The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 23, 1925, Image 4

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The ba9KetK.ll game here Fri
day night of last week between
the Board man boys and girls and
LexinRton boys and srir.a team
w83 won by both Lexington
teams The Boardman teitm put
up a good fight but luck seemed
to play against Ihem.
Uucle Dave Porter left on Sun
day morning for the Oddfellomsi
home at Portland, where he will
make his home. Uncle Dave
has Jived in Lexington many
years and has host of friends
among both y'rg and oid and'
many a bright little eye was
dimmed with tears as the little
little boys gathered around the
stage Sunday morninng to bid
Uucle Dave goodby and best
wishes for happiness in his new
Mr. Harry Dinge9 and small
son, Danny, returned home Fri
day from a weeks visit jin Port
land. Mr. Frank Harwood, jeweler
from ' Heppner was visiting
friends in Lexington Sunday.
Mr. Jason Biddle and wife was
in from their ranch on line?
Creek last Saturday..
Frank Burgoyne is installing
new dynamo in his electric
pfant for the istor.
Mion Vail nrimarv toupVlAr tt'hn
has been quit ill has again taken j
charge of her room.
A number of our young folks
attended the Elks dance at Hepp
' tier Saturday night and all report
a grand time. I
Mr. Chas. Sevindig and family i
of Heppner spent Sunday with
the Bruce Grady family.
Mr. Tom Cntsforth and sons
returned from Salem last Sunday.
They report Mrs. Cctsforth very
ill, they will return to Salem this
Sin. Georae Peck and two
sons, arrived home last Saturday
from Junction City, where they
have been for the past , six weeks
visiting Mrs. Peck's parents.
Mr. Mrs. Ray White arrived
from Seattle Monday evening,
for two weeks visit with their
relatives and friends. Mr. White
is with the Shell Oil Company of
Mesdames Leach, McMillan
and Grandma McMillan left
Tuesday morning for Portland
to visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Chisam and
small son, of Pendleton. wa3in
Lexington on Tuesday. Mr. Chis.
am is with the Collin's Grain
Company of Pendleton.
Clarence Charmachill returned
from Corvallis on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dill Ward were
visitors at the Lucas farm two
days last week.
The Scott, McMillan warehouse
was purchased on Monday by
H. W. Collins of Pendleton.
Karl Beach spent the week end
with his family at Walla WaHa.
Harvey McAlister is in Port
land this week.
County School Suoerintedent,
H. M. Walker, of Heppner and
and Mrs. E. Fredrickson, of Lex
ington drove over to' Irrigon on
Wednesday of this week.
Don't forget the double header
basketball game on Friday at
Lexington, between Heppner
and Lexington. This promises
to be a real game.
The II. Club of the Heppner
High School is preparing for a
smoker to be given Wednesday,
the 28th inst. Some members af
our local high school have been
invited to take part in the pro
gram of the evening.
For Sale Or Trade
One Geaheart knitting
chine, several incubators and a
limited number of March hatch
Mrs. J. F. Uardesty
Morgan Oregon.
We learn by Daily Organion
of the marriage of Miss Hazel M.
Brown to Mr. Everett Davidson
at Cecil on Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. II. V. Tyler and children of
LRhea Siding were also visiting
the Streeter family on Sunday
Ed Melton formerly of Cecil,
now of Pilot Rock arrived in our
midst on Tuesday and will spend
a few days amoung his old
Walter Pope of Hillside, spent
Sunday amongst his friends in
Misses A. C. and M. II . Lowe.
The Highway House and- H.
Kreooilne Last Camp, were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Misner at Daybreak Ranch on
Mrs. W. Sexton of The Logan
Cottage who has been spending
her vacation with friends in
Prairie Cily and LaGrande. She
returned home on Sunday.
II. A. Thompson, prominent
sheepman of Morrow County
was a busy man at The .Shep
herd's Rest on Tuesday superin
tending the arrival of his first
band of ewes at their winter
Jack Knox arrived at Butter
fly Flats on Sunday, with a fine
LbandL f ewe9. b? "d
t brothers, wnich will winter in
I Cecil.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk and
daughter. Miss Geraldine were
doing business in Arlington on
Saturday. t
W. G. Palmateerof Windynook
has quite recovered from his re
cent attact of tonsilitis and is
quite capable of disposing of any
pie or cake which crosses his
path day or night
J. W. Osborn and sister Mrs.
Weltha Combest who have been
residing in Cecil for a few weeks,
returned to their ranch at Fair
view on Tuesday.
Church News
'Notes of Interest to All
Local Denominations.
Junior Endeavor Society Or
ganized At Bab tist
Last Sunday evening a Junior
Endeavor Society was organized
at the Babtist Church under the
Presidency df Mrs. Edna Hossner
with Dorr Mason as Secretary,
, Ihe Leader for the meeting
next Sunday evening is Eva
The hour of meeting has been
fixed at 5:33 Sunday evening.
The presiJenl of the Union
C. E. Society has announced the
names of the committee for the
selection of leaders for the next
three months. As soon as the ap
pointments have been made
names of the leaders will appear
in this column.
Key. Paul Mortimore of the
Christian Church, is in attend,
ance on an Evangelistic Confer
ence in Portland this week.
Mr. Mortimore expects to visit
Eugene, before his return to
Advance registrations are now
being made for the next Nat. C.
E. Convention which will be held
this year in Portland Oregon.
The registration fee is two doll
ars. The convention will meet early
in July.
Speakers of international repu
tation will be in attendance. A
competent committee is in charge
of the arraignments and it U
hoped that this convention will
register high tide, both in attend
ance and inspiration.
The all day service of the
was largely attended by the con-
gregation of the lone Christian
Church. The attendance was
large and interest deep.
Pastor Trimble of Heppner.
and Miss Zada M. Brown to
John N.Nyberg.
The Independent wishes
young people all joy.
( v'l
. ' l
mmmmuammtMiUmtkiUt Am iH till
Senator H. J. Taylor
Pendleton, Oregon.
Chairman of the Committee on
Prefer Present Position as Head
Commerce Department.
Washington. D. C Secretary
Commerce Herbert Hoover has do-
eunea suggestion or the president
that he transfer from his present post
to be secretary of agriculture after
March 4, he announced.
'I appreciate deeply the confidence
the president has shown In me," lloov- '
er said, "but I have told him that I I
believed it would be to the bent Inter
ests (or me to decide against the sug
gestion, which I have. done.-'
Hoover said Mr. Coolldgc thought
the present need ot the. department
ef agriculture was for an admlnlstra
tlon In which emphasis should be giv
en the solution of farmers' marketing
problems and that, therefore, the pres
ident had asked him to become, secre
tary of that department.
He added, however, that he believed
he could serve far more, to more ef
fect, by attempting the solution of
problems affecting the whole distribu
tion system of the country. Industrial
and commercial, as well as agricultur
al, aa he now Is doing as the head of
the department of commerce.
Canon Bliss of Seattle Dies.
New York. Canon William It. Mies
of Seattle died at St. Louis hospital
ot heart disease. Canon Hllas, who
waa 49, was stricken returning from
broad in December, lie was taken
from the Leviathan tiecrmber 21 to
the hospital. . Canon Miss, one of the
best known Episcopal clergymen In
the country, went abroad to serve as
nofflclal Representative of the Uni
ted States at the international con
ference on opium at Geneva.
. cut?
If I
gVERY LANG RANGE manufactured i. ilk
around th. famous HOT BLAST prinoipl. ,ni
cntB,na the LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, beta
ordinal, patented features. Forcing the hot en
tirely eround the oven, utili'z-ij every partttai
of fuel and hentinft yveiy inert of cooking tm.
fce. the LANS ranfee is by fur the most econonv
ical kitchen rane on the murket. Today LANG
sieves are used and endorsed by thousand of
American housewives.
Let us show you a ,
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collectod for
' Our Readers.
Aldany't flie lone diirlng 1024 was
Fire caused $10,000 ilumuges In the
Arrudo building on Third street lu
Mora thun '00 babies were examin
ed at a state board ot limilth baby
clinic at Allini y.
A mnrrluiu license wax Issued at
Eugene to Jiines V. Bmllli, 60 yeais
old, and Ollv May Mcl'uo, 15.
With over 100 out-of-town delegates
present, the annual southern Oregon
older hoys' conference wna held In
J. T. 1'nrks. aged about 25, wna kill
ed In a llooth elly logging rump mar
Wendllng wl n a line broke and de
capitated hln .
A boundy i ( $10 (or adult coyote
and $2.50 (or pups will be paid by
(k)U,lt counly (or u coyotes killed
within the c unity.
An open competitive rlvll service
examination for appllcutils for appoint
ment as postmaster at Crane, will be
held February 14.
Humphrey Anderson was an badly
Injured In a cave In at the Skyline
mine, a few miles from AshUnd, thut
he died two hours later.
The Osweqo pliint of the Oregon
1'ortlnnd ce :ent company produced
M1.SG2 barriN of cement during the
two years clot Ing December .11, 1'J.M.
Legislation for Improved roads al
ready signed by President Coolldge
gives the park service ll.ono.oou for
which I88.0UO baa been allot ed to
Crater Lake.
J. It. Patrick of Detroit, while hunt
ing several days ago bagged one of the
lurgest lynxes ever seen In this terri
tory. The cat was found to measure
52 Inches in length.
The Owen-Oregon Lumber company
has started Its Medford mill plant on
a doubfe shirt, thus furnishing addi
tional employment to nearly 110 wen.
Later the plant will run three shifts.
After waiting (or more than 40 year
to ride Into Hums on a train, Joe
Humes had his ambition satisfied lust
week when be arrived in Hums from
Juntura via the O. W. H. i N. rail
Seventeen federal farm loan asso
ciations were Invited by the First Na
tional Farm Loan association of I-ane
county to send delegates to a distrlot
meet In to be held In Eugene Wed
nesday and Thursday.
p the
Lodge News
Notes of Interest to All
Local Fraternities
With The Fraternities
The next fcrot toitfthor meetlnK
of Morrow County Oiltlfellows
will be held ut lioppnor I't'bru
ai y 4.
A lai'ite Bttendunco of the
three link feutwnity in antici
pated and an lnxpiratiunal pro
gram of hirh order in uMHureil."
Previous nieetinuu held durinn
the seanon have attained o hiiih
level of attundunce and enthuHi
asm. As we ko to press encouraxine
reptrtta ri'ach' ub as to the wheat
crop. Some who expected to re
need now report an apparent
tuaiul of eighty per cent.
Ilecatlsn of embarrsaament at Iht
government roi k iiunrry on North
Coos river and sloughing of much over
burden during the wet weather,
amounting to at least 7000 vards, work
on the south Coos bay Jelly was sus
pended by Lieutenant II. II. Hon ley
of the government service and 23 or
3 men will be out of employment for
a month or sli weeks. Suspension
was reused by shortage, of material for
carrying on rocking on the Jetty,
To bur Consumers
We're holding down the fuel prices! i
Why buy your fuel elsewhere at a loss when it Is so
easy to make a saving by buying your supply of fuel
from the Farmeis Elevator Company.
We quote you prices as follows:
Royal coal per ton $12.50
Slab wood 16 Inch , 8.00
Fir wood 16 Inch 1250'
Oak wood 16 Inch . 13.00
Call and see us before buying elsewhere, as we
can talk it over with much better results. If
you are in need of a larger quantity of coal
at a considerate price-
See Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
Cut Machinery Cost
In Half
The man who leaves his machines in the fields is pay
ing, by depreciation, for an implement shed, but not
get ting the shed.
You can cut your machinery cost in half by prolong
ing its lite anq usefulness. You can double the life of
an implement by putting it under cover as soon as you
are through using it
The cost of an implement she J to protect $2,033.0 0
worth of machinery is only a fractiou of that sum. '
We have many excellent implement shad plans to show
you, and we have the right material to build just the
kind and size building you require. Do not make the
mistake of building before you examine our up-to-dafe
implement shed plans, we will be glad to have tyou call
and examine them, whether you are buliding now or
later. '
In the Ci nnty Court of the Hint,,
of Oregon fii' t lie County nf Morrow
In the iiint tor of i he est it to ot
I, utile Mny l.eneillt t. i!miiM1.
Tim iiiHloralKtiiHl liavlutr liwn up-
pointed liy the ( otinty Court of llie
8tii( of Ori'Koii, for Morrow ('otiniy.
iiilniliilslritlor of the estntecf Lottie
Mny llelieillct, iIihviiwiI, notice Is
hereby given Jo the creditors of, mill'
nil iersotiM IimvImk cIiiIiiim -iiitlimt
sulci (leceiiNCil, to present Ihem llllly
veillloil MS reiiilieil by law, within
alx months nfier the lli'stpubllciilloii
of this notice n t tlm olllce of K, II.
ItoliliiHon, uttoriiey for iiilnilnlatritt
or.i nt lone, Morrow County, Ort-
'I', M. llellinllct, llillllllllstrutor of
the estate of Lottie -Mjty lleneillet,
Dnted Jiimiiiay '.':i, ln.'.'i.
Senator McNary has recnmnended
to the department of agriculture that
onions produced In the vicinity of
Mount Angel be Inspected on the same
basis aa potatoes, according to tele
gram received at Salem,
Construction work began Monday on
rebuilding the apan ot Ihe Southern
r-aclflc railway bridge at North llend.
which waa damaged beyond repair
several months ago when It waa ram
med by the steamer Martha lluehoer.
A marker on the site of the first
house In Portland, a cabin erected
by a veteran of the war of 111 on
the west aide of the river In what
Is now the south part of the city, will
be erected by Iloy Scouts and unveil
ed February 14.
Lumber Go.
we understand, delivered the
principal address. 1