The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 16, 1925, Image 4

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    tn usimi drop next summer, uy tnnt
time he new higher pother ilulloiH,
autlmrlii'tl at Hie vrviit riullo confer
eace called In V iistilngton ly Secre
tary Hoover, will I e In operullun. With J
those high-power iiitlong It will be
possible (o cut thi uh the atmospheric
disturbances wliidi have tended to
hamper summer reception.
A In", these IiIm lwer stations will
make It possible for the farmer to re
ceive his market ; weather reports
durlnit the iluylli;lij hours. Heretofore
such deception ha I'.vn extremely dif
ficult, and this -nditlon kept the
fanner from radio. At the pres
ent time probably not Moore than 13
percent of all the American and Cana
dian farmers have reviving sets. The
farmers have had a very prosperous
year and I look for a large percentage
of them to begin buying radio within
the next few months.
Thousaiids of triple also have been
waiting boore bu. sets 1n the be
lief that there woi l-l lie revilutlonary
changes In receiving acts. The besl'en
gineers In the Industry are of the opin
ion that there will be no such change,
development will he gradual and
there Is no danger of a person buying
a good ti t today and finding It obso
lete a few weeks hence.
Best Seller
The author acquire! utn glory
And leathers In soma ppm-o
Br telling lb old. old utory
For a dollar and fifty cents.
Snappy WorJk
"Who are 'those men hanging around
tlie harems?" Inquired the sultan. j
"I understand that one Is a former;
besa of your latest favorite, and .the ,
other seems to be playing second riddle
to him," replied the chief eunuch. j
"Mum!" mused his majesty; "well,!
Just see the captain of tht guard and
tell him to hang np the flddle and the
beau." London Opinion.
jests m
. H 1 . ft . J
"Madam," laid the dignified gentle
nutn, "your dog bit me on the ankle."
He dldr cried the lady. "Oh, I
must and for a doctor!"
"Oh, I assure Jou It Isn't as bad
aa "
"You're the third person he's bit-!
ten today," broke In the lady, "I Just
know he Isn't feeling well." Hursta
and Duds.
Helpful Suggestions
"What are your"
"A college graduate looking for
"What's the trouble?"
"I can't find any plaee where they
can ose metaphysics. Creek or as
tronomy." "Yon studied philosophy, didn't
"Well, apply that
Charter No, 111. Reserve District No. 12.
At lone, to the State of Oregon at the close of business Dee. 3l8t.
1. Loan- nml discounts, Inclil ding rediscounts: shown lu Items
2' unit 31. if anv
2. Overdraft eairil hii'1 uiiwetired
3- V. s gurerninetit Hi'i-itritleH ow i.ed. Ineliiilliig those hIiowii
In Itom 81 and 3-". it imy
4. Uthr b inds, w.irrenfs und securities. Including foreign
govern men t. state, tiiiiniclpul, corporation, etc., Including
thuse shown In Items Ht inil If niiv
Stock, nwnritles claims, liens. Judgments, etc., . !
Hanking house, f toiiuim; fiinih lire mid fixtures, SI.'Ofi.OD $
1' Kenl estate owned other tliiin Imiiklug; lioiisn . . !
tab) ash on luind lu vault mid duo Irom Imuks, bunkers
and trust coinyiitiles deslgniited ninl njiprfivi-J reserve
Bgeuts of the Imnk 'J
Check on 1 flt'ks (iUIhIi ( It j or t w u of n uttltig bunk mid
Other CHsh lti-iiia .
Totnlcusli ii lid due frini 1 mils, lt n s , ft, 10, 11
Total - - f-l
16. Capital utock puld In
17. Surplus fund
18. IHl Lidlvidcil profits
(hi I -ess current expenses, interest mid tn V's pnid.
Dkmunii Uki'osits, other tliuii li iuks. sub) -ct to rc-erve:
23 ItKlivldual iIomixim siilij -ct to check. Including deposits due
the Stute'of t )r'ion, coiiiii.v, ell ies or ol her public funds .
24. Demniid certlllcntes of depodt oiiistmnliiij; -
Total demand deposit, oilier than Iiiiiik deposits, hii I J vl
to ri'sorve, Items '.'1. :il, 2.'i, 21 i $12'i,l'.i.' l ami S.v vinos ItKi'iisi is, suliject .o reserve nml paya
ble on demand or subject to notice;
27. Time certillc iti-s of deposit oiitst
Total ol time and suvliiirs deposits pn.vnlile on ib-ninnd
or t llliji'cl. to notice, Hems 27 und 2n, Jtl'.Ci'l (is
30. Notes (mil hills redlscollilted Including lionds or oilier se'
curltles sold under repurchase nurc-enients Willi cjiul Indent,
31. Hills pii.valde with federal reserve bank or Mltli otln-r
banks or triistcompniilcH. Il.'i.n id.uo
I'otil 2l.'p,li"i.7d
State of Oregon, County of Morrow, hs.
I, (! It. titimiel, cashier of tln iibovc mhi'd bank, do solemnly
awearthnt the all ive Hlatement Is true to the liesi of my knowledge
and belief. !. It. (iiiiizel, ('ashler.
Hubscrilwd and h worn to before tin this 10th day of Jamiar.v lli.'.'i
Victor (. I'etorson, Nolary 1'iibllc.
COHKECr Attest: My commission expires 7-13, I'.i:'h.
M. H. Morgan, C, U. (Juhkc!, A. M. (iuiosel, Directors.
vr or nakellte should be used for the
panel material. The switch should
be .double-pole double-throw of the
kf.lfe type. This tuny be obtained nt
any electrical store.
To M
1 T1
Racharglng Panel and Battery layout.
Volt and Ammeter Connections.
It Is advisable to use heavy Insu
Intcd wire In connecting up (lie vari
ous parts. To make a neat Job all
connections should be made from the
rear of the panel. The dimensions
have not been given, because the read
er will probubly build the unit to fit
the space that Is available.
The switch Is o wired that whpn
thrown up, the storage battery will
supply current to the radio set. When
the battery runs dow n it Is only neees
sary to throw the switch to the down
position, which on the panel Is toward
the bottom. When the sniuh Is In
this position the charger Is connected
to the battery. The next operation If
to turn on the litht switch so that
current will be furnished to the chnrg
er und In turn a charge will be dcllv
ered to the battery. When the bat
tery has been properly charged the
switch should be thrown up. connect
Ing the battery to the set and the light
switch should be turned off.
If one desires, the bnttery-chnrglnt
outfit may be placed In the cellar, pro
Tiding the radio set Is located on the
next floor. It Is not advisable to rur
the battery lends for more than
feet. If the leads are over 10 feet nt
least No. 12 or 14 rubber-covered wire
should tie used fr the connections.
New York Evening World.
Manufacturer Unable
to Keep Up With Order
The radio Industry right now Is run '
ning away beyond nil estimate and
expectations. The mnmifui Hirers who
have been longest In the field had pre
pared for a record-breaking season,
hut the season started earlier than was
anticipated and few manufacturers are
now able to keep their production up
to tlie!r orders.
lUilio apparatus Is much better than
it ever nas. More persons are deliv
ering that It does not reipilre a rollegp
course ' in electrical engineeriaa to
make It pos!!,le to build their own
r:nlio receiving sets.
The most satisfactory feature of this
Increase in business la that It prolinhly
will be permanent. I do not look for
O.l.'.O CO
071. J2
nun. (id
1 2 1,
-::. ft '
indinif .... l7,li.Vl,(!S
Miss Dora Cutaforth and her
I o lr triers Auln-ry ami Orv
was ca'Wd to Salem Saturday by
tho serious illness of their mother,
Mr. Cutaforth was taken' to
Portland two weeks auo,, but the
specialist there nave no dopes
titui Mr Cuts forth taken-her to
their daughters homo in Salem
where she is very low,
Mr: Elmer Hunt hiade a busi
ness trip to Pendleton on Satur
day. Mr. Lee White of Ukiah was
visiting friends here JJ'uesday of
of this week.
C. J. Thornton of1 JJoho .was
visiting friends here on Saturday
and Sunday.
One buckskin irse, weight
1100 103., hat been on the. A. 'I.
Douglas tanch for the past three
nwnths. Owner may have same
by paying three month feed oil'
and price of this Adv
M, J. "Walk
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply Store
forilaylorthe Jeweler. Ileppner.
L. P. Davidson left Tuesday
morning on a business trip to
Your Druggist is men
than a merchant.
Here In the heart of Ih- world.
Here, ill the iiulse mid the dill.
Ileri', w here our spirits wen- hurleil
To buttle with surrnwmid sin;
This Is the place and the spi t
Tor know led-A' and Intinlte things;
This Is the kingdom where Thought
mi roiifjiier the prowess of kings.
Walt for no heavenly life.
Seek for no temple alone;
He iv. In l he midM of the strife
K n o w w hn 1 1 he sn ges h n ( e k n o w n
See what the IVrfect tine s.W '
tiod In the depth of each soul,
fioil ns th" liuht mid the law,
(iod Hs betflmilni; iin-l koiiI.
Frt Ii Is one chamber of Heaven,
Heath Is no grander than lilrth;
Joy in the life that was nlven,
Strive for H-rfitioii on earth.
Mere, in tie- tiiniioil mid roar,
Show what It Ut.ilieuiim;
Show how the spirit can soar
And ltrliiu back healing mid l.;ilm.
Stand not alone nor apart,
I'luiige in the thi' k of the fi(.'lit;
Tlo ro in tlietre. t mid the mart.
That Is Hie place to do rlht.
Not In some cloi.ter or cave,
' Not III some klllgiloill aliove,
Here, on this aide of the urate,
Here we should labor and love.
IONi: LOIbii: No. 13.1. I. (). (I. F.
Meet every Saturday evening. N.
J., Frank Young;; V. O. Ilerg;eii tail
lictter; Set-. Farlu A. Brown; Treii.
. J. Hristow.
ni'.NCIKil! SS ItKBICKAII No. ftl.
I. ). O. F. Meets the first und third
Tlitirsdny of each iiiotith. N.O. I'uby
KiiKelmnn; V. !. Arvllln Swatison;
See. Ver In Hitch!.!: Treas. Etta Brls
tow, .
IONF, LODIK No. 12) A F. A A M.
W'ftt every llrst and third Wodne.
if each month. V. M. I'. 11. Waller;
See. L. K. Da k.
ldcl'st ;n vrri:n No. no. o. k.
H. Mismh the sis ond mid fourth Tues
day of each month. W.M. Mrs. Myr .
tie Walker: Sec. Mrs. Nlmi Ilbldle,
Charging Unit Is '
, Simple to Build
May Be Placed in Cellar if
Radio Set It Located
on Next Floor.
It la comparatively simple mntter
fr one to build a charging unit ei
shown. This out fit contains a plant
for the battery and charger and a
panel for mounting the switch and th
meters. The parts nocessnry for the
construction of this unit are ai fol
lows: One voltmeter.
One ammeter.
One double pole, double throw knife
One A battery charger.
Onn pnnel. .
Two binding posts. '
The meters and tne switch should
t mounted on the panel. Hurd rub- j
11:20 A.M. Roll Call.
11:30 A.M. Morninir Sermon,
"Tlieolil th Religion,"
1:00 1. M U;tsket limur
2:lK. P. f l. Seliion,' C. F.
6:00 1'. M. C. E. Rally.
7:110 Seruyn, "Almost Ter
Speeiul it 1 1 . tic thtoiiuliout the
day. utcht sii t at evening service
und lellow tf iip dinfit'i' ut noon,
livery botly veleonie.
W.K. Jones, TaAtor.
Cecil News Items
Mrs. L. L. Funk and duuuhter,
Miss Gerald ,e, accompanied by
Mrs. lieorir 1 Ki ibis tindsona of
The Last Ct tnp were visiting in
lone on Saturduy.
R, 10. Slender of Seldnmaeen
anu J. !;.(.' uulieo uf Cuckoo
l'iats wetf callers in lone on
W. A. Tl miaa of Dotheboys
lliil paid Itit. weekly visit to Cecil
on Sunday nd was di.tcusainn
til.' latest of the farmers and
Imir s heat. Some say all their
win at ia frien otners ay it is
not, howeur, time will bliow
what dumaa ha- teally been
done, wnich we am bopinK will
be slitibt.
We are itlad to b arn that John
Ut by and f; lily of Shady Dell
U'e improving nince thvir serious
ilitussof ll pat to weeks.
Dr. Walker 'f lone is the attend
inir Doctor. '
Howard llardcty of Morgan
was visilinj! the Street. r boy u on
ouiiik. Howard lound tne
Cecil ground harder tin the
Motxan li ton nd when he took a
fall from his bic)cie while here.
Mis Gorne A. Miller and son
Klvin of lliifhview spent Friday
with Mrs. 11. V. 1'yler at Rhea
Mrs. 1'at MeJIock of Morgan
wns visiting friends Cecil
on TuesJay.
Mil. Jesse D.'os accompanied
by 11. and R, Shcnard of 1'leasanl
View ranch near the Willows
made a xhort call in Cecil before
leuvint; for Lexinxton on Satur
day. ' j
Orval Henricksun of the Moore
rai.cli near Lexi;iton was mi-as.
uriiiK nay on their ranch tiear
EwitiK w hich he liadnold to R. A
Thompson of ileppner.
. Paul ti. RalsiKer, prominent,
hardware merchant of lone was
doinit busine-is in the Cecil
vicinity on Wednesday.
Thomas Scott who hai'bcen
visiting with his daughter Mrs.
John Gray at Shaiy Dell fur sev.
eral days returned to his home in
Wallowa Oregon on Tuesday.
W. E. Ahalt arrived in Cecil
on Wednesday from Portland.
He was accompanied by his
brother Harold from the De
shutes. They were on their way
to lone to visit for a few days.
R. A. Thompson prominent
sheepman of Morrow county and
C. ISennett of Ileppner are very
busy getting Ihingg into order
at The Shepherd's Rest. R. A.
expects to have several bands of
ewes in shortly for tho lambing
Mr. und Mrs. Greer Curtess
arrived at their home at Rhea
Siding during this week from
Bertha, Minnesota where they
were called by the death of Mrs.'e3 mother a few weeks
Fifty Dollars Reward
To anyone giving information
leading to the giilty persivi or
parsons who nhot my two fox
terriers, maje and female, wear
ing Morrow county licenses no.
1028 and 1029 for this year 1925.
Signed, Mrs. J nny Lowe,
Cecil, Oregon.
For Sale Or Trade
One Geaheart knitting ma
chine, several Incubaiors and a
limited numbe'r of March hatch
i Attention
To our Consumers
We're holding down the fuel prices!
Why buy your fuel elsewhere at a loss when it is so
easy to make a saving by buying your supply of fuel
from the FarmcJS Klevator Company.
We quote you prices as follows:
Royal coal per ton $12.50
Slab wood 16 Inch 8.00
Fir wood 16 Inch 12 50
Oak wood 16 Inch 13.00
" Call anJ see us before buying elsewhere, as wc
can talk it over with much better results. If
you are in heed of a larger quantity of coal
at a considerate price
'Sec Us.
Farmer's Elevator Co.
lone, Oregon.
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Counselor at Law
in all the Courts
Clyde R.Walker.M.D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olhce in Druu Store.
Dr. F. E. Farrior
I) E N T I S T
Office: OJd Fcllowi UuJkling
' Hcppncr : Oregon
By the way-
Have you laid in
that supply of Wood
and Coal for winter?
We have a large
stock on hand at
reasonable prices.
Materially yours,
Lumber Co.
Sn'iday will be a great day
in the Lexington Church of
Chrsif. The program follows:
, 10:00 A. M. Rible School.
11:00 A. M. Communion,
Cleaning Dycta
1'rct.sinu Repairing
IIcncr, Ore.
Physician anJ Surgeon
Office in Masonic liuilding '
Trained Nurse Assistant
HeppriT : Orifon
Attorneys At Uw
First National Bank Building
Ileppner Oregon
When You Visit Ileppner
Eat at the
Eikhom Restaurant
GooJ Meals Hest of Service
Lunch Counter
Dr. A. H. ' Johnston
Graduate Nurse Assistant
Main 933
Main 492
Rev. W. W. IIEAI), Pastor
M. and 8:00 P.
11:00 A.
t Services
10:0') A. M. and 8:00 P. M
Sun. Jan. 11. k ,
Topic: How to read tho bible
helpfully. '
PmilniH 19-7-14.
Matt. 7-24-29.
Leader. Ora Barlow.
R3V. E. B. JOHNSON, Pastor
Services every alternate Sunday
.t 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P.M.