank that renders just
ordinary service. It's the
extraordinary that
. counts.
Bank of lone
vex nx ?ra f ,n ins. fifl ffi jtx yrx w yi
Enclosure Cards
Post Cards .
Also Boxes of Valentine Makings
The KODAK Store
mittee appointed for this County
is made up of the following
named gentleman:
C. K. W6odson, W. P.
Mahoney. R. S. Morse, Walter
Hill and C. K. Gunzel. .
The prompt action of the Legis
luture and Board of Control have
saved a diliicult situation' but it
should not be forgotten that only
the forceful and convincing pre
sentation of the erudition by the
local committies made such action
Slim Bonner who Joined the
regular army a yearagoisin lone
enjoying a ten day furlough.
Mr. Bonner is stationed at
Vancouver. lie reports army
life very enjoyable.
Tuesday of this week, Mr. and
Mrs Ralph Akers went to Portland
where Mrs. Akers will consult a
Don't fail to take in the basket
ball game between lone and Con
don this Friday. Repoits from
Condon say that the games re
cently played bdween these
teams are the fastest seen in that
city for many a day.
Mr. II. C. Wood, lone's live
wire real estate dealer, made a
quick business trip to Walla
Walla the first of the week.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers has opend ajahor bank
in Portland. Oregon with a capital
of $
This is the 15th. bank of the
kind in the U. S. The combined
resources of these banks total
Your Druggist is more
than a merchant
sckct fs. ffiXltS KXlSKEr it.
Accept call to First Christian
Church of Gladstone,
Next Sunday will be Mr.
Mortimore's last service in lone.
Tnesday a public reception ' will
be tendered him the congre
gation of the local Christian
church and on Wednesday he
expects to leave for his new
field of labor. The acceptance
of this call will make possible a
continuance of his studies at the
Eugene Bible University. Mr,
Mortimore has been Pastor of
the local Christian Church since
early last spring. Following an
Eastor meeting he was called for
such time as he could spare be
fore re-entering college It had
been hoped that he could stay un
til the coming Fall but the oppor
tunity to secure a desirable
position at this time has caised
him to change the arrangement.
The Christian Church has not
yet arranged to call a minister to
succeed Mr. Mortimore but plans
are underway to do so at an early
Many have expressed regret
at Mr. Mortimore's leaving and
the reception Tuesday night,
is to be of a public nature to
which the community at large is
Mrs. C. R. Gunzel was so un
fortunate last week to fall while
engaged in house work and in
jured herself so severely that she
has been confined to her bed
As we go to press she is re
ported as a little -better.
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply Store
for Ilaylor the Jeweler, Heppner.
e presto
A lighted match to the wick and your
oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con
centrates clean, steady heat directly
on the cooking utensil.
No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to
shovel out a clean, cool kitchen free
from dirt and smoke.
To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil
the clean-burning, uniform kero
sene scientifically , refined and re
refined by a special process.
Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every
' where. For your own protection order
by name Pearl Oil,
Morgan, Oregon,
Jan. 29, 1925.
Mr. Dwight Misner Spokesman
of the relief committee and
people of Cecil. Morgan, lone,
Eightmile, Lexington, Heppner
and vicinities for the relief of
John Gray and son Gerald
Howard and other children.
We are glad to write you our
boy can walk seemingly as well
as ever and his speech is grad
ually coming back to him. The
other children are all well again
and our boy is going to be al
right in every way as near as we
can HI now.
We' would like to express our
appreciation and thanks to yoj
and committee mln and to all
contributors in so many needed
ways which was rendered- to us
so abundantly.
So many sympathetic letters
and kind words through so msny
anxious moments were a great
help to us.
Dr. Walker's special services
with the aid of the good and kind
nure sent to us by so many
kind people, under God our
Father saved our dear little man
to us. ,
Again let, us thank you for the
kind acts so much needed and so
much appreciated by us.
1 Gratefully Yours,
' Mr. and Mrs. John Gray.
Fpund on Main street in lone
9 Ford rim and tire. Inquire at
the Independent office.
Look over my cash and carry
counter. You can reduce the
cost of living by taking advant
age of prices there.
Bert Mason.
Weather observer R. E. Harbi
son of Morgan reports 6 clear.
9 partly cloudy and 16 cloudy
days for the month of January,
one sleet storm bn the - 1st. and
werternly winds. Total precipi
tation during the month was 0.72
and the total snowfall 1.7
Total precipitation since Sept.
1st is 4. 03 and the total precipi
tation for the corresponding
period last year, 3 35.
In memory of E. L. Padberg,
who died. Jan. 26, 19J5.
"So let him sleep that dream
less sleep,
Onr sorrows clustering 'round
his head: ,
Be comforted, ye loved who weep,
He lives with God; he is not
Once again death hath sum
moned a Brother Oddfellow, and
the golden gateway to the Eter
nal City hath opened to welcome
him to his home. He has com
pleted his work in the minister
ing to the wants of the afflicted,
in shedding -light unto darkened
souls, and in bringing joy unto
the places of misery, and tfi his
reward has received the plaudit,
"well done," from the Supreme
AND WHEREAS, The all wise
and merciful Father has called
our beloved and respected
Brother home.
AND WHEREAS. He having
b?en a true and faithful Brothtr
of our Mystic Order, therefore
be it " ,
RESOLVED, That lone Lodge
No. 135. I. O. O. F. of Oregon in
testimony of her loss, tenders to
the family of the deceased broth
er our sincere condolence in this
deep affliction, and that a copy of
these resolutions be sent to the
Earle A. Brown
Geo. W. Ritchie 1
W. W. Head
Pan - A
Puts hens in laying trim. Then j
you have laying hens. The price
of one egg pays, for all the j
Pan-a:ce-a a hen will eat j
in six months.
j Now is the time to tone your
stock up with DR. HESS STOCK j
TONIC. Every package sold un- j
der positive guarantee. If you are
not satisfied that Dr. Hess reme- j
dies have benefitted your poultry j
or animals, bring the extra pack- j
age back and get your money back.
EES & jj
Extension Of Road' System
Fully Discussed
Heppner Commercial Cub
comes to life with a well attended
meeting and much valuable in
formation regarding the road
problem was learned. Judze
Wm. Duby, of Baker, Chairman
of the State Highway Com'mi
sion and Divisional Engineer
BaldocK were present and gave
some facta and figures and it is
very plain that it is up to Mor
row County to get busy if we are
to get state aid on our part of
the Oregon-Washington high
way. Umatilla County baa
promised to finance the Uma
tilla County part of the road,
whenever we are ready. It will
cost about $165,000 to complete .
the Morrow County share one
half of which would be paid by
the State. Judge Duby is not
an orator, but expresses him
self in a very plain and business
like manner and made it under
stood that he was talking as an
individual road lover and not
committing the Stat Commi6
s.on by his talk, and it is appar-
entthat if Morrow County makes
the proper showing that we
might not be called upon for our
full one-half of the cost
Records kept last year showed
a peak travel of 800 cars per
day, over the Columbia highway,
at Heppner Junction, or an in
crease of over 20 percent over
the previous year. The same
record showed a decrease of 4
(continued on nge 41
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