THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published I.. ory Friday by J. V. Uli.iO. tl.litor-ruMislKr MISS JULIAS. GROG SUUiii uU'TlON: On year $1.50 i Six month 71) ! Thiio mooths . . . . . . f'O I Entered as won ' -tnsn maUor at the Doatoltlc at lono Orrjum, umlcr tkc.t of Mm ii a, IsTit Friday, J :i. j? 1924 President Renames 2 I. C. C. Members Washington, D. C. , Italthasar H. Meyer of Wisconsin and J. B. Camp bell of Spokane, Wash., were reap pointed by Preside-.: Ceolldge as mem bers of the Interstate commerce commission. ,j Coolldgs for Reolamatlon Work. Although he has lived all his lift hi a country . where reclamation Is meaningless, " President Coolldge Is responsive to the needs of the west, as shown In his letter to the convention of the American Nin lng Congress at Sacramento recently. He said water power and Irrigation to aarus m hand and continued, "It is my purpose to unremittingly stimulate and encourage the development ot these Ilat projects by every author ity otjthi federal government." T"Real Economies Wade. ' Thf iumber of federal employes has been reduced more than 100,000 in the past three years. Government fi kanolr.f has been put on a sound biwi awe Wilis, with expenses rut to a mlntoam and deficits turned into n r pisses. It Is these sensible pome : s that bate hrought about reductions ;r federal taxet, Changes In Oregon School Laws l;-d Portland. Or. The 192J ls l-'c will be railed to pass upon eight qu tlont involving changes in the present school laws, including the lung d: a cussed free textbook proposal, teach rs' retirement fund and a request for ew normal school facilities, as (!:' result of resolutions adopted by the Oregon State Teachers' association at the opening session of the annual con tentlon here. V . David and Victor Reitmann and P.M. Roche returned last Satur day'i stay in Portland , - A ' ? t !" j x 3 O v i ' . 1 f Cooking Utensils T CLEAN 4' mm Mi i t V For q kk results on all metalware'yse i Cleans 3cours Polishes Large cake MW.clurm lnx Portia's Son C... Ntw York, II. S. A. CDI3ZDDCZOCZnC Annual Meeting of Confjrejlational cluirclj Tim annual liusitii'siH meeting nf th hi mh ConRri'KHtioniil church wun in-lti in tho church 1'nrlor Monday rvt'iiintf of thi week. Ut'ports of ollicors showed nil I'IIIh paid and small cuslt balances In hnml. It was vott'tl to ctinliinic tht lircscnt arrHnKt'nunt with the in'tinn piiHtor to t hi' etui of I ho uliool year, Jun I, lD'Jf). OIlii't'iH of tht church whose tcnnahiul expired were reelected. church will l'o held In the church linHcinent Sunday, Jithunry 4. Dinner wl.l hd iei ve I at noon, followhiK which Mm roll call, election of olllcerd and report of activities will bo presented. Mis Kvolyn Mortitnore In spendinjr her ChriHtmsH vaca tion with herpurentn at Kcl o. K II. Kobinson left on Wednea. day forl'ortlandiind Siilem whero ho will spend a few "days in tho interest of businesa. He id ex pected to return on Monday of next week. Dave and Victor Keltmann and P. M. Ruche left on Sunday for l'ortland to stieud u few days The annual roll call and btw! lies nieetinif of the ('htislian vncation with relatives. Mi-- Jnlin S. G;vo, an 18 -year ! : Fjriland, 0:v;'.on hih school r i ! is winner of the $15,000 mo 1 ctrically eipiiped home in the ittionnl L:thtninir contest in vhich over l.oOO.OOl) school chil ' mi narticipated. Groo al o 'on the $2J0e;;sh Krand prize in he Portland lijthtinif contest. ler essay of GOJ words wa worth iver.?Jj dollars a word to her. There'i a Raimuuen Product for Ever Stir fact "i I- Jregon Text Books May Cost More. Salem, Or. An increase of 25 per :enl in the coat of text books In the rade and high schools of Oregon that ire adopted by the state text book sommission nl a meeting here Is suid by J. A. Churchill, state school supor lntendent, probably to be unavoidable. Vool Growers to Meet in January. Salt Lake City, Utah. The sixtieth annual convenflon of the National , Wool Growers' association will be hold In San Francisco January 21 to 23, 1925, Secretary F. U, Maranull Las announced. 1 Leave your watch repairing at j Swanson's Feed and Supply store for Haylof the jeweler, Heppner. thi 1 iHlNTJNG ,posi2D f:;ov-v;rty l . r lit ' & TrankVinch" o Send for your ree copy of this I)ook today! Thebooktell-iyoii how) on can Lunt on posted prop erty how farmer end BporL-iiiau caa get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of ihc buiiiing grounds is already tosted. Where will you limit this fll? Read thu ook, "Hunting Posted Property" it's free. E. L DU PONT DE ISEMOI.RS & CO., lac Sporting Vmcilfr Duuion e 3 s Yt Garage E. R. Propri. tor. During One Week commencing Dec. 24 a v ending Jan. 1, everything in tliis gar age will be sold at 1 0 Percent Discount United States, Kelly-Springfield and Good Year tires and tubes 30 x3 1-2 oversize tires $11.70 32x4 " . 19.35 and all other sizes in accordance. Everything in the house 10 percent discount. Indepeiicknl; Garage f lone, Oregon. AVe wish our many Patrons and Friends a Very Merry GVistmas Bristow Johnson HIMIHMMIIMIIMII IIMMH Me IONE HARNESS SHOP C. A. PKCU. Proprietor Drop In and look over my Line of Work Shoes. I huve u good MocK of Cloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Keasonablt- Prices. 1 "i, SPORTSMAN'S SERVICE m mm Hu r 'V - -. Is broadcasting to all the World this season C3n?. ! We are better prepared than ever to entertala you and make your vlult wonltrtul ezperleaee." If you hove never tcn to Cnlifornia It should be the tllort of your life to go. When you are ready to plan the trip let the BfcScsa Facade lp. 6nd word to the und-r.lnf.l by phnni, or Biiil . I. I will utvc yu tbr bravfil o(mvm.M. L,U and m'rv n, i-, m I wl)l - J th. mot kslptul printed dinner to b hmj. I know vtry riu,ver, every kuid of eiiitipmriil .n-1 On exact cut. I wiU trcureyour.lrrpinii cur e i:oirimoiietKM, provide you wilh n outlins til your inp. end drliver ymir ticket.. VouneKl not Ireve your now yr cilice to ntrend to bnthrnomt I have the brt there It, end It (ball be oure UK Xxuent I know you del. It. J. W. IIOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. ;" 'r-. I r ,c, ' ' a . - . if f- '-v . 1 . x CllP Pthe x lone Market c;:. w. Rirciiii:, ivoP. Wholesale anJ Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS ' I ;Vour I'atronagc Solicited. (JVLRY LANG RAl'CE n,:,uf,,Brt.j is ,,uilt roun.J "" HOT LLAST principle ad I contuins tho LANG IQ'T AIR IjEAFT, 1 nth I ) or,tnu,l, patented future. Foreit.ft ,lt! ht ut en- tiwly cround tho ov.-i. ntili.i,,ft ..vry ponitl. of fuel nnd V ,.ii.l cy.-ry inth 0f C0(lki;,ft facj. MAKiirani c i, by far tho ,o,t ecunom- lcul kilchcrt ran,V on thu ttmrLet. Tody LANG atovs are u.sod and endoiied Ly thousund, of Americun housewives. Let us show you a Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. V I? 1. ' C. ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. tsi a a H n n . H El n M M n M n . n n a n n . n ' n iBaaaBnaaiai! Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS.. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon riaiaBaaaaBiaaBa'aaarjaaa