VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 NUMBER 31 MORGAN LIFE Mr. Herb Witzel lift on the lo cal the flrBt of the week fur Val ley points. Fred Pettyjohn helped Jamil Hardetity butaher last Wednes day. Mrs. PatMeclock and Mr, and Mfs. Hardesty spent Tuesday In lone attending to busim'sr. Mr. Noah Pettyjohn wan busy 'hauling wood laHt week. I Dick Logan was hauling wood for Mr. John Gray liBt week. The children of Mr. and Mn. John Gray are improving ilowly. They have a nurse now and Mrs. Gray'a father is bIho with her. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. My visited with her sinter Matiie Morgan and family last Sunday evening. Congratulations are extended to Mrand Mrs. Chas. Gray on the arrival of a new plowboy at their place January 2, l'J-5. Several of the Morganita at tended the 1.0 O.K. lege meet ing in Lexington laat Thursday. Wid Pa'meteer of Windyoook is now quite ill. Howard Hardesty went lo Cecil last Sunday to visit his cou sin Noll. He. concluded the road down was several miles shorter than the return ttip. Earl and Ellis Pettyjohn called on Howard Hardesty Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Ulna hat been with Mn. Gray the pant werk. Mr. Karl Morgan of Brosdacre was in Morgan Tuesday and re ports every one there doing fi n. Mrs. Pat Medlock Vnterlained Mrs. Okay Wiggleswprth and children last Wednesday. Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35.000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes 'IONE, ORECON m wpt - n aw. nmmrm n. mmr Prescription Service . We keep a fire department constantly in readiness to cojie with any blaze. The fire hose and other equipment deteriorate and must be replaced from time to time, regardless of cost. We have to pay for all this and keep it in good order whether there are any fires or not. The-druggist and the drug store stand in, much the same relation to the community. You do not often need a prescription filled, but when you do it is vital to you to have it filled both promptly and eflkiently. But if you give the druggist only the prescription business, he can-, not prosper. He cannot keep his store. and his stock fresh and up to date. If you expect him to be ready with his skill and with fresh and pure drugs when you need him then you must co-operate with him by buying other things be sides medicine at the drug store. W.E. Bullard REGISTERED PHARMACIST 1 City Council Meets The regular monthly meeting of the council of the town of lone was held Tuesday, Jan. I'.i with all members present, except Georgo Ritchie. Committee appointments for l'J25 are oflkcrs sworn in as follows: Finance, Ritchie, Uria taw and Bryson. Wuter and lights, Ritchie Smith and Lundull, Police, liridtow, Smith and Linn. Street and public property, Bryson, Linn and Lundell. Current bills to the amount of $4-V) were allowed. Mi nor street improvements in the north end of town were or dered. Several of H. 0. Ely's friends spent Suturday evening with him a..d saw him ofT on anot her mile stone. All report having a grand feast and wish htm many more happy returns. Mm Cleta Palmeteer who has been attending the Lexington school is now at i.ome. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran of lone were attending to bnsintss in Morgan last Sunday. Eudora Hardesty and Geriude Pettyjohn accompanied them back to I)ne. Meadatnts Louis and Paul Hal aigrr spent 'tween train times on Tuesday with Mrs. Harbhun. Bert Palmettcr returned from lha Valley, where he bun been spending the holidays, last.Tues oay. His wife remained for a longe vir.'i. ... ...-T1T-r l"f -T 1T T"T fH TIT 1"T T' Birthday Pat ty Of what shiill a man be proud if he is not proud of his 'friends? So wtote Robert Louis Stevenson and Hal 0. Ely was hetird to voteo something similar lant Sat urday evening. It was the o cauion of his 48th birthday and all unawares h found his home invaded by friends and well wishera from the countryside. Of course the good wife was in on the secret and by the o opera (ion of the guests a banquet was spread that gave no indication of short crops last year or boded anything of ill for the future. Care was forgotten and afl was made merry with mus'ic arid games until midnight, at which hour the guests reluctantly de parted wi-hing friend Hal many jovous returns of the day and occasion. Those present wera Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ely and family; Mr. and Mrs. O. E. EimMrom and family; Mr. and Mm. J. E. Swan son and family of lone; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson and little Francis Jones; Mr. and Mrs. Ken F. Morgan and family'- Mr. W. F. Palmateer and son Bert; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison: Mrs. Baueinfeind and son Martin; Mrs. Furrens and daughter Zoe of lone. Misses Thc!ma and Mil dred Morgan. Eslray Notice. Strayed to my place Nov. 15, 132 1, 13 miles southwest of lom, one black yearling horse with no bran-Is visible. Owner can have posesien on payment of pasture t ill and. cost of this notice. . Chas. W. Christophurson Leave your watch repairing at Swanson's IVd and Supply store for Jlaylor the jeweler, Heppner. presto A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con centrates dean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out-a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To -obtain best results, use Pearl Oil the clean-burningj uniform kero senescientifically refined and re refined by a special process. ' Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order , by name -Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARLrxaOIL IK.KR.OSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT LEXINCTON ECHOES i ' - Mrs. Delia Mobley and Mis. John Bryson of lone were visiting at the Wm, Harnett home here on Thursday of laBt week. Mrs. Harry Hinges and little son left on Sunday morning for a vmt with relatives in Portland. The basketball games here Sat-, urday night between Arlington and Lexingtons boys and girls teams resulted in a victory for the Lexington teams. Mr, Tury .Peterson of Eight mile was a business visitor in Lexington on Monday. Mini Opal Leach, who has boen attending 0. A. C. returned to her home here orr Sunday to be with her mother, who is recover ing from an illness. A good crowd from lone was in attendance at t,he C. Church meeting here on Sunday night. The Get Together meeting of Oddfellows and Rebekaha was held here Thursday, the 8th and a grand time was enjoyed by everyone, about two hundred be ing present, lhe next meeting will be in Heppner Feb. 4th. Miss McNeil and Mrs. Gerald White entertained with a .five hundred parly at their home Monday night. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Lucas, Robt. . Fortner, Bruce Grady. Alva iones; Mrs. Rolte Pa uin, Mr. Tom Barnett, iMrs. Gerald White and Mies J Myrtle McNeil. The piize win j ners were: Mrs. Lucas and Mr. Grady grand prize and Mrs. Pa Uin and Mr. Barnett booby 'prize. ; G-orge McMillan returned Sat urday frm Portland where he 1 hits been visiting the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Finley ol th Alpine district was shopping in Lexington Wednesday of this week. mwtiMio OH. COMPANY In MPT re m Ji ' High School Notes The first semester of the school term was closed by thd final ex aminations given on Thursday and Friday. . The new semester began this Monday. In the course of study solid geometry has been substituted for plane geometry. Clel Ray enrolled in the Fresh man class the first of this semes ter. Jessie Wiles retuned to lone from Portland t o finish her schooling herev , After the basketball games were over, line's two teams and subs gave Board man a reception. Three or four games were played then we were asked to get part ners ar.d go to the assembly room for refreshments. After refresh ments were aperved Boardman thanked us for the reception and then stood up and gave us a yell Everyone seemed to- have a vary delightful time. Next Friday evening the high school boys and girls will play at Arliniiton and on Saturday even ing they will play Hardman at lone. Both lone teams are practicing very hard this week with hop'.S of winning all four games. Many farmers are at a decided disadvantage when forced to plead their cause before groups vf commercial and business men. Njt so with Mr. A. R., Shwnway the representative from Morrow and Um-aillu. He can defeml Lis position with more force and tffectiventss than many men who pride themseiveson their forensic abi lily. Oregon Voter. No booking orders for day old chicks. Terms one half cash with order. 12, 11, 16 cents each. When eggs are furnished will run 144 egg capacity for $6 00, cash w hen set. Wi low Creek Poultry Farm. Morgoti. Oregon. iii!!iiljlllii!r!j!!!!!l!l!!!iH Inventory over I I find many articles that mnst be g sacrificed for cash , g A nice line of ladies crepe aud . f; . georgette waists at i Half Price R Men and boys clothing at special H Bargains p Odd lot of childrens underwear at j 1 15c per garment and ladies and p childrens hosiery 10 to 25c per i I pair . U j Bring in a little cash aud we will g 1 show you bargains . D BERT MASON Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii:iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiii;S Damage To Wheat Uncerii The extent of the wheat dam age done bv the recnt freic, in Morrow county, is very hani to estimate at the present time. Apparently, all wheat in the county has been damaged to some extent. The real extent of this damage- depends largely on the weather from now on. Continued freezing and thawii n. or another cold snap without snow protection, will probably mean that a large acreage w ill have to be re-seeded. On the contrary, favorable weather may leave enough of a stand to that it will not pay to re-seed. The safest plan to follow v, i'l be to prepare for reseeding b7 getting a line on available spring' scd and getting the outfit in shape to start seeding on short notice. In a telophone conversa tion this morning, D. E. Stevens, of theMoro Experiment Station, stated that he believed little re seeding would be necessary it Sherman County, provided th weather from now on was favor able. He estimates the presc nt damage at about fifty percent of the stand in most fields. Should reseeding be necessary, will be advisable to sow wheat that will grade the same as the wheat now in the ground. For reseeding turkey, where there will be part of a stand of turkey left' Ked Bobs or Marquis would be the best varieies. For r seeding hybred 128 or fortyfolc", feueration or hard federation would be used. Where the stand, is entirely gone, spring barley would be a good ' crop to plant. Unless it could be done at once, it is not considered advisable to reseed to any, of the winter grains now in the ground. Information as to available spring wheat is being obtained ty the County Agent so that a supply ean be secured aa soon it is definitely known how mucn Feed will be needed.