The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 30, 1925, Image 1

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    . j : .
.Off M
Prominent Citi
zen Passes
Mr. E. L. Padberg
Crosses the Silent
A Native Son of Morrow
County and Long a Resi
dent of lone dies at his
Home After a long
Edward Padberg, whose
di'tuh oceured Monday, January
20, 1025 was born on Willow
creek, Morrow County, Oregon,
September 1. 1871.
Ilia father was one of the early
ettters on Willow enck and
the home stead was not only Lee
Padberg'a boyhood home but his
farm from 1902 to P.20.
He waa married, January 21,
1897, to Una N. Wood, and to
thin union five children were
born, Mrs. Opal Cason, now of
Portland, Oregon. Arley Lee,
Pearl, Jlazel and Darrell.
After selling the farm he
moved into lone and engaged in
the business of buying grain for
Kerr Gilford and Company,
At two different periods Mr.
Padberg served as mayor of the
town of lone, the lust being the
term from January 4, 1921 to
January Z, 1923.
deserved as County Com
missioner for the two terms cov
ering the years 1918 to 192l in
clusive. For 20 years an Oddfellow, he
Little Credit is Given
And Little is Due
To the bank that renders just
ordinary, service. It's the
extraordinary that
Bank of lone
Enclosure Cards
. . Post Cards
Also Boxes of Valentine Makings
The KODAK Store'
was distinguished for his loyally
to fraternal principles and his
willingness in the service of his
lodge us in the wider service of
the community at lance.
Ho Is survived,by his wife, and
five brothers and sisters, William
Padberg, John Pud berg and
I A win Padberg of Morrow
County and Mrs. Mary Weddle
and Mrs. Lydia Heaton, both of
Pendleton, Oregon.
Mr. 'i'adberg was a stock hoi
der and director of the Hank of
lone, and a director of the
Farmers Elevator Company.
Card Of Thanks
We desire to express' our
thunks for the kindness known
us during the illness and death
of out husband and father.
Mrs. h L. Padberg and
rrank hngleman installed
a radio outfit in the home of
Frank Prater's last week.
The radio bug has a very viru
lent bite.
The printers devil of the Inde
pendent has been bitten but the
application in time, of a full
strength preparation of the anti
toxin of teetotal bustification has
prevented Hie development of a
case of radio it s.
Mr. W. A. Stanchfield of the
Portland Hoofing Co. was in lone
Wednesday, inspecting the roof
of the new sehoolhouse. This
compuny applied the roofing ma
terial and contracted to keep the
roof in rpair for a five year per
Senator ' Stanfield
introduces Postal
December lGth last, Senator
Stnnfield introduced Senate Hill,
3G79 which provides that all
postmasters of the first, second
and third class shall be trans
ferred to the Classified Civil Ser
Postmasters who have taken
an open, competitiveexamination
required bv the executive order
issued by President Harding on
the 10th day of May, 1921. are
to be continued indefinitely in
their present positions unless re
moved for cause.
All candidates for appointment
as postmasters shall be required
to take an open, competitive ex
amination under rules and regu
atious by the Postmaster Gener
al and he Civil Service Commis
sion. The Hill also provides the can
didate receiving the highest rat
ing shall be appointed, with
preference to persons honorably
discharged from military service
because of wounds or sickness
incurred in the line of duty, if
they possess the bnsincss capa
city necessary and their Civil
Service 'rating is not more than
ten per cent below the highest.
Senator Stanfield. in giving his
reasons for introducing this Bill,
said: "No business manage-
ment would think of dismissing
an efficient, proven employee for
a new untried aud inexperienced
one just because he liked him
better for political, religious or
social reasons.
I. L. Howard made a business
trip to Hood River, Friday of
last week, returning to lone, last
Mr. Howard reports the fruit
growers of Hood River jubilant
over the 1925 crop prospect.
A lighted match to the wick and your
oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con
centrates clean, steady heat directly
on the cooking utensil. '
No coal or wood to lug, or nshes to
shovel out-a clean, cool kitchen frefe
from dirt and smoke.
To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil
the clean-burning, uniform kero
sene scientifically refined and re
refined by a special process,
Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every
, where. For your own protection order
by name Pearl Oil.
Last Thursday afternoon the
Freshman clas held a clas
meeting and decided to give the
high school a party, Wednesday,
February 4
John Graves was absent from
school two days last week, with
a t'ight attack of tonsilitis.
Clarence Liivi was absent from
school one day lust week.
Marvel Akers, who was ab
sent from school five days, was
quite sick with the chicken poX.
Huston UrvBon was absent
from school this week because
of the death of his uncle, Mr.
Lee Padberg.
Virgil Colvin, a former lone
High school student, has come to
lone for a short visit.
The entire school was dismissed
Wednesday afternoon, in respect
for the funeral of Mr. Padberg.
In a game marked by close
playing, Condon defeated lone
21 to 18 at Condon last Friday
It was a rough game few fouls
were called, nearly alt points
were made from the field, lane
started strong, gaining steadily
until at tne end of the half the
score was 14 lu lu. in tne
second half Condon made sever
al points from foul shots until
at the end of the game the score
was tied 13 to 13. An extra
period of five minutes was played
in which Condon completely
the local boys,
making three baskets in quick
succession. J. B. Wheir of Con-
'n. re fereed th contest.
tone's girls team added another
victory to their already long
string by defeating Condon 14 to
11 lust Friday night.
Both teams showed excel. cnt
team work but lone excelled their
opponents in accuracy in making
baskets. Altho lone won they
were never sure of the game,
the score being tied several
times. . .
lone plays Lxington next
Friday night.
The basketball game between
Lexington and Heppner high
schools last Friday night at Lex
ngton both proved to be decided
ly one sided with the victory go
ing to Lexington.
Both Heppner teams cut ud a
good fight and we're in the game
from btart to fLish but could not
come up to the standard of the
Lexinyton aggregations.
Johannes Troedson, wife and
son Carl, returned Tuesday of
this week from King City, Cali
fornia, where they have been
bailing for the past two months
with Edwin Carlson and family.
Mr Troedson reports a most
enjoyable trip but says he is
mighty glad to get back to little
old lone and the hills of Oregon.
While making his head quart
ers at King City, Ir. Troedson's
party traveled over a great part
of southern California by auto,
visiting San Francisco, San Jose,
Los Angeles and othercenters.
Mr. Troedson reports a very
ury season, no rain has fallen
for a long period. On the re
turn trip he stopped for a short
time in Portland. ,
Mr. Ed liolmquist arrived in
lone last Saturday from The
Dulles, where he has been spend
ing the winter.
Mrs. E. E. Miller, who has
been visiting friends and rela
tives, departed for Portland last
Saturday morning. .
Lew Davidson mofore3 last
Monday to Baker, Oregon, where
he was called on business.
Est ray Notice.
Strayed to my place Nov. 15, I92t,
I. milt's southwest of lane cine
bl.'.ck vearlinz horse with no bran Is
visible. Owner can havt possession
nn Mvmpnt nf pfltfiir- hill nn.-Trnct
of this notice.
.. f - j ... , - - -....
Chas. w. Christopherson
Pan - A
Puts hens in laying trim. Then
you have laying hens. The price
of one egg pays for all the
Pan-a-cea a hen will eat ,
in six months
Now is the time to tone your
stock up with DR. HESS STOCK
TONIC. Every package sold un
der positive guarantee. If you are
not satisfied that Dr. Hess reme
dies have benefitted your poultry
or animals, bring the extra pack
age back and get your money back.
Grain Men Send
Out S.O.S.
Committee goes to
Salem, after Coin
for Seed
Will Join with Represent
atives from Other Counties
in Asking For The Pass
age of a Relief
Pursuant to call grain growers
of Morrow County met at lone,
Monday of this week an ar
ranged to act in concert with
otlier counties 'affected, in pet
itioning the State Legislature
for relief.
After general discussion cover
ing all the features of the situv
tion. A committee of five was
appointed and instructed to pro-
ceed forthwith to Salem, and lay
the state of affairs before the
House and Senate and advise the
legislature of the urgent necess
ity of a relief measure.
The committee consisted of
the following named gentleman,
namely: ,
George Peck, C. R. Gunzel,
A. C. Mclntyre, R. W. Morse
and C. E. Woodson.
It was planned to meet the
committies appointed from other
counties, in Portland and from
thence proceed to Salem, Tues
The present condition is unique
in the history of th State tt
Oregon, and the problem of re
lief to be presented to the State
Legislature novel.
Relief has been asked for and
granted to the victims of fire
and flood, but so far, as we are
advised this is the first time that
the frost king has forced recent
tion by legislative action.
. .
our Druggist is more
j than a merchant
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