The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 02, 1925, Image 1

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Cecil News Items
Minxes Gladys and Vera Med-
Ini'li nf Mnroan annnr fuw rluva
with their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs, Alf Medlock at Hock
clilTe near Cecil during their
Geo. Chandler arrived at tha
home of his parents Mr. and
'Mrs. W. H. Chandler at Willow-
creek ranch on Wednesday from
Lebanon where he has been
working for some time.
. R. W. Morse, County Agent,
was doing business in the Cecil
vicinity on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ward of j
lone weJe visiting at the home,
of Mr. and Mre. Karl Farns-1
worth at Hhea Siding during the
Clinton Harper of Ewing spent
Wednesday among his friends
in iieppner.
Miss Violet Hynd returned
home on Sunday from Pendleton'
where she has been visiting
friends before taking up her
school near lone.
Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats
accompanied by J. II. Franklin
of Milton left on Sunday for a
visit to the County Seat for a
Miss Minnie H. Lowe, teacher
of Hhea Siding school left on the
local for Portland and Astoria
for a few days vacation befoie
taking up school again.
J. W. Osborn of Fairview
ranch returned from a business
trip to Portland on Thursday and
has now taken uo his residence
at his cottage in Cecil until the
weather is suitable for seeding
on his ranches.
"Shorty" Shaver made a short
stay at Hillside on Tuesday while
inspecting his drilling outITt
after the severe frosts.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter
and family of Cecil were in lone
on Sunday attending the funeral
of their um le E. B. Gorten of
Morgan. Our sympathies are
extended to the bereaved families
in their recent tronble.
H. V. Tyler of Hhea Siding
was a busy man on Sunday, visit
ing his Cecil friends and hunting
for warmer weather at the same
Emil Holin of Ukiah. Ore.,
arrived at Iiutterby Flats on
Monday and will have a steady
job breaking horses for Hynd
Bros. ,
David Hynd, secretary of
Hynd Bros. Co.. arrived at
Butterby Flats, on Tuesday and
will visit for a few days.
Speedy .Action Necessary, as
ess Than Ten Weeks Re
main Before Adjournment.
Washington, V. .C Tim Christmas
wwk recM at an nnd, cnm(riiH wnt
i k (u tha grind with liouan anil m-n
'at raring IckImIuiIvb tonka Ihut ara
PmtImI to kup tliem working at top
apeI until thii cloo of tha praaent
aoaalon Murcb 4.
The Mumln BI1011U problem, vrv
K evur, atlll luia right o( way In
the nala, which alao fucca a ahow-
own on th quoailim of sualalnlnK
the prcalilrntlul veto of tin' pottlul
larh-a bill and la pMgott bufora tlio
Imlup of tha ae?lon to taka action
Ilia lain of I'lrua treaty.
On th houxe sltlo appropriation bills
III continue to liavo priority, with
ailcra planning; alao to dlapoaa of
a McKaddco bank bill and prhapa
a rlrc ra and harbors authorization.
Tha hnuaa already hua ant threa
tha diii-a annual auiply bllla to
tha axnata. A fouofh the trcaaury
poatorflca nivaaure, carrying more
than lliren yuariiT of a billion dol
lars and Incidentally the largPHt peace-
Wathingtort Lsada In Lumbar Cut.
Health), Waah. Washington state.
with a total rut of ( 6S6.0U0.OOO feet
of lumber, led every state In tha Union
and contributed M per cent of the
nation's lumber cut for 1323, accord
ins to bureau of census fluurea an
nounced by the dlatrlct offices. Ore
gon's rue was 1,991,0113.000 feet, Louis
Una was third and Mlsslaalppl fourth
Washington's lumber cut showed a
In nt li t Der cent Otter 1922. lta
production of l3u.S9.000 lath was a
11 per cent gain. Shingles showed a
decrease of 11 per rent, with l.Hi
time appropriation bill In congreaaion
biatory win tw diapoaed of this an opperation. Mr. Bennet, wro
week ciearinjr th way for the .rmy j . forrnerjeacher of Lexington
aupply bill, which next will have rlulit
w,y. ptBBed away Monday morning.
wiin leaa man ten wwm remaining vno. kii,
fore conrreaa muat adlourn i n d e.
leaders recognlre the neceaaiijr of school girls basketball team
pwuins action on tneae propoaaia. played the alumni and lost by a
and It Is expected thnl the next few
weeks will see avTeral of them on
tbelr way to the president.
Four Hundred Students Pretest.
Lawrence, Kan. Four hundred I'nl
veralty of Kansas atudenta held a
meeting here and adopted a reaolutlon
protesting against the removal of
Chancellor K. If. He y by the stat
board of administration, which la bead
ed by Governor Uavls.
Bank of lone
. $55.000 00 '
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
' On Time and Sayings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Appreciating your Business and
hoping that the pleasant relations
now existing between us will con
tinue, we wish you a bumper crop
and much happiness and pros
perity for the New Year.
Have you one of our
Oregon Weather Chart Calenders?
Bullards Pharmacy
The Gift Store
Lexington News Items
While driving pant the E. D.
McMillan ranch Joe Kowers of
Hood River ran into a horse and
broks one of the animal's legs.
The new frost-proof covering
for the chemical fire engine was
recently completed.
Charles Marquedt was in town
Tuesday on buaintss.
The high school basketball
team won a game from the alum
ni this week, the final score
was 17-10.
The'Union Christian Endeavor
has decided to meet at the
Christian church for a few Sun
days. WaltfrSankey returned to his
home in Fossil on Wednesday.
He has been visiting his mother
Mrs. Alva Jons for the pat
two weeks.
The Lexington people wert
shocked Monday evening when
they heard that Prof. Frank
Bennet died after submitting to
Leave your watch repairing at
wanson's Feed and Supply store
for Haylorthe jeweler, Iieppner.
score of 3114.
Miss Elouise Upson returned
on Sunday from Hood River
where she has been veiling her
parents durinw the Christmta
vacation. Miss Upson resumed
her school Monday morning at
Strawberry Butte.
Mrs. Gerald White returned
on Wednesday from Portland.
Mrs. W. H. Hughes of Pendle.
ton was visiting at the George
Whits home a fewdays of last
Auto Passenger In Crash, Thrown
Onto Engine Pilot -Indianapolis,
Ind. Thrown onlo the
pilot of the Knickerbocker apodal (aal
Dig four passenger train, aftor the
train had craahed Into an automobile
in which she was riding and Injured
three members of her family, one fatal-
1 7, at a croaalnK here, Mrs. Kenneth
Clark, 18, of this city, had a wild 12
mlle ride until she fell from the train
into a ditch near Oaklandon, Ind.
Although unconscious when found,
aha was Dot aerioualy Injured, suffer-
In k only from expoatire from the sub-
uto weather and slight brAlaea.
Addison W. Hastie
Seattle, Wash. Ad
77, Seattle, one of
leaders In Grand Arm
work In Washington
the department of
Alaska, Grand Army
died here Monday.
Oiea in Seattle.
dison W. Mantle,
the moat actire
y of the Republic
and adjutant of
Waxhlngton and
of the Republic,
McCoy Convicted of Manslaughter.
Los Angeles. Kid McCoy, et pugl-
list, was convicted to superior court of
manslaughter in connection with the
shooting on August 12 last of Mrs.
Theresa Mora. The penalty for man
alaiwbter ia from one to ten years'
Senator Couzena Favors Tax Publicity
Washington, D. C The movement
for complete publicity of Income tax
returns was given great Impetus when
Senator Couzena, Michigan, republi
can, and chairman of the investiga
tion committee, announced himself la
fuvor of complete publicity.
Ezra Meeker Celebratea t4th Birthday
Seattle, Wash. Ezra Meeker of Se
attle, who drove ao ox team from
Indianapolis to Olympla, Wash., in
s:2, celebrated his 4tb birthday an
niversary here Monday.
C. 6. Jackson, Portland Publisher, Dies
Portland. Or. C. 8. Jackson, pub
llsh'T and owner of The Oregon
Journal, died Saturday nlcnt at hi
hon.e In Portland, after an Illness ol
many monrlia.
On Monday and Tuesday nights
the high school basketball team
played an alumni team. Tha
high school team won on Mon
day night by a score of 21 to 15,
but were defeated Tuesday night
17 to 16. The school team was
handicapped by the absence of
Deane Ekleberry, their regular
Two radio sets were sold and
installed by Frank Engelman
recently, one at Leonard Carl
sons ranch at Eight Mile, and
the other ' at Virgil Warren's
ranch in Gooseberry.
Joe Bowers and Floyd Barnatt
arrived in town Saturday from
Hood River,' where they have
been employed for several
months. Mr. Bowers returneu
to Hood River on Tuesday and
Floyd will register as a sopho
more in the lone high school.
Lew Davidson left by stage
for The Dalles to see his Bister
in-law who isquite sick at The
Dalles hospital.
Miss Lilly Clark of Med ford is
visiting her sister Mrs. Jack
.Ferris in lone this week.
One buckskin horse, weight
1100 lbs., has been on the A. L
Douglas tanch for the past three
months. Owner may have same
by paying three months feed bill
and price of this Adv.
M. J. Ingalls.
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply Store
for Haylorthe Jeweler, Heppner.
A lighted match to the wick and your
oil cook-stove is instantly ready. It con
centrates dearf, steady heat directly
on the cooking utensil.
No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to
shovel out-a clean, cool kitchen free
from dirt and smoke.
To obtain best nfsults, use Pearl Oil
-the clean-burning, uniform kero
sene -scientifically refined and re
refined by a special process.
Pearl (5il is sold by dealers every
where. For your own protection order
by name -Pearl Oil.
jSajpiM STANnMU)
I HaMMaUskia4 , .tmsJW
Out .Patrons
Our Community at large and j
m happy Patrons- . V
In helping us make a suc
cess in the welfare of conducting and transacting
our business throughout the past year we salute, ,
congratulate and thank you all. You have been
benefitted and satisfied with a saving on our fuel
quotations this past year, at the Farmers Elevator
Co. And as the approach of the 1925 New Year
which is now in our existance, we realize it is a long
time until spring. Duty demands of every man at
the head of t family where there is a Dear Wife
and Loving Children, to protect and consider their
welfare as much as possible. In existance of this
New Year there must be fuel to burn to keep the
home comfortable and cosey. It's the duty of a
Patent to think and consider for his family's wel
fare as well as his ownself. In conducting such a
transaction in a shrewd, business-like manner, you
must not be led in blindness. Use your eyes and
j also your head; it's there, shake it up and you will
I ' find it high time to commence your New Years reso-
lutions by investigations in all your business trans
I actions for the coming year. By doing so you will
I feel grateful to the Farmers Elevator Co., for hold
I ing down the fuel prices. We are benefitted by
i your patronage and we make you a saving' for we
area home industry. 1 Iallick Stenge
Farmers Elevator Co.
j lone, Ore.