The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 26, 1924, Image 1

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Cecil News Items
Henry and John Krebs left on
the local on Sunday for Portland,
where they will upend the holi-
dayi with their parents.
Mr. and Mn. T. W. May of
Cecil left on Sunday for Hood
Uiver where they will apnd
aeveral days, their daugh-
Miss Mildred Duncan, a 'stu
dent at Ooardman high school,
arrived at Busy Bee ranch on
Saturday and will spend the holi
days with her parents.
John Crabtree left for his home
atMarshfleld on Thursday after
visiting his brother J. E. Crab
tree at Cuchoo Flats for a few
Mrs. L. L. Funk and daughter
Miss Geraldine returned home
on Wednesday after spending
a short time with friends in
Wasco. ,
Oral Henriksen of the' Meore
ranch near Ileppner, and his
brother Clifford of Pendleton
were calling at Buterby Flats
on Sunday.
Earl Morgan of Rroadaeres
was doing business in Cecil on
Robert Lowe arrived home
from his studies at Benson Poly
technic and will spend his vaca
tion at Cecil.
Miss Violet Hvnd, teacher near
lone, arrived at Butterby Flats
on Friday to spend her Christ
mis vacation.
Mrs. W. Sexton of Cecil' left
fur La Grande on Friday, where
she will visit with friends for a
few weeks.
J. W. Osborn of Fair Mew left
on Tuesday for Portland to visit
his sister for a few days and also
attend to business matters while
in the city.
W. C. Farrens left Cecil on
Friday for a months vacation
which he will spend with his
family in lone.
H. W. Morse, County A Kent,
was doing business in the Cecil
district on Tuesday.
Mrs. Weltha Cmbest of Fair
view has returned to her cottape
at Cecil, where she will reside
for the winter.
Mrs. II. J. Streeter and son
Noel of Cecil were calling on
Mrs. Jim Hardesty on Tuesday,
and also visiting Mr. Gorten,
uncle of Mrs. Streeter, who is
lying very ill.
December 24 was the coldest
day of the seaso'i, 23 degrees
below zero having 'been regis-
tertered at Cecil store on that
Happy New Year to all."
Dr. A. C. Schmltt of 0. A. C. Injured.
Albany. Or. Dr. A. C. Bchmllt, In
structor In tht school of btvlnem ad
mlnltrtlnn at the Oregon Agricul
tural coIIfm and formerly president of
the Pint National bank at Albany, wan
mlooalj- h4r la as aulumobil
accident on tha Alhanyorvallla road,
two mlls from Albany.
Bank of lone
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
On Time and Savings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes'
Appreciating your Business and
hoping that the pleasant relations
now existing between us will con
tinue, we wish you a bumper crop
and much happiness and pros
perity for the New Year.
.Have you one of our
' Oregon Weather Chart Calenders?
Bullards Pharmacy
Local and Personal
Miss Eleanor Swanson arrived
in lone on Tuesday from the
State Normal school at Mon
mouth to spend the Christmas
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Swanson.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Gabbert
of Portland are spending the
holidays with Mrs. Gahbert's
parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Dwight
Miss Evelyn Mortimore ac
companied her futhor to his
home at Echo on Friday. She
returned to lone Sunday after
The Misses Tilson, Melntyre,
and Kidwell drove to Arlington
with Mr. Croisant on Tuesday.
They are spending the holidays
at their homes and will return to
take up their duties as teachers
in the lone school after the first
of the year.
The boys basketball tjeam will
hold practice every afternoon
during vacation. Mr. Tucker,
the coach, is endeavoring to
secure games with the alumni,
for both boys' and girls' teams
for Monday night:
School was dif-missed on Tues
day for a two weeks vacation.
Several of the teachers left to
spend the vacation at their homes.
Tom Davidson and Nolan Page
arrived in lone Friday eveninH
from Corvallis where they have
been attending O. A. C. They
drove up with Elmo McMillan
of Lexington.
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson 's Feed and Supply store
for II ay lor the jeweler, Heppner.
Lexington News Items
' In the latter part of last wek
the young people who have been
trvay at college came horne to
spend the holidays. Among
them are Maxine Gentry, Dallas
Ward, Elmo McMillan, and Opal
and Wilma Leach.
Elmer Pomroy drove into town
on Tuesday from Kelso, driving
a new Cadillac.
Howard Lane has been cutting
ice for his meat shop. He ex
pects to have about 1000 cakes
18 inches square and from 10 to
20 inches thick.
Others who are cutting tht ir
Hummer's supply of ice are Geo.
and Gus McMillan, Wm. Barnett
and Fred Lucas.
Apparently lone and Lexing
ton are trying to save on ejectric
light bills as the lights have been
turned off for a few hours several
nights during the past few days.
Saturday night Karl Beach
brought his family home from
Walla Walla to spend the holi
days. Everyone was glad to
see I hem.
The Boardman basketball team
arrived 1n Lexington Friday
night to play a practice game,
but Lexington was saving elec
tricity so the game was called off.
Because of poor lighting and
bad weather the birthday party
given by (he Ladies Aid of the
Congregational church was not
very well attended.. Neverthe
less those attending had a very
enjoyable time.
D. B. Boone cf Roseburg ar
rived in Lexington on Tuesday
evening and is spending a few
days visiting friends. He has
S oil
A lighted match to the wick and your
oil cookstove is instantly ready. 1 1 con
centrntes clean, steady heat directly
on the cooking utensil.
No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to
shovel out-a clean, cool kitchen freo
from dirt and smoke.
To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil
the clean-burning, uniform kero
sene -scientifically refined and re--refined
by a special process.
Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every
where. For your own protection order
by name -Pearl Oil.
timjCm ij rr ANT) MID
Notice to Sportsmen
There will be a mass meeting
on Wednesday, December 31, to
adopt resolutions to legislature
for open season on pheasants,
also for regulation of the deer
season,, and other important mat
ters of interest to sportsmen.
Meet at Legion Hall, 8:00 P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Nelson and
son Howard of Firth, Idaho, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gustafson and
family of Sumner Wash, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Niekles and
daughter Marica of Seattle Vvash.
spent Christmas with C. W.
Swanson. The Niekles and Gus
tafson famlits left Saturday
miming for their homes. Mr.
Nelson and family will spend
New Years with Mr. Swanson
before leaving for their homes
in Idaho.
Miss Mildred Head of Clifton,
Ore., and sister Elizabeth of
Cathlamet, Wash., arrived in
lone on Wednesday and are
visiting with W. W. Head and
family during the holidays.
Mr. R. L. Ecklebury and son
Deane motored to Scio on Satur
day to spend the Christmas
holidays with relatives. They
were accompanied as far as Hood
River by Carl Linn and J. V.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison
spent a few days in lone this
week on business. ' .
with him a German police dog
valued at $150 which he raised
Leonard McMillan has several
radio sets on display in Bur
goyne'a store. You are invited
to hear them.
Mrs. E. G. Haversticlc and
children left on Wednesday for
Yamhill, Oregon, where they
will make their future home.
A car of household goods was
shipped on Tuesday, and Mr.
Haverstick left lone on Thursday
to join his family at Yamhill.
P. G. Balsiger drove to Atiing
ton Saturday to meet his daugh
ters, Arlene and Helen, who are
students at the University of
Washington. They are home to
spend the Christmas vacation.
The senior class play adver
tised for Friday, December 19,
was postponed until Monday the
22nd as the town was in dark
ness. Nevetheless the carnival,
was held by the aid of gas lamp
and other means of lighting.
Quite a large crowd attended in
spite of the cold.
In the popularity contest Miss ,
Venice Cochran won in a close
race. Floyd Grabill bought the
greatest number of vote and
therefore shared the large i-ake
with the popular young lady.
On Monday night the play was
held and the carnival continued.
In spite of all drawbacks the
entertainment was a financial
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply Store
forHaylorthe Jeweler, Heppner.
One buckskin horse, weight
1100 lbs., has been on the A. L.
Douglas i anch for the past three
months. Owner may have same
by paying three months feed bill
and price of this Adv.
M. J. Ingalls.
With only tour shopping days
left you must get busy.
My stock contains many'uscful articles
consisting of
Silk Hosiery, Fancy Art Goods,
Handkerchiefs, Aprons, Gloves
and Mitts, Socks, Ties, Sport
Shirts, Fancy China and Cut
Glass, Pirex & Aluminum ware.
A large assortment of candies, nuts, fruits,
and fresh vegetables for your
Christmas dinner.
. The Gift !
lore gi
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