hj r ri nrfi Lin VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1925 NUMBER 32 Ione-HardmanHigh Bank nf ,onc Makes improve . Play Close GaiTlC 'nar''J8 Allinger it busy this week makirifr some improve ments in the local bank building. Clean Playing Is Outstanding . An additional window is being Feature The (tame between the high school basketball teams of Hard man and lone, played last Satur day afternoon proved to be of imore than usual interest. The teami were quite evenly matched ard the outcome was not decided until the last few seconds of the game. The score was 12 to 13 in long's favor. The Hardman team not only Iplayed in good snappy form but displayed Ine spirit of clean sportsman ship. installed and a partition ereaied across the rear room. Cecil News Items ' The High School teams went tto Arlington on Friday night and 'succeeded in wirvningboth games rather easily. The score of the :boys game was 31 to 18. We are unable to learn the girls score, but understand that they won by a good margin. Both teams go to Condon to night and have high hopes of bringing home the bacon making it three straight wins. Morrow County stands in rank 23 among the counties of Oregon in the sale of lied Cross Seels in l:i2l' with a total of 3.3 seats iper capital of the population. Deshutes kas ranked first with a dotal of 9.4 seals yer capital. Found on the ktreets of tune, cons glove. See it In Independ ent window. W. V. Pedro of Ewing and Mr. Joe Pedro made a short call in Cecil tn Sunday, before leav ing for the home of Mrs. Pedro at Vinson, Messers Clarke, Gaunt and Maddison left for Heppner on Thursday having finished tagging for Kreb brothers, at The Lam Camp. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farns worth of Hhea Siding, were visiting in Boardman during the past week. C. J. Kolhase of Bertha, Min nesota is visiting his daughter, Mrs. GroVer Curtiss near Hhea Siding. Tat McEntire, and also Tat Curran are busy hauling corn from the Cecil warehouse to f heir renpective lands of sheep, which are wintering near Cecil. Mrs. T. II. Lowe and daughter, Miss Annie C. were calling on Mrs. K. E. Duncan and infant son, at Busy Bee ranch on Tues day. Zenneth Logan of Boardman, spent Thursday and Friday with his brother, Leon in Fonr Mile. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardeity and son, weraviaitiog at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Streeter, f ciintlniieil on iiik 4) Bank of lone ' . CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35.00000 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits . Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON Prescription Service We keep a fire department constantly in readiness to cope with any blaze. The fire hose and other equipment deteriorate and must.be replaced from time to time, regardless of cost. We have to pay for all this and keep it in good order whether there are any fire9 or not The druggist and the drug store stand in much the same relation to the community. You do not often need a prescription filled, but when you do it is vital to you to have it filled both promptly and efficiently. But if you give the druggist only the prescription business, he can not prosper. He cannot keep his store and his stock fresh and up to date. If you expect him to be ready with his skill and with fresh and pure drugs when you need him then you must co-operate with him by buying other things be-. sides medicine at the drug store. W.E.Bullard NO LOANS FOR SEED WHEAT Caupot Be Obtained From The Federal Land Bank I. N. Mackay, secretary of the Condon National Farm Loan as sociation has just received a letter from George C. Jjwett, secretary of the Spokane Land Bank, in which he says: "There is no provision where by tne Federal Land Banks can furnish seed wli.at, and-there has been no provision of this cUracter. Along in 1918 we acted as agent for the Govern ment in distributing about $2,000,000 that was -alloted lo the northwest in connection with seed wheat purposes,' but that is the only connection we have ever had with the subject. Condon Globe Times. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Nursery Wheat Not Injured Reports from I'eridleton statt that no damage to wheat was done in county grain nursery. County Agent Fred Bennionsays it will be necessary to wait a while before an intelligent op inion be formed as to the amount of possible injury to wheat gener ally. His present opinion is that the damage will not be serious. Senator II. J. Taylor of Uma tilla county reports that his wheat was not injured by the cold weather. All the wheat on Taylor'i is Hybrid 128. --Condon Globe Times. H. W. .Collins has purchased the Scott, McMellan warehouse at Lexington and will take posse sion In the near fu ture. ; Your J)ruggist is more than a merchant Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale, Usued out of the Circuit Court of the Sta of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated Jan uary 14th, 1925. to me directed, in a certain action in said Court wherein Bert Mason as plaintiff, recovered a judgment against J. W. Puyear, Mabel Puvear his wife, and P. P.. Puyear, defend ants, for the sum of $400.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, from the' 1st day of October, 1920, and the further sum of $50.00 attor ney's fees, and costs and disbur sements alio we 1 at $36.36. and an order that the real property attached in said action to secure the payment of said sums be sold to satixfy said judgment. I will on Sat. the 21st day of February, 1925, at hour of 10:00 oJcIock in the orenoon of said day, at the front door of the Caurt house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. Offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder for earth at public auction, all of the following described-real property situated in Morrom County, State of Oregon, to wit: Lots Fourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen, in block three in the original town of lone. Morrow County, State of Oregon, being the real property of said defendants attached in said action to secure the pay ment of sai l judgment, anj or dered to be sold by the court for that purpose. Date of first publication Jan uary 23rd, 1925. Date of last publication February 20th, 1925. George McDuffee, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. County Commissioner, G. A. Bleak man, who was returning from the convention of County Commissioners in Portland, stopped off in lone Saturday to witness the basketball game be tween the lone and Hardman high school teams. He went on to Hardman with Mr. Sailing. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, of Four Mile, who has been a victim of infantile pa ralysis is reported as consider ably improved. Mr. Earl A. Brown, teacher of the 7th and 8th grades was quite ill the last two days of last week but again Is teaching the young idea how to shoot. Miss Elva Balsiger substituted for Miss Mortimore, .Wednesday of this week. H. W. Collins is considering the ejection of a fire proof build ing on the lot adjoining that on which the office of the Independ ent stands. C. W. Swanson is considering the erection of an addition to his store and warehouse in which will be installed a refrigurating plant. Mr. Ted Blake left Tuesday morning to visit .his brother Mearl, at Eugene. Mr. Charles J. Hudson has been in lone the past week, and is registered at the Hotel lone, He ha3 been looking afttr farm lands in this vicinity. Mr. George Ritchie and broth er Fred, motored to Portland last week returning Saturday. They were accompanied home by their sister, Mrs. E. E. Miller, who resides in Portland. i , Mr. Wayne Sperry is Lute from Portland, visiting friends and relative?. Chas. benedict was seen visit ing with friends in lone, on Tuesday. For Sale Meeting Of Grain Men Largely Attended Opinion As To Condition Divided 8 0 presto If yon need any plows, wagons, horses, harness, collars, hitches or leed bars, see. Walter Corley lone Oregon. :ill!lli!!llllli!IHIIl!I!illlll!i!lill!!lllllH ' The meeting of farrrtars an 1 others interested in the growing and handling of grain, held at LexingtSn last Monday - evening was quite well attended, aboic 200 being present Opinion was divided as to th amount of frostdamagc to wheat. Mr. Stevena of the Govern ment Experiment Station aC Moro, reviewed the situation m the sections under his observa tion and was inclined to a hope ful view. After gereral Interchange of information and opinion it teem ing best to psepara for the con tigency of reseeding. A com mittee of five was appointed tt draft resolution! summing the situation for submission to the State Legislature. The com mittee consisted of the following named gentleman, viz: Benge, Cutsforth, Turner, Carlson and Ed. Rietmann. - The meeting authorized the ap pointment by the County Agent, of a committee of three to loo!: out for seed wheat and take u.- the matter of special rates on seed wheat with the railroad companies. t . The meeting adjourned without day. Mr.F,. Lv PiCWg ia-reportei to be improving. Mr. H. C. Wood and wife, mot ored to Portland Sunday return ing Tuesday evening. Mr. L. P. Davidson wis in at tendance on the convention o! County Judges and Commission ers in Portland last week, retur.i ing Saturday afternoon. . 1 oava vniir watch rvnnirinff ft. Swanson's Feed and Supply sto. M . t f tor nayior tne jeweier, neppner. Inventory over A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to Bhovel out-a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Peail Oil the clean-burning, uniform kero ' gene scientifically refined and re , refined by a special process. Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CilifbraU) PEARL I find many articles that mnst be sacrificed for cash A nice line of ladies crepe aud georgette waists at .Half Price Men and boys clothing at special Bargains Odd lot of tchildrens underwear at 15c per garment and ladies and .childrens hosiery 10 to 25c per pair .. Bring in a little cash and we will show you bargains BERT MASON 1 V .1. . t i ; u Hi " 5 :s ! Ij 3 I 1 r I r i i IK.ER.OSINE) HEAT AND LIGHT REGISTERED PHARMACIST Mr If.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM I COMMMTI II 1