The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 23, 1925, Image 3

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Mrs. Audrey Savin.
')' r
Portland, Orfg "A few years
tfu I ciiiiKlit a bad coll which
nrlllril on my limits und In the
bronchial 4uliri. I had a severe
cijukIi, mill became so luil thai fur
iix wri t 1 cmilil not lie down,
would have tn tit tip in a morns
chair. I tinctured hut iliil not get
any lirttrr. t wa 'all in' physically,
lid began niytrlf to think there
win tin hi-lp for me, whrn I wit
ilvitnl liy one til mv doctors to
take Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical
iJincovrry. This tiietlicine o com
pletely relieved me of my trouble
tliut I Imve never any return
rl it. My Iuiir ii "d liroiicliwls are
tlronii mid nevrr i(ivr me any
trouble." Mrs. Audrey Savin, V)i
'I aroma Ave,
Obtain ttiiat "Di.covrry" of Dr.'
Pierce's in tablets or liiiiid at your
nrarrit fling store mid you'll uick
ly find thai it build you up, beiide
correction your diMrrns.
Write Or. l'ierce' Invalid' Hotel
Bullalo, N. Y., for free ad
"irr. Send 10c for trial iklf. tablets.
Rtlle of Old Warfare.
Devil' !yke I an earthwork In
Csinbrldgnahlrn, Euglund, which il of
prehistoric onalrurilon about twenty
feut In height. It I supposed to have
been erected aa a defense agulnst ran
ml"' advancing from the Ken country.
Greenland Currency.
Atilrnul mark tlm denominations of
a Oreenlund paper currency Isauu of
this century.4 Tim elder duck, saddle
barked seal, rulntfeer and polar b'ur
diinote different denominations. Na
tional Geographic Kotloty llulttilln.
Thia fi a Myth.
Alleged Immunity of certain treea,
such aa (be laurel, to lightning stroke
I a pure myth, auy Nature Mana
(inn. In general, the trees most likely
to be struck are those that have an
eitenalve root ayatnm.
Built by Butter Eater.'
Tho Tower of Huttcr I the name
given to the southern tower of the
cathedral of Itouen, France, because
It was built with the offerlnK made
by those who obtained dispensations
to rat butter In Lent.
Authority' Strength.
Authority I by nothing so much
strengthened and confirmed a by cus
torn, for no man easily dUtruHts the
things which he and nit men have been
ulwayi bred up to.
Sorrow' Consecration.
Great grief makes those aacred upon
whom II hand la laid, Joy may elo
vatn, ambition Klorlfy, but Borrow
alunn can consecrate. Horace Greo-
by. ,
To cure IA the voice of Iho past; to
prevent la tlm dlvlun whisper of to
day. Kate Douglas Wlgglu.
, ' Sure.
A mun ihould be aura he' right and
then follow hi knows, -lliiHlini Trim
crlpt. Irritating Neceaalty.
A man never realize whut a burden
dignity I until hia buck Itches In n
crowd'. Duluth Herald.
Justice Abov Everything.
J unllce la the keynote of the world,
and all else la ever out of tune., Theo
dore Turk or.
Unlike Humanity.
Animals are such agrewiblo friend ;
they auk no questions, paas no crltl
clmns. Ceo'rgo Kllot.
fortunately for Humanity,
Tlmre la In the heart of woman inch
a doep well of lovo that no age can
frecse It. Ilulwor Lytton,
Bllia In Health,
Health la the vital principle of bllia;
and exerclao of health Thomaon.
You Want a Good Position
Very writ Take the Amantny nd Bmlnee.
seneraeieai, rnraw Heprelarlat, Uilrulelor-
imwiHur, tniBTpiM4 rwaananlp,
Oomaarelal Teacaerr Caunt M
Taa hreawet Bastneaa Call at Id North wet
whnk aaa wa nor Aaaiinor Awanla an4 Uold
aladala thai aay athar aoboal la Amarlr. Bd
to wf ftiMwaa Uataloi, Vaurth Blraal aaar
Jiamaoa, rortlaad, Or, lata at. Walkar, Fraa.
P. N. U.
No. 4, 1926
W in iin ai.i, -uii. L. i
Mr. Faltun I kaan aludtnt at .
charaular, but nut kaan anuuah to
know that ilia Klttaburihar la
liavar ao wld awaka a whan ha
run. war to Naw Yor te waali bla
race and gi in aott-uoal amok
out itt bla aaa.
known to tlw plalndothe
fun of Mulberry unvl a
"Chicago Kred." leaned
agalnat the pollahed her of Hie HIJou
cafe and reted hie chin on the knob of
a fat caue. Mr. Fell on wa atudylng
character. The eye peering through
the half-cloaed Ilila ml nurd few of the
happening within the room. ,
A aluut man alourhrd careleaaly hy,
bruahlng roughly agulnat fell on a be
paaaed. '
Two amker from I'lltahurgli dwa
the mahogany," he whUpered. 'The
two lu the icbra rigging."
Mr. Keltmi gave no Immedlale Indi
cation that he hid heard. He did Dot
change hi poaltlon, and he continued
to gute llatleaaly it the talking group.
The fit unyi lurched down the room
and, elating hlmnelf at in empty table,
ordered a cocktail,
1'reaently the man with the cane
etlrred hlmaelf. He atood upright,
picked up hi glove and aeuntered In
the direction taken by the man who
hid given him the Information. Hut
the dccpiunken eye were extremely
watchful. Mr. Kelton acentei) gam.
Half wiy down the room, two over
dreaaed young men were dlaputlng
loudly. Kellon halted within a yard of
them and bualed hlmaelf In lighting a
Cigar. The occupation gave him an
opportunity to lliten to the dlipute.
"It wa Jug lllckey played that
year," cried the eldeat of the two. "He
w "
"You're wrong I It wa Murphy In
terrupted the other. "I'm willing to
wager. I ll bet
t'hlrago Kred, holding a lighted
match tn hla flngera, leaned (lightly
forward. "At I'lltahurgli?'' he queried.
Tnrdoii me, I overheard your argu
ment " .
The two men turned. "It wi at
I'lttahurgh," anawrred theetileat. "Laat
year when the Tiger' played "
"Then you are right," murmured
Mr. I eltou. "It waa Jack Hli key. I
know him well."
The fat man lelaurely alpptng hi
rocktnll, eyed the three Healthily. The
"butting In" ct performed hy Chicago
Kred Intereated hlin greatly, and he
breathed a compliment Into hla glaaa
a he noted how anrreaarully hut pal
bid performed the trick.
And Mr. Kelton deaerved a compli
ment. He backed hi aaaertlon con
cerning lllckey with uch a maa of
detail that the younger man acknowl
edged that he waa n error and, a a
proof that hla acknowledgment wa
lnrer,' he Invited the arbitrator to
drink with hlmaelf and hi compan
ion. Felton ai-epted, hut when the
drink had been rved he remembered
that he wa Buffering from a apralned
ankle, and ualng the Injured limb a
an eiru for preferring a anting po
altlon, he adroitly (leered hi two com
panion to the table where the fat man
wa Billing.
That peraon ahnok himself out of id
apparent atumher and. wonderfffd te
relate, found, after listening to a atory
that Mr. Kelton had related to the two
young men, that he knew one of the
principal characters. He ' seemed
childishly overjoyed 'at making this
discovery and he Insisted on the three
joining hi m In drinking the health of
the absent one. Mr. Kelton and the
two young men laughingly consented,
and the converantlon grew louder.
After aoiiie fifteen minute had
passed, Chicago Kred thought of an
appointment and, with evident reluc
tance, took leave of the threnand hur
ried away, leaving the fat man and the
other two In the mldat of a hot dlo-
pute over baseball. The fat man aa a
conversationalist ranked high, and he
cemented the newly formed friendship
with every word he uttered. He
proved himself a baseball authority of
th first order and the other two were
apparently delighted with hla freely
delivered Judgment and speculations.
In a lull in the conversation, some
few minute after Kelton' departure,
the fut man discovered that Chicago
Kred had forgotten hi walking stick,
and he laughed heartily a he picked
th caue up from the floor, and ethlbe
lied to the two other.
"If only a cheap pole," be gurgled.
"It'g a llfty cent "
' He stopped suddenly and a look of
surprise spread over hla fat face.' He
had, while twirling the stick around in
his flngera, accidentally unscrewed the
knob of the 'top, disclosing a little re
ceptacle containing a ten-dollar gold
"Ucel" he gnsped. "II keepg. hi
hunk hero!"
The two young men examined the
stick with evident curtodty, while th
fat man showed much, xcitement over
the discovery. II chuckled loudly and
pointed to hi own amartnesa In msk
Ing the find.
"We'll have a lark," he furgled,
winking knowingly at tho other two,
"We'll tnka out tho coin and hold It,
and he'll act a shock when, ho come
buck for th Uck."
Th elder of the -two v a laugh
Ing assent and put the gold coin In hi
pocket. Tho stick, with tho knob re
placed, wa then pyt back In tho same
poaltlon it occupied whan tho fut nun
had discovered ' It. That peraon
chuckled continually as b watched tho
door for tho expected arrival vf fel
tou, and hi excitement marred the
brilliancy of hi conversation.
It wasn't a lung wait. Chicago Fred
cauio bustling back Inaldo vf ten min
ute, and bo stepped swiftly across th
room and grasped hi cane.
'I'm lucky I" ho cried, turning to lis
lato companion. "I wa afraid you
three might have left tho cafe and
thus given a person of loose murals a
chance to annex my can.'"
"Is It worth auueilnt?" asked tho
fat man quietly.
Chicago Kred turned and atared at
the questioner.
"It might not look It to you," he said
coldly, "but I'll wager trifle that any
sane maa la the cafe will give me ten
dollars for If
The fat man passed a quick wink to
tho two young men a he reached out
hi band for tho cane. After examin
ing it carefully he handed It hack ami.
with cool Insolence,' remarked; "H'
worth seventy rent at the outside."
Mr. Kred Kellon became violently
excited. Ho pulled a roll from hi
pocket and alarted to peel off bills
1th nervous flngera. Th taunt
stirred him.
"I'll bet you a century," ho cried,
"What about J" asked the fit man.
"Ill bet that the stick l rih nt)
dollars to any one In the room,"
creamed the owner.
The fat man gave a alight whistle to
signify his surprise at the other's heit,
and again passed a quick wink to the
two anting opposite. Tho wink carried
the hint that there were many good
dollar belonging to Mr. Kelton that
might be gathered In by an enterpris
ing person.
"I have only fifty dollar with me!"
drawled tho fat man, "but If one of
our friends chips in for another fifty
well cover your hundred and bet that
the slick I not worth ten dollars, I'm
hanged If we don't."
Mr, Frederick Kelton and his fat pal
received a surprise whrn they saw the
eagerness with which the elder of the
two rittshurghers Jumped St the sug
gestion, lli Arm of Kelton A Co.
generally experienced a little trouhle
at thla point, and lnwslly they voted
the other the greenest of suckers as
he placed five ten-dollar bllia on the
"I'm In," he laughed, careleasly. "I'm
betting just for the fun of the thing.
Now, sir, will you kindly find the Jay
In thla room who will give tea dollars
for tho stick."
With a nervous smile on hi face,
Me. Kredertck Kelton advanced to the
table and unscrewed the knob of the
tick. The three watched hlin keenly.
Kelton gsvo a little start of simu
lated astonishment when he found the
receptscle empty, and a smile started
tn ripple the fat feature of the maa
who had abstracted tho coin. Hut Chi
cago Kred was not dlsmsyed. . He had
looked Into that empty receptacle oa
many ' occasions when the circum
stance were precisely similar, and yet
hi confidence had not deserted, hlin.
With an airy flourish he turned the
(tick In his hand and, unscrewing the
ferrule end, shook tho cane over the
Nothing fell out of It Chicago
Fred paled slightly and shook the stick
flercely. When he turned the cane to
look Into the opening, the elder of the
two i'lttaburghers resched out and put
big hand on the pile of notes.
There's nothing In that end either,"
ho laughed, as Kelton looked Into the
empty hole. "While your fat partner
was'waltlng for your return to play us
for a brace of suckers I managed to
get that other ten-dollar piece out of
tho bottom end, so I've spiked your
gun. l"v seen the trick before, eee."
Chicago Kred glared angrily at the
three, while the fat mans profanity
wa seriously Interfered with by the
astonishment brought about by the
turning of the tables.
"llerol" cried th I'ltthurgher, Jerk
ing two tcnlollur gold piece towards
the owner of the csne. "Here' the two
coins your pnl and I took out of the
stick. Now, I'll give our fat friend his
own Bftj back, but I'm keeping the cen
tury that you plunked because you
were ao sure of thut coin being In the
bottom of the csne.- If you object I'll
call a cop. Kkldoot Next lime you
have sucker on the .line, watch the
When Chicago Kred turned tho first
comer, he stopped five minutes to
curse tho Intelligence of his fut part
ner who had allowed a "come on" to
take a cool century from the smarten!
bunco man In Moulin t tan. And the fat
maa could not reply because he had
not recovered from tho shock.
Johniorii Inland Prison-
lor Southern Officers
It I said thut no prisoner ever es
caped from Johnson's Island, which
wa used as prison ciimp during the
Civil war. This historic Inland lies
at th mouth of Niinduaky bay, In Luke
Erie. Captured Confederatea were In
terned there. The grounds were en
closed with a fence 1'J feet high, with
a platform top, upon which sentinels
paced to and fro, day and night. The
Island was used alnioxt exclusively a
a prison for officers, the total number
confined there from first to lust ag
gregating over in.000. The first pris
oner were tuken there In April, 1 ,'.!,
and In September, 1805, the last of
them were sent to Kort Lafayette, and
Johnson's Island wa abandoned aa a
prison post, Tho men confined at
Johnson's Island represented tho flow
er of tho chivalry of the South. , They
Were largely profusslonal men and
planters, among them being many who
were prominent In science, Uloi-aturo
aud art
Th use of om form of artificial
lighting la a stimulus to laying heu
because It offer more hour of day
light and Increase food consumption.
It us 1 now generally accepted tiut
as a proposition of fooling the fowla,
but of lengthening th day and par
tially duplicating spring condition.
'inere 1 om criticism of the use
of lights duo to tho apparent bid re
sult on the health of the bird that
la often noticed In the winter.
Some poultrymen feel that If bens
are fully matured by fall and are bred
to lay no artificial stimulation 1 need
ed. Kgg production from tome flock
will bear out thl attitude, but where
comparative testa have been made be
tween flock lighted and unllghted
there 1 no evidence to prove that
lighting cause a greater chance for
contracting disease.
"Lighting offer an opportunity for
greater food consumption, making
poBnlhle the iii.iiiuIui lure i.f more
eggn," Rays I'rof. A. O. I'hlllp of I'ur
due university. "Late maturing pul
lets may be punhed uloug profliuhly hy
lighting In October. With pullets ma
turing early, a fall molt may be de
layed and high-priced eggs obtained.
'In su' h a esse there la usually a let
up In production followed by a molt In
December or January.
"Where pullet mature normally In
October and are In good condition of
flesh, it may not bo profitable to light
them until November or Uecember or
possibly not at aJL When eggs are
wanted In January from the older heno
that have molted In the fall, the use
of llghta may bo applied between Jan
uary 1 and 15.
"An easy time to turn on the light
1 at 4:00 a. m., using an ordinary
alarm-clock alarm key to connect the
switch. The extra feed offered at
thla time should bo grain consisting
of corn, wheat and oata and It may
bo scattered In the litter tho night
before. At 7:30 or 8:00 a. m. more
grain hould bo fed. A niash hopper
containing M pounds bran, SO pounds
flour middlings and 30 pounda tank
age, ihould be open all the time. About
three Umeo as much grain a misb
should bo fed when llghta ore used."
Sprouted Oats Will Aid
Health of Winter Flock
fireen feed during the winter month
will encourage egg production and pro
mote tho health of the flock. Cabbage
or proutod oats ara especially recom
mended. Bprou'ed oata have the advantage of
being esilly available on moat farm.
Tray for sprouting oil, made about
two Inches deep and two feet 'square
with bottom of plaster, lathare con
venient Th tray are supported on
an upright frame or rack provided
with cicala ao that the trays will slide
tn and out A four-Inch space la al
lowed between trays. ,
A rack five feet high w III accommo
date teu tray or enoueh for two or
three hundred birds. The sprouter l
kept In a furnace room or other place
where tho temperature Is CO to TO de
grees. Two or three pound of dry oata are
soaked over night and placed In a tray
each day. They can be sprinkled fre
quently and allowed to grow from one
fourth to one loch in length before
Maturity in Seven Months
About even' month are required
for chicken to grow to maturity.
During that period of growth llo feed
gaee to tho making of bone, flesh and
feather. When It become mature
Ita feed goes to the making of eggs.
If a bird mature and commence lay
ing In the fall alio will continue lay
ing all winter If properly cared for.
Blrda that are atlll growing when
cold weather cornea will usually com
mence laying lato tho next spring.
I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'
Poultry Notes
Provide plenty of clean nest fur
th laying hens.
Grade your eggs for uniformity In
site, ohape, and color.
e a
Keep out the cracked, dirty, small,
and very largo eggs for home use.
Gather the eggs In a well-padded
pall or baike; and reduce breakage.
Use only sound, strong, standard
package and pack the egg properly,
a a
Sell egg to a buyer who pay for
quality or buy on a graded busts.
When your egg are of best quality
and the buyer purchases them on a
case-count or "nest-run" basis, you get
less than they are worth.
Keep, the nest clean and market
clean, fresh-looking eggs. It spoils the
ale of egg when they are marketed
In an untidy condition.
' a
Use tho small, dirty and cracked
egga at home. They have a lower
market value but are entirely satis
factory for Immediate home use.
Keep the eggs In a cool, clean, fairly
dry place until marketed. lbrat
causes deterioration In quality . and
evaporation of moisture from tho egg.
Dampoess cuuse the eirua to uiold.
1 yi LutiU
k Mallory
Select Residential & Transient
Ittk and Yamhill, Portland. Oneon.
Modem Fireproof American Plan
I70C Paetorr, Urraba at Da la; Sta. Offlea. galaaroom, IM C. Bmad
UU&CO war hurtland. HfcNK KOR CATAUHJ
Cut, srn, ham and machine
bleat aklrta raady for band.
Hematft. hlh, pipoilr and tucking
US Klfih Portland, Ore.
Teach trada In waake. Soma pay
whlla learnln. Poaltlona aacurad. Write
for caialocua. 214 Buroald. Hiraat, Port
land, Oracn.
ClarkaBroa., Horlata, 217 Murrtaon Ht.
Woman aad Cbildraa
PHTKimW 14 Ufaratt Hid J iUROKOS
Feature Printing for Laaa
TMrrt Hiraat f'ortland, Oregon
AI rKll lllV I lltl.Ru TMra aana aot
Hamtarv beauty purler: wa fu yoa ap; w
maka ail kind f h'lr plerea ut of aomuinga:
1 alrm ait, h. .' : 1 atama, $1 60: I it-ma
S-' Kull ttmr- nl baautr ealura, $iU.
4-)0 llakiim buiMiftg. Portland. Oracoa.
Ten Will Paal Bieht at Home Hen
Sad aW Cattral-baHaaUt taM.
r.ieaHat Cafe. Special Weekly
Una Meeta all Traina. 11th and Stark
Kjafceja. roe relieble Cleulief and Dre
flkm aw ilt-e eead pereela te aa.
. Mnef Q pr eetarvj peetaere. Infona
m iT9" atiee, aad pnoea ffivea apoa re-
Utl$J avert.
Eeubkened IBM. Portland. Ore
Prostata Cured Without Operation
Hpenal atleatloa
to ftto.BarIi. Bovala. Hartal
Sroedwav hid.
Ftaula Trent
H. ai. PIULLlPft
Portland, Ora
Abdominal Suppefleri Arrfc
Huppurta. bend ler eaaajur
IftS elanka.
Laoe-Diri, Dm C.
Truea Et parte
171 Third t.. Portland. Ore
Pillows Not of Pino.
Tbe forest service sayi that pine
needles are not generally used in mak
ing pillows. While the pillows are
ralltd "pine pillows," the needles are
generally those of the balsam fir, or
sprui-e either red, white or -black
spruce. No special time of the year
is specified for' gathering these
neeillcs, since they are evergreens.
Th Pcrfum Bearer.
Ami becauae the breath of flower
Is far sweeter In the air (where it
come and goes, like tho warbling
of music) than in tbe hand, there
fore ii)! h Ing la more fit for that de
light than to know what be the flow
ers and( plants that do best perfume
(he air. Francis Bacon.
Ordinary Matches a Menace. .
Don't allow employees to use any
hut aufety matches. Aa an Inducement,
furnish them at wholesale prices, your
self. Tho presence of ordinary or par
lor matches In their pockets Is a con
stant menace.
Tough on Babies.
Four mothers were arrested and alx
omapt'd la, a raid recently by the po
lice of Cardiff. England, to stop the
wheeling of buby carriages on the
Racing Items.
It's 'a and thing to the lover of the
horse to see the passing of that noble
animal, particularly if the one lie has
staked his wad upon Is tho last In the
bunch, Arkansas Thomas Cat.
Where Everybody is Boxed.
As undertaker lias recently suggest
ed that his profession should be given
a more attractive name. Why not call
his shop the Hox Office? London Hu
morist. Rub With Oil.
Afier yon have washed the tiles
on your grate or floor give them an
extra rub with an old silk handker
chief moistened with linseed oil'.
Merely Occupy Space.
A wise man who does not assist with
his counsels, a rich man with his char
ity and a poor man with hi labor are
perfectly unnecessary In this world. .
If taken In Uma, prawnl opr
atiofia for Diabetica. Catarrh.
Aattim tun. Throat. lAvmr,
Kidney. KhsnimNtiam, blond.
Hhimach and allfpinal dla
oniura. RlatUiar Troubiora.
Tht C CcOWo Rcmadtoa ara
karmkaa, ai no drugs or poiaon
ara uartt CompiMcii of the
chnifaMt nwdklnai root, herba,
husia and bark, taDortJ by ua
'-. from Ur away or ten.,,1 crnin
Irira. Call or W rit (or Inform
C. Cce Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
NfwIancalloa-2(l2 AklerSt, S. W. Cor. Third.
I'ortland, Ora. Katabliahad 23 Ywtmin Portland
,' . I
eHInd, OrFfoa
CospltK t'hinia Ralardty. Idulta. WhI
day Mallam, Km; Kmmia, v. Con'laa
I le II a ai fIMr II) Hnll all tlmaa
Cedar Chests ffigfis Tennessee Cedar
No Man, Woman or Child
Can Enjoy Life When in a
Constipated Condition
Not alofw that mntlpatlf-n maktmymi billon.
rtvM TOU h-vUrh, bas-karh, that Intl.-
fmimx and RWptM nirhtt C4miiptttn t
tboj fiirrrntai rati of rnrMt all Bi.meMitit,
fur whn your bfrwajs, tmrumm
ttmnupmtml rur whot jtom
baM-f-ntay luriftfth and tUf
tmm to furvrtaon profrty.
Kftpp your system in porftt
Workinr ord by kmmg
your bow i vpn with
A MiltJ eUaUtto
A iyfttm BuUdf
Bark Ron Tonlp ft no
harnh cathartic, but a
mild lata tin, a Urruwt
Innic thai ttmuiat. and
ana acta oo your whul
One Bottla Should
Convince You,
Al an
(.Habit Ini(irhU
W Speclallzo In
HkH Pelts, Wool, Moaair, Tallow. Citron
Orcfoi &ipe Root Coat Sltiat, Horse Hair
Write fee Shlppln, Taa lateet Price Liu
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
IBS owes Miai aaara. rtarue. sausa.
knack at PeeateUe. Ida
Portland Since taas. Main l)6e
Wigi PARIS H.H iWl Toupees
All kinda of Hair and Baeutr work by ei' ia.
Hannebiit Co.. etti Wiu. at., oew Weat Park ,
Your "TEETH SLEEP" Whlla Wa Wora
Our ftapulatton ta our Kre.'taat aaaet
Dr. Keen, til Uaahlnston M., Porllaial
Uses for Jetties.
A Jetty Is an embankment which ex
tends Into a lake or ocean for the pur
pose of controlling the Band drift that
would otherwise ahoal up a channel or
encroach on the shore. Jetties ,are
usually built of large broken stone, or
timberwork; concrete blocks, etc., can
be used.
Plants and Animate.
The fundamental differences be
tween plants and animals are that as
a rule animals can move from place to
place, and plants cannot; plants make
their own food from sunlight and com
mon chemicals while animals depend
on eating other animals or plants.
Sable Philosopher.
You needn't pray fer da good Iord
ter put you on de right road; you
knowa befo'han' when de road's right
an' when it'a wrong, feryou's got a
conscience what makes no mistakes.
Atlanta Constitution.
Must Bo Gilded.
, Petitions not sweetened with gold
are but unsavory and oft refused; or,
if received, are pocketed, not road.
Point That Stands Out
"Ever notice." says the Albany Her
ald, "that the fellow who goes about
giving advice, never has anything else
to give away!"
Degrees in Friendship.
in every friendship one Is more sel
fish than the other, and the ono who
practices self-sacrifice Is the happier.
In Whaling Days.
Whaling was carried on by tho Nor
wegians as early as 900 A. D. Whal
ing was at Its height about 1SIC.
Sees On Thing Settled.
A radical I one who rejoices when
a rich man can't get two on the ulsln.
Duluth Herald.
W. le. rt.IfV.ft from H-ttM-M
Un-il tu n fc dtmlitn iHtlittnt
Kir, Httit nctTi'illtiHl, AIm)
hoiei Mil A U' Hi, l.nwt
trlr. vnt lira d.-llfery
iljrntittti. Titilotf frtw,
HATCJ in RV- Jhv lUhj
autwi a.ArTLav
TaveeveeereTl I T I J I I J
BATOR. Marie la two
lone. A'ldaaectiutiaay
time. Kiuh en-tifiB a
eompleta laeubator.
krfe eepaelty email
apace autumatir reaulat
kin, teaa wgrk, low ofier
atina mat. Yon ean'l
Aildraaa me al nuve (nr
II 161 ioa
ODSATOBU fraeratiilneiie. Nireu
ar Incuhauirvalueohtalnlile.rreatrlalpruea
tt. M year. trantioal axperieDoa antl Money
Back Querent.
A. R. UadaeT.rrop. BuiW CenUmlw, Waah.
. 1.